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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 30 KB, 1280x640, Walmart-Logo-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5110117 No.5110117 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Biz, I know Crypto is the rage but I come to ask for some solid advice. I am 19 and have been working at a Walmart for the past three years. Anyways for the past six months after I graduated from high school I have not enjoyed the job. A few hours ago when I was finishing up my shift I got into a verbal altercation with a fellow associate in front of my supervisor and I realized that I should probably find a new job if it has came to the point of me blowing up on my coworker. Anyways Biz, I will probably get a coaching tomorrow which is like a three strikes you’re out type of deal with Walmart, and it will be my first. I pride myself on my work ethic and really do enjoy having a day job. But this sudden dread of my job has put a huge burden on my work ethic which I don’t like. What jobs can I get with 3 years of Walmart experience? I was thinking probably Costco or something along those lines. I am getting a major in business management, are there any jobs I could apply for that would look good on a resume or help with my future career? I can get stellar letter of recommendations from all of my managers if that helps. As always thanks Biz I appreciate all of you, we’re all going to make it.

>> No.5110139
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Any retail. Apply fast because they want to see that you currently have a job while youre searching. Don't delay anon.
Don't be a neet like most of these faggots

>> No.5110168
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, 234567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also you're only 19. Apply for supervisor/management postitions at the places your work at even if you don't think you're qualified. Doesn't hurt but the time for the app and you just might get it if you fake enough confidence.
Real or fake, confidence will have you make it.

>> No.5110171

There are no wageslave minimum wage jobs that will look good on your resume. Try to get a supervising job though, you could probably do it.

>> No.5110172

Hurry or all the stock boy jobs will be filled

>> No.5110179

>tfw you realize if you invested 3 years ago when you started at walmart you wouldnt never have to work again

>> No.5110201

Haha far from a neet my man, I am thinking about interning I have enough money to not work but I enjoy it. I feel like retail is a played out trap but I will look into costco.
Have already tried too but no positions are open, so I can't apply.
I invested into crypto 8 months ago, I have 15k in the bank so far and 22k in crypto. Don't mean to show off but I am doing ok.

>> No.5110243

I mean can I get anywhere with 3 years of "customer service" experience? Maybe I could go to Version or something like that.