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51088473 No.51088473 [Reply] [Original]

Hex changed crypto forever, we don't need middlemen, we own a finished product. If you're still leverage trading you're a) doing it wrong and b) enriching middlemen that get their users rekt trough custody and fees. Richard isn't the problem, neither is btc eth or hex. It's the degenerate gambling most of you love, it makes a CZ, Do Kwon or Mashinsky just richer.

Celsius failed because they were gambling your money away, they got rekt and couldn't pay their users but mashinsky could pay for his mega yacht. In hex are zero middlemen or VC's. No hexican was ever scammed by richard and hundreds of hexicans already retired. Richard has not scammed a single human in the past, there are no victims that came forward to this day.
Your simple excuse to equate volatility with a scam/ponzi is simply amateurish, btc had 85% drops in the past aswell as eth are these coins a scam??? Use your logic, does the on going hate and gatekeeping make any sense to you?

Be assured that i'm not going away, i will be here FOREVER just to remind how wrong most of the haters are/were. I will remind them that they weren't interested to learn nor to listen while hex is going to climb to new ath's. 3 years in and nothing has changed, the code is immutable and has no adminkeys.

It is fascinaiting for those who can comprehend the gametherory and valuable for those that seek saftey in crypto.

>> No.51089633

I Don't Kwon...

>> No.51092293

When Pulse, Richie?

>> No.51092363

even if everything you say is true it makes no difference. Its already done a 10,000x. better now to DYOR and find another low cap project to ape into rather than provide exit liquidity for OG whales like this guy whenever they decide to unstake all their HEX

>> No.51092409
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>Be assured that i'm not going away, i will be here FOREVER
he's not lying, he's been telling us to buy hex since before it dropped 95% while he was locked in staking unable to withdraw

richard owns 90% of hex by the way. they try to spin that as a positive with mental gymnastics, which is always funny

>> No.51092446

2 weeks
trust the plan

once pulsechain comes out you'll have a useless copy of link that can't buy link nodes, a useless copy of uni that doesn't work on uniswap, and a useless copy of usdc that isn't backed by anything. all secured with 33 validators all voted in by rich because he has almost all of the pulse, about 90% like with hex. pretty neat huh?

>> No.51092468
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sorry to ruin another of your threads vaperguy, better luck next time

>> No.51093927


he's in a twitterspace rn

>> No.51094570

richard heart is a nigger

>> No.51095666
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Before Hex: Two $5k watches
After Hex: A spreadsheet of his fucking watches. Who tf does that when he didn't even get that money honestly? He just enriched himself with HEX and now flexes that money?

>> No.51095685
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>> No.51096092

that just seems kind of sad actually. paying almost 12k for 1k worth of shit. getting suckered and paying a scam price for a weak flex. trying to smile about it but he just looks like he's in pain. like he was trying to fill a hole with shopping and it didn't work. i can't even be jealous because it's all ugly shit that looks like something i'd fill a garbage bag with and leave in front of a goodwill.

>> No.51096189

none of these watches are worth their price either. rolex is nice, fine engineering, but it's a machine made watch they don't cost a lot to make. it's not like it was lovingly handcrafted by skilled artisans using techniques passed down through generations and known only to a select few or anything like that. that's like 50k worth of watches he paid 6 million for. that's not wealth, it's just waste. he spends money like a nigger.

>> No.51096255

luxury goods are kinda cringe. i don't even respect the lambo. i'd rather drive a honda civic or at most a porsche 911. actually get my monies worth of car.

but i get it, the whole point is spending more then its actually worth because that is was marketed at him as being cool.

>> No.51096301

>because that is was
that's what was

also embarrassing, my grammar.

>> No.51096943
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Cope pleb. I am the best person in crypto, nigga.

>> No.51097753

honestly and unironically...
for me its hex

>> No.51098461

Yes he flexes and you guys are the free bumps in hex threads and shills telling others about Hex. I have no problem with that. What richard does is unrelated to a immutable smartcontract without adminskeys, it's like saying that a bag of rice fell over in china and eth fees got more expensive because of it.

>> No.51100040

Imagine locating Richard's father. Now imagine putting his mouth right on the sidewalk, making him bite, then filming as you kick in that old man's jaw with full force.
Now imagine sending Richard that video, telling him to either come out of hiding and pay up or the next video will be more than a lifelong crippling of his loved ones. He can't report you to police either without huge risk, since he'd get fucked hard.

Now imagine meeting with Richard, but you already brought the rotting corpse of his father. The next thing Richard would see is you spraying acid in his fat blown up face, making sure to not hurt the fat faggot too bad so you can enjoy wholly what's to come.
Imagine putting Richard, now blinded, down in a basement and slowly but surely torturing him to death. You cut off one limb, another one, get rid of one tooth after another. This would go on for months, if not years, until he even lacks the power to beg for his own demise.

HEX is now $0.00001 since everybody thinks Richard left with the money, but you know better. The fat fuck got what he deserved, Vaporfag killed himself over it and now Richard finally gets his wish granted, the last words he hears being "now who got really rekt bitch?".

Good thing all of this could absolutely never happen, as Richard's dad's postal address isn't doxxed or anything :)

>> No.51100267

How much money did you lose friend

>> No.51100764

sure he spent like $10k, but he does look super cool and rich! id definitely invest my money in anything this person is involved with

>> No.51100829
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Richard is based and will lead us to the promised land. Have fait.

>> No.51100838
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>> No.51100954

imagine yourself sitting in your room, living with ur single mom while writing mental diarrhea and breathing very heavily through your mouth.

Now imagine how much saliva runs through your mouth and down on your keyboard, everything is wet even your pants and it looks like you've just pissed yourself.

Imagine how embarrased you feel, you will beg your single mother to order a new keyboard from amazon and she tries to explain to you that the gibs are tight, but you insist on wanting a new keyboard. You both argue, but you're a little 5'1 manlet so she grabs the nearest vodka bottle she could reach and throws that thing with the speed of 100 mph frontal in your face.

Imagine how the collision makes you fall backwards and you're laying on the ground in a fetal position with the hands in front of your face while your mouthbreathing intensifies.

Imagine you laying there, enraged and making a loud and autistic *REEEEEEEE* noise. You whisper in an agressive tone that you hate the entire world and know wizzards on /x that will enslave all the people for an eternity.

>> No.51102824 [DELETED] 


fucking lmao. I don't condone this and completely disavow it. However, if some lunatic somewhere really did this to Richie he'd pretty much deserve it. Juss saying.

>> No.51102834


fucking lmao. I don't condone this and completely disavow it. However, if some lunatic somewhere really did this to Richie he'd pretty much deserve it. Juss saying.

>> No.51103007

Don't make fun of manlets your lord and saviour is one

>> No.51103217

"the first sacrifice was for freedom of speech" hahahahahaha