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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51092642 No.51092642 [Reply] [Original]

>salary 430k with stocks

>> No.51092825

kek...best laugh i've had all week but accurate

>> No.51092897

>any day now a girl will kick down the door to my 3 bedroom apartment and love me forever... if i just grind a little harder...

>> No.51092982

>senior staff engineer
>first to get laid off

>> No.51093255

Put a little more effort into your trolling. First to get laid off is the contractors (already happened at Microsoft). Second is new hires. Next will be whole groups and projects. Next random underperformers.

>> No.51093410
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I don't even know what I'd do with like 150k/year let alone 430k. Yes I am a superpoorfag

>> No.51095576

It usually goes:
>contract devs
>lower management if they really believe they can transition to a flatter structure

>> No.51095921

>First to get laid off is the contractors
do companies really get rid of the pajeets before the dudes getting $430k i wana work there

>> No.51096023

> Senior Staff Engineer instead of being called a Principal Engineer

>> No.51096104

Yep, this is more accurate.

100% yes. A dev that senior is likely important. Jeets are disposable and are compensated as such.

>> No.51096415
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oh man, I'm a random underperformer. My days might be numbered.

>> No.51098869

based mentality

>> No.51098947


How do I go from 300k TC to 400k+ bros? I barely do shit at my current job so I don’t want to work somewhere like Amazon just for more money

>> No.51099757

cute guy desu

>> No.51099826

what's the problem ?
Walmart truckers do 80-120
what's the problem?

>> No.51099876


I used to think that too as a college poorfag, once you hit the real world and pay your own bills it’s not that amazing of a salary