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>> No.51041323
File: 197 KB, 1600x1128, bF8cjzrEbyDSnqaRnmy4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I am the dude who levitates, and here is my prophecy, remember to printscreen this:


>> No.51041335
File: 291 KB, 477x314, roidcheatsgettingwhattheydeserve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw today

>> No.51041350

sell in august,
your port will be robust

>> No.51041356
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Siga looks primed to stub my toe

>> No.51041357
File: 288 KB, 1020x1447, 1656932283864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was watching a documentary about this dork this morning while drinking coffee

>> No.51041361
File: 7 KB, 227x200, 1359689542463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So faggot bears really do unironically believe that the global economy is crashing, huh? Why even predict that if it's been wrong 100% of the time? Interest rates are going to continue trending toward 0%, more money is going to be printed to finance more debt, and more people are going to be born and start generating income/capital. I truly don't see the point in being a contrarian.

>> No.51041367

>in the green for today
Feels good man

>> No.51041368

>bears cumming themselves over a -1.5% down day

You’re so fucking sad. Still ass rest when the SPY used to go up 3% a day? Wanna know why this sel off isn’t real? Because we haven’t seen a single big sell day. This is literally dip buyers who are going to be rewarded. Nobody gives a shit about Europeans paying 200 for gas a month can 100 last year.
If you’re short you are dumb money and retarded.

>> No.51041381
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>> No.51041385

my numbers say otherwise
>it all goes down at least 15%

>> No.51041389
File: 300 KB, 609x434, afserasefase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what stage of coping is this?

>> No.51041392

ngl you guys sound like retards
we havent returned to precovid levels

>> No.51041397
File: 7 KB, 480x360, alienochad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-w-what the fuc-c-ck

>> No.51041399
File: 137 KB, 772x1000, MV5BNWVmZDE2NmQtZWU5OC00MzUzLTg2MTUtZTQ4NzUwNDljYTFjL2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTc4MzI2NQ@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's Yukio Mishima

>> No.51041403
File: 183 KB, 597x601, SIGA men only.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're gaymaxxing your portfolio, consider these tickers:

>> No.51041406
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>it was never about the money
What did he mean by this?

>> No.51041412
File: 10 KB, 250x248, isthatthebestyougotabro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit was a mistake.

>> No.51041418

It truly isn't cope though, not even close. I just don't understand who could be confidently bearish in the long-term after looking at the real world. The only people continuing to freak out about continuous nothingburgers are fucking 14 year olds.

Why the fuck would we?? See this is the absolute bottom of the barrel shit I'm talking about.

>> No.51041420

whats the best way to profit off a market crash?
vix is up 13% and nothing comes close to that percentage

>> No.51041429

I have $13 TYO calls for December that the jews are gonna pay me big bucks for.

>> No.51041430

EQNR, OXY, CQP and I'll be adding more to that in the coming weeks.

>> No.51041435

Short dated puts. Broad index or focusing on the particular industry that's at the center of the crash.

>> No.51041437

For me it's Mishima, A Life in Four Chapters. A Paul Schrader joint.

>> No.51041445

if the economy is fine, then you simply buy. it's a cheap price for a good value.
if the economy is not fine, you wait until everyone else capitulates, then you buy.

>> No.51041446
File: 789 KB, 1238x513, 0CAC9149-BB0C-40F5-91A9-28EBF99E437B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy EQNR to profit off of German’s needing fartgas or you can cope and seethe.

>> No.51041447

>reddit was a mistake.
Far from it. Let it serve as a confirmation that at least 95% of the general population is stupid

>> No.51041453
File: 32 KB, 601x809, yield curve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the yield curve two weeks ago

>> No.51041461
File: 557 KB, 1992x2078, 1657287193320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bears cumming themselves over a -1.5% down day
it's Monday ask me on Friday again

>> No.51041472
File: 167 KB, 1795x1427, yield curve 0822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the yield curve today. More pain on the way until that double hump is fixed.

>> No.51041475

>Amazon bidding on signify against unitedhealth
Amazon going to become the next massive health insurance company? This Ceo is pretty aggressive.

>> No.51041477
File: 57 KB, 525x429, 1579236975138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The economy has been on life support thanks to the money printer since 2008. Waving around pride flags and hiring diversity and equity officers doesn't make businesses more profitable. Inflation is a direct result of all this. Covid was another excuse to print more money, and lockdowns were there to stave off inflation by reducing the velocity of money. Every retard investor is sitting around pretending things are fine and normal because their entire business is based on welfare from daddy government. It's funny watching all this cope.
>priced in
Say the line faggots.

>> No.51041485
File: 30 KB, 485x433, 1654757805394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only people continuing to freak out about continuous nothingburgers are fucking 14 year olds
30% of small businesses say they will have to close soon, and a 50% of companies say they are planning layoffs. How can you be so absolutely fucking wrong about the macro picture?

>> No.51041488
File: 701 KB, 640x356, Heem Sleepy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51041489

Looks like my September tqqq soxl calls are fucked... I'm buying shares DCA, when is it time to buy calls again? Friday?

>> No.51041497


If you bought literally any puts last week you would be up 300% on them by now. You can’t reliably long vol and make money, the writing was on the wall. Best bet now is just to short high beta garbage

>> No.51041499
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>> No.51041501

no i make my money using facts and logic, the fact is this entire house of cards is built on fed fuckery and now those days are over so Im going to make money shorting this clown show down to the ground
then in 1-2 years when they start printing again or get us in ww3 to escape the new depression Ill be safe on my homestead and not even thinking about this garbage casino
fuck the stock market
fuck the fed
and fuck you

>> No.51041504

>Because we haven’t seen a single big sell day
Not yet. Calm down zoomer, before the market humbles you

>> No.51041506
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Well if this isn't a perfect example of the Texas Sharpshooter fallacy I don't know what is

>> No.51041512

Were you around in the 80s?
Protip: we've done this dance before, and it ended up going higher. Why do you believe this time will be different?

>> No.51041520

dude is clearly just being dropped from above

>> No.51041523

moron, its gonna go all the way back to the june bottom at least

>> No.51041531

>30% of small businesses say they will have to close soon
Oh cool you mean the type of business that fails 50% of the time anyway??
>50% of companies say they are planning layoffs
Highly speculative in the first place, but also what the fuck do you idiots expect to happen to the number of required employees as things become increasingly automated?

>> No.51041540

You are mentally ill

>> No.51041542

time to double down on soxl?
rumor is (((David))) Soxl was cleared on the childporn possesion charges

>> No.51041544

What price should I aim for?
Judging when to go for it is hard when it's this high compared to previous ATH

>> No.51041545

QYLD in a Roth IRA is an outstanding investment vehicle.

>> No.51041560
File: 119 KB, 1400x700, Pokemon-Sword-Shield-Marnie-Trio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are edibles healthier for you than smoking weed

>> No.51041563
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>> No.51041572

The internet in general has proven to be largely a mistake.

>> No.51041573

this was meant for>>51041368
What are you on about?

>> No.51041575

Dumped my SIGA today.
Where should I put the gains? EQNR? I don't like it that that's already at all time high.

>> No.51041579

During high volatility like this definitely

>> No.51041590
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>spx trading sideways between its 20dma and 100wma

>> No.51041594
File: 43 KB, 650x650, 1657884228172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's literally no reason for the market to go higher
how delusional can mumus even get?

>> No.51041597

Why would you dump before FDA approval

>> No.51041598

>30% of small businesses
will not make it till December. business here since 1978

>> No.51041601

offered local Ford dealership $5k for an electric van (they have had 26 of them for months now) wish me luck bros.

>> No.51041609
File: 659 KB, 828x1047, 2CF74117-0A5D-41B9-B1BF-DFC7197A5B61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon do you have any idea what is going to happen in Europe? You’re logic is flawed, it’s like refusing to buy SIGA at $11 because it’s too high.
This company is going to eat Gazprom’s marketcap. Do you have any idea what that means?

>> No.51041615

are we just going to barcode all day?

>> No.51041614

Cases have passed an inflection point. Average daily cases are decreasing now.

>> No.51041638

There are reasons for the market to go higer in the long term. Short term, a cleansing of some sort is needed. G-d damn mumus are delusional but you bobos are fucking retarded

>> No.51041647

fed fuckery and stock buybacks have enabled this shit for so long, even the last 2 months every down day like this was followed by a pump within 48 hours
Ive done well inversing everything, after a dump i buy tqqq calls, after a pump sqqq calls
but this feels different
>are we just going to barcode all day?
all big moves happen AH and premarket now

>> No.51041650

I own this, Vermilion and Cheniere. Cheniere may be a bit overvalued compared to the other two but it's only natgas so if oil underperforms against TTF Cheniere shouldn't be affected afaik. Vermilion on the other hand is just cheap and a lot of their hedges are coming off next year. All three have exposure to European natgas

>> No.51041659

>more people are going to be born
Read your Zeihan.

>> No.51041666
File: 286 KB, 1170x2532, 7878C94E-6240-462E-BE20-BB7D6D312032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People here bought this chart?

>> No.51041667

>Average daily cases are decreasing now
brainlet take

>> No.51041676
File: 22 KB, 300x281, 7b7f422749cceed8dd2fe38c9771b5748df5003cc745c95accd2fb0777968076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you believe this time will be different?
It's pretty simple. 2001 greenspan drops the prime rate to recover from the dotcom bubble, creating the housing bubble. 2008-12 we drop the prime rate to near zero, do 4.6 trillion dollars worth of QE, and leave the rate near zero for the next 10 years. 2019 we get a fun little anomaly in september where banks start needing some liquidity.
Six months after, we get covid lockdowns and while everyone is distracted we quietly remove all reserve requirements for banks.
Meanwhile, all the WEF "great reset" stuff starts coming to light. Call me crazy, but quite frankly it looks like our financial system is messed up enough that it requires some kind of drastic restructuring. The US is $30 trillion in debt, we can't raise the interest rates enough to curb inflation without going bankrupt. Our manufacturing sector has been gutted. The biggest, richest sector of our economy is investment banking and the money printer keeping it alive has to be stopped or the dollar is going to be inflated to worthlessness. I honestly am amazed that people can't see what is going on.

>> No.51041679
File: 438 KB, 800x750, FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SIGA Bears and SIGA bitches. Yall sold too soon.
Brazil has a lot of monkeypoop in kids. IT'S NOT A FUCKING STD... YALL FELL for the mainstream media agenda. Just like yall fell for the vaccines. When will you learn?

This just a preview of what is to come.

>> No.51041685

>This company is going to eat Gazprom’s marketcap.
How can you be sure? There's many energy companies like it

>> No.51041684
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>> No.51041691

anon shilled TGB last week.
that is a barcode graph.

>> No.51041692

What van?

>> No.51041693
File: 1.99 MB, 307x346, 1661186750539.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are people here who bought soxl in the 50's and averaged down before the RS

>> No.51041698

On a typical pharma approval play you always take at least some profits before the announcement. This may be an atypical approval play but it's still good practice to protect yourself from sudden dips due to FDA denial or other players taking profit after the news drops.

>> No.51041703
File: 49 KB, 578x650, Hans_gas_bill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hans got his gas bill. Went from payments of 181euro/month to his next 4 payments of 1269.99euro/month.

>> No.51041704

Such a comfy day for a hedging-chinese chad.

>> No.51041706

>This company is going to eat Gazprom’s marketcap. Do you have any idea what that means?
Explain it to me assuming that I don't if you don't mind. Gazprom = Russian energy company = banned in Europe, Equinor is only company capable of filling the void left by Gaz, huge opportunity for them? How much of Europe's energy was a Gazprom product?

>> No.51041709

>quietly remove all reserve requirements for banks
It wasn't "quiet" you fucking alarmist, anyone who was reading financial news was aware of that in April 2020. Also the general population couldn't give less of a fuck about bank reserve requirements.

>The US is $30 trillion in debt
Hahahahahahahahaha oh fuck LOL oh my god so many people really haven't figured it out AT ALL yet hahahahahaha

>> No.51041710

electric transit. the Mercedes dealer is down the road so I can trade it in for a sprinter easily.

>> No.51041714
File: 40 KB, 760x989, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what I can do to convince you beyond showing you the numbers. It might have another run if it starts going crazy in the schools or something but as of now that just isn't happening. Trajectory is down.

>> No.51041715

Nobody cares about long term because nobody wants to baghold for 10 years to break even.

>> No.51041717

If it's not an STD, then there won't be any problems telling me where the sores are located on the children.

>> No.51041733

>second largest gas provider in Europe (after gazprom)
>has perfect infrastructure in place for Norwegian to Europe gas shipments
>fantastic financials
>just finished buybacks at $38

Look into their projects and network, there is no one even close.

>> No.51041735

German little faggots get what they deserve. Naive western cucks jewed to their death

>> No.51041741

>Germans try to kill Jews with gas
>Jews try to kill Germans with gas

>> No.51041743
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>> No.51041745
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>everything is fine!

>> No.51041750
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Redpill me on the yuropoor energy situation.

>> No.51041753

This is how I know you don't into Germany.

>> No.51041759

Debt means nothing under fiat currency. You just don't see the bigger picture here. I'll give you a hint: fractals

>> No.51041769

Why should I buy GOVX instead of SIGA?

>> No.51041772

Have you been living under a rock?

>> No.51041774

Yeah see, when you morons immediately jump to some bullshit about "brandon's economy!!!" I know you're just knuckle dragging bandwagoners

>> No.51041779

I only baghold USD thank you very much. Greetings from MonteNEGRO

>> No.51041781

do germans not have months? are they still using some rune viking calendar?

>> No.51041784

Huh? Isn't that what the bill in the picture says?

>> No.51041786

Well, among rocks, but sort of.

>> No.51041789
File: 106 KB, 1024x693, IceBall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Debt means nothing under fiat currency. You just don't see the bigger picture here. I'll give you a hint: fractals
It's like talking to the financial equivalent of flat earthers in this thread.

>> No.51041798

>not an STD
>because young boys in Brazil have it
Lmao anon, just lol

>> No.51041802

>Germans try to kill Jews with gas
never happened
>Jews try to kill Germans with gas
the jew crys out in pain as he strikes you

>> No.51041804
File: 938 KB, 2160x2736, BIOHAZARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orthopoxvirus is not a std you smooth brain midwit..

>> No.51041805

Lol who were the fags saying oil was le over this morning?

>> No.51041806

I saw a report that it had infected a dog. Guess where the sores were on the dog, owned by a gay male couple? I'll give you one guess.

>> No.51041807

what's wrong with brandon's economy?

>> No.51041812

Well it's a scam/dilution company that has no market as long as BVNRY exists. But you can buy it for pump and dump memes or to feel like a smarty pants contrarian "getting the better monkeepox play".

>> No.51041815

>down to 415 during the lunch break

Let’s see how you’re doing when we’re down to 407 after sour hour

>> No.51041816

Me too. Why are complaining about bobos then? Bobos are right...

>> No.51041820

Gazprom isn't banned in Europe yet, but its basically a Russian state owned company which means its being phased out as fast as possible.
38% of Europe's natgas comes/came from Russia, and Gazprom makes up around...80% of that?
Norwegian gas from the artic circle is going to be used to make up the difference. Its right there to the North of Europe, which means pipelines, shipping, etc. is very easy and simple.
EQNR is already the second (after Gazprom) biggest gas company in Europe, they are the only ones able to scale into this operation. They will devour the marketcap.

The next best choice is Oman Gas but good luck trying to buy stock on their exchange.

>> No.51041826

Believe me the irony is not list on them. Soon they will get redpilled again. People vote with their wallets.

>> No.51041827

How often does the FDA not approve after the UK and EU have? Isn't the EU generally more strict?

>> No.51041834

Is there a proper European way of displaying price and time?
It's going to be a cold long winter for northern Europe and if the gas doesn't come back on to normal capacity soon, it's going to do lasting damage to central European industry.

>> No.51041840

>phase out coal and nuclear plants
>exorbitant taxes due to renewable
>EU relies on cheap Russian energy to stay afloat
>war starts
>inflation at 40 years high
>cut supply to show the world how virtuous they are
and nothing of value was lost

>> No.51041842

stay away from govx. it is hard to get out of that that bag. I was in there and it was dark and had lots of rocks dragging me to the bottom in it.

>> No.51041845
File: 13 KB, 346x324, main-qimg-f5206e0f42ee6b19b1b2f5dbe5fe40e7-pjlq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post like these reminds me why I will remain bullish for SIGA. Normies are dumb as fuck and will believe anything in the TV, they decide to change the science/narrative.

Remember lock downs only for TWO WEEKS? Remember VACCINES prevent you from catching covid?

>> No.51041846

122B mkt cap how much can EQNR really climb from here?
I think it’s smarter to go for small caps with good LNG assets. Germany is going to have to buy LMG from the USA at this point.
KOS is a 2B mkt cap with great LNG assets. Anyone know any other small caps?

>> No.51041849

Kek. Jackson hole is literally 25-27. The august inflation report is also the 25th. At the bare minimum this shit is going to shit downwards until next monday.

>> No.51041852
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I referenced over two decades of financial mismanagement. I understand if reading comprehension isn't your forte.

>> No.51041853
File: 59 KB, 385x375, 1661187259671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop laughing at these BBBY baggies

>> No.51041858

Doing the correct thing or confirming that a safe and effective drug is safe and effective are only very minor parts of FDA decisions.

>> No.51041862

>one picture of a male anus
>one picture of a dog anus
>two pictures of areas that came into contact with aforementioned anii
It's an STD

>> No.51041863

You sound like salty slavshit untermenschen

>> No.51041869
File: 84 KB, 1440x1244, 1657293034732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inflation high
>latest 75bps rate hikes lagging
>fed still QT
>fed balance sheet shrinking next month
>economy further slowing
>layoffs still coming
>housing still hot
>consoomer debt increasing (loans, credits)
>inflation (((reduction))) act actually increases inflation
>China housing crash and covid lockdown
>EU to third world status

>G-d damn mumus are delusional but you bobos are fucking retarded

>> No.51041870
File: 76 KB, 1024x856, 1630017621113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So battlefield Europe again?

>> No.51041873

you shouldve bought puts so you can laugh and also take their money

>> No.51041885

NVDA earnings also this week.
SQQQ up 9% today.
Yeah I’m short this week

>> No.51041887

Euros use metric system not imperial

>> No.51041890
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Of course I did my nigger it makes it even better

>> No.51041894

At least you have your strong economy right?
Oh wait lmao

>> No.51041895

I'm sorry anon, I'd rather get a guaranteed 40-50% gain (not including 4% dividends) then a gamble for double that.
I tend to buy best in breed stocks. What you're talking about is like buying CMRX over SIGA back in the early days.
And if EQNR manages to do what I think they can do then they will 2x.

>> No.51041900

shits going back to $5, just waiting for a bankrupcy announcement

>> No.51041906


>> No.51041907
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In a way the bulls are right, since fixing inflation would be easy as 1, 2, deport 50 million non-citizens and their anchor baby kids, shut down immigration and send criminals to jail like we did 30 years ago to reduce demand spectacularly. But the federal government is disinterested in such measures.

>> No.51041919
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>> No.51041922

....until after midterms

>> No.51041925
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>> No.51041926

NVDA earnings which day? SOXL to zero, SOXS to space.

>> No.51041930
File: 2.79 MB, 1389x2000, A25F5B2F-55FB-4C45-B93B-146D975C884A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not like this Germany

>> No.51041938
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>> No.51041944

Well, Europe & USA cucked Russia with a lot of sanctions and Europe also shot itself in the leg in the process as a lot of the oil they consume used to come from Russia. Europeans are still eager to buy Russian natgas via their extensive pipeline infrastrcture though, but Gazprom is having "problems" with gas deliveries now. Take that eurocucks. Also Europe is doubling down on low yielding and expensive green meme energy that is also materially intensive to bootz requiring many times more metal than fossil fuels. Germany has been shutting down their nuclear power plants these last few years and they are still going to do it even now as energy is blowing up. Meanwhile, coal is silently in vogue again (but dont let the goys know because that goes against the green narrative). Europe is now also building LNG terminals it didn't use to have in order to be able to buy natgas from somebody else than Russia, this accompanied by the panic about energy shortages raises European and global natgas prices. US natgas price (Henry Hub) is almost $10/mmBtu while European natgas (Dutch TTF) is over $70/mmBtu right now. And futures prices two years from now are also historically high.

TL;DR: long energy

>> No.51041947

And you have what? Slavsluts as a commodity right? Lmao potato nigger

>> No.51041948

There was a guy on here who works in a warehouse for 17/hr and says he's tripled his annual pay purely by buying puts on memestockarinos.

>> No.51041953


>> No.51041958

This has nothing to do with needing to deport people unfortunately. You're blaming the people on the bottom when this one was caused by the people at the top. We're living the weimar timeline right now.

>> No.51041964
File: 98 KB, 599x1024, 1661130759038649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god all the bulls are dead
Fucking niggers got way too cocky and now the cock is fucking their ass
NVDA about to be the killing blow to all you retarded mumus
Get fucked, seriously. Retards

>> No.51041967
File: 263 KB, 521x358, 1661103827226935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shut down nuclear (the only effective green energy)
>shut down coal
>shut down oil
>get cucked by Russia
>thinks shitty solar and wind will power your country
>now you are forced to be addicted to Norwegian FartGas (EQNR) for years

I'd say the Germans were being retarded but we all know this is just Jewish revenge porn

>> No.51041968

>buy stock
>get stoplossed after awhile
>later on it goes up 50%

>think about shorting a stock 23
>dont do it
>it goes down to 10 pretty quickly afterwards

oh boy. well atleast im picking them right.

>> No.51041970
File: 81 KB, 793x860, 5883996B-639E-47EF-834A-5E8A77D2D4FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I slept max three hours but feel rested. Should I just get up or get another hour in? Don't have much to do today aside from emails and some reading. Market is boring too.

>> No.51041975

i found it interesting that in the early 2000s crash and 07-08 crash that on the way down and at the bottom the yield curve was normal again(ie straight line going up). that means we arent even close to a bottom

>> No.51041974

wait where are the sores located on the kids who got this???

>> No.51041993

God, imagine the fuck machines she's built.

>> No.51042000
File: 89 KB, 1186x548, C8ECBBC4-AB30-47A5-AC6D-B8F6D46B4B43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aug 24, post market.
I entered into some NVDA bear spreads this morning.
5 spreads where I risk 1.1 to make 2.5, below 170 = max profit
5 spreads where I risk .50 to make 2.5,
below 160 = max profit

>> No.51042003
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>> No.51042005

VIX stock ladies.
VIX Co. Ltd. Bhenchods

>> No.51042019

thanks to the monetary policy that has created this mess, we never really found the bottom in 08 and we eased the early 2000s crash. We can't print our way out of this one and we can't drop the interest rate this time.

>> No.51042026

>zoom out

>> No.51042028


>> No.51042031

>increased demand doesn't increase demand because
Your workers of the world horseshit doesn't hold up to reality, besides the fact chinese people are brought here specifically because they bid housing prices up.

>> No.51042033

smoking anything injects carciogenic tar and smoke particulates into your respiratory system
so probably

>> No.51042038
File: 75 KB, 1024x682, 1641936570002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine Jerome is on the phone. How do you solve this?

>> No.51042046

schwab doesnt allow trading on it or id be up so much today

>> No.51042047
File: 73 KB, 568x479, 1620841391291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, absolutely.

>> No.51042056
File: 1.81 MB, 1920x1040, 1359870294632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das it mayne.

>> No.51042059


>> No.51042064
File: 191 KB, 1049x701, DXY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We can't print our way out of this one

>> No.51042069

Agreed was looking at calls today but have no idea what to go for strike wise

>> No.51042070

get to walking. only 6 miles.

>> No.51042073

>Trajectory is down
Based twitter graph looker completing his DD in less than 30 seconds. I kneel.

Let me ask you a very basic question.
Is this graph confirmed cases, suspected and confirmed cases, or projected cases?
What are the qualifications for a "confirmed" case?
Also, what is the methodology for confirming a case?
How does the two novel breakout clades present medically as compared to past presentations of mpxv, and what do you believe is the rate of misdiagnosis?
You posted stats on world numbers. Are you aware of countries that have simply stopped reporting their numbers the past week?
After researching the methodology for confirming a mpxv case, do you really believe these numbers are accurate in 3rd world nations?

Finally -- MPXV is essentially smallpox with a funny name. Do you really HONESTLY in your heart believe that it is and will remain confined to a STI between homosexual men as you have been led to believe?

The most accurate possible information you can probably get is from New York and California, because they're actively testing and they're not lying.

>> No.51042077
File: 38 KB, 674x374, 17E93DB1-5501-42C3-A455-B5C1762F7C4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why. Doesn’t. Schwab. Let. You. Trade. Shares. Of. VIX. Company. Stock.

>> No.51042079

shit now I have to look up the gayboy closet scene.

>> No.51042081

Call him a faggot mumu for propping things up this long and then put on "Let It Go" from frozen at maximum ear-rape volume through the earpiece. At this point I can't tell if they're intentionally making it worse by delaying the inevitable, or if they're legitimately too fucking stupid to realize they're making it so much worse by delaying the inevitable, or if it's some even more retarded combination of the two.

>> No.51042092
File: 58 KB, 926x486, nkeo71rwg7m81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long till they get dragged out and strung up
they'll have to land their private jets and face justice eventually, or they'll run out of carbon credit

>> No.51042091

Which company transports LNG from US to Euro, they must be making an arbitration killing

>> No.51042118
File: 83 KB, 1440x1439, 1505320845022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no way, that's why the WEF has been shilling the great reset. Investment banks are sitting on a bunch of useless bullshit and that's the foundation the American economy is built upon since we sold off our manufacturing sector to increase the value of our investment banking sector. Everyone thought they could get rich with stocks and now everyone has a bunch of stocks and debt and no productivity. We're the owners of a bunch of paper that we pretend has value because the government has been subsidizing that value for the past 15 years.

If I'm Jerome, I fake my death and move to a small town in south america.

>> No.51042130

how compelling
now back to the cage Abdul's welfare check is due by end of this week

>> No.51042132

like a jetfighter. only 6 miles

>> No.51042138
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>> No.51042139

I'm just excited for an actual happening after the chink flu blue-balled me.

>> No.51042140

Did you even read the last sentence of my post?

>> No.51042147

At what price do I buy SOXL for a swing trade?

>> No.51042148
File: 55 KB, 711x592, NYC MPox 8-22-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The most accurate possible information you can probably get is from New York and California, because they're actively testing and they're not lying.

>> No.51042149

Never see them mentioned here, but anybody got PARA positions? I've been buying them around this $23 - $25 range, looks like Berkshire has been supporting the stock around $24. I haven't really bothered to value the shares yet, but just glancing at their financials and comparables it seems like they could at least 2x. If their streaming services outperform over the next couple of years and the market overreacts they might do better, but at the moment I'd probably tap out at $40/share and just take a 50% profit. I know there is some possibility they are an M&A target which may be why Berkshire started buying shares, but just in terms of their normal business I don't see them shrinking as much as the market seems to be pricing them at.

>> No.51042152
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>>housing still hot
yeah about that

>> No.51042160

>fags ban all russian gas and oil
>price of oil and gas skyrockets because supply is now lower due to a large chunk being removed from the market

>> No.51042161

soxl is like cunny, the lower the number the sweeter the fruit

>> No.51042164


>> No.51042167

still above 2005 housing bubble top

>> No.51042171

>where can i have this checked
right here check deeeeeeeeeez lmao

>> No.51042173
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nice market goy

>> No.51042175
File: 111 KB, 480x400, crabby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not complaining. You and the other anon jumped on me because you misunderstood what I said.
>Bobos are right...
for now and they'd better keep being right because a financial cleansing is warranted. We've had it too good for too long
You're having your day bobo but if you mammals keep being autistic, I'm gonna have to resurface

>> No.51042180

We're at the monthly low. I don't want to miss a squeeze

>> No.51042188
File: 571 KB, 1920x1080, 1661188302161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SOXL customers are not only retarded but also pedophiles
Really makes you think

>> No.51042190
File: 343 KB, 1125x1106, 507871FA-0FC6-4D36-95AF-9DB6796140D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek these are real people

>> No.51042192

Really the way to do it, in my early investing days I’d throw $1000 into a bunch of different random shit in the name of diversification but they’re also the first ones to drop off when things go south and then you end up bag holding shit that might never come back up.

t. Tencent and NIO bag holder. No more Chinese stocks for me ever

>> No.51042193

mmmmm cunny

>> No.51042195

Yes you're some meme ideology like natbol.

>> No.51042200

Theme for SIGA baggies


>> No.51042202

Good, now you're on to step one.
Step two:
What did NYC do that other parts of the country are not doing and/or calling communist, alarmist, or discriminatory?

>> No.51042203

Once winter rolls around, will the krauts finally capitulate and turn on the nuclear plants or are they gonna double down on the “but muh pollution” argument

>> No.51042208

>Using local data for a global outbreak
Because it has peaked in NY and Cali does not mean it has peaked globally, covid had local peaks all over the planet all the time.

>> No.51042212
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>Hey anon want to join my club?

>> No.51042213

>short squeeze on a leveraged etf

>> No.51042215
File: 142 KB, 667x1000, 1636837234477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh also another side to the high energy, especially natgas prices is that farming is becoming pretty fucking expensive. Diesel costs obviously increase input costs, but the bigger issue is fertilizer prices. You see, ammonia is an important fertilizer since it increases crop yields. Potash and phosphate are also important in their own right but ammonia affects yield most and is most expensive out of the three. Now, why am I bringing up ammonia? Well... Ammonia is made with NATURAL GAS as feedstock! Can you guess what happens to ammonia prices when natural gas is fucking skyrocketing? And can you guess what the farmer does when his input costs multiply?

TL;DR food shortages
Cheniere Energy is the number one LNG exporter to Europe I believe, which is why I own some. I believe they are 100% natgas and unhedged but I admit I haven't made sure yet. Other two I own are Equinor, o/g producer with unhedged natgas all sold to Europe, and Vermilion Energy also o/g producer getting about 50% of its profits from European natgas and a lot of hedges coming off next year

>> No.51042216


>> No.51042220

>retarded pedophiles on MY 4chan??

>> No.51042223

PRTY rockers to the moon

>> No.51042224

I'd go apeshit in tiffany ngl

>> No.51042231
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>> No.51042236

They already said just a few days ago that they're not turning nuclear back on.

>> No.51042237
File: 278 KB, 1080x1550, 1655684685804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Yurop is proper fucked.

>> No.51042242

How is it possible that ALL women know how to act like complete fucking retards?

>> No.51042243
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marxism is dumb

>> No.51042256
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i believe we can be quite confident there has been more than one in that hole.

>> No.51042264

>hole in one

>> No.51042273
File: 643 KB, 1284x2778, A6AAE696-B74E-427D-A2A8-39F06E9B2185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rather get a guaranteed 40-50% gain, possible 2x
EQNR isn’t going to increase this much. It will go to $50 a share max.
>like buying CMRX over SIGA
no. energy is a different beast. if small caps have LNG reserves and LNG producing assets, a 10% increase in price can be the difference between a negative balance sheet and a shit ton of free cash flow.
there’s no gay 3rd approval. Commodities are commodities. Price increases are always most significant for the small guys in this space.
>tfw Germany said in May they want to buy natural gas from Senegal
Kosmos Energy has a joint venture with BP in Senegal. First gas will be delivered early 2023 and annual production will be 5 million tonne

>> No.51042277

It's evolution, baby.

>> No.51042282

What site is that? Looks nice

>> No.51042284
File: 599 KB, 1125x1597, A4C6034C-583D-441F-A6B5-C713B84B1311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's an actual schizo

>> No.51042286

Gays run their own clinic networks. You'll see the same lag of cases rising at a 1-2 R(t) -> fags panic -> vaccines and paranoia kick in -> cases decline ~1 month later.

Pridepox is not smallpox and it's not able to evolve at COVID speeds, which means you've got "endemic gay STD" upside to SIGA not "global, childkilling pandemic". Considering its preexisting sales and share value, that means you'll see its price start with "1" before a "3".

>> No.51042290

lower life forms have strict instincts

>> No.51042304
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>> No.51042305

>crazy pussy
Are you trying to get me harder here?

>> No.51042308
File: 51 KB, 602x618, Em4VUppXcAYDlHP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like a return to feudal societies.
At least the rulers in that would be honest about their power relative to my standing.
And I would like TQQQ to go below $25.

>> No.51042310
File: 253 KB, 1235x589, Gasium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it just won't go past $50 because uh it won't
>no, I'm a contrarian and I HAVE to be a contrarian by missing out as usual
>Here are some shitstocks instead

Holy hell anon fuck off
Buy EQNR and stop trying to slip in your retarded 60IQ contrarian bullshit

>> No.51042315

are any stocks dealing with the airline industry good to buy or no because of the gay pox?

>> No.51042324

she said holeinone

>> No.51042329

*the food shortage will be global and poor developing nations that are also net food importers will suffer the most as nations curb their exports or outbid the poors, and energy prices will go up globally. But Europe is in a unique position of leadership incompetence and energy price anal rape

>> No.51042335
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>> No.51042342

>Unlike National Socialism

>> No.51042345


>> No.51042350

And inflation has peaked they say, this winter might just break global markets, throw in a good September hurricane to distrust supply even more and Euros might actually freeze to death in their homes.

>> No.51042356 [DELETED] 
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>> No.51042360
File: 12 KB, 245x246, ^-_-^.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US Mortgage Lenders Are Starting to Go Broke
>The US mortgage industry is seeing its first lenders go out of business after a sudden spike in lending rates, and the wave of failures that’s coming could be the worst since the housing bubble burst about 15 years ago.
>Overall mortgage application volume has plunged by more than 50% this year, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association.

>US home prices are about to tumble as demand for new houses 'craters,' an economist warns

>> No.51042361

I flipped some SKYW for an OK profit. Airlines generally suck but they seem solid.

>> No.51042363

With Euro back below 1, we're bringing new meaning to the term europoor.

>> No.51042367
File: 565 KB, 1125x1690, A0697FC9-CDF4-4B0A-96D9-B05163FF22AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ it keeps getting better

>have a blessed one
100% woman by the way

>> No.51042368
File: 132 KB, 895x596, SOON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throw in a good September hurricane

>> No.51042382

He is right though that smaller oil companies have more leverage to the price but that goes both ways

>> No.51042392
File: 88 KB, 900x900, buspepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe this account is real

>> No.51042408


>> No.51042416

pay your fucking gas bill now Hansel

>> No.51042420

>PRTY anon was right in th eend

>> No.51042422

We were promised gladiators, we got trash talking robots.

>> No.51042423
File: 752 KB, 1090x1294, Screen Shot 2022-08-22 at 10.23.55 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's your opinion

>> No.51042424

High test

>> No.51042442

They were talking shit about me going long vix

>> No.51042454

comfy floating in this sea of blood in my LFMD raft

>> No.51042466
File: 1.57 MB, 1419x1435, 1632116002004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe i should play the zoom earnings

>> No.51042470
File: 197 KB, 900x722, 1571926220017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is it possible that ALL women know how to act like complete fucking retards?
like fish know how to swim, birds to fly, humans to breath, pajeets shitting on the street.. it's in the DNA anon..

>> No.51042475
File: 3.63 MB, 1429x2000, E63148D7-00E6-4F78-8F1A-8EBC9ECEF4B7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A valid point

>> No.51042477
File: 588 KB, 1284x2778, 3AC00169-3E94-447C-ABBB-BC0CDC32584B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OSLO, Aug 15 (Reuters) - Norway is delivering all the gas it can to Germany, and any further boost would depend on making new discoveries, Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere said on Monday.
nigger how is EQNR supposed to increase 50% when Norway is unable to increase gas deliveries to Germany without new discoveries?
> German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in May that Germany wants to pursue gas and renewable projects with Senegal as the war in Ukraine forces it to look to diversify its sources of energy.
This probably means nothing then right? Especially when KOS is a part of the first LNG project in the country of Senegal ever

>> No.51042478


>> No.51042481


i was told bull market

>> No.51042487

The real pivot is the frens we made along the way

>> No.51042491
File: 51 KB, 896x853, 1661124176266712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me we're not going back to june lows

>> No.51042502

Why isn’t SIGA just plummeting already? This slow bleed and crab bullshit fucking sucks.

>> No.51042506

How about you look into the independent company instead of some political bullshit, but hey, it’s your loss.

>> No.51042508

-2.22% on the day screem crqp this

>> No.51042509
File: 411 KB, 1692x852, huntitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Siga sissies I do declare WAGMI

>> No.51042512

At what price is INTC unironically a buy?
I don't think it's quite there yet, but we've gotta be getting pretty close.

>> No.51042516

what THE FUCK is wrong with Germany

>> No.51042517
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>> No.51042523

IBKR Pro mobile app

>> No.51042524
File: 219 KB, 1140x1957, F5624EE4-6A56-48C0-9ECF-F4F76011CA3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it. All you other dipshits were delusional for buying anything and not dumping your bags when you had the chance while the markets were being artificially propped up like nothing but blue sky’s were ahead and the wind at you back.

Welcome to your first Bobo market kiddos, enjoy making 20% on your way to losing 50%

>> No.51042528
File: 87 KB, 828x1372, shootburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The real pivot is the frens we made along the way

>> No.51042532
File: 8 KB, 200x200, DirexionDaily (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trade Idea here for how to get down on rising interest rates - seeing that Germany had 37% YoY PPI inflation I think that will change market sentiment on the whole "Fed Pivot" Scenario people were expecting in September.

TMV offers 3x short leveraged exposure to the broad-based NYSE 20 Year Plus Treasury Bond Index. 20yr+ treasuries if you didn't know were rallying the last 4 weeks on hopes of a fed pivot, but now with horrible inflation data around the world and Bidens new spending package the hopes of that are gone, 20-30yr treasury yields expected to go 50bps higher at least (yields and price are inversely related) translating to a 20+ point move to the upside for TMV

TLDR buy at the money TMV calls for November

>> No.51042541
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>fresh intraday lows

>> No.51042550

imagine buying anything other than bullets

>> No.51042551
File: 87 KB, 632x655, 1661124247572812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfao @ nvda
Look at the top of his head
Imagine holding soxl when the crown prince of clownery is getting beclowned ON HIS ER WEEK

>> No.51042552

PE if 3-5

>> No.51042553
File: 138 KB, 553x466, 1653249171351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no we are going even lower

>> No.51042559

btfo, /ourgirl/ truly

>> No.51042566

>liquidity short
>Time to sell gold.
>Dollar to stronk bs gan only give 1000 per oz

>> No.51042582
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Uh I was promised a bounce after opex.

>> No.51042590
File: 33 KB, 585x576, AA273157-5DB5-4DD2-9E84-D558D5566829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*breathes in*

>> No.51042592
File: 57 KB, 680x659, 1661189600015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember rally after rally after bad earnings and guidance? that was fun.

>> No.51042597

My puts are enjoying this, but I need a better VIX pump to sell into.

>> No.51042599

just turn the chart upside down :)

>> No.51042600
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, 202207191032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and they don't stop selling
>and they don't stop selling
and they don't stop selling
>and they don't stop selling
and they don't stop selling
>and they don't stop selling
and they don't stop selling
>and they don't stop selling
and they don't stop selling
>and they don't stop selling
and they don't stop selling
>and they don't stop selling
and they don't stop selling
>and they don't stop selling
and they don't stop selling
>and they don't stop selling
and they don't stop selling
>and they don't stop selling
and they don't stop selling
>and they don't stop selling
and they don't stop selling
>and they don't stop selling
and they don't stop selling
>and they don't stop selling
and they don't stop selling
>and they don't stop selling
and they don't stop selling
>and they don't stop selling

>> No.51042605
File: 49 KB, 600x600, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gas stations must lower gas prices for the common good of the american
You are sounding like brandon right now

>> No.51042606
File: 103 KB, 576x760, ADB3EDA6-BDBE-457A-9E7B-D5F093992990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao not even a 1pm pump, just dump... get in the fucking bag mumu

>> No.51042621

they're just dropping before fed meeting. Best not to pay attention to daily changes because niggas are literally selling and buying for no reason. Every pump and dump goes too far so it continually pumps and dumps all year round.

Yoyo up the mountain nigga yoyo up a mountain

>> No.51042633

sold prior to July earnings. picked up a few bucks.
charts says buy now. i am not.

>> No.51042636

I would pull it for some random anime song.

>> No.51042640
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Wait, are those chucklefucks in Wyoming again?

>> No.51042646
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>> No.51042652

That'll never happen. This isn't a peak cyclical.
If anything, P/E ratio will get worse as it gets cheaper due to earnings decay, eventually leading to outright losses.

>> No.51042655


>> No.51042664

holy shit it really is over

>> No.51042674

You're retarded, I hope you are buying lots of stocks. Everything is priced in.

>> No.51042683
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Bag secured

>> No.51042686
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ome stonks will still push lower tho this correction but im already longing stuff

>> No.51042692


>> No.51042698
File: 306 KB, 1186x2208, 35F29FDF-942B-49D1-9BD3-282426A56B06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how about you look into the independent company instead of some political bullshit
>EQNR account for 70% of Norways O&G production
>roughly 1/3rd of production is outside of Norway
Again, how will this company increase 50% when 70% of its production is in Norway, and Norway is already at maximum gas export capacity?
Who knows where the remaining 30% of EQNR’s assets are located, what % is LNG vs oil, and how feasible is it ship to Germany?

>> No.51042721

look at 133 tick chart

>> No.51042732

Hodl APE don’t let the hedgies short your massive gains and remember Adamn Aron can dilute your shares at a moments notice to fight the hedgies

>> No.51042733
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What the hell why are bank stonks down I thought banks were bear proof

>> No.51042734

I'm telling you guys, the real play is whatever company sells axes and hatchets in Germany.

>> No.51042735

Cope, brandon

>> No.51042737

Let's look. Commodities high even with a china slowdown and 20% youth unemployment because the west killed their own commodity markets and are the demand on international stage. All these inputs china needs are now high priced in dollars as the dollar strengthens and their stimulus is weakening their currency

This means what would normally create a much lower priced commodities market is now incredibly high combined with Russian issues straining supplies.

China is being slamfucked by big dollar priced commodities even in a slowdown AND a crash in goods demand and offshoring that will continue into 2023

Reminder, china loses, globalists win

>> No.51042741

nobody needs money anymore

>> No.51042742

this market is fucking gay, bros

>> No.51042743

It says it is responsible for 70% of overall Norwegian Gas production, not that 70% of its operations are in Norway, ya goof. Legit you need to stop being such a contrarian faggot, you guys come out of the rot every time a no brainer is shilled to confuse anons.

>> No.51042759

Entered a weekly SPY call at $413.68. Feel good we will bleed up a little through the afternoon.

>> No.51042771

>one third of our operations are outside of Norway
Holy fuck you are actually retarded. This means the remaining two thirds are in Norway

>> No.51042774

But what will my large cap stocks do with 30% less competition

>> No.51042779
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Trust the indicators

>> No.51042783
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>> No.51042785

I would prefer what ever globohomo
, WEF shit has to offer then to live under the chink system, I will take fags and trannys over chinks, I would probably just kms if China was successful.

>> No.51042791
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My spy outs expire in January. It is going down.

>> No.51042792
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>> No.51042796

This guy proved his retardedness by going all in on ETF's that had one-off dividend payouts and assuming that was the yield going forward.

>> No.51042800

>It is impossible for the company to keep expanding outside of Norway as it has been doing for the past 5 years because it just is and you have to buy (shitstock) because some German said they'll buy some gas from them.

Fucken retard

>> No.51042808

Go back cleaning toilets, while your mother and sister cleaning said Abdul dicks, slavtoid

>> No.51042814

Classic dividend boomer mistake. No dividend is guaranteed and they could just as easily cut a dividend to 0 when your stock is down 90%

>> No.51042824


>> No.51042827

>how will this company increase 50% when 70% of its production is in Norway, and Norway is already at maximum gas export capacity?

Im not anon, I cant defend the "50% gain"-meme. But LNG is a commodity that will continue to go through the roof. It doesnt matter if they can nor cant export more of their product as a result.

Half of europes houses are heated by gas. European industry like the one in germany is heavily reliant on gas. There is no way around it other than that this commodity, through more inflation (which is not peaking , by the way) - is going to dip further.

Take a look at gas producers, they have gone virtually parabolic as of this year. You really think that is going to stop as it gets colder and colder in europe ? I dont think so.

I remain bullish on EQNR. Even bought more today as they were doing stock buybacks.
A nice little gain.

Anon here is correct about being a contrarian. I understand having your own idea, thats great. But being a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian, I do not understand.

>> No.51042828

Yeah but I think a mild to hard landing is best to kill all goods demand, not sure exactly but a hawkish fed makes the most sense

Will ruin all of EM economy for a bit

>> No.51042842

So did boomer divvy anon really have his wife leave him?

>> No.51042851

>- is going to dip further.
lmfao im retarded meant to say, is going to continue to appreciate in value.

>> No.51042852

The WEF system is just as bad as the chinks but with the addition of fags and trannies though

>> No.51042865

i just bought some eqnr long dated calls based on his retardedness

>> No.51042875

If he was doing OXY or KO or any historically reliable dividend blue chip I would've respected it, but it's like he sorted a spreadsheet/table of ETF's by yield descending and just aped into the highest yields without any research, ie PDBC.

>> No.51042878
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Because the vix index is too low indicating negative long return.

>> No.51042885

chinks are the ones behind wef, they love globalism and communist ways

>> No.51042889
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>> No.51042896

Fucken sell them.

>> No.51042899


>> No.51042916

it's "fuckin" not "fucken" my good ESL troll

>> No.51042925


>> No.51042930

Haven’t been seeing this guy posted lately. What happened to him?

>> No.51042968

my whole point is there is more alpha in small cap companies that can both increase production and benefit from price increases. EQNR will go up as LNG price increases, no shit, but their production is static.
If you take a look at a heat map on a Green Day for energy, the small caps are harmonics and will go up double digits while saturated companies are lucky to pop 5%.

>> No.51042979


>> No.51042981


>> No.51042993

He was put to the test during the meltdown and failed.

>> No.51043022

>Gays run their own clinic networks. You'll see the same lag of cases rising at a 1-2 R(t) -> fags panic -> vaccines and paranoia kick in -> cases decline ~1 month later
And gays are keyed in to the issue now so you're right. The question is whether there will be enough spread in the interim -- the vaccine requires two shots for full immune response, which means a month of lag.

If you're using NYC as your model for this assumption -- NYC issued an emergency order and guidance to its citizens. This is important because an infected person is contagious for a number of weeks, and they need a government decree to have the support needed to isolate. I would argue that the behavioral changes are significantly greater factors than vaccines. Other areas aren't doing that -- most notably Florida, whose government is actively fighting the idea that mpxv should be taken seriously.

Potential non-fag superspread vectors, like schools and daycare, will also be engaged over the next month or so. We're at a make or break point.

>Pridepox is not smallpox and it's not able to evolve at COVID speeds
You're right, but you don't seem to understand the difference between coronavirus and poxvirus.

The major risk of the current outbreak isn't human-human transmission. It is human-animal transmission. This pox has already shown it will hop to domesticated dogs -- which is a bad sign for everyone.

Furthermore, it's more likely that mpxv will start dodging vaccines. RNA viruses like coronaviruses are small and use discreet pathways that can be targeted. Large DNA viruses like mpxv work slower, but have diversity within their genome that makes them more robust. This make therapuetics more attractive.

Right now taking any firm position on the outcome of this outbreak is highly speculative. What's not so speculative is whether SIGA will receive FDA approval and additional orders... it will. It's a pretty safe bet if you take profits right before that announcement.

>> No.51043050

Last we'd heard. Of course since he's still posting his holdings from June and is too dumb to even tripcode it's super easy to impersonate him.

>> No.51043068

Whoops I meant XOM

>> No.51043076


>> No.51043098


>> No.51043161

>What are you on about


>> No.51043162

>the vaccine requires two shots for full immune response
Nah, IIRC it kicks in over 6 weeks after the frist. The reason they were talking about only offering first shots/delaying second shots is because the second shot significantly lengthens the duration of immunity.

For Florida, my point is that the gays aren't following DeSantis.

>Potential non-fag superspread vectors, like schools and daycare, will also be engaged over the next month or so.
To a large extent they already have. How many summer camp and daycares have we seen? They've all turned out to be one-offs of gay adult -> kid -> done.

>The major risk of the current outbreak isn't human-human transmission. It is human-animal transmission. This pox has already shown it will hop to domesticated dogs -- which is a bad sign for everyone.
Yeah, but we're not seeing animal reservoirs spilling back out into the general population. Despite its diverse nature, NYC is not big on bush meat.

>Furthermore, it's more likely that mpxv will start dodging vaccines. RNA viruses like coronaviruses are small and use discreet pathways that can be targeted. Large DNA viruses like mpxv work slower, but have diversity within their genome that makes them more robust. This make therapuetics more attractive.
Please, please, please read a biology textbook before investing in biotechs.

>> No.51043344
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I'm too brainlet to follow that shit