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51033737 No.51033737 [Reply] [Original]

What are the financial implications of taking amphetamines?

And if you think ADHD is fake, how do I restore my dopamine to healthy levels then?

>> No.51033788


>> No.51033813

>becomes methhead
>b b b but the "doctor" said it was okay

>> No.51033821

Ok then answer part 2 of my question

>> No.51033847

>id - saul

>> No.51033852

>how do I restore my dopamine to healthy levels then?
The dopamine hypothesis of depression, anxiety and attention are insufficient to explain the complexity of the human mind
Additionally you were never given a test to determine the validity of that claim
Alas you will take them religiously for at least years before you realize you're no better than a meth addict who convinces himself he needs to do drugs to continue life, all the while accruing various health ailments as a direct result of your amphetamine intake and lack of sleep
I pity people like yourself, but recognize my words will fall on deaf ears

>> No.51033858

ADHD is fake. Sell your Adderall prescriptions on the dark net and make cash

>> No.51033871


>> No.51033874
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>What are the financial implications of taking amphetamines?
If you have actual ADHD, you'll be able to study or work with focus for the first time.

It is a very overdiagnosed illness however. Normies taking amphetamines will just make them bounce off the walls. An ADHD patient taking them will find a drastic boost in performance since your brain will have actual functioning dopamine levels for the first time

>> No.51033952

The dopamine explanation of ADHD makes perfect sense, midwit. It is a well studied neuromodulator, and ADHD patients have proven with various medical instruments to have many shortcomings with baseline dopamine levels. Do not comment on topics which you are severely incompetent in

>> No.51033975

>giving people drugs makes them feel better
>it is known
I concede
Enjoy your amphetamines

>> No.51034005

This is correct. Look up Thomas Szas the myth of mental illness.

It's all a trick to make you weak minded cucks believe you are fucked. I took anti depressants for 4 years while my doctor told me I was fucked everyday. I asked her when I would get better and she said when we find the right med combination. I quit then and there and have been fine since.

I also took 10g of dried shrooms so uh maybe talking to God helped too.

>> No.51034054

Adhd meds arnt anti depressants….

>> No.51034067

no they're amphetamines which is even worse, it's laughable this shit is passed off as medicine

>> No.51034091
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Not a good time to start a drug that may soon be in short supply.

>> No.51034122

Amphetamines are not worse than benzos lmao

>> No.51034167

To answer, ADHD is real, but not necessarily permanent. A lot of retards ITT are downplaying dopamine desensitization, which would answer many of the ailments ADHD patients suffer from. If you can survive a dopamine detox:
>no porn
>no vidya
>heavily limited internet
>no junk food
>cold showers
>more exercise
>fast (kills intestinal parasites, linked to mental focus)

You should see a start increase in focus levels. Doctors unfortunately treat attention issues as something that's permanent and incurable, but your focus is absolutely a muscle that can be trained.

>> No.51034203

>fast (kills intestinal parasites, linked to mental focus)
Proof that fasting kills intestinal parasites? I do know fasting leads to mental focus, however I have never heard of parasite killing mechanism before.

>> No.51034266

I've been using adderall for a few years. It claims me down and helps me focus when Im on my computer (wfh). Just don't take anymore than what they tell you to take and take a week or two break from it every once in a while. I went from a C student in high school to a very good programmer.

>> No.51034503

Psychedelics helped me too, but mostly because I kept getting misdiagnosed for depression when I have ADHD and it wasn't until shrooms that I realized I had it. Most prescriptions given by docs are a load of shit but mental illnesses are real. I don't consider ADHD an illness though, just modern society is built for for maximum slave output. ADHD brains work just fine but aren't good for prolonged monotonous and ultimately pointless work stretched out over 9 hours just for the sake of an arbitrary standard set for factory workers in the industrial revolution that we just standardized. For most of human civilization work was done on a need to do basis, which is what ADHD actually excels at. When shit needs to get done it can get done above and beyond, but expect a recharge period in between.

What ADHD is good at:
>Creative out of the box analysis
>Learning an interesting subject in depth at a faster rate than their peers, will study something new for 12 hours without food or rest without realizing
>Completing an entire project in one shot
>Taking hard risks and rolling with the punches if it doesn't work out
>Getting deep into a flow state where it becomes impossible to stop them from working once they're actually engaged

What ADHD isn't good at:
>Remembering/being on time for redundant daily meetings that everyone knows is bullshit
>Answering a constant flow of emails that will force our attention away from actual important shit, and it's hard to re-adjust that focus back once it's lost
>Needlessly dragging out work by following "best practices" like writing out a skeleton then first draft then fluffed up intro paragraph and etc.
>Giving constant micromanaged status updates on pointless shit instead of just letting them deliver completed work when it's completed
>Sitting in an office cubical all fucking day listening to Todd munching chips and Shaniqua blasting DMX all day constantly disconnecting their focus from important shit

>> No.51034529

This is wrong. ADHD isn't a lack of focus despite the name, and anyone who thinks so shows they have no clue what the hell they're talking about. On the contrary ADHD brains actually hyperfocus on things they aren't supposed to. When you have ADHD you're so focused on what you're doing that you don't even take a break to use the bathroom, drink, or eat. You still think about it - in the back of your mind you have the voice telling you "hey, I'm hungry and should grab a snack" but you LITERALLY ARE UNABLE TO REDIRECT YOUR FOCUS even for something that's a basic need and benefits you.

>> No.51034582

>tell your doctor youre hyperfocused on your work for 8 hours straight
>heres some meth to fix that


>> No.51034606

Whats wrong with prescribed meth? Wasn't it very common in mathematicians, and isn't it sort of based?

But regardless or not, it's all about you cut it.

I've got pretty bad ADHD but also took adderall + vyvanse and couldn't help abuse it because of my own personality, but it does help.

So I had to quit, but without it, it's still just as difficult, so the trade off is trying to struggle through my own shitty brain, but there is victory in that as well.

Not sure which one is better or more based, being a genius meth head, or being a stoic struggling through your own ego.

>> No.51034671

>explanation makes no sense
You just failed to understand it or lack the most basic common sense
It makes perfect sense

>> No.51034672

Ive just be prescribed Ritalin. Was hoping to get adderal tho. Whats the big difference between these 2?

>> No.51034731

How to tell me you're a faggot without telling me you're a faggot.

>> No.51034816
File: 120 KB, 1284x1238, 294490115_361540906440851_8270366526221095917_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dopamine starvation disorder
addressed with
>dopamine detox
>le fasting
Don't believe any single word this anon spewed out of her mouth, like the rest of the midwit faggots infesting this thread, she doesn't know anything about the disorder nor how to treat it

>> No.51034862

If you truly have ADHD like me, it's gonna turn you superhuman. I've wasted 6 years after school trying muh heckin strategies and weekly plans and time management but it doesn't work long term if your dopamine levels are just not made for this dull everyday life. Then i got some meth prescribed and it was fucking unbelievable, i blasted though 6hrs+ studying sessions at the library with no downtime, no pauses to relax etc. I couldn't even begin to think about studying before that. It helps me tremendously, I feel like I'm finally able to do everything that people around me take for granted, and really live up to my potential because i was always that potential kid, good athletics, 130 IQ, etc but always too unfocused and understimulated to thrive at anything. Don't listen to the "muh pharma Jews" guys, they have a point obviously but you know what, some shit just works. Viagra is the drug that makes the most money in the entire world but it's also the one that just fucking works for people

>> No.51034878
File: 174 KB, 1016x970, Ted depression drugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ADHD is fake.

If you want to reclaim your ability to concentrate, get off the internet, get off coffee, stop using your phone, go away from all hyper-stimulation. Go camping for a week, drink water and mediate.

>> No.51034881
File: 248 KB, 1080x1160, IMG_20220815_214619_170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ADHD meds are the new opioid pandemic

>> No.51034969
File: 33 KB, 1048x191, Teddy bear eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51035111

Lol no.

>> No.51035129

>that pic
Haven't read a more validating description of what adhd looks like

>> No.51035156

And if you think ADHD is fake, how do I restore my dopamine to healthy levels then?
simple, stop eating red nr. 40 or any chemical dye

>> No.51035230

This is also spot on holy fuck
I had my worth as an employee be judged on communicating worthless updates, meetings and other horseshit even when I was finishing the work.

My dopamine was surged towards getting singular tasks done. Couldn't give a fuck if I hadn't updated the client every day with bullshit, they could see the damn Jira anyway.

>> No.51035256

You said the same thing to be fair. Neither one of you provide anything in way of fact or proof.

>> No.51035492


adderall is great for 3 hour workout sessions. Highly recommend.

>> No.51036071


Adderall gives neurotypical brains the ADHD like ability to hyperfocus. ADHD brains already do this, but they can't control what they hyperfocus on, when to call that ability, or how to properly taper it down and redirect it when needed. Stimulants give ADHD brains the ability to do those things. You're not really helping your point; ADHD brains are wired differently, stimulants effect them differently. You don't understand ADHD until you see someone spend 14 hours straight researching Capybaras while they have a paper on thermonuclear fusion due the next day. It's not a lack of focus, it's a lack of the ability to control what you focus on. You'll fail to understand ADHD if you have such a fundamental misconception in mind.

>> No.51036234

>I got some meth prescribed
What do you actually take? I'm taking armodafinil every other day to get through life. Looking to add to the stack with ritalin/addies.

>that time I hyper-focused on learning nipponese during my CS midterms
Good times

>> No.51036324

Well it can be seen as procrastination. Your brains actively focus on everything other than the task because it's seem too hard and you're actually not interested in the subject

>> No.51036359

It's not that you focused on random things, just that your brain actively avoided what needed to be done due to some underlying fear that it will be roo much

>> No.51036502

I take it for narcolepsy, any of you fuckers have any meditations or cold showers for that?

>> No.51036505

>final major project of bachelor’s
>three days remaining
>download duolingo
>spend the following eight hours getting to the top of the local nipponese leaderboard
>retain maybe 25% of this information
>still finish project because meth prescription gets picked up next day
I am the most efficient individual in a crunch that this world has ever seen.

>> No.51036515

I haven’t taken a hot shower in four years and also dabble in a multitude of mushrooms, psychedelic and otherwise.

>> No.51036572

BS. ADHD is an executive function impairment. Your working memory and executive decision making abilities are fucked. It's not fake and it's not even that related to focus unless you zoom out and realize that as a side effect yeah, you're not "focusing" on the things that should be getting you ahead or at least maintaining normalcy.

>> No.51036589

The difference is you can snort Ritalin huehue

>> No.51036642

Don't speak about issues you have no clue about

>> No.51036665

>Well it can be seen as procrastination
Core ADHD symptom

>Your brains actively focus on everything other than the task because it's seem too hard
You can focus on harder things than the task at hand. I spent more time learning kanji than finishing the documentation for a uni project.

>you're actually not interested in the subject
Say you have a final exam coming up in two weeks. It's a subject you don't really care about but it's mandatory and sort of easy and if you don't, you'll fail, repeat it, and it'll look bad on your transcript.
This train of thought is easy for a normal person. People with ADHD struggle with it because it isn't enough of a reason for the brain to start pumping dopamine to finish it.
People don't understand how important of a chemical dopamine is. There's dopamine circulating in you to write your reply to me right now; if you didn't have any you wouldn't bother.
I can't control where my dopamine goes no matter how much I reason with myself; I just can't think in the long term.
If you want to know what ADHD looks like, find someone that's aced their dream job interviews and become the top candidate, and then changed/gotten laid off from them after a short time and repeat that process over and over. I take pills to get through work because god forbid I don't have money to waste time on the internet shitposting.

I wish it was that simple

>> No.51036700

need some meth ong fr fr

>> No.51036702
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shut the fuck up drug golem.

>> No.51037185

Sell the meds to uni students

>> No.51037211

congrats, you can now use the system to permanently wfh with ADHD as your disability.

I sell the majority of my meth and take it occasionally. software companies love hiring people with "disabilities". good luck anon

>> No.51037263

they diagnosed you so now you have to take medication and be in therapy your whole life

thats two new revenue streams for them

dont believe the bullshit

>> No.51038089

>Going to the doctor and getting diagnosed with "mental" problem.
You shouldn't go to the doctor unless you are bleeding out or can't walk. Only physical health matters. Mental problems are literally in your head. Just delete tik tok Zoomer.

>> No.51038100

Only faggots think they need drugs to function, anon.

>> No.51038372
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>dopamine explanation of ADHD makes perfect sense
no it doesn't. Dopa levels in your brain are directly and SIGNIIFICANTLY impacted by genetics you inherit from your family. While there is correlation between family members having "adhd" there's no evidence that shows populations with more of these lower-dopamine genetics have more people with ADHD.

Just one such gene is Val/Met 158 which is inherited from both parents and each variant of the Val158 you have impacts dopamine lifetime by a factor of 4x

So around 25% of the population loses dopamine in their brain about 8x faster. Yet 25% of people aren't ADHD? Countries like Japan actually have higher amounts of people with this low-dopamine genetic variant. This variant IS THE NATURAL (hunter gatherer) gene. In fact all this seems to effect is stress resiliency in fast-paced situations, which might explain Japans crazy work culture. And on the opposite side, people with met/met158 can sustain focus much longer doing boring stuff like reading or writing. But this isn't ADHD versus normal, this has very little correlation to the ability to actually focus. Dopamine levels just effect people's ability to enjoy focusing on boring stuff.

Basically, Adderall is just opening the dopamine floodgates and closing off the dam so your brain gets completely swamped with neurotransmitters. You're giving yourself borderline OCD every day, with a drug that's illegal to sell to your friend

>> No.51038583

Read some stuff about successful people with ADHD who rotate stims to focus. They use caffeine, nicotine gum/patches etc. Anyone got experience with this? I came to the conclusion that I might have ADHD but it has never been diagnosed. It's running in the family though. Have the following symptoms:

> Always breezed through school, but I never paid attention in class. Just had short bouts of focus the night before tests and passed. But school never interested me.
> Meanwhile I can spend hours reading about everything related to the gym and human performance.
> Scored 120+ on an IQ test for a job
> I procrastinate constantly
> During conversations my mind always wanders of
> After graduating I spent several years trying various jobs but always got bored after a few months, work as a first responder now and love it but want to start own biz
> Have these moments where I deep dive into random subjects and after several hours I know more about it than others who spend several months learning about it
> Can talk to anyone about anything, friends think I'm a walking wikipedia and frequently ask for advice

Always thought I was a failure and NGMI but now I believe that I have a superpower that I only need to learn to control. Need to get on them stimmies.

>> No.51038617

Yep pretty much. Lucky my boss knows how to handle me. He just leaves me alone and lets me do my thing and micro managers everyone else.

>> No.51038640

>And if you think ADHD is fake,
> how do I restore my dopamine to healthy levels then?
what are your 'dopamine levels' now, retard? how do you know theyre 'low'

maybe try not spending 18 hours a day staring at a smartphone, retard

>> No.51038677

> i get focused and energetic on amphetamines lime every human who has ever lived, i must have a gay LE DISORDER

>> No.51038747

>if you think ADHD is fake, how do I restore my dopamine to healthy levels then?

For the past 10 years I have been trying to figure this out, and I think I may have just done it.

First, a little backstory: it is extremely difficult to get an ADHD diagnosis in my country, so even though I knew I had a problem with dopamine, adderall was not an option. Turns out that was a blessing in disguise as it led me down the path to full recovery.

Long story short, I tried a whole bunch of different strategies to fix myself. Dopamine detoxing, months without porn, video games, internet, etc. Forcing myself to do activities like cold showers, daily intense excercise, etc. While these helped in various ways (in particular, NoFap had a tremendous positive impact on my testosterone levels), none of the activities fixed my dopamine. Any mainstream or semi-mainstream "fix" for dopamine you can think of, I've probably tried it. It wasn't until a few years in that I made a breakthrough.

(cont. 1/2)

>> No.51038796

before I even try to save you
are u vaxxed? if so you are a dead already

>> No.51038802

>muh science, muh feelings
>muh drugs
this is not fucking /biz/ go to /sci/ or /x/

>> No.51038807

cont. 2/2

The first glimpse of hope I experienced was when I did an extremely strict "fasting" diet with simple foods. After a few weeks I noticed increased clarity of mind, attention span, ability to socialize, reduced anxiety, depression, OCD, and improved motivation and focus. I felt socially dominant with many people who I used to feel "beneath". It felt like a super power to be honest.

Eventually I got complacent and slipped into a more sloppy way of eating, and the symptoms came back, along with other physical symptoms of general "chronic inflammation". Thus began a 5 year process to nail down EXACTLY what foods were causing the issues and why. This was an excruciating process. Again, long story short, the problems were related to a problem with opioid-like peptides in gluten in casein (gliadorphins and casomorphins respectively) that caused a surge of dopamine followed by a withdrawal, over time resulting in chronically low dopamine, similar to a drug addict. On top of this, they damage the gut, resulting chronic inflammation, which further lowers dopamine subjectively by causing brain fog.

This is entry level stuff, and it partially worked, but there was more. Eliminating gluten/casein was not enough. The compromised gut function resulted in sensitivities to chemicals in plants that healthy people can process, namely salicylates, and particularly oxalates, which accumulate in tissues causing more widespread inflammation. The sulfation pathway the body uses to break down these chemicals becomes overburdered and unable to eliminate them successfully, resulting in a vicious cycle of progressively worsening health, which causes low dopamine. Oxalates/salicylates are only found in plants and synthetic chemicals.

I now eat a plain meat based diet, with eggs, white rice, and water, and occasional cavolo nero ("dino kale") for vitamin C, and I've never felt better. That's it. To support sulfation I bathe in an Epsom Salt bath daily.

>> No.51040481

lol there still aren’t any responses on my narcolepsy question

>> No.51040598

unironically looks comfy. they should bring back cubicles

>> No.51041124

Thanks for this writeup, this sulfation pathway is interesting. I'm not sure if the kale is a good idea in light of Grant Genereux's theory that Vitamin A is a toxin. If you search his name you'll get to his blog where he details his progress on a zero VitA diet.

>> No.51041162

We have this exact thread with this exact image 4 times a month, is this a bot?

>> No.51041187

please go back. you spend a large portion of your time talking about your 'stack', dont you?

>> No.51041281


I am in the beginning stages of getting tested for ADHD but if I had to self-diagnose, I probably have it. I absolutely hate monotony. Unfortunately, this is pervasive throughout all aspects of my life. I can't seem to sustain anything. In romantic relationships, I just kind of get bored and look for the new, novel girl even though I have something perfectly fine. I am always in that "what if" territory, attracted like a bug to light about the endless possibilities. I am desperately hoping that ADHD meds can help me in those aspects. Staying consistent and on task with anything is difficult and leaves me with a diffused frustration because I know I will never reach my potential if I cannot stay the course.

>> No.51041328

>Grant Genereux's theory that Vitamin A is a toxin
Thanks, I'll look into it.

I do need Vitamin C from somewhere, because I absolutely can't do keto/hard carnivore. It just doesn't work with my body. I need 50g carbs per day to be able to sleep.

>> No.51041409

Can you link to some of the research behind this?