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>> No.51037170

Based. Fuck wh*te "people".

>> No.51037174

Did they say they are sorry?

>> No.51037176

the jewnited states forgave a trillion dollars in paycheck protection loans so small business boomers could give themselves a six figure bonus. checkmate, chinks.

>> No.51037197
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they realized they couldn't pay

>> No.51037202

>nationwide housing crisis
>high unemployment among 18-24 y.o.
>forgives nigger debts

What is the "master" plan behind all these?

>> No.51037207

And how many loans in total?

Do you honestly think the Chink Jew is a benevolent overlord. These Africans are probably so far behind on payments they don’t want them to die or collapse before they get what they want

>> No.51037255

* pending the ruling party agreeing with the next trade deal china approaches with.

>> No.51037264
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It's a prison loan. You "give" your mate something, but they know later they'll be sucking your dick, because if they refuse they will be in much bigger trouble.
China wants to own that bootyhole.

>> No.51037272

They basically own those countries now and they are not losing money because Chinese contractors are draining them of natural resources. They have been plenty of African and South American countries with interest free or low interest loans to build infrastructure, on the condition that the countries use Chinese contractors to build the infrastructure. This infrastructure is meant to faciliate the transportation of natural resources from remote areas where the Chinese have set up mining operations, to harbors where Chinese ships can transport the natural resources back home to China.

China took advantage of the US being busy fighting goat farmers in the mideast, and they began taking over African nations and expanding into the US back yard in South America

>> No.51037281
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genocide and conquest are now frowned upon so they're taking the soft approach of buying nigger trust with gibs (essentially creating a continental welfare state) for preferential access to their vast mineral resources.

what exactly is the jewnited states doing?

>> No.51037296

Interest free isn't debt forgiveness. It's an interest freeze on an already impossible to pay back debt for some shit they didn't need like a 50 meter status or an airport in the jungle.

>> No.51037323

actively sending missiles into warzones under the guise of charity using terminology like foreign aid packages.
same as always. good old based us of a

>> No.51037329

The master plan is to become friends with Wakanda before everything turns to shit in WW war 3

>> No.51037334
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>China forgives
>actually they pledged

>> No.51037366
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China will cuck too, right?

>> No.51037367

>likes "free markets" but is the only show in town for decades
>China comes and provides and actual alternative partner for African countries

>hurr durr chinks bad muh democracy

>> No.51037387

>africans don't starve
>africans stay in africa

I don't see the problem

>> No.51037391

no its better than that.
those interest free loans are what are being pledged about.

its not a default if you forgive them and debt trap a motherfucker with infrastructure policy.
im talking missionary

>> No.51037410

The only ones seeing an increase in life quality are the government officials receiving bribes to facilitate the robbery of natural resources

>> No.51037411

who was the largest aid provider to those countries?

>> No.51037416

The booty hole in this case being the rare earth mineral rights to all of Africa which is like 90% of the world. Jokes on them though. We're just gonna get the CIA to start some organic:tm: revolutions in those countries and then swoop them up for ourselves.

>> No.51037432

Missionary position. The way China is getting fucked internally and externally. A missionary spit roast if you will.

>> No.51037433

they're already spoken for. this is a game about who gets the airbases in first

>> No.51037463

What's the point of an airbase if you can't keep your planes in the air because everyone else outguns you in sta and naval power?

>> No.51037472

how long until niggers fly a plane into the new world trade center?

>> No.51037475
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Could you imagine being a self-conscious mid-nigger? Imagine being smart enough to know that the one who forgives you has power over you, yet not being smart enough to not take that debt on, in the first place?

How sublime that fear must be, knowing that you did something wrong (no more "dindu nuffin") and yet not having the insight to avoid doing wrong. The internal cognitive and emotional conflict is delicious.

>> No.51037477

dont get hung up on nationalism.
all rats try and jump sinking ships, only the rats at the top of the pile get out.
the same can be said for all the superpowers. they're such mutts that no nation-state matters like that.
its just about collective power

>> No.51037489

>how long until niggers fly a plane
Two more centuries

>> No.51037496

For anyone interested in seeing in detail how China takes over these countries and drain them of resources, watch this. Vice is shit most of the time but this one is very good. They go undercover posing as Chinese contractors and they get very far up the chain


>> No.51037497

yeah an aircraft carrier is a what?

besides. that really only matters for coastal targets. im talking continental control.
as important as the aformention infrastru

>> No.51037624

Still think this isn't going to work the way China thinks. The reason the west wouldn't deal with these nations isn't because they were distracted but because they'd done it already like 100 years ago and realized they're prone to violent uprising when things don't go their way. Only issue is China has zero forces projection.
>President xi, the dirt farmers in Sudan are threatening to murder all of the Chinese contractors on the mines if we don't give back the mineral rights
There's gonna be a lot of that in their future.

>> No.51037646

west is focussed on south america for the mid term with africa in the long term.

its about what the jews want to do at this point. when we put some jews in there then we'll actually see them take a side. one way or another it's literally 50/50 with them

>> No.51037664
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>China forgives
>actually they pledged
>Actually they only pledged to remove interest
>Actually they only pledged to remove interest for a short amount of time
>Actually they only pledged to remove some of the interest for a short amount of time

>> No.51037683

That amount of debt was probably 100% a non issue to the Chinese economy

>> No.51037686

They're still gonna starve as a consequence of Ukraine providing most of their wheat and fertilizer.

>> No.51037700

Are you under the impression that there are no NATO bases in continental Africa?

>> No.51037711

Step 1 replace the IMF with BRICS, get as many countries on board as possible
Step 2 replace the USD as the world reserve currency
Step 3 dethrone the US as world hegemon and create multipolarity

>> No.51037716

Meanwhile, Adalberto Costa Junior, a presidential candidate in Angola, has vowed to examine the county’s debt if he is elected.

Angola owes about $90 billion, which will cost it about $8 billion each year in amortisation, according to Bloomberg.

“The amount of real foreign debt is not known,” Mr Junior said in an interview on the weekend.

More Coverage
China’s power move fuels ‘debt traps’
‘Deserves stern punishment’: China erupts
Around $27 billion of Angola’s total debt is owed to China, with the funds used to build roads, hospitals and railway links.

Mr Junior warned that any borrowings not linked to infrastructure projects could be renegotiated.

im saying fluid situations are always fluid, hence the dancing around it

>> No.51037722

The master plan is to survive as the only major superpower while the US fucks itself over every election cycle.

>> No.51037734

Well I'm glad the masters of subversion are on our side here. Trying to debt trap American nations isn't going to work because they'd sooner kill you and burn everything down then play by rules they find to be unfair. China will learn the hard way.

>> No.51037749

Lulz. Just like Amber Heard.

>> No.51037751

Western governments and populations have already been debt trapped. Only not by nation states

>> No.51037753

>Using yuan, rubles, rupees, or Brazilian dollars as a reserve currency
LMAO even

>> No.51037766

>he thinks America's crises are solvable through politics
Our internal contradictions will only create political finger pointing as the house burns down.

>> No.51037784

He's going to be executed so it's not worth thinking about. The people led by a warlord are going to murder all of the bug contractors and tell them to take their paper and shove it.

>> No.51037791

Given America is no longer the leader in world trade, something's gotta give. We can't project force as much as we used to without basically starting ww3 at this point

>> No.51037796

I meant Africa*
Phone posting.

>> No.51037798

again, nationalism and power structures arent the same thing.
theres no loyalty to nations, only to power.
how do you think we made rockets?

>> No.51037801

we wuz kangz

>> No.51037803

>Given America is no longer the leader in world trade, something's gotta give
Imagine believing this

>> No.51037823


>> No.51037826

i literally said they weren't btw.
i said theyre going to pick a winner.
you think china has no jews or has never seen jewish culture? they love that shit, thats why they dont let it get a grip at home.

>> No.51037867

>America is no longer the leader in world trade
>implying the US doesn't export more dollars than any other country
The US is still on top and China is a little paper tiger bitch that wouldn't stand a chance against the blacktech drones the US has in it's back pocket.

>> No.51037918

>200 years
An extremely unreasonable amount of time to expect niggers to evolve the brainpower for an understanding of aerodynamics.

>> No.51037923

whose chips were made in?
starts with t, h or c.
its not texas instruments btw

>> No.51037939


true, modern colonialism is not going to work anymore. Opposing power will definitely take advantages to any violent uprising by helping the locals to claim their rights and sovereignty, and end up getting the recourses cheap by making a deal with a company infamous for employing child labours for $0.5 / hour

>> No.51037979

but yeah.
reserve currency and all that.
why might a country encourage its own currency to inflate intentionally i wonder??

who does it own money to again?
lol, imagine if the US did just literally pay back all foreign debt it owes right now and fucks every world market forever.. causing china to shoot the bombs which the US send the drones to stop. which shut presses the button to shut down. but before the button is hit the US destroys the power grid but then china hacks the US blockchain and installs twitter as the never overlord AI instead of google.
then what?

>> No.51037983


euro and yen are going to be the next options, yuan are more likely to be adopted by third world countries only, assuming USD is longer an option as the reserve currency (which is highly unlikely in the foreseeable future)

>> No.51038155

The important chips actually are made in America. It's just the quantity of chips is mostly foreign. Quality is domestic.

>> No.51038179

Oh no, how will we ever build new manufacturing plants when the technology was all designed by US based companies and engineers?

China implodes and goes back to being the shithole it was born to be. The US is cleansed of degeneracy in a chaotic couple of years. Everyone benefits in the longterm.

>> No.51038218

Check out the forex rates Anon. If you're Japan, why the fuck would you want anything but USD? If you're Germany, Britain, whoever? The only people that think USD isn't going to remain the reserve currency are retarded internet economists and the leaders of China and Russia that are upset the US hegem won't let them invade their neighbors in peace.

>> No.51038219

If you can't harvest money because they own nothing then you should harvest goodwill and reputation

>> No.51038381

erm.. anon.. im not sure if you understand how some of these supply chains work now?

wheres skywaters massive fab again?
or did you mean intel..? also 53b a year ago isnt enough to get the US up to speed.. nowhere near. but its testing the waters for feasability.
it wont be feasible btw.

>> No.51038397

if youre anyone trading with the US you dont get a choice,

btw the reason the US isnt payingh back debts now is because thats literally what would cause a ballistic ww3

>> No.51038417

hopefully yes.
but thats not now. nor mid-term.
y'all need a plan.

>> No.51038445

If you're anyone trading anything you don't want anything but USD and the only reason you don't want it is because you're doing shit that's going to get you sanctioned. Japan trading with Germany doesn't want euros and they don't want yen. Because both are falling in comparison to the dollar. You want dollars. Anything else is cope.

>> No.51038449

This. China doesn't want or need their money. China is buying their land-wealth and their compliance while China extracts it.

>> No.51038518

>muh enemies hold all my losing trades
thats no way to get the other kids to play nice with you anon.

>> No.51038550
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>> No.51038574

>and their compliance
They're losing that. And Ukraine is going to push that right off a cliff. Remember that the Arab spring started because of one slightly bad wheat harvest. Now Ukraine isn't producing wheat or fertilizer. Most of which went to the third world. There's going to be bloody revolutions all over the third world and every belt and road state is going to be hilarious if you think they'll be able to manage the mineral rights while local militias are patrolling.
I just wish LiveLeak was still around for when it happens.

>> No.51038593

You're free to trade with monopoly money if you like. The people interested in making money and not losing it trade in USD. Cry about it.

>> No.51038609

This sounds entirely plausible, and I hope a spiritual successor to liveleak arises to document it for my enjoyment.

>> No.51038710

ive nothing to cry for. youre projecting a point on me that im not making.
settle the fuck down.

>> No.51038823

The point I'M making is that people trade USD because it is/was/will continue to be, the best option for international trade. Thinking the world is going to jump off of USD into fucking brics is retarded. BRICS is a basket of shit currencies that will just lose value compared to USD which in turn means the people using it as a reserve are losing money. But I encourage that level of financial suicide.

>> No.51038899

so youre just rambling?
i mean thats cool an all.
but there jas to be a point or people become disinterested.

>> No.51038940

The point is me responding to people talking about USD being replaced by BRICS for a reserve currency. Are you that same retarded ESL chink that shows up any time somebody doesn't suck off China?

>> No.51038997

>China forgives debt
>China PLEDGES to forgive debt.

Which one is it? Very different things. China is in financial trouble themselves and unless the forgiveness deal is actually made I could very easily see them reneging on it.

>> No.51039085

I went to grab the url for LeakedReality and of course it's down due to some legal bullshit.

>> No.51039264

God is such a sweet Dungeon Master. Imagine creating a massive continent filled with natural resources and inhabiting it with Orcs and Goblins for us to struggle against.

>> No.51040199
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based china, doing colonialism the right way. they were never interested in the debt. the real asset are the resources and influence they now have over the region.

>> No.51040271
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They don't need their own money they can print themselves at any time. China is trying to be to Africa what the IMF and World Bank currently is to Africa.

>> No.51040439

Anon, it's August 22. The new debt starts in 9 days, africans can't pay anyway

>> No.51041494

They're gonna get fucked. You think the Europeans didn't want to keep the resources? They just gave up the colonies because there was no money in gold diamonds and other rare earth metals?? China is going to find out the hard way why the Europeans decided it wasn't worth dealing with Africa.

>> No.51041514

That's really nice of the Chinese to do. What kind hearted people they are :)

>> No.51041794

>Europeans decided it wasn't worth dealing with Africa.
But Europeans never decided it wasn't worth it, their elites just decided the effort/reward ratio was more advantageous to them personally if they simply used Africa to funnel/launder NGO money into their own pockets instead of trying to do anything productive. The Chinese are neither burdened by neoliberal ideology declaring Africans their equals nor are they so small in their ambitions.

>> No.51041911
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How much money have we given that God forsaken continent?

>> No.51041931
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>what is neo-colonialism

You must be completely naive if you unironically think that Europe and the West still aren't the colonial powers in Africa. Do you really think that just because there aren't boots on the ground that these counties are truly "independent"? The French currency "CFA franc" is still used by 8 counties in Africa with a total population of more than 100M people. The currency is printed but not used by France - it's only for extracting wealth without all the hassle of colonialism. Counties which are rich in natural resources are still banana Republics of the west and are ruled in proxy by Western multi-national corporations. Any well meaning leadership gets a coup sponsored by your favourite 3 letter agency. The IMF and the World Bank rape these countries financially with bad debts they know they can't pay.

>> No.51041971

>we gonna "forgive" your debt (wich we always knew your never gonna pay for) in exchange to allow us(china) to drain your natural resources, breed your women and make your country the backyard of china, ah and don't forget to blame the europeans for it.
i wonder how many african species would go extinct to keep chinks boners hard now they gonna have free access to those african countries

>> No.51042025

defending israel like always

>> No.51043540

4.7 trillions since 1960.
The article is pure cope about how this is a small price to pay for eradicating smallpox in Africa when literally everyone else did so with a small fraction of this amount.