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51022191 No.51022191 [Reply] [Original]

Kleros is dead. 51%.

>> No.51022296

Keep it poopie purple faggot.

>> No.51022500

PNK is fine

>> No.51022545

seething cuck baggie nigger detected

>> No.51023018
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>> No.51023227

post proof of 51% attack. i've been waiting for months now
the only thing i've seen written about this is from rugpull scammer Avraham Eisenberg who obviously is a biased participant that still hasn't posted any blockchain proof.

>> No.51023690

>pretending that it didn't happen
It's never going away anon. Clement killed Kleros. Proof is in the block chain in addition to his admission of guilt when he gave a psychopathic explanation as for why he did it. Sadly the kleros pajeets believe it or just echo the bullshit to try and protect their bags.

>> No.51025595

link the proof then

>> No.51025930



>> No.51025971 [DELETED] 

So, ya're stupid af! Try Yopi Network. it's easy even for you.

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>> No.51025985

ok great but nobody asked you to babble on about anything just to provide the link. can you do that anon? can you do the one simple ass task you were given which is PROVIDE THE LINK. dont babble reply dont post alot of words unless those words are linking to the atttack proof. I know its hard for you to actually do something you're asked cuz you're forever a virgin neet that sharts himself still but next time someone goes hey anonn could you please provide proof to your claims nobody wants to read a bunch of retard babble speak they want the links to the claims to read the proof you speak about. stop purposely being a dumb low IQ peasant class faggot. now provide the links or stfu and sit down and stop being an evolutionary dead end like you are irl.

>> No.51026466

It's hilarious watching all of you ask for proof of an already known fact. Saying "you didn't post a link" doesn't change what Clement did and somehow all of a sudden make it untrue. Kek!

>> No.51026472

>still doesnt post a link
>still babbling on about how its true while not proving its true

>> No.51026503

Is there any hopium left?

>> No.51026536

Beautiful explanation and checked. Watching the community act like chinks and bury any discussion of anything worthy of criticism is what caused me to sell. It's a literal cult. How the hell could anyone debate against the fact that clement loaded a court to influence a case he had financial incentive to win in a protocol he created. Nothing to see here folks.

>> No.51026573

I just want to read up on it and see the proof of it and for some reason everyone is refusing to do such a simple task. I dont doubt it happened I wanna go look at the result and read up on the drama. OP is being a bitch not providing links and going on multi-line babbles of words that do nothing but go it happened over and over. ok neato link me to these happenings so I can enjoy them myself and not vicarisiously thru OP.

>> No.51026618

OP is a faggot

>> No.51026752

Clement put out a medium article where he fully admits that he did it and tries to justify why he had to do it. Don't be such a newfag.

>> No.51026813

Post a link then tranny

>> No.51027039

That's cute now you're trying to act like clement didn't create a shitstorm by writing and tweeting the article justifying his actions. He thinks he's smart but he completely admitted to it and there is no going back for him. The charade must be difficult to maintain.

>> No.51027075

Don't post any links for him keep him seething. He already seen the article.

>> No.51027198
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Kek, still not a single link posted.

>> No.51027256

Kleros team stopped using Medium more than a year ago. You could have said they posted it on their blog and it would have been somewhat believable

>> No.51027288

All posts above my post are FUD. PNK is fine.

>> No.51027338

chainlink fixes this

>> No.51029254

Fede needs to get off his ass and do something

>> No.51029454
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>> No.51029743
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>> No.51029857

its over. its done for.

>> No.51030945
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