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51061479 No.51061479 [Reply] [Original]

>Eric Wall is a mor-

>> No.51061507
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What the fuck he's actually pretty based! Makes me second think what he said about link

>> No.51061542

bump. We need to discuss this

>> No.51061635

is this what an "article" is for zoom-zooms now?
this thread gave me cancer, thanks erica wall

>> No.51061735

Don't be a retard, here: https://ercwl.medium.com/the-case-for-social-slashing-59277ff4d9c7?s=09

He does make a lot of sense

>> No.51061871


>> No.51062240

Eth trannies are awfully silent all of a sudden...

>> No.51062485

>low key

>> No.51062513

Go away eric

>> No.51062518

That picture doesn't say Eric Wall. It says Erica Wall. Something isn't adding up here OP.

>> No.51062559

Can we talk about eth nodes bending the knee to OFAC instead of pol circle jerking about people's gender

>> No.51062667

I'm just simply not going to take advice from someone messing around with their brain chemistry, that's all.

>> No.51062675

Is this food fucked up?

>> No.51062800
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tell me you wouldn't

>> No.51062881

Eric is trans now

>> No.51062957

Lol shut up Eric. Good article though

>> No.51063004

ngl, this artie is low key bussin, fr fr

>> No.51063272

Not him but yeah I agree. Really makes you think how the whole beautiful dancers are silent about this

>> No.51063284


>> No.51063328

Everyone in the ETH community is a bootlicker. Vitalik is self-admitted communist and WEF posterboy.
This is just frogs getting boiled in a pot but with the heat being raised slowly so they don't jump off.

>> No.51063427
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This tranny is fucking retarded
You cannot make a UASF if the majority of the stalkers are OFAC compliant, unless they want to fork as super-minority and get slashed by Consensys and the ETH Foundation (which is a registered entity with real headquarters, directors and shareholders, so 100% OFAC/WEF compliant)
He got it backwards
I can already hear the gargle from his/her/ze tranny mouth while suffocating with J. Lubin cock

>> No.51063463
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Found the tranfag. Join the suicide army zippertits.

>> No.51063554

never forget that the first thing Vitalik did was take his coin to Israel

>> No.51063647

Vitalik said he'd slash nodes censoring txs though. Are they gonna topple him?

>> No.51063697

not even once

>> No.51066010
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>uuh.. just slash them if they disagree with us
He is a midwit consequentialist. I'm going to laugh when this backfires hilariously. OFAC compliant validators will eventually become the majority and in an act of vengeance start slashing the fuck out of these 'neutral' validators. The justification will be that Vitalik and Erica W are a bunch of libertine crime apologists who don't represent the 'core values of ETH anymore' or some bullshit like that, doesn't matter.

>> No.51066066

fuck off ms fried

>> No.51066096

What’s the point of even running an OFAC chain? If it’s censored why I why even carry all the expense of fake decentralisation and no credible neutrality?
Market share will always inevitably trickle to credibly neutral base layers. The internet is an oligarchy but it’s still neutral at the base layer for a reason.

>> No.51066115

>OFAC compliant validators will eventually become the majority and in an act of vengeance start slashing the fuck out of these 'neutral' validators.
nah, all eth devs will fork if needed, the ofacuck chain will die

>> No.51066142

I just want to know if he trooned out or not

>> No.51066342

>WEF posterboy
Learn what these terms mean so you don't contradict yourself, mongoloid.

>> No.51066514
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>You cannot make a UASF if the majority of the stalkers are OFAC compliant

Yes you can, stop spreading misinformation. Literally what happens is the validators who decide to fork from the others create their own minority fork, and on that fork the OFAC compliant nodes are slashed. Whether or not people pick up the minority fork is up to social consensus, but saying they cant initiate a UASF shows a blatant misunderstanding of what that even entails or the reasoning behind why penalty mechanics exist in the first place.

>> No.51066521

>If it’s censored why I why even carry all the expense of fake decentralisation and no credible neutrality
normies don't understand or even care about decentralization or neutrality, they just want their dog coins and NFT apes

>eth devs will make a new chain with more freedumz
you can't just hardfork all your problems away

>> No.51066622
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Node operators aren't going to take the risk of getting slashed. Coinbase isn't going to censor shit and anyone with half a brain knows that there's too much at stake (literally) to fuck around with. The safer and cheaper option is to just shut down your validators until it eventually gets appealed like every other time Uncle Sam tried fucking with cryptography in the past:

>> No.51066667
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>minority fork
good luck convincing Circle that the USDC on your minority fork can be redeemed for USD. Like they are going to let you double spend their stablecoins hahahaha

Nobody is going to use your NIGGER fork because all the bridges, oracles, and stablecoins won't carry over to your tiny bitch fork. Large institutions OWN your chain faggot, and they also think that you are a dumb nigger which I agree with.

>Coinbase isn't going to censor shit

>> No.51067028

I wasn't gonna reply to 4chan threads today but this shit was so cringe I just HAD to call OP out on it. Idk who this dude is, but stop following losers on Twitter and you may wind up being less of a loser yourself.

>> No.51067797

Coinbase CEO already said they aren't slashing, but you don't follow news as closesly as you think you do. Circle doesn't have to operate any nodes and be entirely OFAC compliant.

>> No.51068199
File: 1.52 MB, 1872x1004, circle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Circle's CEO's stance in regard to forks. The ethos of circle is still to support decentralization. Circle isn't running nodes, at best they will just freeze funds when they're required to by law.

You're too middle of the bellcurve to recognize how little you actually know about this stuff. Listen to Circle's CEO on this podcast to understand where their values are.

>> No.51069418

Private entity, not the government.

>> No.51069433

no cap?

>> No.51069470

>Listen to Circle's CEO on this podcast
>calls someone middle of the curve
lmao, brainlet

>> No.51069532

that is not a real photo. FaceApp and touched up with photoshop

>> No.51069801

>massive influx of institutional capital
>retail cryptoanarchists represent the “broad community” of Ethereum
Pick one and cope bitch

>> No.51070063

>Market share will
follow Circle
stop being delusional

>> No.51071242
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>> No.51072782

his medium profile still shows a man and "Eric"