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51033464 No.51033464 [Reply] [Original]

What expectations do you have from life once you make it?

>> No.51033817

I just hope the house I buy won't be haunted.

>> No.51033829

Then make sure there’s no gas leaks

>> No.51033867

>believing in ghosts

>> No.51033905
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>what expectations do you have from life once you make it?
pic related

>> No.51034539
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actually pic related

>> No.51035844

I treat everyone like shit without ever facing consequences of it.

>> No.51036304

That I will finally be able to buy my off the grid cabin farm and check out of society all together

>> No.51036509


>> No.51036525

I would be pissed. I also work 12h a day and I'm pretty disappointed when dinner isn't made when I come home too.
Looks like he married a fat fucking slob though. I don't care how many kids we have together if I was in that situation I would dip.

>> No.51036529
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>> No.51036553

I'm going to fuck over everyone who ever wronged me by completely legal economic means, e.g. moving nogs in next door to them. Any ideas are welcome.

>> No.51036611

Tell me you don't go outside and know how the world works without telling me so.
Do you unironically think that every normalslime thinks like the average 4chan racist? You think they will be slightly bothered by a black person living nearby them?
Unless your plan is to severely devaluate their entire neighborhood with affordable housing, but then, the people you hate will move out to an area that matches their old standards, don't ya think?

>> No.51036646

>tfw cellphone operator: TFW

>> No.51036701

shit, i guess he was wrong, pretentious prick, imagine how much suffering the club promoter prevented by killing this mother fucker

>> No.51036741

I think video games will become enjoyable again. I cant enjoy them from the pressure of not having made it. I want to buy a penthouse, load up my old steam account and start gaming again. Fuck women and drugs.

>> No.51036820

for all intents and purposes i have already made it

>> No.51036839
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Based club promoter ridding the world of this Draco Malfoy lookin ass mf

>> No.51036932

>Married my wife because I was somewhat happy with her
>tolerate her at best, sex she always complaint my dick was too big
>Pre marriage she was messy but eventually cleaned up, and she cooked well so that was nice
>post marriage the cleaning stopped and having dinner ready by 5:30 pm was always impossible
>I would ask her to always have it ready by the time I got home, but it never happened and still doesn't
>sometimes she won't finish until fucking 21:00
>and cleaning
>if I yell at her for making a mess and never cleaning I'm the bad guy
>if I say nothing and angrily clean (because I can't control my rage of working all fucking day to come home to fucking filth), I'm the bad guy
>she works remotely making shit money and I tell her to quit to take care of the kids and home
>the kids so far have been raised by an iPad and Jew tube.
>I'm fucking furious, I had to potty train our son since she was too fucking lazy
>I had to teach my daughter her ABCs before going to school AT SEVEN YEARS OLD

BUG FUCKING SILVERFISH BUGS HAVE INFESTED EVERY ROOM. Not a single room in my house is clean except my space. I cannot handle it. I hate it. I cannot change her and it's been ten years.

>> No.51037006

>he fell for the perpetuating the human species meme

>> No.51037110

How the f did that happen? Is she a stupid person? Genuinely asking. Like, I could never see current gf turning into that but sometimes it does feel like I'm seeing glimpses of the monster

>> No.51037138

Also dude, hey a maid or something

>> No.51037159

muslims are on to something with abusing women. they need to be brutally slapped several times a year to be kept in line. it's truly for their own good.

>> No.51037168

wife 1 cooks meal every night when i walk though door, wife 2 doing washing up

they both work, both professionals, slim fit, some time should aabit
both look after my kids.

have 5 houses and some bank.

its all ok, i need a 3 wife though and some more kids

>> No.51037231

everyone subconsciously hates niggers
even niggers themselves

>> No.51037270

I think you mean.
"How much did that club promoter have to pay in damages? And is he still prison?"

>> No.51037271

I'm ngl so fearful my wife will deteriorate the same way.
It's the same for me. I'm always the bad guy for having expectations. I'm the bad guy if i silently clean up or make dinner when I get home because someone "had a rough day". I'm also the bad guy if I don't make dinner while she was busy after I get home from working 12h.

Our daughter is a year and half and still not sleep trained, not walking or speaking much. She's also not very smart and I'm worried my kids are going to be idiots if they spend too much time with her and not enough with me. I don't think I can trust her to homeschool because of this, and I most definitely don't trust the government schools at this moment.

>> No.51037301

Mormon or Muslim?

One wife can barely look after the house. I now understand this. Women are also very competitive with each other so they would probably take better care of themselves and the house to get more of my attention.

>> No.51037305

>dick to big
Lol k
Seriously though, you get exactly what you deserve, if you could of done better you would have. If you still.think you could do better you would have left.
You're a loser, with exactly the partner you deserve.

>> No.51037357

Fuck off demoralizer fatass femcel.
We don't need your fat rolls of greasy hotdog sweat. We don't want or need your FUPA.

>> No.51037420

How you even got to this level? How was your upbringing? I ask this because the things you're mentioning are exactly how parents were, relatives as well, I've seen so much of this growing up that I cannot stomach getting caught up in it now that I ran away from it (observing it/dealing with it on a daily basis in the same house you live is as bad as being part of the relationship)

Obviously, but normal people just see it as a minor inconvenience, not a life ruining experience. Plus if you live in an urban area you're just accustomed to them, if you're not, you don't go outside.

>> No.51037505

Haha well said
Thank you for confirming what a fat loser you are.
>dick to big
Lol more like you're fat ugly loser with a dirty semi flaccid chode dick, that you try to thumb into your wife's dry vag.
>Why isn't she moaning?
>Why doesn't she cum?
>Must be mah diks to big!

>> No.51037578

I want to buy a farm and sell produce while I ride dirt bikes in my free time. Probably keep working EMS on the side. Times are tough bros but WAGMI.

>> No.51037594

>How did it happen
Slowly and over time she got worse. Not sure how to best reverse it. Constantly bugging her? Yelling? Of course I can't beat her since I don't want to be in jail.
I shouldn't have to though. We live in a small apartment (114m2) in Berlin.
Personally I'm thinking of cutting the internet when I'm gone. That way shell be so bored shell have to clean and cook and raise the kids. I'll also try and stop the cell phone but thayll be more difficult. Best of luck bro. Do you have parents nearby that can help?
I could have and can do better even now, but won't since I love my kids and grew up in a broken home myself. I'm not putting my kids through that.
it got bad around the time she had our first kid. Her mom came and lived with us for three months and it was awesome. Her mom cooked and cleaned everything, but my life was even more lazy during that time. Expressing my expectations were always met with excuses. Just make sure you marry someone you want not someone you tolerate.

>> No.51037607
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Quit the projection

>> No.51037640

He's not even the person who said his dick was too big, that was me you tranny. And yes people can be incompatible when it comes to sex. You'd know if you had it before.

>> No.51037667

It was anon's fault for marrying the roastie in the first place when he was only somewhat happy with her and complained about sex. How ugly do you have to be to have such low standards for your woman

>> No.51037717
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I just fucking hate fat people

>> No.51037730

>Just make sure you marry someone you want not someone you tolerate.
I feel like we all have this feeling that we're exempt from any bad "nah that would never happen to me, couldn't be me, she's not like that" - and then it happens.
I'm not even an anti-relationship anti-marriage MGTOW redpiller whatever, but damn, the paintings are all over the walls with failed marriages and divorces, people tolerating their partners, subpar livings with one another. Why do we still believe we'll be the exception?

>> No.51037775

My wife was like that this summer
Fuckin' teachers man

>> No.51037932

Most routers have parental controls. You can have them activate and deactivate at certain times of the day. So, have them block internet access about 30 mins after you leave for work, and reactivate 30 mins before you come home. When she rants about the internet not working, gaslight her and be all like "yup, it works. See?" LOL

>> No.51037938

>muh dik 2 big
I think I'm relatively well endowed and I've fucked borderline midget girls before (~4'10) and it still works fine. She is just fucking someone else dude and thinks you are dumb enough to eat up the white lies
>I totally wanna fuck I'm uhhh... just really sore... you know because your dong is so ginormous
>go jerk off now mommy's gotta keep chatting on social media with chads

>> No.51037949

Ghosts can’t touch you if Jesus is in your heart.

>> No.51037989

yea this is why blm leaders stole millions of bought houses in all White areas lol.
Personally I would exterminate every single last negro and hybrid abomination. But thats just me. If I make it I may hire gays to buck break my black servants for my enjoyment

>> No.51038033

That sucks. So idk what you can do but for me I have verbally and emotionally abused my wife to where she has anxiety if shit isn’t clean. It’s still never clean enough for me because growing up my mother kept our house absolutely spotless, but there is a lot of improvement. Right now my oldest is at preschool and she is cleaning the house. I wfh and she is a stay at home mom. What I’m saying is that I have been the bad guy for our entire relationship but she is actually doing better than when we first got married. Be the bad guy anon.

>> No.51038101

keep your cuck larp out of this thread faggot

>> No.51038110

ummm... anon. ive peeled vaginal skin as a jacket from around the tip of my dick after she insisted we try.

i turned the lights on and what i thought was foreplay fluids was red. like carrie.

i don't think she had well-developed enough core muscle to squeeze my dick harder than she can grip.

its why you fuck the uggs and chubbs too. the pretty ladies have had a harder road life and could do with a service.
best to take the lightly used deal thats sat on the lot for a while

>> No.51038299

> "Scared, Pott-ACK"

>> No.51038326

daily reminder that beating women should be legal and encouraged by society. i bet you won't find a messy house like that in iran or saudi arabia

>> No.51038327

Meh both losers
Not projecting
I'm young, and baffled at old losers blaming there wives on their poor life choice's.
Like if you could be will chamberlain you would be, but you aint, cause you sick and bed, and your average looking.
So keep fucking your roastie, and quit acting like you deserve better...
You don't!

>> No.51038365
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The only solution here is to take out a $1 Million life insurance policy, then go on a diving expedition...

>> No.51038409

Well worth it

>> No.51038458

A home I own, a hidden safe full of gold, a less hidden safe full of guns, a really comfortable recliner, a decent computer set up with good internet, and a chest full of exotic sex toys.

Honestly only the home and safe full of gold are actually currently out of reach for me.

I think I need to work on getting a better main job and upgrading my side income streams from the trickle they currently are. A extra $30 or so bucks every few weeks is a nice surprise but it ain't shit in the big picture.

>> No.51038465

Build a decent house inna woods, avoid niggers as much as possible and spend my days reading and tending to my garden

>> No.51038534

>My grandparents
Wagie spineless husband, nagging wife
>My parents
Wagie spineless husband, nagging wife
Passive income, nice wife

I learned a lot from my parents but holy shit if my wife talked to me like my mom has to my father for decades I would leave the next day

>> No.51038556

>i'm so young and full of potential it's impossible that the eoman I'll marry would become a mess

>> No.51038596

why do normalfags marry people they barely tolerate? are you guys that fearful of solitude?

>> No.51038679

What part of no-consequences you don't understand?

>> No.51038733

>only good looking people have decent acting wives
LMFAO you're in for a world of hurt retard. Imagine being this naive. My wife is useless because she's good looking. All her life shit was taken care of for her since she was a child. Now that were in our 30s that game ends.

>> No.51038816

you must be husband number one then.
good luck fren.

>> No.51038836

>I cannot change her and it's been ten years.
I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant. She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.51038988

I've read this before

>> No.51039294

way to ruin some good copy pasta b8 newfag

>> No.51039356


>> No.51039390

>complaint my dick was too big
lol did she say that? Anon I'm so sorry but I've got bad news for you....

>> No.51039416

To be as uneventful and boring as possible. To be fair if I don’t make it by May of next year I’m roping. I don’t enjoy life so why should I work to try and prolong it?

>> No.51039540


>> No.51039610
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he never went to jail.

>> No.51039721

Well done for choosing literally the least important part of the post to sperg out about.

>> No.51039816
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>Now that were in our 30s that game ends.
I can’t believe there are literal beta bucks here. How low this board has fallen.

>> No.51040362

Sorry Stacy. Your looks have faded and nobody is bending over to your will anymore.

>> No.51040430

how does one not go to jail from this

>> No.51040511

To the bros who have wife problems, can I ask:
Do you beat them during sex at all? Just wondering.

>> No.51040961

This man has a small dick and his own regrets spill through his yapping.

>> No.51041056

>Trads will still defend marriage after reading this

>> No.51041176

You're gonna farm cabins? Sweet. How does that work?

>> No.51041324

Unironically beat her up and divorce. You are fucked either way and not getting the kids. You better near kill the bitch cause you are never watching your children anyway

>> No.51041337

I'll fuck married women for the rest of my life

>> No.51041374

I also hate myself does this make me welfare eligible.

>> No.51041415

Have you ever had rough sex before?

>> No.51041428

I assume it was elite people murdering each other.

>> No.51041434

>doesn't go to jail
WHAT, he fucking punched him
>durr it was gravity not me
for fuck sakes

>> No.51041479

I never need to work again and this is pretty much me. Tried going back to uni but I'm too stupid to get a degree in STEM so I'll probably just stop

>> No.51041493


Plenty of reasons. I have to assume that the trial was held in Greece and features a Greek defendant and a posh British cunt as the plaintiff. No clue what the Greek courts are like, but if they've got jury trials it's entirely likely that the jury appreciated one of their own "punching up" against the Brits. Sending a successful businessman to prison would just hurt their own economy. Also the usual Greek corruption plays a part in all this.


>> No.51041519

>Mr Lloyd hit his head on the pavement as he fell to the ground outside the Cloud Nine club where Trabucatti worked, the court heard.

>Medics treated him at the scene before allowing him to return to a villa in nearby Sissi.

>Harrow School pupil Archie Lloyd was found dead in bed shortly after the incident in Malia, Crete, in 2015.

i'd have personally argued his friends killed him through negligence.

>> No.51041591

>>Medics treated him at the scene before allowing him to return to a villa in nearby Sissi.
Sounds like a criminal case of medical negligence

>> No.51041675

>Mr Hutchinson said they had obstructed two women and club promoter Sebastian Trabucatti from riding their mopeds past them.

The hearing heard how Mr Lloyd yelled "one day you'll work for me" seconds before he was hit and how a girl riding one of the mopeds shouted "you deserved that" before making off.

>Medical staff, who gave Mr Lloyd the all-clear after a "three-minute" check up, claimed further assistance was refused, but Mr Hutchinson denied this.

>He said he put Mr Lloyd to bed and when they woke at midday, he was unresponsive and found with blood on his pillow.

This little shit stood in a road yelling bullshit at people, said some shit to the wrong lad, got slapped and tripped over hitting his head.

him and the mate (hutchinson) got a checkup and declined further help fearing a police report about them being drunk and disorderly and fighting locals.

so they scurried back to their hotel where the mates saw their friend was in a bad way and left him to go to sleep with a concussion while drunk shortly after the trauma.

blame the alcohol or the kids, but the greeks, as dirty as they are, didnt do this.

pretty sure as a promotor with a 4 year suspended sentence your orders would prevent you from working near your crime scene, or at least destroy your rep for booking shit.

>> No.51041695

How do the parents in cases like this not commit homicide in minecraft? If this happened to my son I don't think I could let it go.

>> No.51041728

>The teenager, from Micheldever, Hampshire, was drowsy and never spoke again following the incident, his friends said.

if he didnt respond the medics would've (should've) taken him in. they clearly said they were satisfied or were told not to administer further help.

show me a medic that sees a fucked up dude after a head smash and says. yeah, you're good when the kid cant talk.

>> No.51041752

because they raised the little cunt and know how toxic he is.

he literally deserved the slap he got.
him tripping is his own fault.
im glad they wont infect the gene pool further frankly.

>> No.51041913

>club promoter

>> No.51041977

The worst thing they could quote him as saying was "you'll work for me", hardly deserves a punch. Punching someone for saying words is caveman tier.

>> No.51042151

how about mouthing off at you while standing in the road. telling you and your partner to fuck off and squaring up at you when your trying to ride and they block the road.

after claiming to have befreinded him earlier in the night..

no the kids a little shit.. btew the guy who hit him was a brit.

During the inquest, Mr Hutchinson described how the "10-second" altercation began when the moped riders sounded their horns loudly while he and Mr Lloyd walked towards the taxi rank to go home.

He said: "Archie and I had our arms out to the side and told them to 'f*** off'. They were using their horns.

"They responded by being abusive. We moved out of the road. The riders then stopped their bikes in front of us.

"The man (Mr Trabucatti) got off his bike and moved towards us."

He said the promoter pushed him three times, forcing him to the ground.

>Mr Hutchinson said he was so concerned for his friend that he sought a second medical opinion when they got home, but the telephone number they were given did not reply.

so he did what? mm nuthin.
like his dindu mate.

he got pissy and cracked his head. old mate wouldn't have even been to court if he didnt admit he slapped the kid. because even hutchinson didn't see it.

i fail to see how this is anything but bad luck for the other guy either.. seb is a good dude

the kid wasnt an angel fren

>> No.51042196

/n/ once did this copypasta about his wife wanting to ride a fixie

>> No.51042210

I hope she can take this well

>> No.51042359


Check for charter schools in your area. There's some good ones out there that filter out the dregs with increased course difficulty. Doesn't hurt to make your presence known at the school and make contributions to fundraisers; most are lottery but corruption exists in all systems. Use it to your advantage.

Int is mostly genetic, so don't sweat it.
You're in too deep and will get what you get. The best play is to just read books before bed every single night, even if they can't talk yet. If you can develop positive sentiment toward reading early on they're more likely to enjoy the process of gathering knowledge through text. Just make it enjoyable for them to reach their potential.

>I'm also the bad guy if I don't make dinner while she was busy after I get home from working 12h.

At a fundamental level, women don't want "more" money or resources, they want "all" the resources. You could be making 30k or 120k and it won't make a shred of difference in their head. All is all, no matter how big or small; it's why women can be content in relationships with minimum wage losers.

It's more important to maximize availability while still meeting your financial obligations. In her mind all you've done by working 12 hours is take away availability, all while providing the same level of resources (all of them).

You can create availability by doubling up on how you use idle times, such as commutes. I invested in a quality pair of BT headphones and talk to her during my commutes/at my desk. I find recipes of things I want, she takes inventory of what we need, and then sends me a list so I can do grocery shopping while the traffic dies down.

And before anyone chimes in and says that this sounds awful and not worth it, yeah you're probably right. I know I couldn't think of a single other woman I've met that would be worth that level of effort or consideration.

>> No.51042415

You can do that for free. Just report them to their HOA and local building inspectors.

>> No.51042452


>> No.51042460

Retired and this is me. Weed and cruise with my girl and the dogs

>> No.51042497

Make her work a real job and get a nanny.

>> No.51042576

Nah, he's right. Despite what may think, you can't fuck good into habits into someone. If she's not cleaning or cooking, it's not because of sex. It's because she never did those things.

>> No.51042760

Lots of lazy wives itt. Mine is the opposite and I get sick of her cranking on me. She is too motivated and the house is freakishly clean. She cant cook for shit though. I dont card because I like to cook

>> No.51043042

Solid advice. I'll take it man

>> No.51043138

Kek based Mediterranean Bvll slapping the fuck out of you pasty cunts never gets old. Kind of like you when you die at 18.

>> No.51043271

>he said mean things to a guy so he deserved to die
who's the toxic one here tard?

>> No.51043436

Probably because there are still people who have amazing relationships, even if it's just a small percent, and others strive to try to have this. I would say for the majority of mankind's time as agricultural society (and i don't talk about when humans lived in tribes and were hunters and gatherers, completely different world) relationships have been, for most, subpar. For most of history, women and men had to get married to each other when they didn't really like one another. Each gender has had to endure the flaws of the other, and if you don't -really- like one another after some time, the flaws are exasperated by either both or one person (in this case, sometimes the other half tries to work on it) as they can't take it. Basically, people end up with the wrong person. People think they can somehow dodge this by saying, "Well, we'll live with each other for a few years before we get married. Then we'll know." People do this, they get married, and amazingly they still end up not being good for each other. One thing that at least could help is really honing in on what you like, keeping some sort of standards, but realistic at the same time. Having experience also works, though not everyone learns who is best for them this way and seemingly good people can cloak their true self and reveal it after so much time has passed.

Anyways, relationships and marriage is a job by itself. It should be an enjoyable job, with some challenges of course. The couple should make clear boundaries who does what in a relationship as well. Less bickering that way.

>> No.51043446

To be far away from fat people

>> No.51043493

ghost hands wrote this

>> No.51043527

What this >>51038033 anon said.
Women need to be reminded of their place constantly, you need to put boundaries from the start, do not let her get complacent ever. She needs to be chasing you at all times, she needs to know you can replace her with another whore in an instant.
If she gets too comfortable, it's over.

>> No.51043620

choose one and only one

>> No.51043791


Thanks. Thought of a couple other clarifying points.

1. The model I set up involves a lot of back and forth communication and passing of tasks. I submit the recipes but have to wait for the shopping list from her, then she has to wait for me to do the shopping before she can cook.

It's "inefficient", but by design. She knows that you can't start your part until she completes her part, which prompts action. The action she takes gets rewarded when you complete your part and vice versa. It's a low stake, consistent way to build collaboration habits.

You can apply the task splitting methodology to other small tasks. If I want to see a movie I let her know and ask her to pick a time that works. She passes that back to me and I buy the tickets with a promo code.

2. We don't go to church, but we dedicate Sunday mornings to cleaning. I give her tasks, she gives me tasks. It's sets a consistent expectation and culture where we ask each other to do things. Then we go somewhere/do something to reward a job well done. I sold it as "If they can get up early and dress nice to sing songs and listen to a boring sermon we can get up and clean house". Same kind of deal, each party gives a little and gets a little.

3. The communication meme is real, but people don't start trying until it's boiled over and they only try to communicate over the messy stuff.

Level up first. Communicate over the inconsequential. Insert communication in things that used to be isolated/solo tasks. It's slower, but it's a good habit that eventually becomes automatic.

4. Remove blockers. If something isn't getting done ask what's keeping it from happening and remove the blocker.

Sometimes it's Irrational ape brain stress that's not equipped for the modern world. Sometimes it's "I don't have time/I'm too stressed". Even if it's not true it feels true. I ask if there's something I can take off their plate. Creates obligation and ensures you get equal contribution.

>> No.51043897

it was a pom who slapped him in greece

>> No.51043937

I dont know I just enjoy the game.

>> No.51044141

Divorce her and leave the country so she can’t collect on you. Tbh you let this happen so I’m not too sympathetic of your situation but I also don’t think you should pay the rest of your life for bad choices in your past.

>> No.51044343

rape should be legalized

>> No.51044391
File: 71 KB, 356x271, image0-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want a nice house, lots of free time, a family, and some drugs

>> No.51044416

There is no financial gain in this world that will give me what I want. I will never hear my parents, who gave everything to raise me, tell me they are proud of me. I will never be able to buy my grandma that balcony for her riggedy old apartment I promised her when I was a kid. I will never again sit with my aunts and uncle from my mothers' side on birthdays, while they meet my kids and play with my nieces and nephews.

In a sick turn of events I have lost almost everybody I cared about over the past 20 years, and simultaneously have become the wealthiest person in the family even if they had all still been alive. It feels empty bros. I'm thankful for my wife who I still have, but I legitimately feel cursed to lose more loved ones whenever I gain more wealth.

>> No.51044418


>> No.51044546

god I hope he doesnt have kids. at that point I would just dump her and kick her out.

>> No.51044570

damn one punch man did it again.

>> No.51044975

>What expectations do you have from life once you make it?
hot babe, nice car, nice house on the coast and 20 million in the bank. Lots of assets. Assets that generate me cashflow, cementing my wealth. Also a nice boat. Life in a tropical country.

>> No.51045123

Men are so stupid. Take pictures and post your concerns online where her friends and family can see. She will change so fucking fast your head will spin. The only reason she can act this way is there is no accountability. Use Instagram/TikTok to your advantage.

>> No.51045134

What should I buy/ do in order to make it

>> No.51045141

to travel the world with someone who loves me back

>> No.51045835

we could tell you but will you listen?

>> No.51045871

A comfortable domestic life with a good woman. The ability to take vacations and travel as we wish. The ability to do science that I think needs to be done in my home laboratory. The freedom to do art that I wish to do. The time and resources to get involved in the public sphere when I think that it's relevant. All on my own schedule.

>> No.51045893

my standards are so low that i only want a woman who wants to willingly be with me and wont poison my coffee to collect death insurance

>> No.51045921


>> No.51046004

Sleeping 8 hours a day

>> No.51046007

I expect the following

> To not have to work
> To wake up 10am everyday
> Personal Trainer to shape my body
> New Teeth from Turkey
> Daily Chef
> For everyday to feel like a Saturday
> To eat out frequently and go out anytime I want
> Take my son to school everyday and pick him up
> Have a Cognac Bar
> A Cigar habit
> My wife to give me drunken anal sex Atleast twice a month
> To have a giant video game room
> To create an art studio
> To play Golf all day
> Psychedelics and weed all day while listening to Rogan
> Own livestock
> a Contemporary Open plan home with Porsche 911, Toyota Land Cruiser & 1980s BMW E30 cabriolet
> For my multiple money managers to pay my trust and for my trustees to send me quarterly checks as SOLE beneficiary to finance all this

Fully expect to do what I want when I want

>> No.51046100

hahahah get fucked

>> No.51046112

holy shit hahahaha

>> No.51046135

Just get a divorce already and stop ruining your sanity dude.

You made a bad investment, time to move on.

>> No.51046222
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Tb'h I'll probably still kill myself before I'm 30, but I'm going to get limb lengthening surgeries first and try to restore my masculinity first. World record breaking is probably not gonna happen anymore because god cheated. I'm 27. I have less than a year to make it. I still think it's doable, but btc needs to stop being a piece of shit so my alts can moon again. At least it's almost over. Unless I burn in hell afterwards and since god hates me, it's gonna happen. Shit life

>> No.51046247

glorious copypasta. thats how you keep your entitled rebeliious thinks she can treat you like a beta chump attitude showing twat in line. go somewhere private and beat her ass til she submits and knows her place

>> No.51046307
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>he married?

>> No.51046387

I'd get a decent sized boat (at least 45 ft) and just take that thing up and down the east coast. Probably keep it in the Florida keys. I'm a simple man with simple dreams.

>> No.51046515

Yes anon

>> No.51046549

How to do plan on getting the funds and shit tho? Like if u were 24 how are you gonna make it? Like what shit to buy and stuff coin wise?

>> No.51046577

someone post the domestic violence copypasta'

>> No.51046581

this, just require the wife pays for the maid

>> No.51046598

here it is

>> No.51046620

for me it's making enough that my future wife doesn't need to work so that I can bring up my kids in a semi-traditional way and shield them from globohomo.
also having >2 white children and bringing them up so that they all have >2 children each and want to teach their children the same so that I do my part to reverse the shrinking of the white race.

>> No.51046699

>>the kids so far have been raised by an iPad and Jew tube.
this alone warrants violence desu

>> No.51046767

That’s brutal. Every marriage has certain aspects that are terrible, but usually there’s some good, or enough good to justify the whole arrangement.

My wife is so messy and can’t clean worth shit. It’s horrible. It’s been the source of some really heavy arguments. I have to do all the cleaning, laundry etc. Ive basically given up on the matter. BUT, shes absolutely phenomenal in the kitchen. Every meal she cooks is over the top good. Chicken katsu, steaks that rival Ruth’s Chris, fried potatoes in a million different varieties/hashbrowns, pork tonkatsu ramen, she makes these salmon nuggets like chicken nuggets but salmon and they’re so insanely good, she makes tomato sauce from scratch every time we have pasta. I’m so lucky in the food department anons.

We’ve been together 8 years, maybe she’s gained like 10 lbs in that time? But she still has her figure, big tits, fat ass, and small waist.

Anon, divorce your wife. You need at least SOMETHING to justify your marriage. No it can’t all be perfect, but it sounds like there’s genuinely nothing good in the entire situation.

>> No.51046902

hang in there little buddy

>> No.51047028

Thanks for the read anon. I love hearing about people's miserable lives.

>> No.51047149

i made it two years ago and fell off now i just lift and im waiting to transfer to the next life

>> No.51047153
File: 20 KB, 316x426, DFD6547D-3A69-44CA-833A-4F79EA8E2768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find a country where the women are trad and attractive, polygamy isn’t a big deal, and divorce is uncommon because the women get nothing. I would then purchase a couple virgin wives and go from there. Also live where niggers are hated even though there are no niggers there.

>> No.51047242

That I no longer need to care and that I can reside in my lotus land

>> No.51047413

My only real plan is an island nation I can move to and disappear. sure i'll have no internet or 14.4k but I wanna just be away from it all. there's some small island nations around the world that would work from my research. So going to travel to a few over the next few years and scout the land.

>> No.51047771
File: 50 KB, 575x515, 1397422108594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will probably get bored and start projects or businesses to pass the time.

I had an idea for a hot sauce brand. We all know hot sauces are enjoyed by nu-male soi-simps that parade around telling how manly they are for subjecting themselves to the sensation of pain from a bottle any one could have purchased. All one needs to do is produce a brand that appeals to these types, part of the brand appeal will be appearing pozzed to your IRL-soijak audience.

I have met these types in real life. They do not think about or internalize their actions. If they see a brand of hot-sauce which seems to align with their friends queer-Marxist world view, they will not detect a hint of irony of their action when they purchase the product. We would probably also virtue signal our efforts to donate profits to lgbt organizations of the such.

Here's the thing, no one checks for these things. PETA outright kills animals and still exists as an organization. The Ocean Clean Up project is largely a waste of resources and knows it, yet they are amply funded. On the surface, this hot sauce brand will appear to have been PC and woke for its consumer base. In actually, a pittance is donated to LGBT organizations and the vast majority of profits are funneled into white supremacist organizations and gay conversion camps.

It would require some financial tom foolery, probably some off shore accounts, but it would be possible. The exciting moment comes when brand becomes well established. It will never compete with Heinz or Tabasco, but it will be sure to have a small following. The brand can either go public or allow itself to be acquired by a larger firm. During this process, it is absolutely sure to get out there that for years, the main consumer base of this product was inadvertently donating to organization that are ideologically opposed to their beliefs.

The reaction would be amazing, and for me, priceless.

>> No.51047859

This triggered you but what he/she said is probably right.

>> No.51047885

Why would she complain that your dick is too big tho if its not a real issue to her, I honestly don't get it

>> No.51048009

God blessed you with trips
Will you act blind again?

>> No.51048015

Find a pair of hot virgin twins and live on my island with them and spend my days having threesomes. The competition will keep them from getting complacent as I'll just start giving the other more attention. Also they can keep each other company so they don't get lonely without me.

>> No.51048035
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>> No.51048080

I want to live in eastern Europe or Thailand once I have about $2mil in assets or can work remotely.

Fuck the western world governments that despise white working men.

>> No.51048128

I will never make it. I will retire in 10 years and build my secluded cozy home in the woods away from everyone.

>> No.51048139

Because you don't want to be alone when shit hits the fan or you get sick or get old. Also in my opinion most girls don't want to stay too long in a relationship without getting married.

>> No.51048217

>most girls don't want to stay too long in a relationship without getting married.
you clearly aren't american

>> No.51048225

I get where you boys are coming from but you need to get this fairy tale idea of love out of your head right now. It doesn't exist. I'm sorry, and yes, it's unfortunate, but that's how it is.

Do NOT rely on a woman and her affection as part of your "make it" vision. It will not end well. Best you can hope for is not caring at all and being kind to a woman while having zero expectations. Oh and make sure she's foreign and not crafty or sociopathic enough to rob you.

>> No.51048474

That is true, but do you think women in US don't feel the pressure to get married when they get close to 30 and won't leave you if you don't plan to merry her?

And another thing, I have a buddy who is close to 40 and single and he is a normal maybe even a bit below average dude. But the options he has on dating apps are not good to say the least.

>> No.51048775

op dating a fiend, would be better served fucking an escort once or twice a month, also different pussy every time feels really good, why dudes date these ogre woman is beyond me, don't you have cash?

>> No.51048842

thats my main shit, but whats ur price prediction on it? after the lawsuit and in a couple years

>> No.51048937

I want to live in a quiet, cozy home away from the city with my wife. It'd have a nice home theater where we can watch movies and tv. It'd have a nice home gym with a squat rack where we could encourage each other to hit new PR's. Maybe a small pool or jacuzzi but it's not necessary. Occasionally we'll go hiking or camping in the woods. Most of the time we'll just be hanging out on our couch, not much in particular. She'd be in slutty lingerie and heels 90% of the time and be giving me massages and head a few times a day. I'll keep developing my cooking skills and learn to make all of her favorite foods from scratch.

>> No.51048957

Don’t put your girlfriend/wife as your life insurance beneficiary until you can know for certain. Currently my brother is my beneficiary and I am his. And even when you change it, don’t let her know. She’ll be contacted in the case that you die. Let her know it’s someone else while you’re living and she won’t have a reason to.

>> No.51048973

Household income is 500k a year. Worked 6 hours and doing the same thing as that trash beast right now except my room is beautiful and clean. Maybe making it doesn't really change you much.

>> No.51049259

I have friends who are slobs. I can't handle them visiting for more then a few days because they can't pick up after themselves. I can't imagine being married to a slob. A nasty house is how you get anxiety and depressed. Unironic advice.

>Get house cleaners to deep clean twice a month. You will never go back to wasting your weekends cleaning yourself.
> If you are using an ipad anyway turn your toddler on to Blippi or Miss Rachel. They will learn a lot.
> If she's working then don't act like your paychecks make you better. You married a slob and now you get the results. Asking her to be some molly homemaker steriotype is delusional if that has never been her. Maybe her seeing what the house looks like clean will inspire you to both to keep it up. One of my slob friends got divorced due to this mindset and still obsessed with his ex 10+ years later.
>Ghost kid in the background of OP picture.

>> No.51049625

Get some fucking standards losers

>> No.51049672

>What expectations do you have from life once you make it?
I am going to get laid, with money.

>> No.51049902

Maybe this is kinda hard for you (like my cock slut) but we kinda just expect people to do things in the best interest for their loved ones without having to basically guilt trip them and manipulate them. Guilt tripping and manipulating simply doesn't cross our minds most of the time. Urggh I know i know, it just doesn't OK?

>> No.51049967

I want to live in a medieval castle and I hope it’s haunted

>> No.51050006

>but do you think women in US don't feel the pressure to get married when they get close to 30

Lol, they definitely don't. Women here are soulless whores.

>> No.51050037
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>> No.51050590

lmao at retards thinking being a cunt is worse than being a murderer running free.

>> No.51050604

Amen Jesus is Lord.

>> No.51050627

A nice house and a nicer doll on my balls.
Other then that just enough money socked away that I can do whatever hobby I want and travel wherever I want once I retire.

>> No.51050646

To make myself and my family live long and prosper and defend ourselves from globhomo.
To make my family name survive.

>> No.51050939

>will chamberlain

>> No.51050948

hire a maid with her money dumbass
>expecting dinner from a """"Working woman""""
lmao. also you're a giant pussy needing a woman to cook for him. what about your kids you nigger?
>sex complaint dick is too big
you knew this before marriage
>somewhat happy
you knew this before marriage
>jewtube and ipad
your wife is a giant cunt for this.

you sound like a giant vagina that can solve at least some of these problems or knew of them before marriage and chose to ignore them.

>> No.51050999

Based. The best advise /biz/ ever gave me was:
>if you want a happy and peaceful life, never marry a beautiful woman
Take the homelypill and never look back

>> No.51051142


>> No.51051225

How's it going with the SEC case anon? I still hold XRP though, and other assets like ÀLGO, ORE and NEAR for the long term.

>> No.51051284
File: 92 KB, 1000x625, svt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

building race car(s)
rock and roll

in that order

>> No.51051296

I want to have enough trees and yard around my house that I can piss outside and shoot rodents without the cops getting called

>> No.51052517

Buy a house which is cozy and comfortable but to buy it with crypto which is possible now. Planning to get settled down soon.

>> No.51052615

My dream is buy a dream Aston Martin with an amazing wife beside me. A long drive would just be so nice.

>> No.51052716
File: 11 KB, 205x246, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man that's easy now we can buy anything and everything with crypto these days. Almost 75% of merchants are ready to accept crypto as payments so it's possible. But for a girl friend you have to work faggot.

>> No.51052865

Near has pretty good development been DCAing it for a while now. Added more of AVAX METIS and TEL

>> No.51053024

I do DCA as well and it's best to do that in these situations. Buy more now and hold. I belive these UTK, METIS and TSUKA pays me well in the next bullrun

>> No.51053141
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It's good do this anon. I have doing the same but now planning to do metabonding where I get to earn UTK as weekly rewards. Have been a user of utrust for more than 2 years now. They even got their trademark registered with the US now so I expect phenomenal growth and profits with them.

>> No.51053296
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, furrygoyim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just fap to gay furry porn. the spoopy spoops will leave

>> No.51053477

it's over

>> No.51053487

sleeping for 12+ hours

>> No.51053804

Development is key anon. I have had my eyes on platforms that bridge web2 identities to web3. They would aid in mass adoption of web3 in the next bull cycle.

>> No.51053836

>Lots of assets. Assets that generate me cashflow,
Crypto is a great place to earn passive income bizfag. I've been yield farming on yearn finance and LP mining on Ore Network for decent yields. Explore the space and find one to get involved in.

>> No.51053853

feel depressed for lack of fulfillment and complain on /biz/
t. made it

>> No.51053878

Imagine how much it would cost to outfit it with ethernet or wifi repeaters for all the thick walls.

>> No.51054305

>Her mom came and lived with us for three months and it was awesome
Go and talk to her mother, not to bitch, but out of concern your wife may be depressed.

>> No.51054826

Can confirm. Werewolves however...

>> No.51054839 [DELETED] 

G'day, that's good! Everybody understands that crypto is the future, but have u tried Life Beyond?

>Fun action gameplay
>Open Alpha Reward Program
>CEO, Benjamin Charbit, was the Game Director for Assassin's Creed: Blackflag
>Upcoming NFT Drop

>> No.51054846

Having a good nights sleep, not having to worry about debts and food/bills

>> No.51056162

>he doesn't believe in ghosts
Literally ngmi. Do you believe everything you are told? Ghosts are a part of every culture's legends, all over the world. Did they all make up the same thing independently, without having contact with one another?

>> No.51056888

People die and are missed all over the planet anon. Grieving people see their loved ones everywhere.

>> No.51056999

I just want to make enough money to where I can fuck off somewhere away from everything. Not sure if such a place even exists now days. Kikes seem to have their tentacles inside every country's asshole. Okinawa sounds like a nice rural place to settle but its basically the US's occupation tumor in Japan.

>> No.51057091

what if i want them to touch me <3

>> No.51057102

I don't get it

>> No.51057588

i dont think i said that.
i said i think his friend is more culpable in his death. not that he deserved it.

but you have no idea about this story. emotionally reacted to a headline and want to feel vindicated.
sorry. but youre wrong.
if it was murder he would have been charged with it.
even the family doesn't blame him in their statements. btw they were happy with the outcome.
mine and your opinions are invalid.
grow up.

>> No.51057633

i would file for divorce. If she's going to be fucking useless she at least has to stay somewhat attractive. At that point if I have to do all my own shit like cooking and cleaning and both metaphorically and physically carry her fucking weight I'm better off single.

>> No.51059494

Same shit for dragons. Are dragons real? A shitload of entirely disconnected cultures independently invented the wendigo as well, and human/animal hybrids too. Are they all real?
Human psychology pushes us to invent similar myths because our brains work in similar ways. Your beliefs and personality are more about the baked in hardware than you'd like to believe.

>> No.51059699

>after the lawsuit and in a couple years
$100-200 range
4 digit long term

>> No.51059761
File: 209 KB, 1200x900, LepismaSaccharina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silverfish require a humidity level of 75%-95%. You have a nasty musty moist house.

>> No.51059827

My parents are the same. How did you find a nice wife?

>> No.51060482

>murder someone because he was slightly rude to you
>get away with it because you’re a handsome, popular Chad
No justice in the world, if the killer was an ugly manlet working at McWalmart he would be in jail getting assraped right now, but he’s a male model so he gets to walk free… fucking disgusting. Humanity literally hasn’t progressed a single bit from the Stone Age. Alphas get to kill people in the street and live free but if a beta male incel even dares to complain once he’s a toxic misogynist and must be imprisoned. Fuck society

>> No.51060541

As much as I wish I got a house and married young like my parents and grandparents before me, an aspect of maturity I didn't have until far into adulthood is the ability to reign in a woman. If I were married at 18, I wouldn't have had the ability to tell her that OP's pic is completely unacceptable.

>> No.51061262

The part where it's realistic?

>> No.51061431

Live in a bigger house doing what I do now.

Drinking and playing vidya.

>> No.51061485

I know for a fact they do.

Stated preference vs revealed preference is very telling, non-racists behave in the exact same way as full blown racists.

They're just too spineless to admit it.

>> No.51061678

By not taking any shit or being a doormat.
I don't know, if someone wronged me on this level I would absolutely hunt them down wherever they were and repay them in kind, fuck the consequences.

>> No.51061681
File: 20 KB, 445x445, redlettermedia_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once $shinja and $shib both help me get out of my parents' basement I plan on remaining a waggie until
A) My side art twitter porn artist gig gets big thanks to an unlikely stroke of luck from the algorithm favors me for once
B) I net a nice job that pays well (ill start looking once again)
For now ill keep daytrading

>> No.51061690

That's wrong. I had a silverfish problem for months and my rooms have only around 30% humidity. They only go away completely if you exterminate every last one of them and their eggs, some long lasting chemicals do the trick.

>> No.51061693

Idk. Get a wife thanks to my wealth.

>> No.51061698

those aren't getting you out of the basement anon

>> No.51063196

Don't let your mom spend too much time with your wife

>> No.51063442

living in a cool place and having contact with cool people

>> No.51063454

i think the demons are what caused that in the first place anon

>> No.51063551

I have literally never seen or heard of this insect before, where do you people live that has this pest? All we have here is earwigs and spiders

>> No.51063587
File: 165 KB, 840x709, Apu thumb up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds pretty good overall.

>> No.51065224

are you being serious? like i feel like its too good to be true sometimes. also checked anon

>> No.51065576
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NEET life

>> No.51066155

>western world governments

>> No.51066586

ITT blind niggers not seeing the ghostly figure of a little boy above the pile of clothes on the right

>> No.51066637

By nogs, he means the section 8 kind. The kind that have guns and do drugs and are a nuisance to everybody including other blacks.

>> No.51068335

Ghosts are preferably to a messy house and unloving partner

>> No.51068459

nobody cares, fat pig is scarier than ghost

>> No.51068783
File: 66 KB, 900x900, Alphalfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you sound like a beta virgofag i used to know who thinks he's alpha but literally can't live without his fatass wife, slutty bisexual stepdaughter and fat sumo son LMAO be a man and do what you fucking want. you're an individual, faggot. you're not beholden to anybody

>> No.51069162

DCAing is a based strategy anon. I do mine on ETH, MATIC, ORE and JUNO which have plenty room for growth.

>> No.51069262

god it sucks seeing other people live your dreams

>> No.51069660


>> No.51069853

I've basically made it and besides doing whatever pleases me I think traveling would be nice. I'd like to lose weight as I am a lard ass but now I can get wagies to deliver everything to me forever.

>> No.51069963

There's nothing brave about being a polturd online, those of you who reveal your "power levels" irl tend to be deranged past the point of no return

>> No.51069991

>These are the mentally ill people you share a board/planet with
Even if it's a larp, you're still mentally ill

>> No.51070261

>marrying white woman in 2022

>> No.51070312

I think MATIC has what it takes to get you there chad. Another asset I'm banking on is ORE which is the solution to mass blockchain adoption.

>> No.51070609

You're right.

>> No.51071187

My life right now fuck me

>> No.51071357

you'd be broke again withing a decade

>> No.51071857

The thing is, when you get married, your partner slowly starts changing, I interpret this as "now that I have a man I don't need to apply myself", and because as a man in western society you can't slap your woman who acts totally childish, you just have to roll with the flow and tolerate insane levels of female madness. Don't get married guys, is a trap

>> No.51071907

I will keep masturbating to little girls but now I won't have to stop halfway through and go to work.

>> No.51071924

I expect it to be more difficult, but kore rewarding.

>> No.51072018

>falling for the "relationship with anyone, even if they're ugly and lazy" meme
For what purpose?

>> No.51072146

>Raising kids in an apartment

>> No.51072195

take a nap

>> No.51072565

>good woman
>vacation as we wish
>focus on a hobby that I enjoy
>involved where/when I want to
>All on my own schedule.
Sounds like a pretty good life to me too, anon.

>> No.51073290

Imagine even caring
Yes, they actually do. That's why the only people that love niggers are the ones who never spend time near them, spend lots of money to avoid them, or are brainwashed white women.
Sounds like you suck dick at picking a wife and are a horrible father that doesn't even raise his own kids.
To me, making it isn't so much about a financial milestone as it is about hitting a point in your life where you feel fulfilled or at least genuinely happy. I think even if you are a financially poor guy but you have a job or means of income that you enjoy doing, a family that cares about you and you about them, and you are able to provide for said family then that's pretty good.
I really don't give a shit about cars and watches and all that consumerist nigger shit.
I just want a good wife and kids.

>> No.51073369

>wife doesn't cook
When she does this go and buy a takeaway... just for you. She asks where her food is, say it's in the fridge.

>> No.51073407

No, that's a cope. The truth is most women just never take care of themselves beyond the easiest and most superficial means i,e hair + makeup + clothes that distort their real body. It's why seeing a fat woman with perfect makeup and a $500 haircut is so common. Marry a woman who actually takes care of herself and works out, in whatever capacity that may be, and who actually gets excited about the idea of having a big family and being a mom + wife.
The average American woman just wants to drink through her teens + twenties, get railed, and once she starts shitting the bed appearance-wise wants to settle down but by that point she's 28 and gross with a triple digit body count.
I feel like my only hopes these days are going to the Balkans or Sicily and finding some girl from a village and brokering a deal with her father. What a time to be alive.

>> No.51073484
File: 373 KB, 805x520, 8D0A157E-4BDD-413C-A457-010CFEDCC50A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am an appraiser and go into about 500 different houses a year. haunted houses are exceptionally rare but they are very real.

>> No.51074090

i'd go as far as sating to not marry any girl

>> No.51074519
File: 88 KB, 679x452, lueng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go to SEA society isnt shit like the west is.

>> No.51074893

Dr evil pilled

>> No.51074933

I don't get it, why do some guys get married to these lards and then complain? How hard is it to buy a brain and make better decisions for your life? Same as being poor, all it takes is a brain and some good decisions and you're not poor anymore

>> No.51077334

My gf has been living with me and my parents since lockdowns. My parents are filthy and hoarders and it’s clearly made her quite depressed. I just learned to deal with it growing up with them. Every couple of days she gives the kitchen a deep clean and within hours it’s covered in food and dirty dishes again. She comes back from Costco and finds that my mom has packed the fridges and freezers with some insane food experiment. She’ll sweep and mop the floors and my dad gets home with muddy boots on, doesn’t brush them off and proceeds to throw candy wrappers and crumbs everywhere. She buys expensive cheese and charcuterie as a treat for everyone and we find the whole package dried out on the counter in the morning because someone didn’t bother to put it away after a midnight snack. She drinks a lot now and I don’t really blame her, I can’t believe she’s made it this long.

It’s free rent and I help with the farm which I will inherit if it doesn’t go under, but there’s no other fucking housing in the area. I just don’t know how much longer I can take it bros… I think I want to marry her but I have no idea what her habits are when it’s just the two of us. I also don’t want her to have to be a fucking maid for my filthy and disrespectful parents though.