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51103774 No.51103774 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do I, an American, profit from this?

>> No.51103780

Short them all.

>> No.51103785
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>> No.51103788

Black mail them pooping in the street

>> No.51103790

shit in the streets

>> No.51103800

>when the company reaches its peak, leave
>put retard in charge and short on the way out

>> No.51103803

you will learn true freedom, the freedom of shitting anywhere you please. do not resist

>> No.51103808


>> No.51103817

CEO's have no power.
Board members, equity, trusts and silent partners do.
Pajeets do what their masters tell them.

>> No.51103843


>> No.51103859


>> No.51103871

>CEO of palo alto
Nigga what

>> No.51103922

Marry an Indian woman.

>> No.51103928
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they're coming, you've been warned

>> No.51104021

imagine being born white and being so upset at life must get really tiring winning the lottery but feeling like a loser every day


>> No.51104032

Ah so that's why everything has gone to shit.

>> No.51104058

Ceos are usually just to manage appearances and Indians are good diversity choice because they aren't as dumb as other shitskins.

>> No.51104064

Are you retarded? Blacks bitch 100 million times more. You should hang out in their places instead of 4chan. Also there's 3 billion indians on this planet. Not surprising a few of them are successful.

>> No.51104096

Isnt there a company called Palo Alto instruments or something like that?

>> No.51104106

Fucking retards, you don't belong here

>> No.51104112

This, CEO in tech only have power if they're founders of own a significant share.
All the CEOs listed there just do bitchwork around maintenance (and a poor job at it btw, just look at Google or MS).

>> No.51104115

It's okay to be ignorant anon, everyone is at some point. It's only bad when you choose to remain that way.

>> No.51104121
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want the truth?

Jews want another group to point the finger at and say "see! we don't run everything!"

jeets are good jewish puppets because they're decile and beta

>> No.51104123

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

>> No.51104148

The boards want to install BiPoC for virtue signal points but they cannot install niggers or spics because they are functionally retarded - therefore they find some rich privileged Brahmin pooplord to take the role

>> No.51104166

Your kind are legitimately overrepresented in CEO positions. You're like jews. What makes you think you can argue from where you're standing? I don't want to hear a word from your privileged, dirty ass.

>> No.51104199
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Cope whitetoid. Indian chads rise up!

>> No.51104221
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notice how Israeli Americans aren't on that list. Think anon. stop being a retarded nigger and think.
The Jews are using jeets as scapegoats.

or stay retarded and saying I'm "coping"

>> No.51104242

Idk but you can always kiss niggers shoe, as true American!

>> No.51105486

half those companies are going down the shitter (pun intended)

>> No.51105494

True lol

>> No.51105592

>easiest people to control
>corrupt by nature
>will work for dirt cheap
If this is not jews wet dream

>> No.51105764

it's like nobody knows how businesses actually work. unless the CEO is a founder, or internally promoted, they're just there are a responsibility/logistics figurehead.

jeets are perfect for that because they're hyper nonagressive and genetically sub-servant, while also being high enough iq to actually get the job done. being able to point to a token public position in the company for woke points is the cherry on top, but that's all this is.

>> No.51105790

yeah, these jeets also have their "caste" cope drilled into them from birth, which also helps them keep in line when the highest caste of all are europeans.

>> No.51105806

long gas chambers

>> No.51105819

Short toilets

>> No.51105855

100% of the companies have to commit fraud, and falsify documents and sales or they woul all shut down from no investors and no proit. they are all scam companies with eal products that ont sell enough to make any money at all. hindus are naturally corrupt an dd have no internal mechanism for feeling bad about crime. They are litterally animals with a total lack of conciousness. they are just cwhite collar criminals who will commit fraud without even a blink or care in the world.

simple as, any co with a hindu ceo is deep in trouble and has resorted to total raud as a business model. they hae to have a jew or hindu. most white people would 'feel' bad about being a fraudulent thief of billions. hindus dont care, they cant care. they are evil to the core

>> No.51105888

lol you look and smell like shit

>> No.51105911

Pivot to investing in energy and manufacturing. These gibbering pajeets are being set up to be the public face of the Greatest Depression as all the jews bail. Same reason we finally have a goy in the Fed.

>> No.51105913

the more people who are exposed to the true horror of the hindu nonhumans, the more people know they are total fraud and deeply evil. IM sure at some point people law and general white society will begin deporting, killing, and retty much do anything to get rid of the nasty fucking critters. really kill them on sight any where on earth

>> No.51105914

Why would an Indian need to feel bad about scamming USA? It's not his homeland.

>> No.51105926

why cant they fell bad about anything? they are animals, critters who cant operate among humans without lies fraud corruption and theft. all talking bipeds are not human. hindus are evil critters in india, in usa, and anyhere they roam.

>> No.51105940

invest in companies that profit when there is an accounting scandal

>> No.51105947

all those comanies are commiting fraud and falsifying sales and profit numbers for wall street.

white people should seriously disengage with wall street, and just leave the niggers jews and hindus to rob and defraud each other while white organize la and military to kill them all

>> No.51106968
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A pajeet wouldnt feel bad about scamming anywhere. They're the chosen lieutenants of the judeo-globalists.

Those pajeets in the West today are descendants of those used by the British Empire to keep their fellow pajeets under the globalist yoke of it's time. It's often forgotten that the British rarely had more than 10,000 people in India, often less - pakis willingly enslaved themselves. And so, today, they are the ultimate house niggers/kapos/commissars of judeo-capitalism. They have no souls - even in comparison to East Asians - no values beyond a vague materialistic yearning for 'status'. They will do anything a company asks them to. They have no sense of shame, willingly embrace any 'work culture' humiliation- pronouns, LGBT ribbons, etc. They lie, cheat, and steal relentlessly. They are white-collar scabs.

They are deeply, bitterly resentful towards Whites. Ironically, the 'higher' the caste, the worse this is. They are incredibly racist, and see themselves as superior beings. It drives them insane that - even if they get a titled role and have a Bentley on finance - everyone still finds Whites more attractive, doesn't respect pajeets, etc. And I do mean that this drives them insane. To them, it's the equivalent of being disrespected by the dhobi caste.

They practice rampant ethnic nepotism. They're as bad as jews in this regard, without the advantage of *some* plausible deniability by a degree of intermixing with White natives and looking vaguely White to the uninitiated.

They are physically disgusting. Seriously. They are repulsive to look at, to hear, to smell. They have weird, unathletic bodies. And this is another thing that drives them mad btw - in anglo cultures that highly value athletic achievement in the young, no amount of memorising test answers can gain them respect.

Overall, they are the greatest threat to Whites, aside from the jews. And they have a growing population of over two billion (India, Pak, Bangla, Goa).

>> No.51108640

Poo in loo classes

>> No.51108746

something like 1/5 people in the world are indian. So out of the fortune 500 it makes sense there's so many pajeets. Be thankful first world countries yoink the smart jeets out of india

>> No.51108782
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>> No.51108784

the copium here is in max overdrive

>> No.51108825
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I am thankful. They counteract the retarded refugee hordes that swarm in here. Smart chinks and jeets are our only hope, provided they learn to stop voting for retarded leftist cancer.

>> No.51108831

Pajeets are the best at maintaining white people's vision/ideas. As time goes the program/company/idea becomes bloated and degrades but Pajeet keeps the original concept somewhere. If you're a founder and hire a white CEO to replace there's a chance he revolutionizes your idea; but also a chance of branching off completely and fucking your shares/legacy.

>> No.51108871

those are proxies aka the fall guys

>> No.51108952

They vote against us because the “leftist cancer” is what brought them to our countries in the first place. Asking them to become nationalists is like asking them to abolish their own existence here. They want to capitalize on the Fall of the White Man by colonizing his institutions and taking over his capital stock; all of this will be fervently supported by the “left” which is really just neoliberalism. Your people aren’t replacable and I hope you see that sooner than later

>> No.51108997

become a hindu wifu

>> No.51109871

Shitskins are based and sunpilled. You look like a bird shit and smell like dog food LMAO

>> No.51109923

This proves that white supremacy is a myth

>> No.51109927


I'm not saying this is my ideal, I'm saying it's better than everyone getting shipped here being totally retarded and useless, rather than just some of them. The two parties have always been "the American party" and the "everyone but American party", I imagine as they integrate they'll drift over just like the Irish and Italians did.

>> No.51109968

kill al hindus on sight. nuclear war against india. clean the earth chimapnzie abo nightmare chimeras. kill them all spare not one

>> No.51109975

Funny to realize that the world was ruled by british-english, then american-english and it will soone be indian-english. dont like the jeet accent? be ready for it to become the main english accent in the world

>> No.51110033
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ceo is a job, jews don't do jobs

>> No.51110078

>the top 0.1% people of countries home to billions emigrate to successful, predominantly white countries
>they rise to the top there
>use this as an argument against "white supremacy"

>> No.51110172

jeets havent left the 1700s they have a very educated and rich aristocracy and a mass of unwashed and dumb peons

>> No.51110380

can you imagine Volvo selling to the Chinese? well they did so a few years ago.

its over, we had a good run.
western innovation will stem from newer, more innovative fields.
All those companies are old shit anyway, might as well get rid of it.

it really means that we have fallen behind. either we have to surpass the pajeets and the chinks or accept going monk mode.

>> No.51110494


why isn’t the white 0.1% in the ceo positions then?

>> No.51110511

They are. There's plenty of white ceos.

>> No.51110546
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invest in gift cards

>> No.51110605

fake and gay

>> No.51110615


i mean, it’s funny, progressive cucks in my college argued white supremacy was real because whites had lower incarceration rates and higher incomes than blacks. Now that indians have higher income and lower incarceration than whites, by that same logic they should concede that we actually live in an indian supremacist society.

>> No.51110632


no, if whites are always superior, why aren’t they ceos of all these top companies

>> No.51110768
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>all these companies have terrible service quality
Are we supposed to be impressed?

>> No.51110793
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>you can’t care about anything bad that’s happening in your country out else you are “being upset at life”

>> No.51110859

the jewish owners won't hire them

>> No.51111113


ok so you’re telling me the “master race” can be manipulated by “da juice”

>> No.51111136
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Kek. Saved.

>> No.51111155


Being brown is fashionable right now. Being brown and smart (Indians) is the sweet spot, bang. You're a country mile ahead of second place (hispanics).

>> No.51111163

Jewish visions and ideas.

>> No.51111213


>> No.51111259

>How the fuck do I, an American, profit from this?

Hahah. You, as an American, can't do anything except facing the truth. The prestige of your country is being replaced by new blood. The United States has topped already. The US society is now fighting to share and redistribute all the wealth that has been created in the last 200 years. You will NOT create new wealth. That's how empires end and you can't do anything to stop it. History is a force that can't be stopped.

>> No.51111339

This. We are adjust a massive gas lighting psy-op that we live in a world of white supremacy meanwhile whites are the most discriminated against and Jews are in control of the world

>> No.51111379

Prisoner's dilemma

>> No.51111413


Well, remember, the only group accused of "supremacism" is also conveniently enough the only one that's not allowed to have their own special interest groups

>> No.51111735

>Being brown is fashionable
except if you're looking for women, or anybody that wants you for any reason other than being a token

>> No.51111761


Well that's what a fashion is, anon. It's superficial. There are some benefits but ultimately it's a movement without substance.

>> No.51111941

Um have you looked at the stock price since they took over? You insecure white man cannot fathom another race doing better than you

>> No.51111952


>whites are the master race and are le superior to everyone else

>whites simultaneously are so weak and stupid to get tricked, discriminated and outperformed against in their own countries by other races

to admit the former is to concede that whites aren’t intelligent enough to maintain control of their own societies. the cognitive dissonance ensures only because of your monumental narcissism.

>> No.51111968

Nice bait, you got a lot of (yous)

>> No.51112004

Whites thrive in high trust societies
We no longer live in one of those thanks to there being far fewer whites around that we are then able to trust
What you're essentially saying is how did a high trust society fall, and the answer is obvious: they allowed in too many un-trustable minorities

>> No.51112081


>whites destroyed their own system

seems pretty retarded, desu

>> No.51112337

The bill that allowed this passed while the majority of Congress was on vacation, but they didn't officially end the session before everyone left. This allowed <5 bad actors to change the demographics of this country forever
If only you knew how fragile civilization really is
People talk about collapse like it's going to happen overnight, but living through history is like reading a book one word per day

>> No.51112419


>> No.51112465

>brown id

>> No.51112480
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>cope whitetoid written in English and using western memes to convey ideas.
sounds like another brownie L to me
Wow it's almost as if the 20th century didn't happen! I wonder who gained the most out of 2 world wars. I'll give you a hint: They start with a J and end with a W.
Oh btw, aren't your kind still seething over the Brits not bankrupting themselves over feeding your overexpansion in the 19th century bc they brought you modern medicine so you decided to have 10 poos and starve to death lmao?

>> No.51112548


I didn't say any of that. Anyway, we were doing fine until we let women vote. That's really the point where everything started getting ass backwards and self destructive. They don't know anything and think this country is a big charity basket not an actual thing to grow and further.

>> No.51112626
