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5104462 No.5104462 [Reply] [Original]

>Coin on binance most likely to do the soon moon


>> No.5104470


>> No.5104487

the sleeper cell of block chain.

>> No.5104502

rcn about to pull back and then launch

>> No.5104540
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why ask question if you already know answer?

>> No.5104557

Paypal 2.0 & it's marketcap

>> No.5104574

It's building up trading volume constantly pretty fast right now. Has already made a jump from 0.0006 to 0.0008. Will go to at least 0.0014 within the next 48 hours.

>> No.5104586

req and tron are my bets

>> No.5104588

ICN because I finally sold all these pieces of shit. I should have done this months ago.

>> No.5104602

will double on Monday

>> No.5104603

wabi is mooning right now

>> No.5104840

Great suggestions, thanks guys

>> No.5104895

Coinbase says I won't get my BTC for another 7 days.

REQ will still be a good buy then, r-right?

>> No.5104907


>> No.5104937

Wabi Vechain

>> No.5104947


>> No.5104962

Do you all keep your coins on binance or do you send them to a wallet? I'm talking amounts just in the hundreds.. nothing huge.

Do you have BNB coin for discounted buying prices? Is it really worth it mathematically?

>> No.5104968

Better buy some SALT, or you're going to be one salty nigger in Q1.

>> No.5104983

Can someone tell me if I can place any altcoin in one wallet (ie. Electrum), or do I need to find specific wallet for each altcoin or something? I plan on buying few altcoins and then leave this place until early 2019.

>> No.5104993

BNB, everyone should be using it and probably will when they get raped by exchange rates.

>> No.5105006

>sleeper cell
>1bn Mcap
>recent 3x
>backed by nothing but rumours

Just take a look at this guy's twitter:


He does nothing but talk about the price of his shitcoin. Obvious exit scam. Buy TRON if you want to get dumped on

>> No.5105031


big things shaking up before that, but you might be close if luck is on your side

>> No.5105034

I don't know man. But I do know that I sold my EOS on binance and because i didn't have whole numbers, I have about .95 eos in limbo and I can't sell it. Any idea on what I should do? I know it's not much but it is a bit odd

>> No.5105037

Do you have an Android phone? If so, just get Coinomi. It consolidates a shitload of wallets. Also probably turn off automatic updates for security purposes in case they ever get hacked or go rogue.

>> No.5105055

BCPT. once it hits another exchange your binance portfolio will launch.

>> No.5105065
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>Do you all keep your coins on binance
>I'm talking amounts just in the hundreds.. nothing huge.
sure. no worries. All that don't let your coins on an exchange histeria is all due to bitfinex, and if you do business with them, you don't deserve any better anyways. Do you trust Binance to do business with them? Then you can also let some coins on the exchange. If not, why use the exchange in the first place?
>mfw I have more than a bunch of hundrets laying around on binance
but sure, my linkies are in cold storage

>> No.5105078

True. Thanks, will look into it

>> No.5105086

>Any idea on what I should do?
Yeah. But first: you're a jackass. Then go buy some BNB and pay just 0.5% trading fees like any other brainlet too.
>paying 1% transaction fees
>being autistic about fractions

>> No.5105106
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just look at the charts

tell me that isn't going to pass new highs

>> No.5105123

TRX mooning right now, good volume also.

>> No.5105187

MANA will moon until 22nd. those wo did not buy this fucking idiots or retards. MANA is not even Pump and dump, price is driving with pure demand and volume

>> No.5105197
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>> No.5105204

district0x is waking up after months long hibernation

>> No.5105231

VEN no doubt. Rebranding and possibly bittrex by end of december
There is a dip right now, I just bought

>> No.5105246


How trustworthy is Binance? It's based in Hong Kong, didn't China crackdown on it?

>> No.5105249


>> No.5105266

LEND is looking good

>> No.5105281

moooning rn

>> No.5105287

Yeah I was holding DNT for the longest but I sold right before it started picking up a couple of days ago haha. If it dips hard I'll probably get in again. Not sure it will anymore though

>> No.5105336

of the high volume ones, LINK is already in a run up (pump and dump but at least halfway already so tough luck going in now and maybe getting dumped on)
XRP is next, been holding steady at 0.75 accumulation the entire day, that indicates whales expect it to rise from that point and don't think it will go down. They won't wait for it to drop further because other whales eat it up at the current price. There is a competition to eat the most before it moons again, and likely a truce to not buy above 4350 sats or 0.75USD up until a set point in time.

Next after that is Req, which is stabilizing at an accumulation point as well but doesn't seem far enough into it to exhaust sell pressure, unlike XRP. Accumulation point seems more organic, less manipulated.

>> No.5105343
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Hong Kong is not China, different laws.

>> No.5105345

I can't log in to binance, it's not sending the code for 2-factor authentication. What do?

>> No.5105357

>How trustworthy is Binance? It's based in Hong Kong, didn't China crackdown on it
"Two systems, One China" policy. Hong Kong has great autonomy, including in financial regulation.

>> No.5105358

oh fug i hav de binancial broblems :-DDDDDDDD

>> No.5105439

Coincidentally, today I just bought XRP at .71 cents and req at .23

>> No.5105466

Wow haha I'm retarded, I was checking my regular messages rather than going into the google authenticator app. Was getting really worried too

>> No.5105513

i assume this hasn't been mentioned because you're still accumulating/ too bad!