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51022701 No.51022701 [Reply] [Original]

>Since then, things have only gotten worse. A woman in Ontario was forced into euthanasia because her housing benefits did not allow her to get better housing which didn’t aggravate her crippling allergies. Another disabled woman applied to die because she ‘simply cannot afford to keep on living’. Another sought euthanasia because Covid-related debt left her unable to pay for the treatment which kept her chronic pain bearable

Based Canada, finally a country with the balls to do the needful

>> No.51022715

Kind make sense with lockdown and vaccine. Look like they are setting it up for this. For the greater good they say

>> No.51022750

oh fuck, i'm poor. does the us accept refugees from canada? i don't want to get euthanized.

>> No.51022772

We will be doing this in the US soon, some states already have it.

>> No.51022786

No one forced them

>> No.51022788

i can't find any search results for what countries accept refugees from canada. all i found was this babylon bee article.


>> No.51022804

>Broke crippled elderly with no family

>> No.51022830

>lol bro just continue living in misery and agony we made sure it'll never ever get better for you but no one's forcing you to kys bro

>> No.51022845
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my old neighbor was a poorly medicated bipolar early 60s roastie who was divorced, lived alone in an apartment on disability with two cats, and had a family that hated her. she spent several nights a week yelling and screaming and crying into the phone while drinking. eventually it culminated in some sort of a total mental breakdown as her estranged brother tried to get her to move into an assisted living home and she thought he was trying to rob her or kill her. had to call the cops several times because she was banging on my door and pleading for help because her brother was "lurking in the parking lot." eventually she moved her out, thank god. this is only going to get more and more common as the "cool wine aunt" meme comes to fruition. she unironically looked like diane cope.

>> No.51022848

> ((they)) won't force you to get euthanized
> Instead ((they)) will make your life like hell that even death is the preferable choice

>> No.51022850

yet. and what if they do start forcing them? who will stop them? where should i take my bitcoin and escape to? mexico?

>> No.51022857

This. They CHOSE to die instead of living homeless and in chroic pain with no dignity. So you cant put any blame on the Chinese real estate investors who will buy their property for pennies.

>> No.51022889

>wow i feel terrible and just want to die
>ok time to die


>> No.51022891

We do have a lot of overpopulation.
But it will only get worse until the fertile females are applying in droves for euthanasia.

>> No.51022902

She has kind eyes.

>> No.51022912

there's a reason why women are alone and coping at that age and it's not because they're kind.

>> No.51022921

It’s absolutely is the Chinese fault, but it goes deeper than that if we must lay finger

>> No.51022931

>meanwhile they have money to import millions of shitskins

>> No.51022978
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Do they really have to live in the city? There are literally places in Canada where you get paid to live there because of some kind of Retention program for like 10 years. All I need is wifi and neet bux it's that ez

>> No.51023001

>There are literally places in Canada where you get paid to live there because of some kind of Retention program for like 10 years. All I need is wifi and neet bux it's that ez
what's the crime like in such areas?

>> No.51023006

Don't you see the problem here? The only ones self aware enough to realise the situation is hopeless and that they are better off dead are the whites. Blacks and shitskins don't have the cognitive abilities to be mindful enough of the situation that they find themselves in to come to this logical conclusion.
Shitskins and niggers pay for themselves. They breed like wildfire no matter how terrible things are. Whites do not and demand their lifestyle keep improving in line with the rich or they stop playing ball. Even if you have to print more worthless goybucks to allow the shitskins & niggers to at least feed and clothe themselves they will still breed and prop up the bottom of your ponzi scheme while the conditions around them deteriorate. They are not a threat to those in charge and allow the rich and powerful to rape what little value is left from the lower classes where as whites have a long history of pushing back and putting elites heads on pikes when things got this bad. Indians spent thousands of years being cucks and staying where they were born and blacks are barley cognisant.

>> No.51023027

when's the last time you went outside?

>> No.51023030


>> No.51023052

How do shitskins on welfare pay for themselves? They ruin the white economy and the only reason kikes don’t care is because they’re the ones printing money and buying real assets with it. It’s not about shitskins paying for themselves, it’s about them destroying the country paid by whites.

>> No.51023058

overpopulation is an old boomer myth

>> No.51023079

this sounds like something a literal nigger would say, because he's too stupid to see more than 30 seconds into the future.

>> No.51023103

If you encourage a suicide, you go to jail. If your government does it, they get paid.

>> No.51023115

no for real, you're operating on outdated population projections from the 70s

>> No.51023215

Producers have to ramp up production of goods and services increasing their importance and ability to rake in wealth while increasing the size of their business. There is no downside to those in charge because the government of course funds this with money printing (magic'd out of thin air) which directly benefits producers making their products cheaper to export and allows them to garner a greater share of the overall pie in a globalised economy. The ones that pay the price for this is the middle class but no one in charge cares about them. There is no downside to importing 3rd worlders if you're an elite as they directly increase your ability to claim more assets.

>Inb4 money printing bad
At this point if you don't see money as basically a glorified school tuck shop voucher you're beyond saving. Money allows you to buy just enough to survive in governments/corporations little walled gardens because that's what they allow it to buy with the monopoly money. It's almost impossible to claim assets with fiat now unless you're offering obscene amounts compared to how much you can garner for your work. Printing money at this point has no negative consequences for the rich and only has benefits (and it's why the bobo thesis of everything going to 0 and fiat becoming super valuable is retarded). A 2 tiered society has been birthed in the west and it will only get worse unless there is civil wars to put an end to it.

>> No.51023325

>lol bro just rob your citizens to pay for me because i cant fend for myself
natural selection

>> No.51023708

Here u go dumbass


Literally googled "the spectator euthanizing poor"

>> No.51023831

That's a man

>> No.51023860

Define “forced” ?

>> No.51023881

>last name cope
We truly live in the matrix

>> No.51024027

read my post again, i said i couldn't find any search results for countries that accept refugees from canada. i wasnt asking for a source on ops article. honestly bud what are you smoking?

>> No.51024043
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>No one forced them

>> No.51024067

/biz/ is the lowest IQ board, forgive him

>> No.51024090

Lol no, billions were spent and keep being spent on useless retarded niggers that also will cause damage and get sick, however they are an "investment" in tyranny.

>> No.51024223

The only forceful thing is the idea that people should not be allowed to end their suffering
This has nothing to do with being poor. Euthanasia is still only allowed for people with health conditions. If even with Canada's basically free healthcare you still can't afford to stop suffering then yeah just end it..

>> No.51024326

There are 8 billion people. We're way over populated. If people want to go let them

>> No.51024383

That picture is one of the saddest things I've ever seen

>> No.51024389

It's in the middle of literal nowhere like you have to go there by hydroplane and rurals are no different from urban white trash.

>> No.51024404

>Covid-related debt left her unable to pay for the treatment which kept her chronic pain bearable
So much for universal healthcare?

>> No.51024411

Time for the pillow, boomers.