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51098235 No.51098235 [Reply] [Original]

>tax cuts strengthen the free market
I refuse to believe this is a real person

>> No.51098264

That is one retarded migapede bootlicker

>> No.51098277
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>> No.51098279

>cancelling debt causes inflation
When you cancel it by paying off the debtors with freshly printed $$$ then it does yeah

>> No.51098297


He's right and nothing you can say in your little discord will change that

>> No.51098314

yes, many socialists dont understand the difference between investment and consumption
its why you people turn countries to ruin
and its why you should never ever have power

>> No.51098320

cancelling debt frees up cash flow which stimulates the economy and creates jobs by means of increased demand. it's an example of trickle down economics as per ronald reaganstein.

>> No.51098378

You dumbfucks have been saying this for decades, still waiting for that trickle.

>> No.51098415

Dude would beat the shit out of the soi faggot. Your reality collapses outaide5 of your bubble and you know it faggot. Shut the fuck up already it's pathetic.

>> No.51098449

>When you cancel it by paying off the debtors with freshly printed $$$ then it does yeah
If that's what this is, then yes.
But that's not what this is.
This is debt forgiveness by the lenders ... no handout money is being sent to the debtors.

>> No.51098469
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>not taxing as much, creates more money
>not collecting on a debt, creates more money

better sign up for the olympics! The mental gymnastics here are quite impressive

>> No.51098474

Migapedes have been being assaulted and beaten on the streets since 2016 and have done nothing lol, also I like how you just presume to know me when I'm not on any 'political side' in that zog shithole known as the USA. I'm not even fucking from there, thank god.

>> No.51098611

Opinion not even read, they always lie.

>> No.51098648
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>Dude would beat the shit out of the soi faggot. Your reality collapses outaide5 of your bubble and you know it faggot. Shut the fuck up already it's pathetic

>> No.51098660

>visibly fat middle aged boomer
yeah good luck with that lmao

>> No.51098662

Literal nigger logic.

>> No.51098696
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based shane

>> No.51099915

They cancelled the average amount of interest accumulated since the student loan payments became optional. We the taxpayer cosigned the repayment of federally backed student loans.

>> No.51099928

That fat fuck wouldn't last 1 punch from my National Socialist boxing ass.

>> No.51099996

this debt is particular was paid through taxes no extra money was printed retards.

>> No.51100008

Debt cancelation is wealth redistribution.

Taxation is theft, so tax cuts are reducing theft. Stealing less is not the same as giving handouts.

>> No.51100041

>Shane's face
Lmao holy shit it'a literally like the memes

>> No.51100082

How do you cancel debt? The government took on the debt from the students. The paranoid schizophrenic wing of the Republican Party hasn’t analyzed this one in much depth

>> No.51100130

The migapede is right

>> No.51100148

the debt was paid through bond sales. 46 of the last 50 years have been a budget deficits.

>> No.51100229
File: 26 KB, 591x519, D77EE51F-BE2E-4849-8494-03D5DD61B8DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maga boomer is unironically right
>this debt is particular was paid through taxes
lmao, imagine believing this
it’s all money printing, it’s more debt, it’s deficit
taxes are nowhere close to cover US gov spending

>> No.51100249

Both of them are bootlickers and deserve the rope. I'd rather have tax cuts for individuals than more government gibs

>> No.51100268

>This is debt forgiveness by the lenders ... no handout money is being sent to the debtors.
Are you retarded? These are federal loans being given 10k, not private loans. Cancelling that debt is the same thing as money printing.

>> No.51100293

The universities still have the $10k, friend. It inflated the money supply.

>> No.51100318
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Our debt cucked university system only worked because it had to pay for itself.
Cancelling student pays students to be misinformed with taxpayer money.
Taxation is theft. There shouldn’t be anything to cut to begin with.

>> No.51100373

He's correct.

>> No.51100397
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>canceling debt causes inflation


>tax cuts strengthen the free market


>> No.51100432

This is nothing more than a reverse tax. The government can tax, and the government can reverse taxes.

Why isn't anyone complaining about having to pay taxes when they all of a sudden complain about reverse taxation?

One causes inflation and the other causes deflation.

>> No.51100489
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as a centrist I propose that we burn down academia along with the megacorporations.

>> No.51100526

Impossible to pay the debt off because all money is created out of debt. Biggest scam in existence and nobody cares

>> No.51100568

Everyone is a retard handing out cash to people who they think will get them reelected. But I want to stay objective

>will THIS student loan forgiveness cause inflation
The short answer is yes, but the long answer is "yes with an explanation".

>> No.51100584

That still causes inflation.
Also, everything you said is theoretical based on a series of assumptions.

>> No.51100615

Well, this is a big misnomer. They are "Federal Direct Loans" but not actually federal loans, since the capital is sourced privately. (Look it up. It's the greatest fucking racket of our time)
What you really mean is "Federally backed loans" in which the federal government guarantees repayment and/or interest subsidies based on loan type.

>> No.51100631


>> No.51100648
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>burn down academia along with the megacorporations.
both would vanish with 0% taxes

>> No.51100668

The biggest scam in existence is when you figure out debts are unit of accounts of delayed work not yet achieved. The kikes and boomers enslaved the next 6 generations for their own comfort and pleasure.
It's unironically the worst crime ever perpetrated, and if they expect us to pay for their bullshit, they can keep dreaming. I'd rather live in the woods like an animal.

>> No.51100707
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>cancelling debt
It wasn't cancelled. A cancellation would have been gigabased and would only have fucked the kikes/banksters. They simply asked others to pay it. This ""measure"" was simply the kikes afraid of never seing their shekels back, so they forced the taxpayers to foot the bill.

>> No.51100714

>boomer slaves
I used to think that this was overblown, until I saw the sheet greed inside my own fucking family among the boomers.
I think that we all need to realize, we are all getting nothing, and what's left will be a shell of what we could have had.

>> No.51100741
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Story time, fren!

>> No.51100743

Right, since FedLoans are guaranteed loans, the Federal government is on the hook for them in the end. The private companies win no matter what.
It's a totally free 3 - 7% interest loan against the future earnings of the equivalent of a high school baby

Read that and tell me that the schools are not evil.

>> No.51100756

I would, but 4chains isn't what it used to be, and I'm not into getting doxxed on an anonymous Taiwanese cave painting forum.

>> No.51100932

If the tax cut takes benefits mostly the poor it might not be inflationary necessarily. It's definately less inflationary than printing money

>> No.51101272


>tax cuts don't cause inflation.

Yes they do. Taxes remove money from circulation. It is the opposite of printing money.

>> No.51101307


The poor have the highest marginal propensity to spend. A tax cut of 100B to the poor would be more inflationary than a tax cut of 100B to the rich.

I'm not saying reducing taxes on the poor is bad. But it is true to say taxes on the poor are more deflationary than taxes on the rich.

>> No.51101576

>Impossible to pay the debt off because all money is created out of debt.
Fundamentally wrong, that’s the neat part, you don’t pay the debt directly, but you pay it with loss of purchasing power due to monetary debasement and wealth being confiscated
>why my salary is only 2x but house prices went up 20x?
>why I cannot afford to pay bills now?
>Biggest scam in existence
>and nobody cares
only morons don’t care, I keep acquiring hard assets

>> No.51101596

>relying on private property theft to counterbalance uncontrolled monetary counterfeiting by central banks
commies should be hanged

>> No.51101604

wheres my 20k

>> No.51101694

now do the war in ukraine (solely funded by biden administration in the period of 4 months)

>> No.51101985

MAGA guy is correct, except they don't cancel the debt. They simply make taxpayers pay it lol

Giving tax cuts is simply letting keep more of their OWN earned money.

Paying off student debt burden is taking money they already stole from working people and distributing it to retards and vultures.

>> No.51102040
File: 597 KB, 976x850, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is literally a bot account designed specifically for two purposes:
1) Paint anyone who opposes the democrats as mouth breathing "redneck" maga hat wearing fools
2) Enrage leftoids and move hyperpolarization along

>> No.51102052
File: 61 KB, 976x850, 635643765745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liek points on a scoreboard!

>> No.51102105

I'm going to start finding people like you and hurting you. I'm going to hurt you so badly. I'm going to pull all the teeth out of your mouth with pliers.

>> No.51102250

Your understanding of monetary theory is flawed

>> No.51102270

no debt was cancelled, they are just selling their ponzi scheme (t bills) to bail them out

>> No.51102318 [DELETED] 

It doesn't though. If anything, the moratorium on debt payments caused inflation because income normally used to repay back debt was potentially used for goods and services in the economy, creating higher demand relative to the amount of goods and services available.

In this case, the consumer is not getting 10k cash, but instead the debtor is being repaid. You could argue that the funds paid back to the debtor would potentially cause inflation, but it depends on what the debtor does with the funds when it receives it.

>> No.51102330

Canceling debt doesn't decrease inflation though. The inflation was created when the money was loaned into existence

>> No.51102332

It doesn't though. If anything, the moratorium on debt payments caused inflation because income normally used to repay back debt was potentially used for goods and services in the economy, creating higher demand relative to the amount of goods and services available.

In this case, the consumer is not getting 10k cash, but instead the debtor is being repaid. You could argue that the funds paid back to the lender would potentially cause inflation, but it depends on what the lender does with the funds when it receives it.

>> No.51102351

In this case, it doesn't free up cash flow unless you're referring to the 18% of debtors that continued to pay off their debt, despite the moratorium.

The moratorium already freed up cash flow. Whatever inflation was going to happen already happened. In fact, the government could put an end to the moratorium and that would be deflationary.

>> No.51102370
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>debtors that continued to pay off their debt, despite the moratorium.

>> No.51102397

Apparently there is some. The logic is that interest rates were at 0%, so they could quickly pay off debt without accumulating a significant amount of interest which is the real problem.

>> No.51102430
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I was so close to paying it off, I didn't know sleepy man would actually do it.

>> No.51102473

For anyone who doesn’t understand how this is inflationary, there are many reasons but here is one: a lot of people are going to be potentially up to $10,000-$20,000 more credit worthy. That means that more loans will be taken out and that money will compete to bid up prices on anything people can get a loan for.

>> No.51102504
File: 3.03 MB, 2000x3159, vice-president-joe-biden-national-ice-cream-day_01-web1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O ye of little faith. I knew he had our back day one. He will free us on the year of jubilee

>> No.51102575

Enjoy your handouts lazy fuck

>> No.51102688

Bot shit is really getting out of hand.
Sometimes I wonder if there are foreign actors pushing division on social media.
Maybe that's why they're so guarded about theirs.

>> No.51102692

Money doesn’t require any theory
It just requires central bankers and tax authorities to fuck off so we can stop fraud, counterfeiting and wealth confiscation
You are probably confusing sound money with food stamps subjects to terms and conditions

>> No.51102710

I think that current student loan rates should be reduced to zero, then the student loan program eliminated.
Student loans should be a debt dischargeable in bankruptcy. That's literally our economic balance and we're fucking it up.

>> No.51103275

you'll get your trickle when feminism cares about men, which is never

>> No.51103333

All fields

>> No.51103836

covid checks cauaed inflation. why wouldn't debt checks?

>> No.51103847

you forgot the black hole called ukraine

>> No.51103854

fu Q