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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51071162 No.51071162 [Reply] [Original]

is anyone else here a healthy, functioning member of society with no racist, misogynistic or bigoted beliefs that hasn't been tricked into believing grand conspiracies and just comes here to discuss business and economics?

>> No.51071175

I'm a healthy, functioning member of society that also hates niggers.

>> No.51071180
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>> No.51071183

fuck off reddit tier wojack poster.
and the jewish shit isnt a "conspiracy"

>> No.51071192

so no one yet then

>> No.51071201

>doesnt believe in conspiracies
>buisness and finance

Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. All finance assets like money,crypto,debt,bonds etc are purely parasitic in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value. Ever escalating recessions, poverty,wealth inequality, monopolies, disease, pollution, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental and necessary functions of it, not glitches, and every single financier or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite.

Capitalism is a cult and if you think you are somehow not indoctrinated like the racists, nazis, fascists and other parasites then you are delusional, braindead financier parasite

>> No.51071210

>he doesn’t know you have to larp to gaslight the actual retards for your advantage

>> No.51071213

i don’t think you count in this group op. this thread isn’t about business and finance. it’s about the people living rent free in your head

>> No.51071215

No I'm unhappy that I have to work a job that I don't really like for a shitload of hours before I can afford a private residence and I blame boomers, jews and brown-skinned people for the fact the prices are so high.

>> No.51071219


I moved away from believing in that crap once I got successful and put in a lot of mental work to deradicalize myself.

Still have the insane addiction to interracial porn, though. Seems that shit never goes away.

>> No.51071230
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so you're proud to be a normie npc?

>> No.51071240

capitalism works because individuals have incentives to contribute towards the system, which strives for technological progression and efficiency. it's that simple
trust me when I say this, that paragraph of yours is nowhere near as profound as you think it is

>> No.51071257

honestly, there is nothing more based than being a normie and just chilling and enojying life :)

>> No.51071258

>Being a helthy, functioning member of a society that is completely rotten and dysfunctional

No thanks

>> No.51071270

>ignoring the jew

>> No.51071271

yes, I come here for bagholder salt

>> No.51071298

kys reddit tranny

>> No.51071321

I'm a right leaning white cisgendered male that is mostly straight and dislikes reddit

>> No.51071325
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That depends, does being transphobic count as being bigoted? I don't see why it should, just seems like common sense to me

>> No.51071327

"capitalism works"

>Massive poverty
>Massive pollution
>Massive extinction events
>80% Earths biodiversity extinct in just 200 years
>Almost all living creatures are either slaves or cattle
>Climate change
>Perpetual and never ending wars and conflict
>rampant food, shelter, and water insecurity (soon even air insecurity when air also becomes commodified)
>Constant disease and even pandemics
>Massive depression, mental illness and hopelessness

When bootlicking parasites such as yourself say "HURR DURR CAPITALISM WORKS" what metrics are you using exactly? What is "working"? I mean besides the masses who toil endlessly like the slaves that we are? Ohh i know! It is the new smartphone right? The INNOVATION? Hey you might not have habitable, healthy, clean and diverse ecosystems and we might be living like rats in overcrowded polluted cities but HEY at least we got a new smartphone or brand new toy to CONSOOM every now and then XDDD

I want to find where you live, kidnap you and torture you for as long as possible and even deny you the sweet release of death even when you beg me.

>> No.51071332

>doesn't realise that racial, sexual and cultural differences exist
pick one

>> No.51071333

yes, transgender individuals are beautiful and deserve respect

>> No.51071335

>capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date
2 more weeks

>> No.51071341

"Trust me"

No i think i will trust science and math which proves that capitalism is inherently unstable, unsustainable and exploitative. But if you tell me where you live i will trust you and i will seek you out to euthanize you parasite

>> No.51071342

I don't believe conspiracies like that Biden is the most popular president ever and that we can't go to the moon anymore.

>> No.51071345

Sometimes I like to shitpost because it's funny. Easy to forget some posters actually believe all that crap though

>> No.51071349

Capitalism is literally the ONLY mode of human behavior.
All commentz to the contrary are cope.

>> No.51071358
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Oh. Well in that case, yes, I am extremely bigoted. I hope one day you will join me too. Cheers, friend.

>> No.51071360

most of these problems are solved in a mixed system with government intervention or just straight up unavoidable
the reality is that socialism fucking sucks because decision making is overly-centralised and unspecialised and workers have no incentives

>> No.51071366

If we ignore that I’m mildly racist then yes

>> No.51071371
File: 161 KB, 1095x1370, 7DA433AB-FFA5-44E9-BD5B-F1A9B64036DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cbdc and war on cash
on your way
>social credit score using cbdc and digital id
on your way
>individual carbon footprint tracking and behavioral modifications
on your way
>monetary totalitarism, inevitable currency debasement, stealth wealth confiscation
on your way
>price control and food and energy shortages
on your way
>conspiracy theories
not found, it’s all real and documented, it’s a public agenda

>> No.51071377

post pics of beautiful trannies

>> No.51071378
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yes. nothing but PMA from me.

>> No.51071406

>life just exists and acts in balanced and stable ecosystems for billions of years and even evolves and changes without profit motive existing

"HuRR dUrR why would creatures DO stuff without PROFIT motive???"

i dunno dude maybe because creatures are inherently active? Especially humans? Who wish yo engage in activities they enjoy? Without the threat of starvation, imprisonment or execution? I know you are a depressed terminally online basement dwelling incel but most creatures base state is a happy motivated one. As a matter of fact passivity is created via depression that is caused by extremely hostile environments and ecosystems which turns creatures into passive and fearful husks. This is intentional btw under capitalism it is more profitable to have desperate, exhausted, fearful and sick creatures so you can control them easier.

>> No.51071438

what is your atlernative then, anarchy? you have to realise that will not work in a world with our current level of technology. and please stop being condescending when you reason/type like a retard, I'm getting second hand embarrassment

>> No.51071443

Also "socialism sucks"
Even if that was true (spoiler it isnt) the burden of proof falls upon you to prove how any other system is worse than capitalism. Spoiler you cant because capitalism shares the exact same functions as a cancer cell and maximizes suffering pain and death. Literally ANY other system is better than capitalism. That is can be proven mathematically too. I wont go into it here cause i dont care to explain shit to a braindead parasite but whatever

>> No.51071451

>proven mathematically
lmao im done with this midwit, no hard feelings

>> No.51071468

I am a communist we strive for stateless, classless and MONEYLESS societies. (Notice how i said socieTIES, there can be many configurations depending on location, community and circumstances and they can also be dynamic meaning changing ans self managing during time).

Personally though i dont give a lot of fucks because i have nothing to lose but my chains. Literally any diversion of the status quo is welcome in my book

>> No.51071473

Wow great argument fagtron you sure convinced me with those hot opinions.

>> No.51071491

No, fuck you gay nigger faggot.
your brain is clearly the same size of a women's.
Get the fuck off /biz/- you're NGMI

>> No.51071497

You fucking retard. I can never grasp how commies can be such fucking clueless niggers.

Im pursuing a career in software development. You'd think i'd be doing that if i would make the same cash as someone picking tomatos?

Let me fill it in for you. NO.

>> No.51071498
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>> No.51071523

no I started balding at 18 and have chronic health issues

i basically just pretend everythings gonna work out alright

>> No.51071816


>> No.51071861

Your one of those fuckers the world economic forum hired aint ya?

>> No.51071898
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Basically a normie

>> No.51071918

>is anyone else here a healthy, functioning member of society
>no racist, misogynistic or bigoted beliefs that hasn't been tricked into believing grand conspiracies
Wait, no.

Go back faggot.

>> No.51071963

>system is worse than capitalism. Spoiler you cant
>I am a communist

"iT wAsNt ReAl ComMuNiSm"

>> No.51072023
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If you don't believe in conspiracies, you're inadequately equipped to talk about business and economics. But keep humming a jaunty little McDonalds jingle while the same companies that define our culture run dark pools that rig the financial markets so even mid-tier asset managers with billions of AUM can't even afford to win the game.

>> No.51072065
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What do you mean by "believing conspiracies"? Do you mean to say believing that such conspiracies will succeed? Conspiracies are plans. They're not assertions for one to believe or disbelieve.

>> No.51072084

You cant be healthy and also be everything else you listed.

>> No.51072104
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Your days of shitposting will soon come to an end
You vill not spread ze dangerous misinformation anymore.
You vill integrate into ze New Society
You vill cooperate with ze Authority Sentries
And you VILL cease your all neeting activities permanently


>> No.51072155

"Conspiracy" is shorthand for "conspiracy theory". Any more retarded questions?

>> No.51072167

>a healthy, functioning member of society
> no racist, misogynistic or bigoted beliefs
Not unless you are a leftoid and have a skewed conception of what that means
>that hasn't been tricked into believing grand conspiracies
Which one? The WEF shit? They state everything publicly in front of cameras it's not a conspiracy.
>just comes here to discuss business and economics?
Anon, you're the one that came here to moralise at us for not having your "correct" beliefs, not talk economics You start!

>> No.51072196

lol no. That's no how shorthand works.

>> No.51072251
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I wouldn't mind full-blown Stalinism, authoritarian state communism if it meant closing the borders for a thousand years. I'd even give up my personal wealth.

>> No.51072260

"It is no measure of good health to be sane in a sick society"

>> No.51072308

Yes, the hard right shift that happened across all boards post 2016 makes 4chan almost unbearable. It's now a place of boring contrarians getting angry about things that never happen, trying to find simple answers to complex problems.

It kind of comes with the territory of crypto though, it's politics are based in right wing anti establishment thinking.

>> No.51072333

I’m a wealthy homeowner with a big income, good family, plenty of good friends and a fuckbuddy. I have very racist beliefs. Remember OP, most people are racist they just won’t tell you

>> No.51072360

2016 meme is just the 08 summerfags projecting

>> No.51072384
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> is anyone else here a healthy, functioning member of society
> with no racist, misogynistic or bigoted beliefs
> that hasn't been tricked into believing grand conspiracies
It is now a matter of public record that our elites are pedophiles that rape child sex slaves, and you’re still going on about “conspiracy theories”?

>> No.51072461

It's exactly how shorthand works. Maybe you'll cover it in your next ESL class.

>> No.51072687
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>It's now a place of boring contrarians getting angry about things that never happen
>no racist, misogynistic or bigoted beliefs that hasn't been tricked into believing grand conspiracies
Why are leftists so capable of outright ignoring reality? You can present them all the evidence in the world but their brains are physically incapable of forming patterns

Is pattern recognition what honestly separates true humans from people who think all dog breeds are the same?

>> No.51072767

It's a survival mechanism for weak people.
Their brain doesn't think 'does this make sense', it thinks 'what will others think of me if I think this makes sense'.