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51075089 No.51075089 [Reply] [Original]

When I first watched this show a few years back I thought that no one could be that much stressed all the time. Now I'm that stressed and lonely, it's not so much lonely as of a feeling of loneliness, but lonely of not knowing what to do, not having anyone to bounce ideas back.
I have to do these "interviews" at my job, confirm some information with clients, and update the database, and people are so nasty, I wish, and I try to not take it personally, but I ultimately I can't, it definitely affects me, it's a contract so if I walk away now I don't get payed for the any of the work I have already done. I have to finish at least the "group" I was already assigned. But I'm thinking of just throwing everything away and quitting, just thinking about the next interviews is making me feel nauseated. How do I deal with this anons? Any tips? I can't take medication, when I was in HS I briefly went down that rabbit hole, and it's a big no, I think most doctors are irresponsible with their prescriptions, I don't think it would help that much.

>> No.51075164

just stop caring

>> No.51075215

You need the clown mindset, life is a joke and you need to be the punchline bro. Niggas be wildin, you just hustle wildin niggas harder

>> No.51075249

kek did you finish the show? like all 4 seasons? Did you watch the ending


>> No.51075330
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Office work is unhuman anon, your reaction is totally normal. What would you do if you quit? Could you support yourself without this job?

>> No.51075371

Do you work for the IRS? Why are the “clients” so upset?

>> No.51075382

I tried, but I don't know how, it's draining, why are people so angry? If they don't want to do it just say it "I don't want to do it".
I feel like trash. And the worst part is I really need the money.
No, I stopped mid season 2. It looks very interesting, I hope to finish it in the future.
Odd jobs again, the same I was doing prior. I'm studying for college, I tried to run a business before the pandemic, but it went under it. My goal is to try to continue working in anything I can, support myself through college and then apply to something more stable.

>> No.51075455
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>> No.51075479

I see. What was your business, and what sort of odd work are you doing? What are you studying?

Also can you drive? Food delivery is a pretty good gig if you get a nice restaurant

>> No.51075665

Construction, small stuff, renovations and maintenance.
Currently besides this interview work, and after my business failed I started working as delivery driver, not restaurants though, apps. If I quit I'm probably going to go back to doing that, or become a uber driver. I'm studying for uni entrances exam, I want to do a bachelor in mathematics, but I've being away from school for a while, so I'm studying a lot of stuff that I just don't remember or didn't learned, both in maths and other disciplines, but I'm trying to focus in mathematics, the course seems to be very intense if you're not prepared (speaking to people that did it).

>> No.51075713
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>I tried, but I don't know how, it's draining, why are people so angry? If they don't want to do it just say it "I don't want to do it".
>I feel like trash. And the worst part is I really need the money.

Dude you have to embrace the hate and take the bull by the horns. I always say if people want to hate you for no reason then you should give them a reason, be stern, uncaring and serious but not rude. If they don't comply, report them to whoever is their boss. You're not going to have to work with them forever since you're on a contract so who gives a shit? Hopefully after this you won't have to see any of them ever again. Stop caring about how they feel and think, give them disdain. They're not your boss right? You don't have to socialize with them outside of work or at work right? This all requires power over them in some way though, whether it be directly or being able to report them to their boss. You will be surprised how quickly people get in line when you report their ass.

>> No.51075732
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>> No.51075806


Honestly, this day and age its not worth the possible blow back by offending some cloest homo. Just do your job.
I miss the old days where you could have a massive spray at a client during a deal and still have a beer with them after work.
Now days 90% of the people i deal with a immature manchildren, hall monitors or down right frauds.

>> No.51075861

Its great that you have experience in skilled work! Do you think a degree will help you to get where you want to be? As in, do you really need to go to uni?

In a more immediate sense this anon is spot on >>51075713

>> No.51075862


>> No.51075900

Difficult to stop caring. I'm like you, I care. I should shut the fuck up at work sometimes and then I won't get overloaded with work. I bring it on myself.
Getting stoned the night before does help. I think it has a kind of anti-depessant effect that makes you not give any fucks the next day.

>> No.51076076

I think you're right in many aspects, I will try that, thanks.
Yes I do. I really want to and in the future to work with what I want I will need to, it's a requirement, plus in my country a mathematics degree is a very versatile degree, the amount of things you can work in and later on specialize are incredible. If I graduated today I would have a line of jobs as a teacher, ranging from people my age that are studying for entrances exams in universities or government, to teenagers, kids or if I had a masters I could even apply for substitute professor in universities. And most of these jobs are separated by period, so you could teach only at night or only in the afternoon and work with something else or study something else in another period. If you want to do a engineering course later on it's much easier as well as you already have the 2 to 3 years of mathematical training required.
Good morning.
Sometimes I feel like some people can see through that, and so they are nastier to some people, idk, probably imagining it though.

>> No.51076933
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How are they nasty? Not saying this is invalid, but I'd like examples of their behavior and what the service is which your company provides them.

>> No.51077072
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>> No.51077134

It is a department of the government, I have a temporary contract, it sounds more important then it is, but it's simple stuff, you have to confirm some personal information, mostly it can be answered in less then 5 minutes conversation, but you ask people these standard questions that is why it's called an "interview", you have to do it. If the person doesn't want to answer they can say "I don't want to answer", then I can send that case to my superior, and he will deal with that, but if the person if just angry, cursing at yo, whatever, you can't just pass up, you have to confirm the information and ask the questions. A lot of them are nasty in the sense that they are very loud, shouting and treat you like garbage, like it's not a real job and you are there to steal there time or something, I'm not forceful, I always try to reschedule to when the person can answer when they are like that, but that only seems to anger them more. And so it goes in this back an forth, people shouting at you, making excuses and rescheduling to some other time, and then when you contact them they just do it all over it again. Pretty shitty job to be honest. It's not like a call center, because there is the right people you have to talk to, you can't just skip, you must talk to then no matter what, if it takes 4, 6, 7 times, it doesn't matter.

>> No.51077168

Bear the pain for the remainder of your contract and then use the memory of this experience as fuel for self betterment in your next job

>> No.51077193

>It is a department of the government
Are you confirming info for peoples' gibs or something? I'd imagine you do this, but perhaps stress the importance of confirming this information in order to receive gibs. Furthermore, perhaps look into a way to send an email with the info pre filled and all the retards have to do is confirm it is correct with a link click.

>> No.51077339

I don't know what gibs are.
Saying who we are, what we do, and stressing the importance of the work is one of the first things we do when the person doesn't know why we are contacting them, but again, some people just don't care, Friday I had a doctor that just wouldn't have it, it was my third time trying to talked to her, I painstakingly "convinced her" to talk to me another time through the phone, but she just ended the call abruptly very angry. I can't confirm the data though email, as I said, you have to ask the standard questions, either in person or by call, but it have to be done the way the department wants, even if I have the prior data and the name matches, the info will be update and reinserted into the database.
Not everyone is shitty, some people are cool and helpful but a lot of people are draining, very draining.

>> No.51077430

Btw, I don't condone anything illegal or that causes intentional harm to others. But, fuck me, this woman... I have no idea how she must have handled the pressure, I watched the news around the case and some documentaries, and she even faked her tone of voice it seems, I have no fucking idea how any could do all of that and not go insane, one rude angry person if enough to drain me of energy. Insane. I wish I had her mad fucking skills.

>> No.51077497

Damn bro I hate that slavery happened so much man, because I can’t go up to my nigger brethren and say “whatsup nigger?” With complete and earnest goodwill without some nigg(a) getting mad at me bro. I love humanity so much and I fucking hate that niggers were slaves because I can’t call them niggers.. spics call me gringo all the time and I laugh because no spic has ever owned a gringo, but many gringo has owned a nigger. God damn I hate this gay earth

>> No.51077499

>I tried, but I don't know how, it's draining, why are people so angry?
Because they are unhappy with their lives. When someone lashes out at you for no reason, just assume he caught his wife cucking him and he takes his anger out on whoever he can. Because that is most likely not very far from the truth. Dont let them bring you down to their level of sadness

>> No.51077545
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Anon, I don't want to be rude, but you seem to have a defeatist attitude. People are amazing and kind, but also can be absolute subhumans. It's made worse by being on the phone. I think it's telling and a positive thing you seem to actually care about the interactions with these people. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but this type of behavior will follow you in all levels of all lines of work. It is absolutely imperative you find a way to compartmentalize doing your job and the response you get. If some doctor is going to be a cunt, let her. Just make sure you called, then you called her when you rescheduled, and DON'T escalate in your own response. If she calls back in a month wondering why her service wasn't rendered, you can point to your records that you fulfilled her obligation, but she didn't. In almost every instance this isn't personal at you; they're probably stressed or just a hurt person.

Also, you're right: her man voice was creepy.

>> No.51077573

the soundtrack was great, but the character endings mediocre and the politics aged hilariously badly.

>> No.51077620

>No, I stopped mid season 2. It looks very interesting, I hope to finish it in the future.

finish the show lol the plot twists will completely change your doomer idea of what the show is about

>> No.51077641

>just be a robot bro

>> No.51077649

I think you're right, but I have to do it, I can't just wait a month on one person, if they reschedule to 2 day, 3 days, the end of the week, fine, if they don't, we have to continue contacting them, as I said, crazy temporary job, I knew it would be hard from the begining, but I needed the money, but I had no idea it would be this hard. You quit before finishing the group? No pay, it's missing one person to finish the group? Unless it's a formal refusal "I don't want to answer it", I can't finish my group as well. You're right about people being nasty everywhere, but I guess this was intense for me, I'm definitely not used to it, and I don't know how to compartmentalize, I want to. Any tips suggestions?

>> No.51077686
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>but the character endings mediocre and the politics aged hilariously badly.

I completely disagree. Mr robot had one of the best plots of any show I've ever seen. Very cheesy and cartoonish but by the end you realize that was all intentional to the story. Never seen a show written with as much meta storytelling

>> No.51077703

I will, thanks for the rec.

>> No.51077722

the plot vaporized in the final season, with endings clearly being cut/rushed because it got soft-cancelled.

>> No.51077753

i'll give you that they attempted to wrap everything up with elliot, and they did a good job with him, but that's about all they managed to get out of a dozen episodes.

>> No.51077820

i was under the impression they stopped because the plot was finished. The dude wrote the whole thing from the beginning and didn't want it to drag on. What do you mean it vaporized? I don't want to spoil anything but it literally wraps up and explains basically everything

>> No.51077888

It’s a temp job. Stop giving a shit. Let them yell and act retarded. Come up creative ways to “confirm” a follow up call later when they start to get belligerent:
>so… you don’t want the gov’t dildo?
>ok so we’ll go ahead and set something up for Tuesday to try and figure th—
>ok so do you want to pick another day? otherwise we pick this time frame bc of <insert BS policy reason>
>ok Tuesday it is, have a good day Dr. Shekelstein
*hang up*

As long as you CYA and stop taking shit so personal, you’ll get through the job and be on your way

>> No.51077906

vaporized because many characters got clearly rushed endings or endings that were attempting to be artistic and abstract but were clearly there to get it over with given the original 5 season show only got to 4.

>> No.51078079

This is actually nice, and something I can do. I don't really need their confirmation to set up a date and call again, I can just tell them if they don't cooperate. This is pretty nice and useful. I'm going to try this as well, thanks.