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File: 92 KB, 680x573, 1660867065620653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51024913 No.51024913 [Reply] [Original]

>financial pain is on the way for home owners
>the current drop in real estate value is just the beginning
Get ready /biz/. Home owners are getting btfo. The real estate fire sale is about to begin.

>> No.51024921
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But it only goes up silly

>> No.51024924

Ohhhh nooo, it went up 30% and dropped 15%, if only I invest in funny meme coin

>> No.51024936

>placeholder for the inane coping of some retard who FOMOed into a 'starter home' that is now his prison cell for the next 10 years oh and btw he also didn't realize PMI/MIP is for the lifetime of any FHA loan with <10% down unless you refinance... which he can't do anymore since a) he's six figures underwater and b) he can't afford to refinance from a 2.9% rate to a 5.5% rate

>> No.51024937

Please drop 40-50% more.

>> No.51024962
File: 158 KB, 450x405, 1657141299332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like a lot of people are upset they have been priced out. Meanwhile I'll have my home paid off in a few more years. It's an incredible feeling.

>> No.51024984
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Exactly lol.

>> No.51024989
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Not so fast Stacy. picrel

>> No.51024992

Yeah sucks the majority of my buyins to eth were like $75-150.. shoulda bought a house right? lmao

>> No.51025005


>> No.51025012

Doesn't that mean the tax value assessment of real estate would decrease and so the real estate tax would decrease? Also, an existing mortgage would not change so who cares about the value unless you intend to sell the property.

>> No.51025020
File: 255 KB, 376x442, Screenshot 2022-08-19 at 19-29-38 henry kissinger fat - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First comes Anger, Then comes Denial. Now it's Acceptance. You accepted the fact your house prices will drop nigga!

>> No.51025035
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I bought a new construction house in an okay neighborhood in early 2019, before prices, wood all that shit started going crazy. This was for 250k. Now the same houses are going for like 350 from the same builder and people are buying then. I have a kid now and a second one on the way, I want to move to a better school district. So all I'm doing is hoping for a crash so I can pretty much make it out even maybe just a higher interest rate with a house in a better neighborhood. Let's hope it crashes.

>> No.51025045

he's still in bargaining, he thinks it will only drop 15%
he has no idea how overleveraged the housing market is

>> No.51025053

Your 30% up figure is over two years time. The 15% down figure is just the last month. These monthly drops in value will continue through fall into winter. By next spring years of gains will be erased. Next summer home owners will be cutting their loses and dumping homes left and right.

>> No.51025060

To add, for some reason new construction from big companies, they still are increasing their prices every month by like 2k. I'm not sure what the fuck they are thinking.

>> No.51025085

>who cares about the value unless you intend to sell the property.
Most buyers the past few years intended to sell in 2-5 years at a profit. These buyers are over leveraged and will be looking to get out. They are gonna be in for a rude awakening as prices plummet.

>> No.51025087

> Be me
> Buy apartment in 2014 (172K)
> Meet then gf now wife
> Wife buys house in 2015 (145K)
> Sell my apartment in 2019 (300K)
> Move in with wife
> Buy new house together in 2019 (495K)
> Move to new house together in 2020
> Wife sells home in 2020 (300K)
> Left with mortgage of 200K
> House is now valued at 600K+
Keep seething rentoid. Should’ve bought earlier. You missed BTC, and you missed the housing market.

>> No.51025105
File: 66 KB, 1138x763, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong with my house? pls help. it wont go down.

>> No.51025109

they either drop prices now and go bankrupt right away, or raise prices to create the illusion of having valuable assets on their books and go bankrupt in a few months when cashflow dries up for real. cant blame them for throwing a hail mary.

>> No.51025116

I only JUST finished school and got a pretty good paying job. It's not fair, I missed out on the covid stocks fire sale, I missed out on the mortgage rate destruction, and now even if I devote everything to saving, society is going to crumble in 10 years anyways.

>> No.51025119

>House is now valued at 600K
Too bad no one will buy it at that price LOL
Hope you're not planning on moving soon

>> No.51025124

House flippers are parasites anyhow, screw them

>> No.51025132

>new construction from big companies, they still are increasing their prices every month by like 2k.
This is changing fast. New home starts are plummeting nationwide. In my area starts are down and builders are cutting prices on existing builds. Buyers are backing out of new construction leaving builders holding their bags. lol

>> No.51025180


>> No.51025186

>inane handwaving in a desperate attempt to hide the fact that 1) your wife paid for a huge chunk of the mortgage 2) you traded an apartment and your wife's home for a "$600k" home in what is likely a densely populated area where this "$600k" simply means 1500 square feet in a neighborhood that isn't overrun with niggers (in short: what is inflation)
also your home isn't worth $600k as >>51025119 said.

>> No.51025190
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you're right, who would want this view? I'm ruined.

>> No.51025193
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So the houses I'm looking at, they went up by like 70k over the past 12 months for these new constructions. They have a few houses that are move in ready, but have not sold. They last increased the price on August 18th by 4k. This is for new construction and move in. Like wood prices are down significantly and all these builders said that wood was one factor for why the increased prices in the first place, now wood down and price isn't going down? Sounds Jewish to me

>> No.51025202

Yeah and you cannot cash out on that investment because you live there faggot. Houses are meant to be lived in, not used an investment...

>> No.51025226

Zestimates are fake bullshit and a scam, no one is ever going to buy your house for that money.

>> No.51025231

I'm not paying a mortgage on my crypto.

>> No.51025271

enjoy your property taxes

>> No.51025287
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I understand you're upset
I certainly will not

>> No.51025299

Are you saying that a typically steady market had gone volatile and is now having a slight correction? Who could’ve seen this coming?

>> No.51025303

Fag if you're going to larp at least choose a picture I can't find 500 duplicates of on a google search, Willard beach isn't exactly unknown

>> No.51025304

Please tell me why anyone with a 30 year fixed rate mortgage that they can afford would fire sale their home when it still provides shelter to them?

>> No.51025315

Hahaha spotted the rentoid

>> No.51025346
File: 239 KB, 512x512, bobo-red-candle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me why you think people can still afford to pay their mortgage when we enter a depression caused by the invasion of taiwan and the ban of imports from China. That is what the yield curve is predicting.

>> No.51025365
File: 153 KB, 1267x785, 1600405130203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I built my own log cabin after buying land, I live in my home and don't see it as an investment because I'm not a jew.

>> No.51025370

cope bobo we're at the lowest unemployment in history and the average worker has never had more leverage over their employer

people who bought homes will be fine because their mortgage payment won't change. I would bet a substantial amount of homeowners with existing mortgages refinanced over the last 1-2 years at rock-bottom rates. Short of one or both earners in the household losing their jobs, there will be no mass fire sale of homes. Sorry!

>> No.51025384
File: 1.02 MB, 583x640, big bank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That is what the yield curve is predicting.
Say it with me, one more time for the people in the back: "priced in."

>> No.51025393

ya ya sure you did wagie. your parents let you build a little cuck shed on their land while you’re connected to their wifi

I bet your mommys little man!

>> No.51025421

homeowners don't feel any new financial pain when their home valuations fall for a year or two. we're in 30-year fixed mortgages that we can handle and are getting salary raises year after year.
well, i say "we," but actually i own my home outright. i'm sure most people my age don't, though.
the previous 5-10 years rates were under 3%. you can get that from a 1yr CD right now, so they literally aren't paying anything if they just have enough savings, which some do. even if you have a tenth of that though you're still knocking off a pretty big chunk of that interest every year, just by saving money in a guaranteed return instrument.
imagine how much better you can do, then, if you've been holding some equities for 3-5 years. virtually no owner-occupier is under any pressure to sell their house. agency MBS are some of the best priced assets out there right now.

>> No.51025430

We each paid 50/50 of the home, it’s how we do everything in our relationship. It’s not like I didn’t save any money over those years, including paying off the mortgage. You were spot on about the densely populated area, and the square footage. >>51025202 mentioned I cannot cash out, and that’s true. It’s a longterm investment. I’m not getting nerfed 1500+ a month on rent where I could be putting it in paying off the mortgage on our home. If all goes well we’ll have paid off the mortgage 10 years from now. Not to mention that should we decide to move, we could sell the home at market value, and simply buy a new one, as we’re moving with the market.

>> No.51025436

Even if that were true it's less of a cucked life than some retard locked in a life time mortgage to a jew banker lol, hope you're not getting laid off any time soon and enjoy the value of your "zestimate" tanking. No one is buying your suburban cardboard.

>> No.51025438

>Most buyers the past few years intended to sell in 2-5 years at a profit.
lmao, no.

>> No.51025441

not larping. not going to share something that comes back to my fb. I was simply trying to illustrate certain areas will be more insulated from a crash. Specifically rich, white coastal areas.

>fuck the cities and flyovers. I enjoy this area and I'm never selling

>> No.51025459

ah. 100% cope.

>> No.51025472
File: 92 KB, 230x249, Screenshot 2022-08-10 at 21-55-36 nene leakes laugh - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.51025477

>omg I can buy a cheap home now!!!
Reminder current home owners will eat the loss and try to recoup by selling to black rock who will outbid you.

>> No.51025490

blackrock is too busy forcing companies to make gay BBC propganda shows

>> No.51025491

Why would the "value" of your home cause you "financial pain?"
Aren't you just supposed to live in it? That's what they are for right.

>> No.51025517

clearly one side is more frustrated given they keep posting housing cope/crash threads every day for the past 2 years

maybe if you spent that time and energy acquiring enough money to buy your own home you wouldn't be praying on an economic collapse for cheaper housing

>> No.51025543

>boomer is proud he did 2x and some change in like a decade
Lmaoing@ur life, zoomers make more gains with flipping some nfts in a year

>> No.51025544

g0y id man the zestimate stacy spam has been happening for weeks now as soon as prices stagnated

>> No.51025547

>Jew Jew Jew
lol talk about delusional, incel.

>itz da jooos

keep making excuses rentoid

>> No.51025553

biz has had daily or near-daily housing cope threads since the pandemic began and even prior to that.

>> No.51025557


>> No.51025558

I'm already broke, but that doesn't make you right.

>> No.51025616

that was organic shitposting. The zestimate stacy spam showed up suddenly with og filenames and a concentrated effort seemed fishy from the get go

>> No.51025729
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>> No.51025746
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Oh no bruhs how will I ever recover should I sell immediately idk what to doooooooooooooooo

>> No.51025747


holy cope 2 weeks

>> No.51025777

>caring about school districts

Your kid is going to be a tranny

>> No.51025785

> Putting out strawman arguments for bait
Pathetic. I said none of those thing. Also kek if you think I’m a boomer.

>> No.51025837

This is good for homeowners. Prices go down, taxes go down. People who own their homes and want to upgrade to a new place have an easier time because the new place will also go down in value to a similar degree as their old place did, but now the difference in value will also be more affordable as priced drop across the board. The only people that will get fucked by this are landlords and real estate speculator parasites, or people who mortgaged at the top (i.e. are renting-to-own from a bank) with the intent to move on to a different property in the short term, which is a stupid idea in the first place.

>> No.51025859

not buying until it drops 80%

boomers always win, dont they? only when they die will the house prices dump to shit

>> No.51025883

cope lol you just want it down 80% because that would finally be a level your poor ass could afford.

>> No.51025890


OP you have the wrong numbers. It should be 80% to 95%.

>> No.51025892


still not buying. Your house will be nothing and the money i save as renter will be invested in something better than house market


>> No.51025916


This. We heading to a great depression 2.0. Get ready. Only way out would be World War 3 to bring our economy out of this hell.

>> No.51026020

>saving money as a rentoid

o i am laffin

>> No.51026055
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Hey op zoom out hahahahahaha

Mfw you'll never get sub 2% interest rates on mortgages again in your life!

>> No.51026056

Each month your rent is a net loss. Your (land)lords pocket it and will allow you their roof over your head. You have nothing but the idea of home ownership. In 5 years of renting at 1500 a month, you will have lost 90K. 90K that you willingly give away. There are people that have been renting since the last crash, which means roughly ten years ago. They lost 180K, and the chance to actually possess an affordable home. Kek at rentcucks. Keep saving money bro.

>> No.51026110
File: 39 KB, 512x512, 1660862504976699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek rentoids priced out forever
you will always share a wall
you will always be quiet
you will own nothing, and as a rentpiggie, you're happy :)

>> No.51026152
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>Each month your rent is a net loss
each day your food is a net loss. Each day your toilet paper is a net loss. Each day your income tax is a net loss. Every shower you take is a net loss. Every car you buy is a net loss. Every dollar you spend on clothes could have been invested. Oh but you can sell your house for more profit than money and labor you spent taking care of it? Wow I didn't know you can see the future

>> No.51026154

>I was simply trying to illustrate certain areas will be more insulated from a crash. Specifically rich, white coastal areas.
Until Biden flies in 5000 Haitians to diversify your area and your home value plummets you're locked in with no way out. Bonus points if your employer packs up shop and you get laid off.

>> No.51026203

I don't understand this retort. Short of having a million dollar property in Illinois or New Jersey, taxes are marginal. Yeah property taxes are bullshit, but unless you own a railroad, you're stuck with them in any country. Renters are also paying them. You can work a week or two at any bullshit job and pay the year lmao

>> No.51026236

according to zillow my house is worth 140k. I owe about 60k on it. Should I sell it?

>> No.51026255
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And you still won't qualify to buy a house. Cope. Seethe. Dilate. Rent is due in ten days.

>> No.51026291
File: 264 KB, 640x526, bobo-hazmat-suit-laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much cope in this thread. TOO MUCH COPIUM I need to put on my hazmat suit, I don't want to be infected with your copium and hopium.

>> No.51026427

Eventually, yes, you can. There’s always a risk, but buying a home (within your means) has mostly been considered a low-risk investment. Sure shit can hit the fan in terms of maintenance, but zooming out over a 10 year timespan, it has never been a financially devastating decision to buy a home during any time period over the past 80+ years. Unless you plan to die before you’re 50, it’s a good investment to make for when you retire, and to have a highly sought after asset to leave your offspring with.

>> No.51026475

Where I live, rents are higher than what I'm paying on my mortgage (taxes and interest included). The market falling doesn't affect me in the short term at all, and rents would basically have to fall 40% and stay there for at least 3 years for me to return to break-even.

>> No.51026488

>Sure shit can hit the fan in terms of maintenance, but zooming out over a 10 year timespan, it has never been a financially devastating decision to buy a home during any time period over the past 80+ years.
I'll put a caveat on this: if you bought the 2007 peak in Las Vegas, there's a good chance that even in 2021 your house value never exceeded its purchase price. But that being said, if you own a home in a city with a non-meme economy/bubble, you're probably safe.

>> No.51026613
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>it has never been a financially devastating decision to buy a home during any time period over the past 80+ years

my great grandparents had 10 kids, my grandparents had 5 kids, my parents had 2 kids, I have no kids

>> No.51026696

having kids is 1. too expensive 2. the world is too degenerate. Its not worth it, let the population crash

>> No.51026810

having kids is literally free

>> No.51026838



>> No.51027149

some gas the rental market. rent increased 30% in the last year. i thought jabvaggots were dying, why the rent still going the fuck up?

>> No.51027158


>> No.51027177

>the average worker has never had more leverage over their employer
half the country gets no benefits package and pay hasn't increased in 30 years. boomer what crack are you smoking?

>> No.51027213

>why the rent still going the fuck up?
Biden has imported 3 million illegals and "refugees" since taking office. Also, population moves around a lot which means fleeing Califags/NYfags flooding Austin or Denver or whatever.

>> No.51027319

>rent in the entire country is going up because NYC/califags are escaping
>meanwhile rent in NYC and commiefornia still also goes up

that doesn't even make sense and i'm tired of smoothbrains mindlessly repeating this.

>> No.51027353

I assumed you meant rent increases beyond inflation. Cali's are in line with inflation whereas more interior states have substantially outpaced it.

>> No.51027371

I kinda hope it crashes, so I have a chance in the market

>> No.51027378

Buddies, throw away ur ideas. They're trash. participate in Yopi Network.

> There r many solutions to earn money within the Network
> New concept of turning real physic gold into digital cash
> Fastest and cheapest payment feature in the world

>> No.51027390

>my home went up 50% and now will go down by 15%
Oooooooohhh noooooooooooo

>> No.51027412

Once it starts falling like this, it's not going to stop. Home prices do not behave like stocks do, they either have constant upward momentum or constant downward momentum.

>> No.51027443

I'll buy your bags when home prices revert to their mean as they have always have, historically. Only chinks and overseas retards buy at these levels, with cash.

>> No.51027458

As a home owner I don't care.
I live in my house why would I worry about what I can sell it for?

>> No.51027474

do you have a mortgage?

>> No.51027496

that's already almost half of how much it went up

>> No.51027511

market crashed 25% in Canada since February
still too expensive though, needs another 20% before i buy

>> No.51027531

Yes, if that means I'm not a home owner ok.
Still don't see a reason to care.

>> No.51027561

both of those buyers are going to lose massive amounts of value once the lagging areas of the country (like Maine) start getting hit. Christ who would pay a million bucks for a house in Maine

>> No.51027565

the rent prices ARE the inflation.

>> No.51027582
File: 21 KB, 357x353, 35082842042024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get fucked FOMOs

>> No.51027598

what I mean is if shit gets tough and you lose your job, your mortgage might actually be worth more than your house and you'll be in big shit

>> No.51027599

Yes and Bitcoin is going down too

So we all suffer

>> No.51027615

not the cash chads

>> No.51027622

>There’s always a risk, but buying a home (within your means) has mostly been considered a low-risk investment
wrong. things changed after the dotcom bust and the low interest rate regime have distorted house prices for two decades now. sure, houses basically just kept up with inflation before that with some minor boom/bust cycles but we've moved miles away from that. when houses revert to the mean (and dip below the mean), whole generations of investors will be broken from the notion of houses being a good investment for decades.

>> No.51027631

well that's the price of every house in the country now. There is nothing anywhere under 600k that isn't a dilapidated shitbox or in a negro zone. So who is buying?

part of it is boomers/xoomers rolling their previous equity into a new mortgage. so they sell a 450k house, pack up the 125k in equity they had on it, and take that to a 800k house. there are enough of these "people" to always fuel insane price increases. and they are too stupid to realize they're just extending how much their mortgage is and will never actually own and be out of debt.

part of it is NIMBYism preventing new house construction in any meaningful volume. sure they always rip down some orchards and forests to build mcmansions, but one orchard only gets you a dozen mcmansions. there are no midrise and townhouses being built because murrrka. and another factor is the insane amount of land in desireable cities wasted on car infrx. so instead of having 15 apartments, you have a parking lot, because there is no public transit. you have half as much housing as you could, therefore it costs twice as much.

and yet another factor is that 30% of the country doesn't pay for their housing, the govt (therefore taxpayers) do. that is, 13% plus the other trash. they have to live somewhere but they don't work for a living. so who pays for the housing? you do. your taxes pay their rent, and then you pay for them AGAIN with increased housing/rent prices yourself due to them eating up a large amount of the supply. 13% can destroy entire neighborhoods, even entire cities. there is plenty of cheap housing in detroit and camden but the dark locust hoard made those cities into wastelands.

everything will continue to get worse until we point out the elephants in the room.

>> No.51027660

Ah I see since my payments are fixed they won't go down. Good news they won't go up either.
I've got a good amount of saving and live frugally so should be fine.
Lost my job last year actually due to covid but now have a decent remote position.
Worse comes to worse I could work delivery or some other menial job and it would cover costs.
If even those jobs are gone then there's likely bigger problems to worry about.
Sure everything could go wrong and I end up foreclosing but even then I have good ties to family unless they all decide to sporadically die too.
I'm not immune to calamity but I don't see why I should spend time panicking about my house going down in price. Was ambivalent when it did over a 2x and am ambivalent now.

>> No.51027665

Hahahahahaha this faggot thinks Zillow prices are real and his shit will fly off the market hahahahaha

>> No.51027686

Rofl, imagine renting.

>> No.51027723

>Most buyers the past few years intended to sell in 2-5 years at a profit
Where did you get this statistic? I don't believe this.

>> No.51027743

renting is the smart thing to do if the alternative is the most expensive houses ever (adjusted for inflation). 15% is $120k of the average starter house in my area. I can rent for literally 4.65 years and still break even if houses drop JUST 15% in four years. not only that, but I get to sit on and/or invest my savings which means I don't have to fear the jew laying me off

>> No.51028063

>dumbass friend became a realtor to avoid getting a real job

oh I am laughin

>> No.51028074


"return to normal" is not complete yet. We need more home owner bagholders to buy this dip then realize they were the only ones who wanted to buy. THen the real selling can begin

>> No.51028125

based and levelheaded outlook fren, you will make it

>> No.51028240
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You don't need to remind me every thread. It sucks guys. Homes were supposed to only go up.

>> No.51028313

Hope you make it too, anon.
We're all in this together.

>> No.51028392
File: 86 KB, 1080x1098, 827395623b2baf2ee72055abae231501802da0bc94d283be46ce1a55f2c45c7e_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not poor just buy a house or condo in California and you'll make bank in 5 years minimum

>> No.51028537
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>taxes go down
You don't really think that do you? Local governments will keep high taxes due to inflation and claim it is a temporary downturn.

>> No.51028679

you good? you seem slow. >>51025287
thanks for worrying anon but I got in around 250k and I'm nearly paid off.
>who would pay a million bucks for a house in Maine
Rich people mostly, that must be why you are confused.

>> No.51028890

>Rich people mostly, that must be why you are confused.
rich people don't get rich because they throw away money on dumb shit like overpriced property in Maine. also lol at your 1280sqft house, richfag wannabe

>> No.51028963

just like the Rockefellers, Astors, and Vanderbilts Bush family and countless celebrities that have property here. You seem to be poorly informed on the subject, not that I'm surprised.

>stay poor, die mad. I'm done spoon feeding you faggots.

>> No.51028994

>eggs tripling in price in 2 years is rent prices

>> No.51029143

>part of it is boomers/xoomers rolling their previous equity into a new mortgage. so they sell a 450k house, pack up the 125k in equity they had on it, and take that to a 800k house. there are enough of these "people" to always fuel insane price increases. and they are too stupid to realize they're just extending how much their mortgage is and will never actually own and be out of debt.

Yeah, that's the name of the game dumb fuck. Constant over leveraging and building your own wealth machine. Daisy chain properties until you have 15 of them and now it's a passive income rent machine.

Also, re: OP:
>caring about value fluctuations rather than caring about positive average monthly cash flow (rent minus mortgage minus expenses)

>> No.51029158

>renting is the smart thing to do if the alternative is the most expensive houses ever (adjusted for inflation)

It will never go down. Look at Europe, the existing precedent for this. That's where we're headed in burgerland.

>> No.51029485
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i bet we're about to pull one of these.
>technologically advanced
>depressed men
>aging population
>no one having kids

>> No.51029529

Users can already catch a glimpse of syscon's applications with their ground-breaking NEVM whose first phase was introduced on 6th December 2021.

>> No.51029571

>imports a million shitskins a year
Something Japan has never done and likely never will.

>> No.51029638

>Egg budget +$8
>Rent budget +$800

>> No.51029664

Just like import more third worlders, that will keep prices high.

>> No.51029746

Honestly, it is better than free. Your kids will take care of you when you're old. The "retirement system" used to be that you'd have 4 or 5 kids and they would help you our when you are too old to work. It is still this way in the third world.

The current Gov gives huge tax incentives for having kids if you didn't know. It is easy to come out ahead. I make about 200k/year and I only have a taxable income of 110k because of my kids (well also IRA/401k).

>> No.51029769

You mean like in 2020 when prices dipped 20% then ended the year positive?

>> No.51029819

>20% dip gets reversed by giant quantitative easing
>giant MCAP stocks like Apple skyrocket 300-400%
>houses go up 200% in most metro locations

QE is no longer an option without hyperinflation, it’s insane to see inside the mind of retarded hoomers. If you cannot see the writing on the wall you are retarded or willfully ignorant

>> No.51029824

how are they gonna crash? people still need to live somewhere. I don't see how price movements align with the underlying asset. I can see the price just plateauing

>> No.51029827

they aren't "daisy chaining" they're just staying housepoor. what do you think 2008 was? stop acting like old fucks are savvy investors. anyone who didn't grow up on the internet is stupid as a monkey.

>> No.51029829
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When priced in commodities such as gold or silver, housing prices are actually below the 20 year average.

Also, current rent yields are higher than the 20 year average.

>> No.51029863
File: 1.14 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220731-191141_Video Player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are at the start of 1975 on that graph.

>> No.51029883
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If you think inflation will not continue, you are retarded.

>> No.51029887

in non-clown-world a necessary object for human life becoming more affordable would be regarded as a good thing. we used to value bread factories because they made bread less expensive. now people would vote and NIMBY the bread factory to shutter just to spite the people who don't have their own bread.

(it's a book, read it)

this nation isn't right with God. banking your retirement plan on gouging the younger generation out of a million for your 70 year old crapshack you bought for 23k is a ticket to the sulfur pits. Japan built a large supply of housing so the younger generation could afford housing too. And it's regarded as some kind of disaster case because line go sideways. In Tokyo right now you can find an apartment for $600 a month. It won't be a nice apartment, but it is affordable. Meanwhile NYC has a similar population size and you can't find shit under $2500. Japanese boomers weren't sociopathic like american boombooms. That entire generation will burn in the pit.

>> No.51029918
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>sorry, but the line only goes up chud!!! Quit being a colonizing conspiracy theorist and just get vaxxed already!!!

>> No.51029953

sorry boomer but that isn't the case when you abuse your kids and they are educated enough to know it was abuse. look at any nursing home. 95% of the time your kids are busy living their own lives, even if they do like you enough to care that you're dying of cancer. how about you not get obese and take care of yourself. in italy the old people are self sufficient into their 90s. now you're all fat and mentally dead from a lifetime of corn syrup and television and expect us to wipe your ass for you.

delusional old fuckhead.

>> No.51029982

i wish the shit for brains that scream about raising min wage to $15 and a 'liveable wage" could understand that chasing a moving target doesn't benefit anyone and they're not only wasting their time, theyre wasting our chance to direct that energy into productive social action.

inflation is jewish theft of goyim money. gas the inflation to 0%. a dollar should always have the same value, otherwise your currency and society are trash.

>> No.51029990

Omg you can sell the house and be homeless with $350k

>> No.51030139
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>they have property in an area
>they bought property in an area at the most expensive it has ever been, ever

>> No.51030171

>When priced in commodities such as gold or silver, housing prices are actually below the 20 year average.
ah yes, when priced in the commodities that have been suppressed for decades

>> No.51030243

That ain't shit. Needs to drop over 50% for a true discount.

I'm too lazy to check. What percentage drop did home priced fall in 2008?

>> No.51030259

How's the rent over there?

>> No.51031199
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>Just like import more third worlders, that will keep prices high.

ok cool now what about the closed off ethnostate of italy

>> No.51031496

I just graduated and got a job offer in Phoenix and I'm stunned by the apartment prices. $2000 a month for a 800 square foot studio is representative of the area. That would be like a double mortgage payment where I am from.
I feel like I have to take this job but I don't know how I can stomach getting ripped off like this every month. What should I do?

>> No.51031586
File: 1.03 MB, 1901x832, phoenix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phoenix isn't THAT expensive

>> No.51031607

I bought my house right before the valuations started going crazy high from some boomers who asked a fair price. Is this going to affect me bros?

>> No.51031639

Those aggregate sites are wrong. Wrong wrong wrong.
I used one of them and wrote down a bunch of promising places in my notebook.
Then I started researching them individually and going to their actual website. The prices were always like $400 higher than advertised on the aggregator sites.

>> No.51031770

I feel that; lived in phoenix area my whole life and its really rampped up in popularity as a dense metropolitan area. Californinans shitting up the place and buying up houses has increased the cost of living 5x in the past 5 years. Best advice I can give is to live with 2 or 3 people if you can

>> No.51031821

I'm coming from over 1400 miles away. I don't know a single person.
Having to live with 3 other people like I'm still in college when I'm working as an electrical engineer is fucking depressing man. I'm half way thinking about just staying in my tiny hick town and figuring something else out. I don't know. I really want this job but I really don't want to live in Phoenix.

>> No.51031837

You want the job at Intel in Chandler, trust me.

>> No.51031851
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Ghost monkey red

>> No.51031868

It's not with Intel. All my applications to them were like auto-rejected. Nice try though.

>> No.51031893

you can room with me anon...

>> No.51031901

I'm not gay.
Also I'm ugly.

>> No.51031902

Shoulda rolled Paki or Pajeet, git gud.

>> No.51031912

Phoenix sucks ass.

>> No.51031939

any place that shows a pool or clubhouse as the main picture means they're hiding something

>> No.51031976
File: 218 KB, 1112x631, real estate prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rates go up from 2.75% to 5.25%
>Home prices are "down" 10%

They should be down 25% given that people have 75% of the purchasing power they had last year.

>> No.51031996

That means buyers are more resilient and are confident in labor market.

>> No.51032016

which means moving is less attractive for existing homeowners, hence less homes on the market.

>> No.51032031
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taika mooning tho, thank u tsuka dev for making new coin https://www.dextools.io/app/ether/pair-explorer/0x054d55c718b9d53151b1cfcb7e3512ec44634cfb

>> No.51032123
File: 463 KB, 688x529, phoenix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should buy a home outside of Phoenix in a USDA eligible area for $0 down and a 3% interest rate before you make too much money and have too many assets to qualify for the mortgage.

Wittman is 15 min NW of Surprise/Sun City amenities and is eligible.

>> No.51032163

Living there wouldn't work for me.
I work 12.5 hour days and it would be 2 hour total commute time.

>> No.51032206
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Even more of a reason to live outside the goyim grid. You only have to commute 3 days a week.

Although I will admit this was easier when places like Queen Creek, Goodyear, and New River were eligible. But Dems took over and expanded the lines.

>> No.51032271

accept that you're currently in a shitty financial situation, move in with roommates in a lousy part of town, find ways to increase your income, save everything, then continuously invest it all in assets/a business that will make you rich

>> No.51032302

so are houses like nfts
no liquidity

>> No.51032363
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Japan has a much lower birthrate than the US though

>> No.51032375

why did trump want to keep mexicans out if adding them to the us population would make his real estate go up?

>> No.51032429

he didn't, he only said that to get elected.

>> No.51032465

>comes out brown

>> No.51032646

Anything to the southeast?

>> No.51032775
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The price crashing doesn't matter unless you intend to sell. For everyone else, they likely have a 30 year time horizon and it will appreciate over time.

>> No.51032939


>> No.51032982

prices are crashing because people cant afford their debt midwit

>> No.51033009

they are raising them on some places in florida by 150%

>> No.51033017

Houses in the ghetto are put up for millions. I have a hard time believing rich people wanting to live in crime ridden hell holes.

>> No.51033026

No prices are crashing because interest rates have nearly doubled since December 2021 and no one except chinks, poos and Blackrock can afford to buy homes in cash.

>> No.51033054

>Buy apartment in 2014 (172K)
>Wife buys house in 2015 (145K)
These two combined should be around a million in today prices. You outsmarted yourself with your trading.

>> No.51033065

youre all a bunch of stupid mungs. House prices are going to rise 25-100% year over year, for the rest of eternity. If you don't buy at the very very limit of your borrowing allowance now, you will never ever ever be able to afford a house.

No matter what you have to do, go take out a 30 year mortgage with interest right now. And don't worry if your housing payment literally takes your budget to the very very limits. If prices on essential items like foodstuff go up you can just scrimp and save.

The value of your house skyrocketing will allow you to refinance indefinitely anyway and you can always get a great deal, cause only smart people do this so it always works out.

>> No.51033084

>The price crashing doesn't matter unless you intend to sell.
Exactly. Retards who thought they could make a quick buck by buying real estate will have to contend with the fact that they will need to keep their devaluing home for another 10 years before making a return on selling it.

Also about 20-30% of homes in America are bought by investors, so roughly 1/4 of all houses are being treated like stonks.

Get ready for the panic sell of a lifetime.

>> No.51033126

Price matters for retards who bought at the extreme limit of their budget with less than 20% down, because now they cant refinance off the PMI and will be stuck underwater foreveerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.51033147

I live on the beach on Orange county. Price just keeps going up anon.

>> No.51033241

Is this the american version of "Buy one property, then buy a second one. If you purchased a second one already, then buy a third. Bought a third? Then buy your fourth."

>> No.51033709


>Bought house #1 in 2013 (140k)
>Paid off in 2018
>Bought house #2 in 2018 (320k), rented out house #1 for 1500/mo
>Moved in 2020, bought house #3 (225k), rented out house #2 for 2600/mo
>Refinanced house #2 and #3 in 2022 at 2.75%
>Moved this summer, rented out house #3 for 1900/mo
>Rentals are earning 6000/mo
>Expenses are 2500/mo
>Rentals are worth 1.1 million

I did this on a 70k-85k salary at my job.

People are poor because they're stupid with money.

>> No.51033782

well the irony is that they won't burn anywhere. The weaker cucks would be boiled out of their labour and money :)

>> No.51033802

I just bought a house how fucked am I bros give it to me straight

>> No.51034134

you realize we are going into a recession. meaning alot of full time employees will be cut and either remain unemployed or work part time to make ends meet.

if you think your house and likewise your renters ability to pay the mortgage/rent is immune to the jobs and income market... you are telling me you are stupid without telling me you are stupid.

every assets worth is dependent upon demand. if jobs crater so does demand

this is economics 101,but youre in real estate, you probably never went to college.

>> No.51034144

You might be able to find a community east of San Tan, but it's the worst schools in the valley, you'll be stuck in a 400k house on a 1/10th acre lot, half your neighbors will be Mexicans, and if housing ever crashes it will be the hardest hit place. Honestly I wouldn't do USDA in Phoenix anymore, they got rid of the good areas that you could use it on.

Also Phoenix sucks, and you'll realize this when you move out there and see the endless suburban sprawl full of Mexicans and Boomers, where everything is an HOA, the only "amenities" are a strip mall with the same big box chain retailers as everywhere else, and you have 4 months of 100 degree temps where it doesn't go below 75 degrees. Just rent and get a higher paying job that isn't in a southwestern state.

>> No.51034235

you are mis informed...

we are not in deflation we are in inflation with an attempt to achieve stagflation.

why are we doing this? well, because it creates a weak china and russia. the government doesnt care about inflation and neither does the FED. They care about remaining the global world reserve and military hedgemony, and in order to do that you need to cripple Chinas Yuan.

This is why PM of China said Biden encouraging the FED to raise rates would be considered an act of economic warfare.


THE FED IS FIGHTING “INFLATION" SOLELY TO MAKE CHINA KNEEL. Any other assumption is childs play.

Most of the FED are proponents of MMT, to think they really care about inflation is rediculous. The Fed works for wall street and wall street loves cheap money and cheap credit.... so long as its wall street and not schenzen on top.

>> No.51034240

>up 30% in two years
>400k -> 520k
>down 15% in a month or two
>520k -> 442k
The cost to sell your asset is 6% at minimum due to the realtor mafia, so you could only get 15k back on a 400k investment if prices stop falling right now. But wait, you paid interest, so assuming 20% down you're out around 8k a year, making your investment a loss of $1,000 over two years. In that time, buying ETH would have turned 400k into 1.2 million and that's even if you were too retarded to sell any of it when top signals were blaring in December.

>> No.51034249

lowest unemployment doesnt count those no longer seeking employment and living off the tit of the gov and others.

factor that stat in and your unemployment statistic doesnt hold water. Stop cherry picking statistics, it only proves you are motivated by your own self interest.

>> No.51034252
File: 47 KB, 1168x450, Median_US_household_income.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you go outside? Everyone is hiring. No one wants to work, and anyone who job hopped the past 2 years got at least a 20% raise (more if you were willing to relocate). The only industry laying people off is the mortgage industry, and that's because of the high rates.

If this garbage is what you were taught in college, then it's obvious you majored in bullshit and not some STEM field.

>> No.51034260

I am seething so fucking hard.
I fucking swear to God. I make more than 200k i should just buy a god damn fucking house fucking GOD DAMN IT

You doing this on the edge of town or what? Anything near a city center is fucking insane.

>> No.51034292

“salary raises year after year”... thanks to QE, cheap money, and real inflation. Your salary hasn't beaten real inflation (non CPI) since 2008.

When the recession hits you wont be worried about your pay stagnating, youll be out of a job, like so many others during a recession, and you will eat the bugs.

If you rent rooms, your rentors will lose their jobs or have their salary cut. Meaning you will have to lower rent.
If you have a mortgage, good luck, your rates wont save you from the unemployment line when the fed really raises rates.

>> No.51034304

>The cost to sell your asset is 6% at minimum due to the realtor mafia

Another renter who has no idea what he's talking about.

Listing agents get 1.0-1.5% and you can set the buyer commission to whatever you want. No one pays 3% to buyers agents anymore. You can also get licensed yourself in a few weeks. It's not rocket science, the dumbest people in society do this.

Interest is tax deductible and always cheaper than rent.

ETH is down 70% this year.

>> No.51034343

“No one wants to work”

No one wants to work because the pay isn’t worth it, meaning wages and salaries have stagnated significantly. You said you got a 20% raise? Congrats, you lost out to REAL inflation (not CPI adjusted bullshit) of about 10% extra. Meaning, you worked the same amount for an actual 10% loss due to inflation. You think you got a raise, you because you dont know that real inflation was 18% for last year alone.

Courtesy, a friendly CPA

Also, many corps are actually firing and downsizing, the trend is actually downsizinng workforce not the other way around.

>> No.51034355

This is a lot of cope. Enjoy holding all the way down.

>> No.51034391

if you have a mortgage, you are not a homeowner, the bank is, and if you cant make payments due to loss of work etc from the recession. The bank will force foreclosure and take your home or sell it to black rock.

>> No.51034402

All purchases were in the suburbs. I only bought in the whitest areas with 10/10 rated schools and high incomes. Just search for areas that have amenities that others perceive as overpriced - places like Whole Foods, Lifetime Athletic, Shake Shack/Five Guys. These companies do the same research on the areas that I do.

>> No.51034429

I'll start researching when I'm on the clock tomorrow. Thanks cunt

>> No.51034449

nyc landlords have been giving rentors a month free or other ammennities to prevent properties from losing their value.

its an ingenious move to prevent a price collapse, but it only works so long as the majority of landlords agree to it.

furthermore, rent in ny has gone up.. but thats due mainly to inflation, rent in other respective metro areas in the country is up more and actually beats innflation, esp miami and dallas and austin.

>> No.51034511

no it isnt.
rent for the cpi is determined solely by asking homeowners (not just landlords) what they would charge themselves to rent their home.
it is not a real measurement by any sense and as such the cpi is lower because of how the rent is decided in it via (to rent to yourself) metrics.

the cpi is flawed, and thus, every measurement of "inflation" used today is flawed and manipulated by the bureaucrats. stop basing economic decisions on flawed tools meant to misled markets.

>> No.51034553

Until you cant get rent... and then your fucked and just anonther dumbb pleb speculator.

Your whole schtick requires the american worker to continue workinng and for his salary to beat inflation.
Real inflation was 18% last year according to shadowstats.
Tell me more about how you are prepared for a recession when you are overleveraged and dependant on the jobs and income market to pay that leverage while your properties also decrease inn value.

the day of free money is over get ready to eat zhe bugs

>> No.51034555

I got a huge new one on my dick this weekend.

>> No.51034559

I fucking love doomers like you that spread this bullshit. Please keep doing it. It just keeps creating more renters and less applicants for jobs.

>> No.51034566

europes about to go bankrupt this winter. well see how good their housing market is when they cant afford oil to heat the boiler.
They better give in to Russia before Christmas or Europe is doomed

>> No.51034580

Make sure to finance your down payment

>> No.51034587

Many cities in California still have eviction moratoriums which allow people to live in an apartment rent free forever. That's a big driver of the housing shortage and a reason why rent is so high in Los Angeles.

>> No.51034590

you need a job to live somewhere.

recessions lead to job destruction not creation

no job no pay no rent payments no mortgage payments

Biz needs to go back to macroeconomics 101

>> No.51034640

you realize that many market makers still look at gold when determining their future path. Only a noob investor trusts their assets valuation in fiat. Gold may have been suppressed, but when the cats out of the bag, the whole asset based instruments system will have to adjust to the real price of gold.
that should mean your house, when gold is unsupressed, will match the same price of gold when you bought it.. and gold will be worth alot more in comparison to fiat

To put thinngs into perspective

>> No.51034649
File: 130 KB, 688x656, rentals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prices on rentals must be coming down with all the people who can't afford rent. That's what they taught you in "business" school, right?

>> No.51034688

kek that was good and pretty onpoint for the ggeneral hoomers concensus.

mortgage holders who never took macroeconnomics are about to get dunked on

>> No.51034750

exactly what was bullshit?

i just told you your employer cucked you, and im the bad guy

typical slave mentality

>> No.51034775

I went from 80k at the office to 110k/year WFH the past year because Zoomers like you think the game is rigged. Thank you.

>> No.51034781

You learned how to surf the first page of google. cute.
what are rent moratoriums? when was the last time we had one?
the gains in the rental market are only to keep up with the housing market gains during the rent moratorium where homeowners couldnt increase or charge rent.
it will even out and come down.


>> No.51034839

80K in what year to 110 in what year. ill tell you whether or not your salary beat REAL inflation... or whether your boss shafted you.
Real inflation was 18% this year. Did you get a raise over 18%? If not, you got shafted and you actually had a pay cut in terms of value per dollar.

to show you in pleb terms i will use the cpi adjusted inflation indicator by FRED to show you

if your job pays 2 dollar and bananas are a dollar
your job got you 2 bananas
if you job raises pay to 3 dollars but the cost of bananas are now 3 dollars... your pay got you more paper, but less bananas meaning you worked the same amount for less bananas.

>> No.51034891
File: 39 KB, 705x374, rentals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one can afford rent
>rental prices are at an all time high

I love it. You probably went into debt for that accounting degree at your local state school.

>> No.51034951

Real inflation on what?

The $300/mo in groceries that I buy? You're right, that's another $50/mo.

The gas I use? Oh wait, I work from home.

Rent? Just kidding, everything I own is a fixed rate mortgage and property tax increases are capped at 3%.

Please tell me how I'm doing worse this year by making an additional 2500/mo that I invest into Real Estate.

>> No.51035021

By worse you must mean better. Because this planet is overpopulated.

>> No.51035069
File: 2.00 MB, 906x960, inflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real inflation was 18% this year.


>> No.51035142

im talking to a wall
rent prices are up because
1.rents couldn't be raised due to the rent moratorium.
2. housing prices went up during the moratium

thus finally
rent prices after the rent moratorium ends come up to match housing prices.

Are you even a landlord? because if you were inn commercial real estate... this would be common knowledge and was expected during the start of moratorium

>> No.51035155

shawstats.com keeps track of real inflation data
it uses the inflation metrics that existed pre fiat- pre1970.
it is pure unmolested data.

>> No.51035160

Yes! Rents are up! Glad you agree with me.

>> No.51035165



>> No.51035169

they wont be much longer. enjoy the unemployment line and having to downsize your overleveraged properties.

>> No.51035175

Litteraly doesnt matter if you bought your home to live in it and don't plan to sell immediately.
Doesn't matter either if you bought it to rent it and don't plan to sell immediately.

At worst you feel bad if you just bought it and could have saved up by waiting a bit more, but that's not a real loss

>> No.51035195

That would mean every product that came with post 1970 technology is ignored.

>> No.51035233

Rents could drop 75% and I would still be making more than the interest, taxes, and insurance on the properties.

I actually had 8 applicants for my vacancy this summer. Went in a day to a couple with 800+ credit. Hope they are enjoying my pool home.

>> No.51035245

It's okay hoombro, it'll be double what it currently is in 10 years.

>> No.51035247




>> No.51035265

no it wouldnt
a car is still a car (althouggh smarter)
a tv is still a tv (although smarter)
a phone is still a phone (although smarter)

>> No.51035284

interest, taxes, and insurance..


what about principle?? you have to pay principle+interest bud.

>> No.51035301


>> No.51035330

So in an impossible scenario, I would have to come up with 1300/mo, to invest in an asset tied to inflation, from my 9k/mo salary. Thank you for warning me about this.

>> No.51035375

its indisputable and unrefutable
you own your car to drive.
you own a tv to watch things
you own a phone to communicate

the base nature of why consumer needs those items has not changed since 1970.
i dont need a car for the gps.
i dont need a phone for internet.
i dont need a tv to talk to alexa.

what tech has come out since the 1970s that deserves its own category besides the home computer

and by that same “what about tech post 1970 not being counted” arguement...
the beef used for inflation in 1970s was ribeye (organic grassfed as it was the norm back then)
the beef used for inflation now is beef chuck... do you see why inflation is rigged.
if the government doesnt like the food, or item, they just replace it with a cheaper equivalent to mask inflation... if colgate is rising in price... they switch the brand to crest to mask inflation. its hedonic in that the bureaucrats just change items and metrics however they see fit to pleasure and beguile the public.

>> No.51035410

you are implying you will have your salary/job in a recession no matter what to cover debt.
i am implying that when we go into a recession... you may not have your job to fall back on to cover your debt.
save your money, you sound overly optimistic for someone who doesnt have a college degree or his own business,

>> No.51036125

I paid my house off years ago and couldn't care less what it is valued at because it is my home and not an investment. I'm going to be here until I'm carried out on a stretcher.

>> No.51036527

Tbh Rent will keep going up until immigrants stop living 3-5 adults to a bedroom.

>> No.51036615

you should want it valued lower for the tax nigger collectors

>> No.51036903

yeah but it's really random how the assessor comes up with the number. my taxes stayed the same over the last year, but the value went up by like 15%. and then other years it will be a huge tax jump, but property values only went up like 5%. and there are other things like special assessments, school levies, etc that can make a bigger impact than property value.

my taxes are pretty low anyway, best to just not think about it.

>> No.51037183 [DELETED] 

That's the question of the year. NFTs really came with a bang, and overtook the crypto industry. So, this valley in the Crypto world wasn't expected to be this deep. Further digs are causing commotions and the FUD is intensifying. Syscon is quite at the ATL of the year, but the belief is still unwavering.

>> No.51037759


>> No.51037881

>10% crash
A correction is 10% and a crash is 20%. In some markets I expect to see >40% decline. It's going to be a bloodbath because the government isn't going to save you pick up your bags this time.

>> No.51037980
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I'm like 10 years into my 30 year mortgage at 3.25%
How does a temporary fluctuation in value hurt me?
If anything it lowers my property taxes

>> No.51038103

Bought a townhouse back in 2015 for $180,000 lived in it till last January, sold it for $270,000 last Friday... no complaints

>> No.51038483

and yet DRV is still down below 40. fml

>> No.51038516

Good for you fren. Proud of you

>> No.51038743

Why is everyone acting like an angsty upset teenager in this thread?

>> No.51038912


>> No.51039020

Will land get cheaper too?

>> No.51039060

>10.5% growth
>literally less than inflation
That's gonna be an off from me chief
I wouldnt expect anything from it until winter at the earliest.

>> No.51039123

I bought in 2019.
Saved €60k on rent.
Spent €21k paying the mortgage.

>> No.51039667

I know! My house sold last year for $80k more than the zestimate.

>> No.51039864

some of us have recession proof jobs. I do software, I'll be fine
exactly demand is too high to see a drop. my cousin looked for a apartment for a month and places never called him back they were so booked

>> No.51039897

God damnit OP I bought my house at 245k in 2020 and now it’s only worth 337k! That fucking sucks haha.

>> No.51040067

The Fed has almost no power at all, and certainly not over interest rates.

>> No.51041414

when people say house prices, they're also talking about land prices. so if "house prices" go down, land prices obviously will also go down

>> No.51041645

Don't be too cocky, that's gonna be my buy in price come this fall

>> No.51042263


>> No.51042395

I could start the process of buying a house tomorrow if I wanted too.
Here is the problem.
>I don't want to catch a following knife.
>but is that knife going to stab me in my foot?
>Is the market going to shit itself?
>Or is inflation so fucking bad that nothing matters but to buy a house?
FUCK help me guys.

>> No.51042554

Bullshit the house nextdoor to me just sold 100k more than I paid for mine.

>> No.51042567

Do they have a pool and/or an extra bedroom?

>> No.51042773

How many apostrophes does your name have?

>> No.51042789

>has a gf and a house
well LA-DEE-DA. bully for you then

>> No.51042801

You are full of shit

>> No.51043008

This is merely the beginning. 2008 will look tame compared to what's coming.

>> No.51043305

Sure I agree that the economy will shit itself.
But housing market is different from 2008.
>Very few adjustable-rate mortgages
>Higher lending standards
>Supply shortages perverting new homes from being built
>Worker shortages perverting new homes from being built
>millennials coming of age and wanting to buy homes.
>Boomers are NOT and will NOT down size.
>Massive corporations and hedge funds investing in single family homes.
I could see a cool off of the market in the next 2 years. But we might not see more than a 10% drop in prices. Maybe a 20% in Seattle-Portland-LA. And this is with the economy collapsing.

>> No.51043351

Boomers are dying out. MBS are through the roof. Shits irreparably fucked.

>> No.51043357

Kek trips of truth. Anyone still sending theur kid to public school deserves the wreck of an offspring they get

>> No.51043419

You do know that people can still rent even after having owned a house, right?

>> No.51043579


>heh dumb home buyers no one will be left to even buy your house
>the very graph you provided shows it still up 30% by 2060

Jesus christ I think renting an apartment may actually be a mental disorder associated with numerous comorbidities including mental retardation and compulsive coping

>> No.51043810
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"Good school districts" is just coded language for neighborhoods without Spics/Niggers.

>> No.51043821
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gotchu senpai

>> No.51043844

The rentoid cope is fucking hilarious. The beg and plead for a "crash" and then when it's pointed out a crash isn't going to happen they claim they never wanted a home and that renting is the smart thing to do.

>> No.51043877

and as always, vegas will be the main indicator and hardest hit. volume is already down 20%, though prices are only around 5-10%. really surprised vegas isnt watched by the big news networks, we know it was hardest hit during 2008 AND the china virus


>> No.51043940

Vegas is the canary in the coal mine. Vacation properties always go first.

>> No.51044017


My rentoids enjoyed a 20 to 33 percent increase last year depending on the market.

They are all really smart and I'm really dumb for owning all this property with a blended 3.07% fixed rate 30 yr debt.

>> No.51044076

Rental market in Vegas is red hot. My pool house in Henderson was listed on the market for rent and I had 8 applicants the first day. Someone rented it for $200 over asking, far above what online rental estimates said I would get. All the home buyers got spooked by the 5.5% rates and jumped towards rentals. It's financed for 2.75%.

Kek, this.

>> No.51044126

Everytime the rentoids pay you they chuckle while deluding themselves into thinking they'll one day buy your property or something similar for whatever little they managed to save up, during some foretold mega crash. Gigacope.

>> No.51045195

Sounds like you're going to rot in hell when the simulation ends.

>> No.51045284

>bonus transfats
Something tells me this is used for anal lubricant, so stunning and brave

>> No.51045314
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Nothing personal kid. I took all the risk now I reap all the reward.

Not everyone can live in the most prime places in the world.

Supply and demand bucko.

>> No.51045395

KEK are 4chuds really that unlikeable and immature that they can't settle into a neighborhood and put down roots somewhere nice? Are they really so much like women that they feel the need to constantly engage in useless """travel?"""

>> No.51045430

price drop Stacy should have a fake deep voice