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File: 390 KB, 700x525, AA36D069-0B77-435B-A361-8177EB7C3B5B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51075549 No.51075549 [Reply] [Original]

>men age like fine wi-

>> No.51075569

Respect the royal family, commoner.

>> No.51075568

guarantee he really thinks he's aged like fine wine.

>> No.51075579

He unironically looks better on right

>> No.51075592

I don't get it he's part of the royal family why doesn't he just get a hair transplant or use the flesh of abort children or whatever those rich fucks have access to?

>> No.51075602

hes balding on the left too, receeding hairline starts at puberty

>> No.51075613

he's british, they all age like poo

>> No.51075640

why does the br*tish family look like the tribe?

>> No.51075667


You don’t understand british upper class culture.

Im a brit. Its not about money at all. They live by their own different codes and values. As much as i hate the class system for us whites in the UK it is quite unique.
Rich people in the US for example don’t hesitate to do things like hair transplant in his situation etc, which is why you’re here struggling to get it

>> No.51075691

Within his social circle, receiving a hair transplant would be looked upon as horribly unsophisticated, while balding gracefully confers prestige.

>> No.51075692

As long as your family isn't interbreeding, you wont end up like him... hopefully.

>> No.51075738

So enlighten us Nigel. Because from my vantage point (visiting London for a week) it seems Brits are dramatically poorer than Americans and the serf life is ingrained in them
Happy with small houses, small cars, staggering taxes, old mildew buildings and pomp to cope for all of the aforementioned.

>> No.51075786
File: 37 KB, 475x480, 1661307988193141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man aged like fine milk. Mohammed Rauf would still look like an adonis at age 50

>> No.51075892


Upper class culture in britain is almost nothing to do with money. They measure their wealth in heritage mostly, and plenty of them would rather live poor than give up their estate and heritage. In fact many do. Plenty have been forced to give up their heritage land and such due to simply being unable to afford the legally required upkeep and land taxes. Its famously what the National Trust is all about. I lived in Berks/Bucks and interacted with plenty of normal upper class people in my work. Many as said barely could afford to get by. One old man in his 80s told me when i was in his garden surveying, that he cant even afford to heat his mansion, but did tell me he owned like 19 acres of of the forests behind his home. Would he even think about selling any of it off? No. Thats his heritage and his history.

Thats just one aspect but gives you perspective. There is a common saying in Britain that upper class people never buy furniture, its all passed down. If you ever had to you arent upper class. And they take massive pride in that.

I cant speak too much for the social side of it as im not really one of them but its vey much all about who can be as modest as possible and celebrate each others eccentricity.
Maybe this gives you some view. Even the filthy rich ones will play by all these same rules and values. They want to pass on and consume little. The only thing they famously splurge on is private education. Some upper class people may put all their families liquid funds into that alone and just get by otherwise

>> No.51075924

his dad is king carlos of spain

>> No.51075983

Money and material goods are temporary, you change based on what you do and those changes are passed on to your children, epigenetically. Better to be born rich in potential ability than poor with family money.

>> No.51076055

That's why British universities are so expensive and so top tier or so because the upper class is throwing all their money at Cambridge and Oxford

>> No.51076078

Honestly based

Its hilarious how consooomer americans are the complete opposite, they may be rich but consoom so much they live paycheck to paycheck

>> No.51076154

UK university education is subsidized by the state. The upper class throws their money at Eton, Harrow, etc.

>> No.51076296

its crazy what losing your hair can do to your looks. he would probably look very similar to the left image with hair

>> No.51076332


He not talking about average or even redbricks.

Anyway the schools they throw money at are the boarding schools, and places like eton etc the. Obviously oxbridge at the university level.

Obviously Bristol university and all the others dont have toffs attending and spending lol.

This was so hard to explain this shit to my wife who isnt british. I never realised how hard it is for foreigners to get this aspect of britain till i had to do that. Foreigners are kind of lucky that even these boarding schools reserved for upper classes(that screen for each other not just money) generally reserve places for rich niggers and chinks and what have you regardless of their ties to traditional British upper class values. If you are a rich white brit/brit heritage but arent descended from a duke you wont get in.

Now the oxbridge universities are a different story even though toffs still end there. However all the upper class grooming and socialising and such is done before university in these boarding schools so it doesnt matter if they let people from all over and all kinds into oxbridge anymore.

>> No.51076362

Honestly apart from the hair he has barely aged

>> No.51076485

He can do the one thing that matters: Father children.
Roasties can only seethe and fuck their dogs.

>> No.51076758

He'd look fine if he didnt bald

>> No.51076850

haha balder cope

>> No.51076886

because they are german royalty that intermarried with jewish burghers before they ascended the throne.

>> No.51077267


>> No.51077295

There are French families in New Orleans and old money families throughout the American South that are kind of like this. They keep their heads down and don't have the same kind of control over important institutions that the British upper class does, so they tend to be invisible to most Americans and foreigners(and they prefer it that way).

>> No.51077320

>1 post by this ID
they age much better than feminine "men" like you, op

>> No.51077329

just dont bald

>> No.51077335
File: 43 KB, 600x800, Bz5Zd3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started balding at 14 and I'm 21 now. Going with the chad embrace

>> No.51077489

Oddly enough that’s how I lived when in the USA. And even though I made less than minimum wage by a cunt hair I still had a life that stirred some envy.

>> No.51077613

all he has to do is grow a five o' clock beard shadow and he'll be a gigachad

>> No.51077629

Bro is this you? This is not normal balding you need to get checked for AIDs immediately

>> No.51077672

>Happy with small houses, small cars
This part is just a consequence of living on a small island. The US is unfathomably huge compared to the UK. Space is at a premium here so things being smaller than in the US is at least partially a consequence of geography

>> No.51077769

Imagine being so powerful your appearance doesn't matter at all

>> No.51077865

>visiting London for a week
London is a shithole filled with commuters who live in drastically shittier areas. You need to go to the country to find the ultra rich. To give them credit where it's due, they usually go to Oxford, Cambridge or join the Royal military academy at Sandhurst to become army officers. It's kind of a weird tradition. Even the queen's Boys have been o deployment in Afghanistan. There's a "proper" way of doing things in those circles.

>> No.51078117

This is reversible.

Women get fake hair, fake nails, face paint, heels, lip fillers, fake tits, fake eyelashes etc etc. Why can't you do this for yourself? It's not cringe or unmanly, just get your hair back bro.

>> No.51079063

The chad embrace is an incel baldie cope. You will never look like Waingro from Heat. Trim it off to look as close to Statham as possible. Do NOT shave it.

>> No.51079259

Not only was your post very gay, but when I looked up the methhead you name dropped, I struggled to believe anyone would want to look like that.

>> No.51079888

look at this shallow faggot
his whole life revolves around the appearance of him and other people

what a little bitch
i hope we get a global internet downtime
i bet this cucklet will freak out

>> No.51080615

He should just wear a hat

>> No.51080671

if he put on a wig he'd look exactly the same, though. women can't even do that.


>> No.51080730

Absolutely not, but he doesn't look too bad. Except for a few exceptions, roasties at that age look much worse. They really age like milk. He hasn't aged like fine wine, but he's aged like okay wine.

>> No.51080735
File: 136 KB, 733x628, 1659564419437639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for paintings of British royalty to be filled with niggers.