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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 18 KB, 420x386, byte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5110345 No.5110345 [Reply] [Original]

one whale one planet big pump right now

>> No.5110431

glad I bought at least 1 a couple days ago. price predictions?

>> No.5110466

nooooooooo pls dip

WHAT THE FUCK, that green candle is massive, why now?

>> No.5110484

idk man i got out immediately because im retarded and will somehow fuck it up. ill take my 30%

>> No.5110510
File: 19 KB, 1196x402, bytepump1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5110511

why is it pumping like this? this is insane, it was trading downhill around $250 last week, what the fuck is this bullshit, it's happening too soon.

>> No.5110531

ok what the fuck is going on, this thing never moves like this and the airdrop isn't until march

>> No.5110557

PnD done by a whale group. Get in on the free money.

>> No.5110567
File: 60 KB, 991x369, 38490562304d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fully erect

>> No.5110569


are you guys retarded? one look at that graph and it was an insta buy. if you have 1 Gbyte you're 1 out of a only a million who will have a full one.

>> No.5110625

What are you saying, it was an "insta buy"? Like the coin was a buy, as in a good thing to buy, or that a whale just ordered a fuck load all at once and pumped the price up?

Because I agree with both. I was gonna load up on these after XRB was done pumping, but I guess I missed it my cheap buy in opportunity FUCK. This is the coolest project i crypto though imo so it's cool to see it rise nonetheless

>> No.5110649

holy shit fuck i was about to buy

>> No.5110681

same, probably gonna wait a 3-4 days maybe even a week or two now though and hope it bleeds off

>> No.5110707

I'm so fucking pissed i literally got my 2btc confirmed on bittrex like 15 minutes ago and i got distracted trying to set up a znode

i was gonna set my order at 17k sats anyway so it wouldnt have filled. but got damn

>> No.5110774

There was no reason for this pump. I think a whale is just getting in early for the drop.

I've been watching these charts for awhile waiting for the trend reversal since ~$230 but holy fuck I got left behind waiting for it to dip after it kept rising. The whales are here early. Just praying they dump so we can all accumulate more..

>> No.5110817

Almost $600 this is fucking crazy feelsbadman

>> No.5110854

Dude the reason is because all the distribute acylcical graph coins (IOTA/RAI) pumped like crazy which means the market it finally appreciating this tech. Byte was the only one that hadn't pumped and has better tech than IOTA/Rai. It was an obvious buy. I'm just fucking livid that I didnt buy 20 minutes ago like i was going to

>> No.5110892

I pulled out of Byte last week to buy Rai, so I'm just as buttmad. I thought the hype was still on Rai, people only shit on Byte for it's name atm

>> No.5110928
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1513002128270s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better tech than RAI


>> No.5110988

The volume on Bittrex is going crazy

>> No.5111031

convince me not to dump these bags to fomo into byte

>> No.5111041

Jesus, sell walls are eaten like cake. The Bittrex bots must crash soon

>> No.5111048

Buy now if you hate money

>> No.5111057

market cap iota vs cap raiblocks
supply of these 2
Also Rai does 7.5k tx /s while iota does 25 - 200 at maximum
Rai has a working wallet

ONE iota partner jumps into Rai and you'll never see Rais under $100 again

>> No.5111058

You already missed the pump faggot. The whale put down his buywall.

>> No.5111059

Byte has smart contracts, ICOs, Oracles, privacy, even fucking sport betting. Its a DAG platform. Its the Ethereum of DAGs. All Rai can do better is send a transaction faster. Byte has literally everything else

>> No.5111073

I have 2 GBYTE all from airdrops.

>> No.5111087

nah he didnt

>> No.5111089


That. Call.

>> No.5111092
File: 11 KB, 226x51, 423e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Qualcomm dev. tweeted that the new light wallet 9.0 is almost finished. you'll see a fomo last seen with ETH and ANS -> NEO at raiblocks

>> No.5111093

The pump is winding down.

>> No.5111106

oh thank god, i only bought rai to acquire more GBYTE so I was gonna be MAD if I got burnt

>> No.5111120


>> No.5111126

Faster wins for a lot of payment processors. No supermarket needs smart contracts. I don't want to fud your gbyte, I also bought one a couple days ago because I like to hold a big percantage compared to the coin supply and the people in the world who are into crypto but Rai will go to the moon, it's about the marketcap multiplier.

just saying, stack up everything, I own 500 iota, 1 Gyte and 15k raiblocks ^_^

>> No.5111133

Yes he did you brainlet. Are you even looking at the order book?

>> No.5111148

goto 50% fuckwit

>> No.5111154

What is this spike based on? FOMO trap? I aint buying shit until I know what caused this sudden demand.

>> No.5111174

whats a good buy in? will it dip to 0.02

>> No.5111221

Natural progression. Iota, then Rai, now Byte.

Dont get me wrong man. Rai is cool. As a pure currency it might honestly be the best in all crypto. If we enter a new DAG paradigm, Rai could be top dog Bitcoin style with Byte as the Ethereum of DAGs

>> No.5111239

then rai again right

>> No.5111253

"Natural progression" usually isn't a cause of a wall like that.

I'll stick with my IOTA, this could be a shit-twister.

>> No.5111254

honestly i have no idea anon
the pump will take some time to cool off
but between .025 and .027 is what we're heading for
.02 or under seems good

>> No.5111322

i will be patient, this pump was unfounded. yet even at this price it's very undrvalued

just hoping i can dump rai at a good price to buy back in

>> No.5111449

how long you been in rai? i was in a for a month of two in july/august but all the captcha shit was a bit of a turn off. the pump just kept on fucking going lol.

>> No.5111879

Someone bought like 300BTC of Byteball

>> No.5112105

bought everything at 1.8 - 3k sats

>> No.5112336

Someone who buys 300BTC of a coin is sure that it will go 10x

>> No.5112520

what is the difference between bytes and blackbytes?

>> No.5112705


Bytes are like ether, and blackbytes are a token

>> No.5112757

Or he wants to bag it to you

>> No.5113289

If you want to read up why Byteball may be the project of 2018

Damit does not let me Post the link. You need to Puzzle:

>> No.5113322


Enjoy. You made Lots of profit.
Let me know when Iota has half the Features Byteball has already on the Iota roadmap

>> No.5113829

Someone spending 300BTC just to dump on me? Does the universe hate me?