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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 369x369, cloak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5105802 No.5105802 [Reply] [Original]

you poorfags cant see a good coin and only want shitcoins and to buy when its ATH.

Been telling the group about CLOAK.

Open source coming anyday , its in audit now.
Already up almost 100 percent in a week.
5mill coins
%6 pos annual

100 percent private-read the whitepaper -monero cant even beat it.

>> No.5105858

I listened ;)

>> No.5105890

We about to make it. This board is to busy chasing shitcoins that when they see a unique chance they pass it by.

>> No.5106031

Next DASH?

>> No.5106133

Still time to get in?

>> No.5106676

Yes audit will be released very soon. I t was sent off a few days ago. The team is going to have a major marketing push after audit comes back. That includes new exzchanges and youtubers.

>> No.5106722

Man this coin will be big , the Enigma protocol and Cloak make completely untraceable and private. Its all in the whitepaper

Ive been trying to tell people about cloak when it was 5-6 dollars. Its been climbing about a dollar a day. Will probably be at 20 dollars end of week and 30 or 40 easily with open source . Once marketing and new exchanges comes expect it to really take off

>> No.5106979

you also get paid for cloaking enigma 1.8 percent

>> No.5107223
File: 71 KB, 1193x545, cloakcompare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In terms of tech, this is my favourite coin. It's just so robust. Major moon incoming after the audit

>> No.5107444

Someone give me some negatives here please. Why should I not buy some? Always get nervouse when everyone starts agreeing

>> No.5107498

>another meme PoS shitcoin thats supposedly "anonymous"
no thanks

>> No.5107521

The tech is amazing, the supply is low, market cap low, growth potential high, already been sent to audit.

negative would be issue with audit but they worked out all the bugs so feel pretty confident about it.

Its about 40 percent of my portfolio and is doing really well.

You dont see this coin shilled often but the people who know have been quietly accumulating. Moon is coming next monero/dash easy.

>> No.5107536

Welp your loss , not supposedly- OpenSource audit will prove it.

>> No.5107556
File: 45 KB, 979x612, audit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5107657
File: 89 KB, 1200x750, DQsiZWUWkAcbaO8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5107694

Because they are coordinating a shill campaign on /biz. Don't fucking listen to anyone telling you to buy anything on here or get stuck holding a bag of useless shit.

>> No.5107714

>reddit spacing
fuckoff shill. Go peddle your trash shitcoin somewhere else.

>> No.5107716

How many next moneros, dash are there?
verge, phore, crap, shit (now with the ability to hide some shit), pivx, hush, zen, SlutCent, shilly shill

>> No.5107969

Shill campaign , lol just do a search and see how many posts have been made. 3 of them in the past 2 weeks and thats me telling people about open source and sure enough its gone up.

SO continue your fud and stay a poorfag

>> No.5107991

Well just read the whitepaper, none of those coins of the tech of Cloak

>> No.5108001

OMG that shit is still not open source???

It was supposed to be at least 3 months ago. LOL fuck this honeypot

>> No.5108246

q4 sept-dec