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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51069879 No.51069879 [Reply] [Original]

So the second largest water reservoir in the US is almost empty which will mean no more drinking water or electricity for 40 million people or so. This is also the case for a lot of water reservoirs around the US.

Whilst everyone here is focusing on Germany/Europe not having enough energy to account for Russia's reduced production, the US is literally running out of the one thing it needs to stay alive - Water.

What does Brawndo actually taste like and how does the US invade its way out of this one?

>> No.51069924
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>Mutts celebrate the fact that their currency is worth 1 cent more than the euro for a few days or weeks
>Meanwhile mutts have no watter to drink
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA the retardation and low iq of mutts will never be not funny.

>> No.51069943
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Told you so

>> No.51069948

Invade Canada. The pacific northwest has a lot of water

>> No.51069962
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Not my problem. Florida is sinking, we have plenty of water.

>> No.51069967

Judging by the view from above this is a fucking desert. Why do people even need to live there anyway?

>> No.51069969
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>abundance of fresh water
>abundance of energy
>abundance of cute chink girls and beta chink slaves
yep, Aussie chads stay winning

>> No.51069970
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I live in AZ we only get like between 30 and 35% of our water from there. Most the water rationing affects farmers growing lettuce and Alfalfa. We produce 90^ of the lettuce in the U.S. but I don't eat it because lettuce is a scam, so it does not affect me

>> No.51069993

>not enough energy
Oh no no no, bros.. somebody has to tell him

>> No.51070000

Because they're american and they're pants on head retarded

>> No.51070030

Doesn't matter. The markets will react, everything will even out, cities may dry up and become ghost towns, that's just a consequence of the market. Water costs money, supply and demand, parts of the US will become wastelands, the market has that priced in. It's markets all the way down.

>> No.51070147

Maybe if it was 06/24/22 things wouldn't look that peachy, but c'mon.

Also Germany is fucked, they will have to beseech Putin to stop the "maintenance", hell they might even concede to opening Nord Stream 2.
Doing nothing and watching your industry crumble is also a viable option.

>> No.51070313
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>> No.51070332

Nigger I live in the land of rivers and lakes water ain’t shit

>> No.51070372

Can't wait for yank land to become a nigger filled desert.
>but a bunch of halfwid burgers will jump the border into my island paradise

>> No.51070375

places where it never stops raining
americans are coming to free us

>> No.51070441

only downside is we're full and can't take in anymore immigrants

>> No.51070844


The other issue is that the hydro energy produced by the lake isn't up to the task either which leans on other resources.

It's the domino effect.

>> No.51071062

>lettuce is a jewish trick

>> No.51071118

>only 30 to 35 percent of our water from there
Oh yeah nothing to see here just need to cripple the entire nations food supply so we can continue to have carwashes and golf courses every square mile we’ll be just fine.

>> No.51071130

most vegetables are a scam.

>> No.51072376
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Yeah car washes
Running the faucet to "cool it down"
Excessive goy slop shitting


>> No.51072400

because jews needed to run as far away from edison's film patents as possible

>> No.51072402
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Chip fabs need a lot of water to operate. By some estimates, a large chip fab can use up to 10 million gallons of water a day, which is equivalent to the water consumption of roughly 300,000 households.

>> No.51072413

I live in South Florida. It rains heavily every day here.

>> No.51072420

it's hilarious that there's going to be a water crisis in our lifetime and everyone is pretending it doesn't exist. there's going to be a massive wave of low IQ brown immigration from the southwest to the midwest.

>> No.51072455

Nuclear powered desalination plants. You're welcome.

>> No.51072480

I give zero fucks about what happens to retards that willingly live in arid deserts.

>> No.51072525

>liberal commie blocks your path
>karen blocks your path
>Greta thunbeeg blocks your path
>unable to sustain humanity
>go back to primitive nomadic tribes age

>> No.51072533

>drinks fresh water from his solar powered Aircon/dehumidifier

Aaahhhhh! Speak for yourself, commie

>> No.51072545

God blessing Floridians with rain and desantis. Commies btfo

>> No.51072566

Why do eurotards feel compelled to talk about things they know nothing about? No, we aren't going to run out of water dumbass. Californians might run out, but they aren't people and it would be a good thing.

>> No.51072579

The IQ to create and maintain such a thing simply won't be there.
For the super wealthy, sure, but not for low IQ, migranting poors.
At this point they are herded around the world like cattle
The herd grows larger everyday.

>> No.51072585

we are heading into an ice age. water is accumulating at the poles

>> No.51072604

>Blow up every single dam in the area
>Open up your business selling water
>People HAVE to pay for your asking price or they literally die
Why has nobody done this yet?

>> No.51072620
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>> No.51072645
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Hello fellow FTN listener

>> No.51072652

>Willingly choose to live in a literal inhospitable desert
big brain thinks here

>> No.51072704
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Sounds like a scam.

>> No.51072838

>many states still using century old water rights that are pants on head retarded
>selling off the water in the form of corn faster than it can naturally replenish because corn subsidies are also pants on head retarded
>muh bread basket when its really just corn, corn for cows and syrup, because its profitable
>failing decades old infrastructure leaves water conservation targets a lofty dream with out major repairs
>one side of the government is so adamantly opposed to the idea of climate change that anything even remotely close to acknowledging environmental decline is anathema let alone attempts to address it

It's the same story for the whole western united states. Nothing new about it. The problem could be solved over night by changing laws and improving regulation but that won't happen.

>whats gonna happen?!!
The same thing that always happens when an industry becomes so greedy and harmful that destroys itself: A lot of normal people get destroyed too, and the law changes to prevent it from happening again. Otherwise, we repeat the lesson again and again until we learn.

>> No.51072877

you left out the funniest part where water cuts are political and california managed to escape the lake mead water restrictions entirely. https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/interior-department-announces-actions-protect-colorado-river-system-sets-2023

>Arizona: 592,000 acre-feet, which is approximately 21% of the state’s annual apportionment
>Nevada: 25,000 acre-feet, which is 8% of the state’s annual apportionment
>Mexico: 104,000 acre-feet, which is approximately 7% of the country’s annual allotment
>There is no required water savings contribution for California in 2023 under this operating condition.

>> No.51072974

>Daddy government needs to save people, we need more regulation!
Or, people who build giant metropolitan cities in the desert deserve to die of thirst when the desert is drier than it usually is which should be foreseen by the fact that it's a fucking desert.

>> No.51073009

>muh free market
the federal government built lake mead.

>> No.51073136

>population LA county 1940
>population LA county 2022
Are you saying that the government needs to mandate more rain so we can continue to expand the population of our deserts?

>> No.51073329

>drinking water from a dehumidifier

>> No.51073450

Thank you for popping in to regurgitate fox news to us, that was very kind. You are right, after all. It IS much easier to just blame poor people and democrats and california while proposing no solution. "Just don't live there LOL." Genius, truly. Thank you again for your service.

>> No.51073510
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Always trust a commie to complain about a valid solution rather then the problem.

>> No.51073521

So how is the government going to make it rain more so the desert people can survive? If you really wanted daddy government to stop this from happening you would limit the population of these areas, which would be quite the complex operation especially given the large homeless populations of areas which are difficult to quantify. So what we are looking at right now is increasingly difficult economic factors causing people to leave these areas for other areas with higher standard of living and lower cost of living. And this will happen without government intervention.

>> No.51073529

which is it: learning disability or a propensity for straw man arguments?

>> No.51073543

How do you propose we increase the supply of water to desert areas so we can support a constant increase in population?

>> No.51073559

Genuinely, why do Americans insist on living in the desert?

>> No.51073568

We're totally fine in the midwest/great lakes/south. Maybe don't live in a fucking desert next time? Lmao

>> No.51073583


This is my question. People who willingly seek out to live in places like Phoenix or Vegas are insane. You live on a house of cards.

>> No.51073593

again, this is a straw man argument. i never suggested that. what's done is done, sunk cost fallacy and all. my snide remark was to point out that the government is doing nothing to rectify the problem (federal money for desalination plants, incentives for migration, etc.) while actively making it worse (giving niggerfornia preferential treatment at the expense of all neighboring states.)

>> No.51073732
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>> No.51073816

What if the jews build a huge pipeline from the great lakes to the western us and leech off of it?

>> No.51073837


No one is approving that here. Let the limp wristed sissy westcucks try to force the issue

>> No.51073953

Every time the government tries to rectify a problem they colossally fuck it up and waste billions of dollars on failed projects, like the solar plants under obama, etc. Desalinization plants would be great, the one in saudi arabia could produce half the water needed for LA. It cost 7.2 billion dollars. Given California's massive budget, they could undertake such a project on their own or with the massive amounts of money they get from the federal government. How is it the federal government's obligation to do everything for the state it already gives the most money to? As for incentives for migration, are you suggesting the government pay people to move? Why do you think government handholding will work better than adverse living conditions causing people to move of their own volition? Why do you feel people can't make their own decisions?

>> No.51073989

No, the west coast of America is running out of water and that's not my problem.

>> No.51074041

>Why do you think government handholding will work better than adverse living conditions causing people to move of their own volition?

we both know how this is going to end if the federal government doesn't intervene in some capacity. you're arguing how the world should work versus how the world does (and will) work. state/local government in that region is too incompetent to solve the problem. federal government can either take carefully planned proactive steps now, or you can look forward to last minute emergency legislation rife with gibs, pork, and other scams, similar to what was seen during covid.

>> No.51074144

>federal government can either take carefully planned proactive steps now, or you can look forward to last minute emergency legislation rife with gibs, pork, and other scams, similar to what was seen during covid.
Even if we decided to take the exact blueprint of the Saudi desalinization facility (which also requires a gas powerplant) and started construction today, it wouldn't be producing at capacity for about 5 years. There is no way for us to take careful planned steps, same thing with the rest of our crumbling infrastructure. It is as you said, a bunch of shitty last minute emergency legislation full of gibs and corruption. Politics is just a reality TV show. They aren't ever going to focus on the future because they're too busy trying to put a bandaid on the last problem they ignored because they were too busy accusing each other of being russian agents or chinese puppets or racist or misogynists.
>we both know how this is going to end if the federal government doesn't intervene in some capacity
no, I really don't, I said people would move from adverse living conditions to places with improved living conditions and now you're saying that won't happen because:
>you're arguing how the world should work versus how the world does (and will) work

>> No.51074192

>I said people would move from adverse living conditions to places with improved living conditions

you're vastly understating the difficulty of doing this. it's the same reason you see a ton of people staying in their homes during a hurricane evacuation warning: they don't have the money to get out, let alone the money to permanently uproot their lives with no unskilled work waiting for them at the other end.

>> No.51074255

I stay for hurricanes because the new yorkers leave and florida becomes a paradise again for a week or so. What you seem to be suggesting is some form of a southwestern refugee crisis which will require federal intervention and FEMA. I think that's pretty likely, or just more "Van Life" people with california plates invading your local community bringing with them the amazing skillset of holistic medicine and the ability to sell weed.

>> No.51074300

My water comes from a lake in my city. I was there recently, no visible water loss this year. Sip.

>> No.51074339


Things can adjust gradually. That area used to be very low population. Then people suddenly thought you could build megacities there because of reservoirs and water management. Well, maybe they hit their peak and overextended. So people start to move out and it readjusts and finds the real balance. That's life.

In my area of the country (the midwest) we got assfucked by manufacturing flight. Areas that used to be able to support thousands and millions more people suddenly found themselves desperate and on an island. Lots of people left. Things have started to adjust and find the real calibration point for this new paradigm.

The rest of the country doesn't need to undertake billions in cost to make sure the desert has enough artificially pumped in water to support an arbitrarily high amount of people.

>> No.51074415

Not my problem. Kikes build desert cities to house hordes of browns, let them deal with Mad Max water wars.

>> No.51074428

Blunderd00f is peak midwit entertainment. Deboonking in general is entertainment for pseuds

>> No.51074474

Oh shut the fuck up
You're just as bad as the "two more weeks til the vaxx kills everyone!" people (not that I'm vaxxed anyway, I just don't think it's a secret depopulation potion)

>> No.51074561

So why didn’t Edison wreck them?

>> No.51074562

There's a difference between "blaming poor people" for having hardships vs blaming the government for creating the retarded incentives that lead them to make decisions that inevitably lead to these hardships.

>> No.51074601

So you’re a moisture farmer?

>> No.51074631

>it's the same reason you see a ton of people staying in their homes during a hurricane evacuation warning: they don't have the money to get out
you think people can afford homes but not have a car and $50 worth of gas?

>> No.51074654

Poor people migrated the entire history of human kind when resources became scarce. Who let extra millions into California? Did poor Californians let more poor people in? Retard

>> No.51074667

>kill a jewish marxist for a jewish proto-marxist

>> No.51074687

You don’t know what a strawman argument is midwit

>> No.51074689

Cloud data centers is another one.

>> No.51074712

I've been to Phoenix and Scottsdale, not having treest and having rocks for a garden heats up the area more than 'global warming' could ever dream of doing. Plant trees, shadow cools.

>> No.51074855
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>cute chink girls
You can have them, take the Phillipino girls too
>they're ugly

>> No.51074862

>the US is literally running out of the one thing it needs to stay alive - Water
Lol @ not knowing geography. Anyone outside of the desert is fine- aka everyone except AZ and SoCal

>> No.51074990

friendly reminder that water will be a currency worth building your home around in 10 years. prices for houses in deserts will keep going down, prices in areas that are not running out of water will keep going up. slow and steady, but if I were you I'd look for a house around lakes, rivers, and not the kind that's about to disappear like in OP's picture

>> No.51075012

Until the climate starts changing irreversibly (at least at our current tech levels).

>> No.51075020

Keep seeing posts about EU and yanks saying "not my problem" well guess what fuckers we might be broke and without heating but we still have water. Good luck fixing that one.

>> No.51075061



>> No.51075077

maybe if we keep hating each other things will get better

>> No.51075126

I remember in elementary school my teacher explaining that due to climate change, all of the rain that currently falls on land will eventually fall in the ocean which will lead to droughts and mass starvation etc.

I don't really know enough about rain to definitively say how it works, but I know that's not how it works.

>> No.51075170


Their terminology gets more and more intentionally vague (global warming ===> climate change) so that they can passively and lazily blame all typical weather phenomena on their mysterious, god like constant crisis that they can then use to ram through typical leftist/statist tax/spend/regulate initiatives.

>> No.51075185


Of course, ridiculous point being, the climate has always changed. Always. It's never been static. Most "recently" in geological time we've been exiting an ice age that saw formerly warm poles turn to ice and much of the world get covered by the same.

>> No.51075223

cold winter 4 u, didn't want it to be this way, fren

>> No.51075264

They changed from “global warming” because “warm” sounds pleasant and all the smoothbrains couldn’t get past the idea that “warm” = “nice thing”

>> No.51075272

maybe stop fucking up the water supply lel
oh wait every nation is doing that...
well at least the UK has loads of fre-
sewage?! sewage in the water supply!? HAHAHA

world's fucked OP just get with it, start harvesting water from condensation, meanwhile start poisoning your neighbours, it's the only way to survive

>> No.51075418

>choose to live in a desert
>complains it's too hot

>> No.51076302

> Arizona
> growing lettuce
Jesus Christ, our for-profit agriculture is absolutely retarded. Why our agriculture wasn’t pinned at working within watersheds, I have no clue, but growing fucking nuts, berries, and some veggies in the desert is just retarded. Meanwhile, the land with ample water is used to farm soibeans and inedible corn to be sold on the open market for garbage. Good planning.

>> No.51076341

They already released a ton of water to “save the endangered minnow” for environmental reasons.

>> No.51076504

Also many different reports show that the planet is not warming.

>> No.51078178
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Anon there's too many brainlets reproducing and midwits legal system will stop you from your Dr evil plans. We are ngmi.

>> No.51078902

Bro the retard boomers politicians are poisoning the water supply

>> No.51078945


It was less catch all than the highly ambiguous "climate change"

>> No.51078952

So short Vegas casinos & resorts, got it

>> No.51078953

This. There's shale oil there too. I've been saying it for years. We need to bring Democracy to Canada.

>> No.51079008
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let them drink coke

>> No.51079627


Checked and absolutely true (I am an American)

>> No.51079670

>we only get like between 30 and 35% of our water from there
my brother in christ, that's one third of your water supply. Invest in a well

>> No.51079674

that’s capitalism bro

>> No.51079693
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Nuclear powered desalination plants.