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File: 566 KB, 2400x1200, office-space-today-main-split-191018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51067114 No.51067114 [Reply] [Original]

Do you prefer cubicles or open office?

>> No.51067133

i never worked in an office like the one on the left, it must be truly soul sucking, i cant even imagine how it must be spending 5 days a week in a place like that doing something you hate

>> No.51067159

in the right i wouldn't be able to browse biz, buy stuff off amazon or just trading crypto
i prefer left

>> No.51067175

I've worked in both and unironically cubicles are better.

>> No.51067181

I would prefer a cubicle
>more privacy
>more soundproofing
>more cozy
>can pin up pictures of your waifu
Why would you want to work in an open space with dozens of other roasties and normalfags

>> No.51067202

i've worked both and cubicles are better, there is a little bit of soundproofing and you get some privacy, open office is a nightmare, especially when you need to focus and retards are constantly distracting you

>> No.51067221

Cubicles. I've worked in both environments and open offices are ironically the most dehumanizing. The zero privacy chips away at your soul. Couldn't even scratch my balls without the entire floor seeing. The only people that can tolerate that and actually be productive are tunnel visioned NPCs that lack situational awareness.

>> No.51067241
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Left is basically like a mini bedroom where your parents insist you leave the door open. Right is like being a child using a urinal next to an adult.

>> No.51067251

No, it's quite the opposite haha. Open offices suck away at your soul since there's no privacy.

>> No.51067260

if i have a job to do, cubicle all day. i couldnt concentrate while looking at a dozen other people.

as an investor or client coming to see your business, the right is much easier on the eyes

>> No.51067262

but there's no fucking windows and it's so fucking cramped

i was fine in an open office and im antisocial as fuck, i had a lot of space i could just chill, barely anyone could see my laptop screen

>> No.51067278

Weirdly enough cubicles are "good" compared to what we have now. Closed-door offices of course being the best. Open space is demoralizing. You are visible to other people for nearly 8 hours. You must listen to everyone else's noise. Your manager could literally have a desk right behind you. It is hell.

>> No.51067300


Open offices are nice if they are not too crowded and you are next to a windows.

They suck when they looks like a warehouse filled with 100 desk.

Old Cubicules are nice because you get more space and privacy but you don't get much sunlight. Also i found this to be more sound proof.

Nice open office > cubicule > cramped open office

>> No.51067308
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>> No.51067317

Cubicles are depressing but they make it harder to die in an office shooting so I prefer them for my own safety.

>> No.51067346
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Whats hilarious is now there are pods you can buy for you wagies so they can escaoe from the communal work place trappings of the open office.

>> No.51067361

I prefer wfh

>> No.51067376

At least I can touch my dick and balls and pick my nose and eat it without scrutiny in a cube

>> No.51067384

my first job had cubes of 4 people in each corner and we all worked on diff teams, it was nice because you didnt feel watched. open office is fucking hell i had a job without assigned seats and more people than desks

>> No.51067397

>i had a job without assigned seats and more people than desks
how does that even work?
>Oh hey Bob you came in too late, this seat is mine now
>Oh there aren't any seats left? Too bad

>> No.51067424

the decisions I have to discuss and decide at work are not for the eyes of my average coworkers. So I still have my own office and will never work in either of those from OPs picture

>> No.51067425

cublicles or work remote

>> No.51067427

>do you prefer your anal penetration lubed or unlubed

I'd prefer neither, but if you insist obviously I'd rather you lube it up and give me some privacy

>> No.51067522

Open office is better for surveying your wagies and ensuring they don't start thinking they're people.

>> No.51067541

open office is the worst. people do disgusting shit at their desks and I dont want to see that. If you come in with a hangover every one can see. They are harder to decorate (which decorating your cage does a lot for your mental health).
The worst is open office but no assigned seats (a lot of start ups that have people work 2-3 days from home do this) so you just show up and sit where ever there is an open monitor and plug in.

>> No.51067558

yup, you'd be relegated to a couch or some random lunch table it was retarded. added a whole level of stress to getting in the office early so you had a real desk

>> No.51067617

>dull grey cube with nothing to look at or sterile white with everyone looking at you
someone should really think outside the bun on this one, the binary options here are both lacking

>> No.51067645

but is has glass walls lol whats the point
"if anyone needs me i'll be standing in the glass rectangle in the middle of the floor"
lol what the fuck even

>> No.51067693

the zucks gonna release the new goggles and your next office is on the back of a turtle flying through space. assuming they don't outsource you to india

>> No.51067732

Closed office. Fuck off chatty soi faggots, I'm trying to keep this piece of shit legacy codebase running.

>> No.51067731

current hardware is too bulky and awkward and would probably fuck your eyes and make you throw up to wear it all day. won't work for the future of office work. and the avatars look like floating cartoons with no legs that doesn't work either. give it 10-20 years and you'll need zucks new wfh office glasses to keep your job. it's a long play but meta could make a killing if they can get the hardware beyond its current awkward phase.

>> No.51067751

you'll get full facial animation on your professional anime girl business avatar so all the nonverbals will work. full field of vision. photorealistic graphics . it'll be downright eerie. half the people you're working with aren't even wearing pants but you'll never know

>> No.51067825

bro are you good

>> No.51067848

Wfh > your wage cages

>> No.51067855

False choice is false

>> No.51067962

fuck off normie. i don't have to pretend to be cool on 4chan, all careful and shit that i dont say anything weird.

>> No.51068122

I work from home in my underwear, either in bed or on the couch or in a hammock when it's nice out

>> No.51068135

I work from home. But technically I have a cubicle in an office building if I choose to go into work, which is like once every 2 years. But I'd prefer the cubicle to the open office. When I want to talk to people I just walk over to their cubicle.

>> No.51068146

I prefer working outdoors which I get to do

>> No.51068296

>Scared of dying


>> No.51068993

A cubicle is an inferior shadow creation that can only ape the Action Office. Open offices are just sweatshop benches for nerds. Complete with panopticon.

>> No.51069012

cause then I don't have to deal with nosy pieces of shit poking into my space

>> No.51069156

Left tb'h. I hate being seen in general

>> No.51069214

left unironically
no, I will not and never elaborate

>> No.51069405

I work in a tiny office shared with one other person. Previously I shared with a middle aged woman who was very chill and the type that punches in and out right on the minute and just gets work done. Now I share with a younger dude and he's alright but he does this thing where instead of tapping his feet when bored he sways his legs side to side so there's constant cloth-friction noises and it sounds like masturbation even though I know it's not.

>> No.51069420

this is a product of greed
you dont need 100k a year to be happy
I literally make just $2k off of staking ETH and BitDAO tokens and im living very comfortably

its not a huge amount especially taking inflation into consideration but it finances my lazy coom basement lifestyle and i dont need to work a day in my life so im good

>> No.51069530

the light on the left will make you ill

>> No.51069531


>> No.51069568 [DELETED] 

>Crypto out of nowhere

This thread is about offices. You should keep your crypto shilling on /biz/.

>> No.51070871

I prefer closed off office space. Oh you don't have enough money for closed office spaces? I guess I'll just have to "work" from home.

>> No.51070978

anyone who thinks an open office is better than a cubicle is a retard

cubicles need to be comfy though and not a hellscape

>> No.51071066

>office shooting
I'm too young to have seen it first hand, what was it like watching postmen go postal?

>> No.51071091

Open spaces are a win for extraverted normies, we lost.

>> No.51071106

i worked in an openspace most of my wagie time. id take the cubicle so i can pretend to be working more.

>> No.51071158

the only open office i liked was where our team/squad was in a seperate corner/grove to rest of building

rows and rows of open desks is hell

>> No.51071611
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I personally prefer the cage over those two options

>> No.51071672

Cubicles vs open has nothing to do with the amount of "sun" you get in an office building

>> No.51071692

I think it's past your bedtime bro

>> No.51071705


>> No.51071745


In Open Office you end up socializing too much with normies and dropping red pill atom bombs

>> No.51071746
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>but there's no fucking windows and it's so fucking cramped
I would always get up and go for a walk every two hours.

>i was fine in an open office and im antisocial as fuck, i had a lot of space i could just chill, barely anyone could see my laptop screen
Same but they are still shitty. Personally, I stopped giving a shit when I realized people close their blinds to literally sleep in their offices let alone browsing worksafe sites. Its a lot easier when everyone collectively realizes to not give a damn while ensuring their work gets done but most insist on doing it the opposite way.

>> No.51071752

At my last job I had to start staying until 5pm while most of my colleagues were more flexible and could work whenever, so they would come in at 6am or 7am and pick the best seats, while I would come in at 9am have to sit by a small table near the fucking coffee machine or some crowded place. Quit shortly after and spent the exit interview telling them how retarded they were for trading a tiny cost against the wellbeing of most of their employees

>> No.51071754

it clearly does, walls block light
why put "sun" in quotations lol

>> No.51071764

Man I once told a cuck coworker I thought women were inferior and shit and we got too many niggers in France

Never got fired but I dropped too many atom bombs

I moved jobs after 3 months anyways

But I hate Open Office for that reason. Its non stop talking

>> No.51071827

That's entirely based on the layout of the building, I used to work at a cubicle office and the units formed the perimeter (with conference rooms, utilities, etc in the center). Basically everyone had a window view. I work from home now and would never ever go back but the windows were nice

>> No.51071847


the worst of all is open office + hoteling. this means being required to show up to the office but you don't have your own open office desk, you have to reserve one for the day or week.

>> No.51072309

>doesn't know boss is spying on him

>> No.51072334
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I've got my own room. Sometimes saunter down to the lower floors when I want to chat shit.

>> No.51072341

Cubicles. My goddamned officemate won't stop talking to me about music. Not that I mind, but it slows me down. Mr Sogberg is not gonna be happy with me

>> No.51072356

I'm an MD so I have my own office.

>> No.51072447
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>that one coworker who thinks they're so hilarious and keeps telling his terrible jokes out loud

I miss my old cubicle

>> No.51072458

>Doesn't care
If he is too pussy to confront me it's literally not my problem

>> No.51072466
File: 1.50 MB, 900x1200, 1634609939058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomers are forcing us to go back to the office because they're lonely after COVID and hate being trapped at home

>> No.51072610

>Random nonsensical generational hate

>> No.51072870

Actually most zoomers I work with are full of tattoos.

Some years ago I used to be able to say that I dislike fags and tattoos. Now the other day i mentioned that I disliked tattoos and my zoomer coworker showed me her tattoo in her breast and told me I should be more Open minded.

I work in Finance btw

Its hell..I just want to work from home and never meet another person ever again

>> No.51072911

On the other end I hate boomers too

I usually stay 2-3 years in a job before I gtfo and during interviews boomers always ask me why I swing jobs

What incredible pieces of Trash too

But at least they don't look like clowns

>> No.51072951

Cubicles are 10000x better, it's not even a debate. Only one of those freaks that have a parasocial relationship with work and their coworkers likes open office plans.

>> No.51072970

Don't forget to read a page of Meditations and journal your positive affirmations, fag

>> No.51072991

Maybe the keyboard on the laptop is broken

>> No.51073011
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One of my only offices was a combination of open and cubicle. Basically 4 people would be grouped together in an "open" plan, then separated from another 4 with this cubicle partition thing. Hopefully this graphic makes sense.

>> No.51073025

My company just opened a new office and it’s fully booked. We have the option to work from home full time. People unironically want to do a two-way commute and work on a crowded office. WFHchads, autists, schizos, and ex-neets are truly the next step in evolution.

>> No.51073055


>> No.51073077

>no assigned seats
The worst. My last job had this I only stayed 2 months lol

>> No.51073082
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>watching shark tank
>barbara mentions hating cubicles because people would bring pictures of their families to decorate it with

>> No.51073118
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Home office that is decked out with custom equipment

>> No.51073178
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I worked in an office where there was a 27 year old girl who would clear her throat every 5-15seconds. It never stopped. She had been doing it for years. It sounded like a busted lawn mower trying to start. Strangely enough, nobody else seemed to notice it, which made me wonder if I'm aspergers or something. It wasn't a soft throat clear either. You could hear her in any room or adjacent room.

The office had half-cubical walls, where you could stand up and see everyone. Always wished they had the full ones just drown her out. I didn't work there long, fortunately. The throat clearing just wore me down over a few months. I was saved by my department getting laid off, lol.

This is a great arrangement if you are partnered with someone high value and considerate of others. Had to share something like this with another woman who didn't wear deodorant. Had to ask my boss for a new seating assignment after a week. Threatened to quit if not. Also, when I knew of another guy that just smelt like he never bathed. Nobody magically would get assigned to his cubicle area.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people? How does one have a complete absence of thought processes to ask, "Do I annoy others?"

>> No.51073223

She has some of the worst takes.

>> No.51073354
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Both suck, but the cubicle is infinitely better than the hellscape that is the open office. It’s clear that it’s so higher ups can see their wagies. The fact so many cucked down to go back to the office is all you need to know to know the game is literally over. God have mercy.

>> No.51073440


>> No.51075007

you VILL pay me to jack off to BBC porn all day and you VILL be happy.

>> No.51075805
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I got hired right after graduating and was working in an open office. You had retards talking shit to other dudes on the other side of the office.
Also people calling for you, when you have you back turned because you are working.
>"oh sorry Bill I didn't know you were talking to me you fat fucking retard"
good thing my job was mostly practical and I spent most of the time in a Lab/ workshop.
Working at a office is soul sucking, idgaf
glad I don't have to put up with that shit

>> No.51075948

The first isn't cubes. They are both shit but there is more cover in the first.
So many times over the years I've just "pretended" to work, moving the mouse and tapping the keyboard. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.51076089

>open offices for retards
>open cubicles for midwits (with the option of going for an open office)
>closer door offices for top tier autists

>> No.51076549

cubicles are better, openoffice is better and no soulsuking if your place have a window to the outside and you desk is in a angle where you actually have privacy and can browse 4chin

>> No.51076594

i will do homeoffice, thanks

>> No.51076608

DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.51076639

this have the worst of the 2 worlds, how many time until office wagies commits sudoku

>> No.51076684

Open office, but only if I'm seated next to QT grills.

>> No.51076734
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Open plan with a Zen room

>> No.51076741

This is like if Brucie from GTA IV was a hipster

>> No.51076913

Cubicle because at least you have some kind of privacy.

>> No.51077105

>anon we are having harassment complaints and we can't risk being sued so have this check, pack your personal shit and GTFO of her

>> No.51077632

and I will be simply naked and erect and I will coom while listening to my female coworkers talking and they will never know about my perfect crime

i could even hire an escort and rail her during a meeting which would mean that I would literally be making money from fuck prostitute, at least as close as in going to get outside porn