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51052227 No.51052227 [Reply] [Original]

I have 12k USD, which is a lot in my 3rd world shithole for a uni student. Please tell me how to handle this.
>Senior CS student
>Live with parents
>Have old car that just werks

>> No.51052268

Nearest casino, you only live once, bet all on red. Profit.

>> No.51052287

Dont listen to this retard. Bet on black.

>> No.51052314
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Forgot to mention that I worked my ass off with my side business to accumulate this much liquidity, so I'm not about to gamble (relative to crypto) it away.

>> No.51052338

>T. Malicious retards giving false advice
Green is the only right choice OP

>> No.51052345

Don't call me retard basterd bitch, black is for losers mother bitch.

>> No.51052351

The only for you to make it is gamble, no other option as you're a third worldie

>> No.51052377

Just invest in property like every other sane person that doesn't want their money to catch fire.
My grandfather is a rich thirdie (would be poor as fuck in the US) and rents properties.

>> No.51053970
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Swing memecoins, that's what worked for me

>> No.51054514

as a wise man said one day
>Swing trading is something I get into when I feel like I’ve had enough of living a stress-free life.

>> No.51054515

swinging is perfectly relaxing wtf

>> No.51054519
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coffee ready, coins purchased
ready to swing

>> No.51054574

What???? By the time you get to the table, there has been X unknown rolls since the last green number. Since green is a fixed chance AND unique, you're best off splitting your 12k into 35 parcels and betting on green until you win on roll # = 35 - X. You'll take the profit of (12k/35)*X whereas any other option leaves a greater likelihood to not have any leftover money not yet gambled by the time you win

>> No.51054965

Invest in ETH, DOT, and some payment projects with working products like XPRESS and UTK that you won't fucking give a damn no matter the dip because they will ultimately become more valuable

>> No.51055008

We still have a long way to go when it comes to adoption and utility. At this point, utility is growing faster than adoption

>> No.51055010
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Only in a bull market does this works better. Staking and DCAing currently outperform everything else. Hodling is also true.

>> No.51055026

I have my eyes on projects that could spell success in the coming bull run. Payment projects, DCA and staking-supporting projects. And defi in general.

>> No.51055036

I concurred. Those who have functional products, in my opinion, will deliver. I joined Xpress Staking Pools for this reason.

>> No.51055042
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Depends on what you're staking and DCAING in on. You need projects with solid fundamentals like defi payment projects or Blockchain tech projects to hold for long term

>> No.51055052

We'll see how that works out in the long term. Projects are supposed to have serious utility and a functioning community.

>> No.51055057

We've got a wise anon here. COTI, UTK, and XPRESS appear to have potential. I heard Xpress metaverse bank will soon go live, I'm wondering how this will work.

>> No.51055077

Good, plus it depends on where you staking. Binance, nexo, crypto com, and xpress looks good for high apy.

>> No.51055135
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As an oldfag and a wise investor. Before I join a project, I first take a long hard look at what the community looks like. This strategy has never failed me. Utility is a dime a dozen.

>> No.51055145

It does have a utility which is why I'm holding it for the long term till the completion of the token burning in February 2026.

>> No.51055148

Sometimes this board is good

>> No.51055150

I don't necessarily focus on staking. Rather I focus on the things that make my staked project worthwhile, and what long term viability it has.

>> No.51055164

I wonder what other projects are currently doing a token burn. Because that may be the only way to bring back their ATHs

>> No.51055175
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I'm DCAing into ETH right now. Put 200USD, and plan on putting 100 per week. Is this good?

>> No.51055187
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Well said anon, lots of DeFi projects have a growing community and are fundamentally solid ahead. Anyone not betting on DeFi is just a retard.

>> No.51055201

How does the crypto bitcoin community work ? Are they all NIGGERS?

>> No.51055203

Let's see how the next couple of months pan out. I also have bets on metaverse projects as well. Metaverse based banks, real estate, properties, might become a thing in the coming days

>> No.51055214

But that depends on the individual. To establish my passive income streams, I choose to stake in some reliable reliable network

>> No.51055228

Do you pajeet faggots seriously think that your ‘conversation’ (shilling) looks subtle and natural?
You pajeets literally always stick out like a sore thumb. Just give up and hang yourselves.