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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51084139 No.51084139 [Reply] [Original]

its sell th.. sell the news .. rr.. right?

>> No.51084183

what's going to happen is ETH will pump to 1.8k, you'll get liquidated and then it will dump immediately.

>> No.51084821

but anon, we are in 2022... are you a time traveler?

>> No.51084840

its gonna pump hard in the next few weeks then dump massively after merge goes through, exit soon.

>> No.51084954

I staked into eth2, will I have a chance??

>> No.51086068

If Biden, Russia and China didn't sperg out this merge should've been a golden run and I would be making bank, except we're at half ath and unless you invested in the luna explosion you're making no money from the merge, its a nothing burger that is keeping these jeet shit coins alive.

Faggots like OP run short due to the macro but are getting reemed by the micro (whales and fud merchants) forcing prices up. Even if you guppies get squeezed we're still so far from what we should be making.

>> No.51086135
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dont worry
pic related is pumping it as we speak
>check etherscan