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51055021 No.51055021 [Reply] [Original]

And no other token

>> No.51055030

Ok I have posted this so many times by now this will be the last time so you better make a screenshot.
/biz/ got in early for link and after every single normalfag out there already had bags and knew about link, linkfags should have done the right thing and dumped it.But no they got greedy because it still wasn't enough, it was never enough for the linkfags, so they did the biggest sin you could do, they shilled their token to low iq /pol/tards near the ath, hoping to get one last pump. But the normalniggers dumped on the stink linkers head because the stink linkers got to fucking greedy. Now link is only a dead husky, kept alive by the mutt /pol/ abnormalities, who are haunting /biz/ ever since

>> No.51055049
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>> No.51055074


This isnt what happened although i see your logic.
Poltards flocked to biz like crazy in the bullrun and 2020, and probably bought LINK high. For some reason poltards have a strange obsession with link likely only because of the WEF stuff which although OGs knew about since 2017 poltards only got a load of in 2020, and also because the jokes/banter about meme magic is what low IQ poltards actually guide their life on. They likely thought they were being guided, and then were too stupid to realise they were buying high and now have an extreme bitter anger against LINK only due to it.
Normal OGs dont view it like these cuds who migrated here early-mid bullrun, and are generally more clued up about the reality of both LINK/Crypto and the dynamics of making it on crypto and not falling for low IQ noob thinking like imagining you could have bought a meme coin early and times the tops. Its very easy to tell these groups apart. The abaolute seethe from chuds reeks of entitlement and bitterness over both low IQ and thinking they deserved to make it with their neetbucks while jacking off all day in 1-2 years.

>> No.51055111
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You are right my post was a little bit simplified but I think it was detailed enough judging by the current state of the board. Pic related was around 2 years ago, so you can't tell me that normalniggers didn't knew about link back then.

>> No.51055147
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Remember when the schwab memes started with normies and chuds from pol? That faggot who spammed all day link threads with memes about him and similar tranny gibberish?
He basically marked their coming. They are now totally jaded and bitter. They were all newfags to crypto and investing and piled on LINK in particular and i think we’ve basically seen babys first cycle in real action with them. They are at the “how could the government let this happen” stage in their own little chud way which involves spending all day every day being angry and shitting up the board.

>> No.51055186

Yeah but the schwab meme was kinda fun for a while. But the thing about /pol/tards is, they never leave once they have infested a board. Also they keep falling for new scams like icp so they have learned nothing. So I don't think that this board will ever be the same.

>> No.51055220


I agree they get fixated once they start so we’re stuck with them. However they definitely sold or are going to sell then play shitcoin casinos and get raped again. Good point with ICP. The second biggest IQ test and they are already failing it.
All that is certain is we’re going to be stuck with them seething against LINK t now, maybe a reduced number but some of them are sticky and fixated so.

I noticed the moment they arrived. They always stuck out like a sore thumb compared to 2017-2019 linkies.

>> No.51055358

the last fun memory i have of link is that girl's livestream where she tried to ask ari what 216 meant and totally blew it. that was the peak for me

>> No.51055414


That was in early 2020. Basically just before all the polcels infested the board for good.

I mean even when you report a thread the first option is “this belongs in pol”. This site has a problem with them.

Every now and then an OG link holder will say “biz was always a pol sister board” or something stupid. However they fail to acknowledge themselves that anyone with a brain left pol in 2016 or 2017 at latest. The chuds here now who ruined biz are from 2020-2021.
I remember sometimes people would shill LINK on pol and post it here and i’d always along with many others back in 2018 tell them to fucking stop. Luckily it had no effect till the crypto bull run started then suddenly the polcel chuds flooded in and the rest is history as described already in this thread.

>> No.51055447

Why are you so angry about it?

>> No.51055461


Maybe because they have shit up this board so bad and there is literally nowhere to have discussion about LINK like the old days now?

>> No.51055708

Yeah this is spot on. I just hope we aren't done for good in crypto at this point.

>> No.51055772
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You have never recovered since then. It's over

>> No.51055796

neither did shitcoin (ticker: BTC), subhuman

>> No.51055819
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/pol/ really seems to live rent-free in your head,rolfmao.

>> No.51055841


If you’d fuck off and stop shitting up every Link discussion along with the board itself i could go back to never needing to acknowledge you exist like before you flocked here mid bullrun to buy the top

>> No.51055870
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Look under you bed, between your cum filled socks and piss bottle. There might be a /pol/ member trying to fuck up your life

>> No.51055875

What kind of faggot unironically uses this word?
By that metric the OGs who migrated homeboards from 2016 /pol/ to /biz/ are chuds too. Not convinced that the bagholder portion of unironic fudders are nu/pol/ migrants either. The 2020+ tourist influx came from redditors, twitterfags and masses of third worlders thanks to elon dogeshit and gamestop

>> No.51055899
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CHUD is based dude

>> No.51055903


No. I use chud to refer specifically to you and your kind. You know who/what im talking about.

>> No.51055913

I’m from /pol/ and I was here the first day /biz/ was created you NIGGER

>> No.51055917

90 % of all post 2016 /pol/fags are from r*ddit and twitter.

>> No.51055925
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>> No.51055942

Kek the polcels are reacting hard to this. Kinda proves just how many of them are here shitting up the board.

>> No.51055950

You can tell it's nu pol and not normies from reddit and Twitter. They're attracted to schizo conspiracies like moths to a light, are much more obnoxious and flagrant with their ignorance and emotions, and add very little value outside of calling out le jews and jew plots and other conspiracies. Reddit newfags and the rest just come across as less acclimated to the chan style and don't seem to be nearly as persistent. In fact you'll see a lot of biz fags seem to have migrated to reddit and Twitter since the last bullrun.

>> No.51055974


Well put. They identify themselves by just screaming about jooz, globohomo, trannies and reddit towards literally everything. Its also why they are obsessed with that black swan meme.
Unfortunately they are obsessed with LINK in the worst way possible now(hate it) and we cant get rid of them.

>> No.51056012
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Much like you who think there are nazi, chud, /pol/ qanon at your door.
If your fragile feelings are being hurt. reddit is the place to be. There, you can thrive in your safe space and talk with your fellow "link marine" (lmao) how you're going to make it this TIME.

in the meantime, keep seething about /pol/

>> No.51056049

Is this a pro-link thread or anti-link thread?

>> No.51056064


You chuds just cant comprehend people exist who just dont like you or your way of thinking. Im politically conservative, cant stand reddit any time i try use it due to that gay down vote system.

You fags are so low IQ, so socially retarded, extremely low self-awareness and EQ you just do exactly what i said you would do, and hurl all your schizophrenic buzzwords at me. I dont expect people like you to understand what this site was before your cancer ruined it, what boards looked like and what kind of people were on them before you polcels move in and ruin them. The bottom line is we’re stuck with you.

The number one option for reporting anything on 4chan is “this belongs on /pol/. You faggots cant even realise anything.

>> No.51056083
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Didn't read lol
Keep seething about pol.

>> No.51056099


>> No.51056110

so you never went to biz, visited in 2020, and now you think it owes you something?

>> No.51056128
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>> No.51056150

I use chud because I want to create a hostile environment for you and your kind, because you don't belong here.

So fuck off back to pol incel chud, have sex

>> No.51056153
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>> No.51056195
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>I use chud because I want to create a hostile environment for you and your kind, because you don't belong here.

>> No.51056199


Based. Thats why i use it. No idea where it comes from but it always gets a strong reaction so i use it. To be honest its probably a mistake because the reaction tends to be somewhat like they feel like they are fighting their divine enemies and doing gods work or some schizophrenic shit, so it probably encourages them.

Hkwever we’re stuck with these polcels anyway. Nothing can be done

>> No.51056212

>So fuck off back to pol
Not going anywhere by the way. We're here forever. This is a racist, sexist, bigoted board of peace. You need to go back.

>> No.51056217
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God I've never enough of those woketard who take internet seriously
>I use chud because I want to create a hostile environment for you and your kind

Aren't you a little embarrassed to write that?

>> No.51056251


You can keep it. Most the OGs of this board dont want to share it with you. I have watched it in real time.
You are just going to keep this dead husk of a board, get no breadcrumbs or good advice and discussion from neither big brain spoon feeders or experienced players. You low IQ top buyers are basically like reddit tourists in 2016, but you flocked to biz in 2021 mid bullrun and are top buying tourists with nothing to give and only take.

You will all stay alone on biz leading each other blind making stupid noob mistakes and falling for scams die to your inexperienced low IQ polcel ways. Nobody is interested in providing value because you have driven them away.

This time we are mis bear market yet the board isn’t even close to what it was like mid bear market in value last time and you fags are the reason. Nobody wants to share the board with you or help you.

>> No.51056275

Stopped reading after the breadcrumbs bit. I already read all the breadcrumbs, I don't need any more. I have my Link stack, it's in cold storage, I don't need anything else from this shitty board. I come here to call jews jews and to trigger faggots like you. Please continue to cope and seethe.

>> No.51056306

Keep trying to fit in tourist

>> No.51056317

>Amazing delusions of a tranny kind

>> No.51056337


Too bad because its worth hearing it. Im not really commenting on the need for them personally anymore but im more commenting on how you killed the onky place like biz on the internet. Doesnt exist anywhere anymore.
I have my link stack. I dont need to fud it all day like a chud. I got bored of that in 2019. Even then the fud was fun.
No its just selfish attitude you have. You “got yours” so now you want to kill biz with your chudposting by driving away anyone who would want a good conversation about anything? Why not just go to pol? You have basically turned biz into pol v2 and are talking to the same people here instead of pol now.

>> No.51056364


>> No.51056378

>so now you want to kill biz with your chudposting by driving away anyone who would want a good conversation about anything? Why not just go to pol?

Look at this retard thinking he's still on reddit and thinking this board is some sort of hugbox.
You don't like it? Go back.

>> No.51056392

I am a Bizraeli chudcel. I've been on biz since 2016, I study finance, I work in finance. That means I don't give a fuck about your Jew rants or you nigger rants. I'm here to make some fucking money, and that means shut the fuck up about your incel pronouns. Take it to pol where it belongs

>> No.51056395


You have no idea what biz was like before you showed up. Why would you think that i would think you’d understand?

Polcels to 4chan boards are like women. They show up when something gets popular enough and try change it and ruin it with all kinds of bullshit till the original people/group who enjoyed it are forced to move on while all the women ruin and destroy their new thing alone.
That’s basically what happens when pol infects a board on 4chan

>> No.51056398

Pol was always linked to biz you nufag. Pol was also the only people standing up against Covid vaccine mandates and the 1 and a half year false imprisonment (lockdowns). Did you forget already?

>> No.51056407

Nobody cares faggot, go to r/wsb and cry your faggotry tears there you tranny nigger cunt.

>> No.51056412


>> No.51056418

You too, kike. Your nose is TOO BIG. Go take your tiny hat and get the fuck off of this board, or shut the fuck up, you hasidic, dumb retard.

>> No.51056421

(You) want a hugbox, (You) want anyone who isn't a qanon low iq faggot to be gone from 4chan so that nobody will call you out when you make some schizo larp post. This is why all the /r/thedonald fags went to /pol/ back in 2016.
>inb4 tranny libtard kike nigger

>> No.51056427


And nobody gave a fuck about that shit ok biz till you all flocked in here as tourists.

I remember people constantly saying fuck off back to pol on here in 2018 and before whenever you’d pipe up.
There were some people from pol here in 2016/2017 but pol was also a different place back then. It wasnt the chuds who migrated here and dwell here now

>> No.51056438

>scared of being called a tranny
kek. Nobody cares. If you don't like it you can always go back to plebbit.

>> No.51056440


>> No.51056480

You can call me a tranny, kike, nigger or libtard the whole day long I don't care because I am none of those things. But this is what (You) think everyday, all day long, this is what occupies your feeble mind. Not how to make money, not what to buy or talking about crypot etc. this is why you are on the wrong board.
Also learn some board culture you faggot if you want to larp as a oldfag.

>> No.51056510


The one thing that hurts their feelings more than anything is learning that other people on 4chan dont like them and actually just want them in their containment board.

Much like i dont want /b/ tards on biz either, most the site doesnt want polcels on their boards. I dont know knkw why but this fact really hurts pol chuds feelings and they always react to it

>> No.51056515
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No woketard, you're just a pretender, a fat, greasy, south park incarnation of the wow meme, you are irrelevant, You are a parasite living in a basement, surrounded by filth and piss bottle, the only pleasure you have in life is when you fap to lolicon with or when you think you are a warrior on a crusade to fight the evil chud on the internet because it's the only way for you to have a little bit of an existance.

You may keep SEETHIG about le chud, but remember well tranny.

We are here to stay.

Don't forget to dilate.

>Complain all day long about muh pol
>Admit he wants to get rid of them
> NO U

It really seems that your HRT, besides taking away the little amount of testosterone you had, really rotten your braincell as well.

>> No.51056524

Actually I am using those terms right here and now because it makes you seethe with rage. I can see it, it's very obvious.
>Also learn some board culture you faggot if you want to larp as a oldfag.
While I admit to being a newfag to 4chan (been here since February 2007) I've never larped as an oldfag, and never will, because I don't care to. I'm not desperately trying to fit in like you and change board culture to fit your gay liberal ideology. You've been doing this for the last year or so.
>hurr durr 4chan used to be a communist utopia!
Nobody believes you and nobody ever will, faggot. Cope.

>> No.51056560


See what i mean. Going on about communism and all this chudshit. We never used to want to talk about it or give a shit on biz in the way you obsess over it.
Almost all discussions about china and communism before you all migrated here in the bullrun were strictly finance related. I remember it clearly. People would say “dont invest in chink shit because their books are a mystery due to communism nature if the country” and that would be that.

Its only you faggots who have fucked ruined that aspect of biz. We cant have conversations like that anymore

>> No.51056577

I already anticipated your replies with my post there was no need to still post it.

>> No.51056619

> We cant have conversations like that anymore
You have no interest in having conversations like that. If you did you would be having them. You can blame le chuds all you like but in reality this board was shitted up by poos and niggers during the bullruns trying to scam newfags and hasn't been the same since. It has nothing to do with /pol/. I'm only baiting you in so easily because you're clearly a lefty and I find it funny to waste your time and make you seethe. If you want to make a thread on chinks or whatever, go ahead, nobody is stopping you. I promise not to call you too many names when I see it. Wouldn't want to hurt your feelings.

>> No.51056638

>People would say “dont invest in chink shit because their books are a mystery due to communism nature if the country” and that would be that.
Whew, sounds thrilling. I feel terrible for getting in the way of your incredibly high-brow intellectual pursuits. Please, do go on, I wouldn't want to miss another of these stimulating discussions on the 'nature if the country' of china.

>> No.51056659


People like me gave up trying because unlike before where a thread would last days, and on the rare occasion a chudcel piped up someone would tell them to fuck off back to pol as there were not many of them here yet.

Now if that happens in a thread it quickly bloats to bump limit in a few hours of chudcels arguing over polshit and as there are so many of you now overwhelming any anons who want you to stop, who then abandon thread and it dies.

You fucking ruined this board.

>> No.51056677

None of that ever happened but I really love how unhappy you seem.

>> No.51056688


Because you’re a polcel and aren’t interested in business and finance. You dont seem to get it. Thats the point. Anyone who was interested stopped trying and has left you all to turn it into Pol v2 alone.


You were not here last bear run and wont understand. I was not talking about mid bullrun you fucking tard. See how inexperienced you are. The bullruns are always that insufferable and biz is never good in them. You only have one to draw experience from.

>> No.51056717

I came to this board in 2018, March. I have been posting every single day since except for a 2 week period in 2019 when I went to Italy. I have been here for the entirety of the last cycle including almost all of the bear market. I bought my first Link at 60 cents. Cope and seethe.

>> No.51056790
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I'm going to help turn all the boards into Pol v2, just so you know. I'm going to do that until you go back to plebbit and we can finally be free of you. YOU have ruined 4chan, you tourists. You want to tell us what we can think and say, you are censorious. You don't understand chan culture in the slightest. You are cancer. You are pic related. Imagine actually telling people on 4chan that they're not allowed to be racist, transphobic, or that they're not wanted because they don't fit in with the liberal world-view, and you want to make out like I'm the bad guy. You're a fucking faggot. The world of finance is infested with jews parasiting the word of ordinary White men, and there's nothing wrong with pointing that out on a business and finance board. I'm not leaving.