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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51099577 No.51099577 [Reply] [Original]

>400k house
>30 year @ %5.00 loan
>$298,000. In interest.

What the fuck? The interest is the same as the fucking loan?
How is this bullshit normal?

This makes me want to buy a shack and call it good, fuck paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest.


>> No.51099715
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>he thought he could 'own' a house

>> No.51099732

You know what the real mind fuck is? If you borrowed 320k and invested it for 30 years at 5% you’d earn 1.05m in 30 years.

>> No.51099772
File: 112 KB, 750x920, 62612544145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The house is gonna be worth at least $1 million within 15 years. Sounds like a good deal to me. You're obviously a salty rentcuck larping as a homeowner

>> No.51099799

>He thinks past performance guarantees future returns

>> No.51099842


320k / 30 is barely over 10k a year. That’s how much you “throw away” in interest, plus property tax and maintenance. This doesn’t include the fact you can deduct interest from your income during tax filing and that homes will almost always appreciate.

>> No.51099952
File: 871 KB, 750x1026, CB94A1B1-6510-494C-9484-6E5E6A0C1058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck it, I should just buy this on .33acres and call it good.

Fuck mortgages.

>> No.51100051

Yes, the retardation of boomers, and americans in general, is so staggering that having any semblance of a soul renders you completely unable to comprehend it.

>> No.51100124

This is what happens when jews run your country

>> No.51100205

Probably. A house like that with no perceivable foundation issues from looking at the ceiling CANT be terrible

>> No.51100316

Are issues with the ceiling indicative of foundation problems?

>> No.51103019

>What the fuck? The interest is the same as the fucking loan?
No it's not. Because in 30 years $300k won't buy you a loaf of bread.

>> No.51103518

>pay 800k for house that might or might not be 1mil in 15 years.

>> No.51103558

And when you let them set up an international banking cartel. Debt is the lifeblood of the Jewish parasite

>> No.51103792

you realize rent right now is $2000+ and your interest is only $1333

also home will appreciate and you can always sell it

>> No.51103823

It’s not acceptable at all. Pass down homes to your children, and if they try to pass laws to take the homes from them, kill them for trying to make your kids homeless.

>> No.51103895

You misunderstand. He pays a total of 1,717.83, and 1,333... of that is all interest. Not to mention maintenance costs for a $320k house that is probably 30+ yrs old and will definitely have major repairs that could cost thousands.

Additional costs for property insurance(some $120+), prop. tax ($250) and some random jewery

>> No.51104014

$1333 is still better than $2000 ($720k over 30 years). Additionally, rent will most likely increase with inflation, while the interest payments decrease in both nominal and real terms. He would easily save $500k in 2052 dollars.

>> No.51104158

Generally. As the house settles over time, cracks in walls and ceilings show up. It’s inevitable to some degree, but those non-popcorn ceilings look pretty legit

I would expect some shoddy plumbing repairs or maybe even a fuse box in a house of that age

>> No.51104160

kinda cozy, like modern day steppe nomads

>> No.51104479
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look up to look down I always say

>> No.51104565

You could have bought 10 apartments in Romania with the downpayment KEK

>> No.51105052

>delusional poorfag rentoid cope thread #4976

>> No.51106214

if you make something like 10% more payments each month on a 30 year it automatically makes it a 20 year
that's why i pay 25% more per month
cracking into princip is a wonderful feeling, knowing im kind of fucking the banks
>give loan for 300k
>expect something like 300k profits over 30 years
>actual profit is going to be like 100k
>home bought prior to the pandemic, zesty reads 500k
i can't stop winning

>> No.51107919

>or pay the same amount renting over the same time period but have ZERO equity
You need to think long term, Schlomo

>> No.51108036

It looks pretty comfy, but maybe bring a friend who knows a thing or two about homes or even your folks if you check it out with the realtor. They'll know questions to ask you'd never even think of.

>> No.51108067

Kek, they don't even need that. Parents sell their homes to fund their retirements. They know what they're doing.

>> No.51108157

the interest part of your mortgage is rent, you're not escaping the game

>> No.51108187

You have to live somewhere. I'd rather own property and have to pay down a mortgage and pay for home maintenance than pay for someone else's with my rent check. Also as someone else mentioned, those expenses can be used to reduce your taxable income.

>> No.51108263

Tax relief itself makes real estate worth it

>> No.51108275

The interest part of my mortgage decreases over the life of the loan and the value increase of my house more than makes up for it. Rent on the other hand increases but you're not gaining anything. It makes more sense to equate my property tax and insurance to rent but I'm still coming out way ahead of renters.

>> No.51108307

What are your expectations when you give someone money for 30 years?

>> No.51108340
File: 240 KB, 890x854, bobo-reads-newspaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I short housing?

>> No.51108398

Exactly. It's virtually impossible to not come out ahead when buying a house unless you have some sort of free or incredibly cheap lodging. If you are going to be paying rent anyways you might as well be building equity and writing off the interest and property taxes. Can you write off your rent?

The only argument you can legitimately make is if your mortgage payment is higher than an equivalent rent, you could take that money and invest it elsewhere to get a better return. Many people are paying higher rents than homeowners with equivalent mortgages, and for those who are not, 99% of them don't have that sort of investment and savings discipline.

>> No.51108404

If anything the mortgage payment on the principal is rent. Interest sucks but is tax deductible, as is property tax. Rent (and principal payments) are not.

>> No.51108437

Thats why some banks have penalties for extra payments

>> No.51108440

Short banks and lending stocks. Buying Inverse ETFs and shorting REITs.

>> No.51108762

oy vey goyim stop it with the antisemitism