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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 72 KB, 220x255, Michael_Saylor_2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51029544 No.51029544 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that the most bullish crypto faggot in the entire world left his company in ruins and his current job is to keep brainwashing himself using twitter memes.

>> No.51029558

Sounds fucking based if you ask me

>> No.51029582

he didnt leave his company wtf he took a chairman position

>> No.51029603

How fucked is Microstrategy though?

>> No.51029621

>It was disclosed during its second-quarter earnings call on Tuesday that MicroStrategy CEO Michael Saylor will step down from that post. Saylor will continue as executive chairman of the board, while President Phong Le will assume CEO duties on Aug. 8.
>MicroStrategy reported a loss of more than $917 million, which was largely a result of the 59% decline in the price of Bitcoin since the crypto's price peak last November.
>Under Saylor's leadership, MicroStrategy spent about $3 billion since 2020 to buy 129,699 Bitcoin. According to the company, losses on that asset have pushed its holding value to $1.98 billion as of June 30.

Once crapto crashes to 1k he will get the axe forever.

>> No.51029655
File: 76 KB, 1076x694, BAD6DDAF-E7D7-44E3-AB39-CDCE88313F90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a retard

>> No.51029683
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>> No.51029694

What price did they buy in? What's the plan now, just hodl or sell?

>> No.51029711



>The new additions bring company holdings to 129,699 bitcoins (BTC) acquired for $3.98 billion, or an average cost of $30,664 each. At press time, bitcoin is changing hands at $20,100, making MSTR's stash worth approximately $2.6 billion.

The buy is absolutely BTFO'd right now

>> No.51029721


>> No.51029770

In a few years 30k might not matter so much, but can they hold that long? How low could we go?

That's pretty excellent. Shows El Salvador too. He's really gotten fucked.

>> No.51029805

They were able to buy those amounts because there are banks lending them money, but their performance is just abismal. Everyday that passes their credit evaluation tanks more and more.

>> No.51029905

he either sold secrets to the chicoms or gave them a discount on bitcoin.
> Micheal Traitor

>> No.51029921

He channelled money out of China.

>> No.51030019

It's amazing how this guy decides the fate of so much money. People wave around his degree as proof that hes smart, but they drastically overestimate how hard it is to get a good degree when your dad does all the work for you.
He's obviously not even a standard deviation above average intelligence and it's clear as day as soon as he talks. Perhaps the only person worse for pseudo-smart nonsense is Lex Fridman.

>> No.51030089

We will genuinely visit 9k this october. We will dump to 12k and that will be Saylors breaking point. He will offload half his bitcoin at the absolute bottom to cover margin.

>> No.51030122

Like you just said, Saylor and Bukele are the only two retarded keeping this whole market afloat, everything else is just USDT being printed without backing as usual. But this whole market isn't going to reset unless these psychotic retarded fuckers get the hell out of the market.

>> No.51030705
File: 30 KB, 531x578, D2BB5FFF-C2CE-4DEE-B771-0FB30955FEB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>majority of the shares
>controls the board
and you are like
>he resigned
>liquidation soon
what a retard OP

>> No.51030767

>t. Saylor

>> No.51030845

So the fact that his company is bleeding money is a good thing according to you?

>> No.51030858
File: 187 KB, 401x410, michael wojack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bit of a permabear, but can't say i didn't see it coming and been saying it for a long time even though I made a good chunk of change last year

>> No.51031087

>He bought the top

>> No.51031125
File: 63 KB, 570x563, BD123D5E-9253-4D37-9C60-8B6B11A4EA5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
