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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51033792 No.51033792 [Reply] [Original]

>buys G Wagon on a loan, immedialy keys his own car on purpose
>stops making music
>becomes a drug addict
>quits school and takes any sponsorships he can as he ran out of money
>doesnt even have 30k in his bank account
>now in a psychiatric hospital

alright /biz/, what are the golden rules you will follow after making it so you dont end up like xan?

>> No.51033803

also his gf in pic related dumped him lol

>> No.51033814
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He was a industry plant so he didn’t belong in the first place if you didn’t grow up listing to chief keef you will most likely look very cringe in the rap game.

>> No.51033815

Nigeria germany

>> No.51033825
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tfw he stll fucked a qt and I'm a millionaire virgin in my 30s who's too afraid to approach women because im ugly short and autisitic

>> No.51033866
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height? whats your face like?

>> No.51033924

Same but 22

>> No.51033929


face is ethnic (middle eastern, big nose) and ugly

>> No.51034001
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 32872398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are literally me but im 23

>> No.51034016


sucks bro. being ugly isn't too bad but being short is game over. You'll be invisible to women, even if you make it.
I'm rich and still can't get women because of my height

>> No.51034034

lmao our only saviour is the arranged marriage meme. but i dont think my parents will be around when im 30 in 7 years

>> No.51034735

That's good news i hate this little faggot fuck steve o for having him on his podcast

>> No.51034784

He got upper 6 figs off of a shitty song and the contract that followed which amounted to nothing. If he took the money and fucked off into literal whodom, he could have easily just spent a decade or 2 not doing anything. Of course thats the irony, this blanche nigger never would have had the self control to do so which is self evident.

>> No.51034896

Spot on, addicts gonna addict or something like that. If he had 10x that money then he would just kill himself or end up in the same situation in 10x the time length.

>> No.51034930

She looks like an Asian jew

>> No.51034942

make like Masada and sacrifice your kike children for moloch, IDF

>> No.51035033

its miley cyrus sister

>> No.51035045

Yeah pretty tragic, his early shit was all bangers he didn't seem to miss shame that he couldn't hold it together

>> No.51035101

>his early shit was all bangers
opinion discarded

>> No.51035226

good morning sirs!

>> No.51035237

I knew a short bald cuban guy that was about 5'4" and would bring home cute girls all the time. He sold drugs though

>> No.51035246
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that's it, i'm officially too old for this website. later frogs

>> No.51035322

Rap is dying anyways. These meme rapper waves aren't lasting.

>> No.51035333

based sosa poster

>> No.51035342

it's not a meme anon you get yourself a decent looking woman with that but be careful of the whores in it only for the cashola

>> No.51035395

Nothing lasts in a recession and I am here for the inevitable culling of insta celebs, influencers, other shitty celebrities and basically anyone and everyone that doesn't contribute anything to society that will fall into oblivion..

>> No.51035407

Is the vma awards one of those ones where they slime the winners?

>> No.51035423

Based af. What're you doing this recession to increase your wealth though? I keep hearing its a good time to make money.

>> No.51035574

Why does he look like some Mexican drug addict?

If I seen him in my neighborhood, I would call the cops on him for loitering.

>> No.51035733
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first step is don't be a nigger called lil xan lmfao. 99% of rappers called "lil" anything are dogshit besides the manlet god Wayne.

>> No.51035749

This is what happens to all rappers who "blow up" They take jewish dick from the record labels and then they get addicted to drugs and tattoo their body to cover up their shame of no longer being a man. Many such cases.

>> No.51035803

my financial is management is lil xan tier.

My cycle is: make it > lose motivation > spend it all > get motivated > make it again > rinse / repeat

>> No.51035810

>what are the golden rules you will follow after making it so you dont end up like xan

don't take any drugs including alcohol

>> No.51035813

not even wrong, unironically. JCole has talked about this, many sex abuse victims in hip hop.

>> No.51036096
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>> No.51036149

a jewish psyops'd white degenerate american who thought it would be cool to be like his favourite low IQ nigger rappers. has no idea of aryan spirit or cares about anything relating to his race....... many such cases

>> No.51036151


>> No.51036309

you manlets are the worst, self-deprecating retards throwing rocks under their own feet, i have a friend and he would be a good partner to majority of women if only he tried, just "boohoo im a manlet why even bother"

whats stopping you from going after short women or just slightly taller? you will wither anyway and if you want a lady into old age she wouldnt care if shes 5-10cm taller since both of you will be deformed by age

>> No.51036358

The shorter girls like taller men too, all accross the board it's like that.

>> No.51036394

>literal wigger acts like a nigger with money
more news at 11

>> No.51036419

you really should (a) kys (b) kys (c) kys (d) kys

>> No.51037621

yo muh nigguh, Lil chan here to fock you muma in de ass and eat your dinner

>> No.51037874

Cope, it's your vibe not your height

>> No.51037940

That picture is fucking golden

I would never let that girl go if she was mine, she's weird-hot

Industry plant confirmed kek

Tbh Lil Xan made some decent zoomer shit, but overall he was clearly very mentally ill. Have you seen a picture of him recently? He really fell off the deep end. I remember I saw a video of him talking about throwing up blood and shit.

>> No.51037975
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Step 1: Don't be a retard
Step 2: Don't do drugs
Step 3: actually invest your money into things like BTC, ETH and bitDAO
Step 4: Don't be a retard

>> No.51038025

>invest in crypto

>> No.51038069

I have accepted Christ into my life, so demons cannot possess me.

>> No.51038092

How can you follow Step 4 when Step 3 says to invest in "BitDAO"

>> No.51038111
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lil xan is based. He makes good music and isn't retarded like everyone acts. He's in a rough spot right now but he's going to pull through stronger than ever.

>> No.51038272
File: 16 KB, 320x320, 17881857_1127589160684269_6176879565466501120_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of you guys aren't in touch with the culture so here's a couple of pieces of context that you're missing on the lil xan situation:

>he had an episode where he disrespected 2pac's legacy, caused a huge backlash that was the spark for his demise
Now look at this. In the game, any sort of publicity is good because when you have the spotlight on you, you can follow up with more music to capitalize on it, the problem is that he didn't, he had a bad take and he went the route nobody ever should go: feeding the trolls.
Dude got on his feelings, started trying to argue with fans online, in real life, pulling out guns on people.

And that's only half of the problem.

>becomes a drug addict
He always been, and that's also a huge problem that kill rapping careers.
You make it, you can afford more and stronger shit, you get even more fucked up and work even less, make less music, less shows, attitude problems - that if you don't overdose.

Then link back to the 2pac incident, he was already going through a lot of mental distress, then you add on top of it all the excessive drug usage, then you add on it more stress since his label been leaving him the shelf, thanks to antics and poor workflow, which in return fucks his psyche even more, and the episodes you listed follow after.

What can we learn from all this?
Making it in the rap game is a nearly impossible task, one in a million, look how many rappers never make it, end up stuck in the sub 100 plays limbo.
If you get any little bit of traction, take it seriously, treat it as a business, avoid labels like the plague, focus on growing your social media presence while making good musical projects, in conjunction with live appearances.
And for the love of god, chill with the drugs, taking some casually to help your creative process/take off the edge is fine, but keep the eyes on the prize always

tl;dr niggas only think about the short term and not the long term, be like Jay-Z


>> No.51038283

same but im tall and handsome I'm just too schizo

>> No.51038443

>more like lil chin

>> No.51038453

>a midwit 13 yo celebrity fooon

>> No.51038468

No one cares about nigger trash music

>> No.51038492

same but I'm 6'1 instead of 5'3

>> No.51038870
File: 109 KB, 734x441, alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his early shit was all bangers

>> No.51039522

>middle eastern
get a tradwife 18 year old virgin from your home country Abdul. you're a millionaire

>> No.51039561

>niggerlicious musings of a mulattoe teenager

>> No.51040698

What do I have to do to become a buck breaking manager that breaks bucks and holds the footage of them being broken over their heads the rest of their lives? Imagine the feeling of power of plowing some “gangsta thug” with your BWC as he submits like a good little bitch to become a Jewish slave.

>> No.51040745

That sounds gay.

>> No.51040972

Not really. In 5'4 and have had 2 gf's and currently have one who's 5'3.

>> No.51041442

who joo calling bald mang.

>> No.51042333
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>> No.51043070
File: 380 KB, 600x866, 1648510962756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one cares about nigger trash music
on the contrary it's the most popular music on the planet