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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51104577 No.51104577 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51104622

we always thought it was the jews
but the pajeets working against us makes sense as well

>> No.51104821

No wonder everything is going to SHIT

>> No.51104824

jeez I wonder why everything in tech is absolute trash.... maybe this could be part of the reason. and you know they will only hire their jeet bros in their caste and thus the jeet infestion has begun

>> No.51104831

It's just the 0.1% genius pajeets. Relax, 95% of indians are suffering in poverty.

Same as the Jews really. Most Jews in Israel are just average wealth, not even rich.

>> No.51104849


>> No.51104862

that's because elsewhere it's difficult to find a high IQ person who is also extremely servile

>> No.51104869


>> No.51104887

>back in 2005-2017 most CEOs were Chinese
>Golden bullrun

>now most CEOs are indi*ans
>We're on the brink of hyperinflation, destruction of global supply chain, everything's going to shit

like a pottery

>> No.51104893

this is untrue tho. CEO of pepsi is spanish and ceo of microsoft doesnt seem that indian either so im guessing pic rel is just edited and not true, kys fakeposter

>> No.51104901

of absolute poo-tier compaph8jhnies

>> No.51104911

and you just asume pic rel is true without doing any checking, pathetic. no wonder biz is so shit

>> No.51104926



>> No.51104935

the pajeet technocracy is real
shut the fuck up retard. we know exactly what we're talking about. it's in your hands to prove us wrong

>> No.51105079

sirs, we did the needful

>> No.51105109

Seeing how fast whites have destroyed their own civilizations at the behest of the jews, you'd think they would be deemed subservient enough

>> No.51105411
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>> No.51105423


Ask anyone how they know you’re a retarded commie.

>> No.51105518

It's telling that they only ever brag about holding positions of power and never about having produced some great innovation.

>> No.51105579

One in every 6 people are Indian. Most of them are fucking gross but a small portion (large in numbers) has great work ethic and are smart enough to do that job

>> No.51106103

Diversity hires in an effort to win over a stronghold near China.

>> No.51106128
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>> No.51106132

i am a software engineer and my indian coworkers who do not live in india are actually great at their jobs while still being very… indian. their fake kindness and friendliness can sometimes be too much, but they are generally regarded as popular

>> No.51106142

just short those companies and investigate the fraud and bust those fucking nigger abos. if a company has a hindu exeutive they are committing fraud. its easy to kill them so do it. short those shitbags while releasing what is guaranteed to be sloppy open fraud

>> No.51106158


>> No.51106162

lets take twitter google apple et al. they are comitting massive fraud and faking numbers. any white man with accounting skills can destroy those compnies. and will. 100% of those companies are falsifying documents and stealing huge amounts of money

>> No.51106165

>windows 11 is a disaster
>all others produce total shit

>> No.51106166
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I regret going into IT. All the jeets and deeps are worthless. They all claim to be DBAs and shit but can't do a god damned thing. The devs are even worse. Fucking curry code shitters.

>> No.51106217

i work in accounting and have had the misfortune of working with indians in the ERP/reporting department. it's unbearable.

>hey ranjesh the report is broken, here is evidence
>2 weeks pass
>ranjesh have you fixed it?
>ranjesh it's still broken
>here is the report output and screenshots showing what is wrong
>repeat 3 more times before giving up

i was once a call and there must have been a cricket in this guy's mud hut because all i could hear was CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP in between marble mouthed indian mumbling.

>> No.51106234

This is an accurate depiction of working with your average neetjeet.

>> No.51106249

Now I know why literally everything feels like literal cheap jeetshit

>> No.51106530

Damn maybe I should cop some MATIC

>> No.51106562

can't one of them go back and liberate his homeland with the technology of toilets

>> No.51106654

>who is also extremely servile
picrel is true you mongoloid

>> No.51106684

>CEO of pepsi is spanish
>only false thing in the pic
low iq: pIcReL Is UnTruE!!!1!

>> No.51106688

Need an Indian to direct a bunch of Indians. That’s how it works in all major technology companies. You hire Indians. I work for one of the top 4 telecom company in the world and all the new hires are Indians (for better or worse, some are very competent some are not). The real work is occurring in the accounting/financial departments.

>> No.51106689

you will never be CEO of bad bath & beyond

>> No.51106720

Yeah if they’re not working from India they can be pretty fucking good at their job.

>> No.51106805
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It's all so tiresome

>> No.51107985

the white one should be:
if (cond) return null;

>> No.51108020


Who exactly isn't "fake kind" in the corporate world? Everyone in the office is just fake nice to each other while seething deep down that they have to be there every day to work.

>> No.51108040
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