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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51030797 No.51030797 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to dump my bags if Emin doesn't announce something soon

>> No.51030991

>he doesnt know

>> No.51031000

Well tell me then, my hopium is about to deplete

>> No.51031018
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how the fuck can you not know?
do you live under a rock?

>> No.51031022

Where’s the hopium!!! Please!!!

>> No.51031059

What can AVAX do that ICP can't? genuine question, i can list a million things that ICP can do that AVAX can't but not the other way around. Talking about technology btw.

>> No.51031171

List them, icy pee is a scam

>> No.51031191

I was going to until you called it a scam, now as punishment you'll have to either use your own brain or wait til next bullrun when everyone knows

>> No.51031229

Indians I swear

>> No.51031238

Indians don't understand either/or grammar.

>> No.51031329

icp covers every other project - nothing can come close to it. they can't name a single thing and never will be able to.
icp is the future of tech in this space.

>> No.51031411

I agree but I honestly don't know other projects enough to be sure. That's why I honestly ask the question. It seems ICP can do everything that every other project can do and better. If that's true then it's just a matter of time til it's just BTC, ETH, and ICP dominating the whole space, maybe add a privacy coin as well.

>> No.51031512

Don’t be a retard. Wait until EOY. If nothing new has been released by then, then dump. That is when I will reassess my AVAX position as well.

>> No.51032512
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Emin has nice nipple placement, very symmetrical

>> No.51033018

>proof of stake
>surveillance coin
congrats on this, seriously

>> No.51033030

More cheapies for me hahaha, i fucking love it :)

>> No.51033081

AVAX can come to consensus with a decentralized network of thousands of validators in a permissionless manner. ICP can do none of these things kek. Also Avalanche can do far more than 500TPS unlike ICP.

>> No.51034294
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AVAX bros? Im not feeling too good

>> No.51034354

hello AVAX cuck
How is the Turkish Lira doing? is the $200/month that Emin is paying still enough to cover living expenses?

my personal advise for you is to sell your AVAX and buy some MATIC instead. Polygon has the superior technology, the funding and building teams that AVAX lacks so badly

Also move out of Turkey while you still can or else you'll end up having to serve overpriced Shawarma and Sujuk sandwiches to tourists who you hate

>> No.51034527

>Price doesn't go up in a bear market

I can't grasp how stupid people are.

>> No.51034621


>> No.51034932

I already dumped mine. Bought a lot of EGLD and some UTK. Started staking on Maiar and earning 25% APY.
Elrond's metastaking idea is based

>> No.51036178

>Avalanche can do far more than 500TPS unlike ICP.
In ICP subnets can interact with each other seamlessly so even though in the abstract this seems like a point, it isn't. A dapp on ICP can be distributed among 100 subnets and it will work the same way as if it was wholly contained in a single one. This isn't the case for AVAX, so while what you said IS true, it doesn't entail what you think it does, in practice subnet TPS as a metric is only a limiting factor for AVAX, not for ICP.

ICP is too massive an architecture to be permissionless from day 1, there are too many variables to account for for the devs so it would should be reckless, that doesn't mean it's essentially permissionless. There's a clear path to decentralization you can learn about.
Again it seems that what you take to be advantages over ICP are just misconceptions when it comes to metrics, simply because these metrics do apply to most projects, but they do not apply to ICP due to it not being a simple ETH fork.
Thanks for actually bringing up tech points though, most AVAX holders don't seem to do that.

>> No.51036273

avax has a good name, icp doesn't

>> No.51036382

i'll give you that although it'll start being a good name when/if ICP succeeds

>> No.51036422

Problem I have with it is that too much of ICP is closed source, there is no "trust the code" everything they do is source: "just trust me bro". There is no way of ascertaining whether what they're doing is innovate new tech or whether it's merely just accomplished through centralization.

>> No.51036516

I agree that the foundation is not as transparent as I would like them to be. I'm not sure why, Dominic seems very concerned about his tech being "stolen," whatever the case. It does seem they took this criticism and started open sourcing a lot, their github commits went through the roof too.

>> No.51036784

"The IC sacrifices a bit of decentralization for maximum performance whereas Badlands sacrifices performance for maximum decentralization."

At least they are honest about the centralized aspects of ICP, unlike Jewlana which is also runs from datacentres but which the normal faggot somehow thinks is decentralized. Anatoly said the cost of renting a validator is now $800 per month in the "Monolithic vs Modular" Blockchain debate.

>> No.51037220

Yeah, i mean, ICP is clearly not competing with BTC or ETH or ADA when it comes to decentralization, it makes its trade-offs clear. I do think it's healthy to have a wide variety of options in the trade-off spectrum, both maximum decentralization as well as some compromises for the sake of feature richness are good for the ecosystem and they can conjugate well together, example ICP has the potential to serve as a standard of interoperability between these "maximum decentralization" chains.
I take SOL to be on a similar place in the trade-off spectrum as ICP, but ICP is just immensely superior technologically.

>> No.51038401

>he doesnt know
>two more weeks
>emin will totally reveal the info on the super secret tech which will change the world next week
>mastercard subnet is coming
>we're working with a really big bank and institutonal player but i cant say who it is yet
>dude just wait till the 18th and the anniversaire of avalanche rush theyll release huge things on that date
This was all from last fucking year they're worse than the link schizos with their connections/integrations/partnerships. Its pure 100% larp at this point because they wont confirm anything just fucking stop it

>> No.51039262

Emin is going to do his weekly thing in 2 hours, I'm fucking off if he doesn't hint at something substantial. This shit will never take off again if their only plan is to wait for someone to adapt subnets or generic ponzi defi.

>> No.51039406

Calm your tits


Also he/they/it means CMBS (Ticker: Commercial mortgage-backed securities).

>> No.51041999

Okay the AA is over. Emin didn't say shit again, just explained how cool it is to spend the Jew VC money on his vacation.

>> No.51042183
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join us anon. swap for $DEO. they fucked you over once they'll do it again.

>> No.51042191
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oooo you are a woman oooo

>> No.51042722

>Cross subnet Dapp
No it will not, it's not as simple as just glueing a bunch of subnets (independent ledgers) together and receiving the simple sum of their individual throughputs. You cannot build a single DApp that spans subnets without retarded levels of complexity and latency, this comment alone shows you have no idea what you're talking about kek. The only thing ICP allows is for any subnet to communicate with any other subnet without additional trust assumptions. This is absolutely a double edged sword though and is not an empirically superior to a heterogeneous approach like AVAX. Avalanche is the absolute fastest consensus mechanism in production, full stop.


If you actually read your project's whitepaper you would know that, at a consensus level, node's in ICP are permissioned. The consensus mechanism does not work if the participant's identities are not known and permitted by some centralized entity, whether that's Dom or the NNS it doesn't matter. Unlike avalanche where validators can participate and leave at will without any centralized entity.

ICP shills have to be some of the least tech savvy people on this board behind KDA shills.