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File: 439 KB, 797x313, web3.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51027865 No.51027865 [Reply] [Original]

Web 2.0 is old now, Web 3.0 is the future! Which do you think is the best?

>> No.51027912

I have been using the Utopia ecosystem for a year now and have experienced the anonymity and decentralization in correspondence and payments. Well done developers. Now such peer-to-peer systems are in the top.

>> No.51027917

Web3 is the future go polkadot!

>> No.51027935

ICP (the only web3 infra that isn't a joke and actually built by a respectable team)

>> No.51027995
File: 7 KB, 474x266, 1649199321523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so fuarrrking done with the internet and web 2 at this point

>blocks Tor
>blocks VPN
>shadow derezzed
>please give phone number, ID, blood sample, its to "protect users" or something
>time gates
>"I checked your post history, your a new user so I wont talk to you and nothing you say is relevant"
>ads covering the screen
>"you need this many upvotes to access this walled garden"
>all forums are dead, all these old users want the forums back, give them a forum and they never go to it and stay passively consuming in their walled garden, fuarrrking cowards
>politics, politics, politics
>information manipulation everywhere
>SEO killed all search engines. want to search something? heres a website that is a literal generated ad
>dark patterns everywhere
>website is good? kill it, force users to "upgrade" to the mobile app
>RSS? that wont maximize profit. kill it, claim not enough users and costs to high to justify (despite already being available)
>IRC is distributed? kill it, only proprietary platforms allowed
>3rd party client? kill it, its "malware"
>email? kill it, youre blacklisted unless your emails ends in @<INSERT_BIG_COMPANY>.com
>[email protected] (literal cloudflare MITM)
>DDoS "protection"
>your worth = sum(stars, upvotes, karma, likes, shares, retweets)
>"this website only works with Google chrome"
>try to start a conversation with anybody, reply is always the same: either a stock, short "wity"/"clever" phrase, 1-2 word upvote/downvote response, edgelord response, GPT-like response, or someone wanting to vomit their own useless opinion on a subject they are clueless about

i just want to go back, back to a time when the internet wasn't like this, where everybody wasn't a conditioned robot thats been programmed by a few megacorps, where you could traverse freely, enter into new communities, experience new websites, talk to people. is there anywhere on the web that still exists like it once was?

>> No.51028001

>Well done developers.
I like mine rare. So rare, that they don't even post their scams on this board.

>> No.51028022

I support Polkadot's mission but declaring things like 'web 2 is dead' while relatively no one uses web 3 compared to web 2 is a big part of why crypto isn't taken seriously. Huge claims made too early with very little supporting evidence keeps up the impression that crypto is a scam.

>> No.51028031
File: 311 KB, 2005x2005, 2eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 blocks is better than 1
simple as

>> No.51028057
File: 60 KB, 736x777, b1c24123971f7301376a19d8121eadf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the Newgrounds times and old youtube
also runescape was still cool

>> No.51028058

Web3 will never happen because cloud computing is strictly against that type of network topology. Do you really think that a bunch of retarded computers struggling to sync with each other are going to compete with Amazon or Google Cloud?

Fucking kek

>> No.51028060
File: 139 KB, 848x672, dota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo Gavin bro I know your a Alien,Cause your way to nice. Humans don’t think this way.

>> No.51028087

>Features that appeal to billions of people

>Features that appeal to criminals and paranoid schizophrenics

Yeah, I'm thinking it's all low IQ VC hype

>> No.51028098

Start your own.
That's what I did: https://leftychan.net/

>> No.51028132
File: 1.68 MB, 360x336, 1660906192369.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Web 3.0" is a scam and doesn't solve the fundamental issue of the profit motive being involved in the internet. Infact, it's built directly into it. The future internet will be decentralized but I won't be a super imposed profit scam like Ethereum and the Ethereum network. It will be federated and highly secure.

>> No.51028133


>> No.51028148

Ment this https://leftychad.net/ kek. But leftychan is alright too.

>> No.51028226

What the fuck is web3?

>> No.51028284


>> No.51029561

web 3 is the best and seeing it being integrated into so many good DeFi gems like Sylo makes it much better and more accessible.

>> No.51029698

stop fucking around and build your shit on the internet computer and rebuild the web anew
i'm not even shilling the coin here - it's an entire new space to build whatever you want on the web away from the big megacorps

>> No.51029703

Dot is good but there are so many others to explore.

>> No.51030669

Only dummies will say Web2 is better than Web3, Look at what web3payment project like Utrust has achieved, now I don't have to pay high fees for the transaction, plus I can send any amount without limits and no freaking border charges or middle man fees
>feels like heaven

>> No.51030716

It's a useless concept that pretends to delegate the responsibility of data transfers to a bunch of decentralized computers, which is retarded because it's slow as shit and at the same time it's supossed to compete with industry giants like Amazon or Google.

Think about it for a second: kids on their basement running an arduino node pretending to compete with Google. That's web3

>> No.51031066


>> No.51031128

Crypto payment is the best thing to ever happened to Humanity

>> No.51031147

It's a scam, don't fell for it