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51020775 No.51020775 [Reply] [Original]

you cucks are about to miss the bottom

>> No.51020794


>> No.51020803

feels good

>> No.51020822

i miss being the bottom :(

>> No.51020826

I can make you one again >:)

>> No.51020848

i strongly doubt, i'm 32 years old now and i'm from a 3rd world shithole that is russia

>> No.51020895

ah yes the fabled sunday pump

>> No.51020957

I would change Putin with Scholz
I hope you guys win
YOu are tzhe good ones

>> No.51020967

After a saturday dump wow

>> No.51020975

you're retarded

>> No.51021013

Come to Germany Ivan!
I have ZERO idea why you slavs have delusions of us, its a nightmare. The cities are on the verge of becoming majority brown, faggots everywhere, social cohension gone, world record taxes, we gift our money to meds, israel and hohols and foreigners and so on
I know many slavs here who learn the hard way
What is your problem with russia?

>> No.51021027

Also the government is open about hurting german especially men where they can and replacing us

>> No.51021109

>What is your problem with russia?
Cities are majority brown. Faggots are the rulling class, social cohension stopped existing in 1917, wages after taxes are 10 times lower than average euro wage after taxes, your you get your wage in rub which is basically a monopoly money at this point, we don't have a functioning medical system, israel rules my country, 20% of russian population are ukranians, not that i have anything against it, would rather have them than browns.
You should go back to /pol/ and stay there if you want to tout RT bullshit as your perception of my country.

>> No.51021250

>Cities are majority brown
>Faggots are the rulling class
Mega lie
>social cohension stopped existing in 1917
Possible yeah
>wages after taxes are 10 times lower than average euro wage after taxes
Living standard isnt much worse by now
>your you get your wage in rub which is basically a monopoly money at this point
Top kek euro is the monopoly money not rub
>we don't have a functioning medical system
Possible but i dont really care about that
>israel rules my country,
No it rules the west you complete retard
Why does russia support/band together with syria and iran if it would be controlled by israel?
>20% of russian population are ukranians
>You should go back to /pol/ and stay there if you want to tout RT bullshit as your perception of my country.
I dont but you should stop consuming cia propaganda

>> No.51021314

>Cities are majority brown
come novosibitsk, nigger, city center is almost 80% brown at this point
>Faggots are the rulling class
>Mega lie
>possible yeah
theres no society in commieblocks, nobody knows each other, i have no fucking clue who my neighbours are on this very floor let alone a floor above or below
>Living standard isnt much worse by now
oh yea faggot? try renting a place when your wage is $250 while renting a 1room studio in my town is $300+
>Top kek euro is the monopoly money not rub
ah yes russian rub is so real its forbiden for foriegn investors to trade it on the only exchnage its traded on
>Possible but i dont really care about that
then what was your fucking point nigger?
>No it rules the west you complete retard
Putin is exKGB. There are no "ex" if you're from KGB :)
>Why does russia support/band together with syria and iran if it would be controlled by israel?
because its profitable for israel since they own US's military complex you absolute monkey
nigger at least 6 mils ukranians immigrated to russia in the past 8 years, a fuckload of ukranians were already living in russia, heres my personal anecdote for you, in my class when i was in hs in 2006 we had 8 ethnicals ukranians out of 22 people in class, in my uni group we had 7 out of 23.
go fuck yourself you know nothing about my country, if you were put in russian living conditions you would literally die in a year probably ODing on krokodil

>> No.51021497

>come novosibitsk, nigger, city center is almost 80% brown at this point
ONE city according to you WOW
Meanwhile in germany its systematic fast resettlement there are way more brown people here why cant you admit it?
>faggot ruling
Still doesnt make any sense retard
>theres no society in commieblocks, nobody knows each other, i have no fucking clue who my neighbours are on this very floor let alone a floor above or below
EXCATLY THE SAME IN THE CITY exept they all come from shitholes
>oh yea faggot? try renting a place when your wage is $250 while renting a 1room studio in my town is $300+
Cant be that bad or nobody would rent
>Putin is exKGB. There are no "ex" if you're from KGB :)
Yes. Israel hated the sovietunion
>>Possible but i dont really care about that
>then what was your fucking point nigger?
I dont care about medical system
>ah yes russian rub is so real its forbiden for foriegn investors to trade it on the only exchnage its traded on
Muh free trade others dont allow it aswell
Ok you are right here
>because its profitable for israel since they own US's military complex you absolute monkey
Literal Q tier mega conspiracy retarded
If the us wants to fight wars they could just do so in south america
You sounds liek the typical retarded slav who felt for the communist in 1917 with the same arguments
>Muh so bad west good these jews are right lets make a revolution

>> No.51021504

Again i get your points why russia is not goodn
But you fucking dont get my pooints why the west is worse

>> No.51021531

>Cant be that bad or nobody would rent
what youngshits do is they rent 1 room apt as 3 guys to be able to survive with their shitty wages
>ONE city according to you WOW
i've been across the whole country bar st. petersburg and situation is same everywhere, browns take all the utility jobs so you see them everywhere
>Still doesnt make any sense retard
in your monkeybrain it doesn't
>Israel hated the sovietunion
hated it so much it owed its existance to a soviet propogated lie lmao, gee i wonder why maybe rulling class in soviets consisted out of uhm... how do you say it without being offensive... uhm... KIKES?
>Muh free trade others dont allow it aswell
what? you're literally on fucking /biz/ you nigger
>Literal Q tier mega conspiracy retarded
wasn't it you who just said US is controlled by kikes you fucking clown?
>You sounds liek the typical retarded slav who felt for the communist in 1917 with the same arguments
you sound like poltard which you are
>But you fucking dont get my pooints why the west is worse
oh no trannies get to marry each other, west is lost
fuck off

>> No.51021553

>hated it so much it owed its existance to a soviet propogated lie lmao, gee i wonder why maybe rulling class in soviets consisted out of uhm... how do you say it without being offensive... uhm... KIKES?
Only before Stalin not after ww2
Also you still did not explain how its better in the west
>what? you're literally on fucking /biz/ you nigger
Well yeah but for the people its better
>wasn't it you who just said US is controlled by kikes you fucking clown?
>Its a conspiracy that the USA is controlled by jews
Lol Lmao
I think i can stop here

>> No.51021571

> Only before Stalin not after ww2
goggle doctors case
goggle hruschov opposition
goggle people behind eltsyn
you literally know nothing
>No it rules the west you complete retard
yes you should stop and take your meds

>> No.51021583
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>goggle doctors case
He pruged them
>>No it rules the west you complete retard
>yes you should stop and take your meds
The USA is controlled by jews
Does this sentence make you seethe ?

>> No.51021592

>He pruged them
and mysteriously died 3 months later :)
>The USA is controlled by jews
So whats is it? Is US military complex controlled by jews or no?

>> No.51021606

>and mysteriously died 3 months later :)
Yep they got him
And Jeltzin was jew and USA controlled and to a degree even Chruschtschov
Well they are dead
>So whats is it? Is US military complex controlled by jews or no?
Not only that but everything important

>> No.51021620

Ok so who granted power to Putin? Remind me, I keep forgetting?
>Not only that but everything important
Ok let me fire up your braincells. Would it be profitable to kikes if russia was seen as warmongering shithole?

>> No.51021657

>Ok so who granted power to Putin? Remind me, I keep forgetting?
He was likely forced by Putin and also was promised no legal consequences for his crimes. Putin and Jelzin are like opposite
>Ok let me fire up your braincells. Would it be profitable to kikes if russia was seen as warmongering shithole?
Can you say jews aswell poltard?
You are making a baseless theory. How many jews are in the russian governments vs the usa government?
The USA has a powerful enemy in China they would love to ally with russia if it was like you said.

>> No.51021685

>He was likely forced by Putin
Ah yes a president of a country is forced by some literal who nobody even heard about before, totally what happned.
lmao how retarded are you
>You are making a baseless theory.
answer the question or is it shattering your worldview rn? If it is then heres another one for you. Why would a smart and wise leader such as Putin want his country to be seen as a warmongering shithole and do anything possible to propogate that?
>The USA has a powerful enemy in China they would love to ally with russia
Why would you ally with someone who can't provide anything for you?

>> No.51021717

>Ah yes a president of a country is forced by some literal who nobody even heard about before, totally what happned.
>Literal who
Your literal who controlled the KGB/FSB he literally could have made a move that forced the president. And he was primeminister anyway
>Why would you ally with someone who can't provide anything for you?
>What is strategic encirclement?
>What is oil?
>What are natural ressources
>What are hypersonic misslies
>What are 10k nukes?
>answer the question or is it shattering your worldview rn?
There is no indication that Israel controlled russia so your question is baseless and fictive
You are saying all world action is a show to generate some profit on weapon sale, thats q tier schiz
>Why would a smart and wise leader such as Putin want his country to be seen as a warmongering shithole and do anything possible to propogate that?
Well not everything he did was that smart

>> No.51021791
File: 476 KB, 1880x1160, sdfsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your literal who controlled the KGB/FSB
he was a head of east german kgb, he was appointed as a director of fsb literally the year before by yeltsin, he then got promoted to PM by yeltsin when yeltsin denounced himself you're so fucking clueless it hurts.
>What is strategic encirclement?
who cares when you have >nukes
>What is oil?
Saudi arabia has enough for 100 years ahead is cheaper to produce and deliver
>What are natural ressources
which ones?
>What are hypersonic misslies
a meme by RT
>What are 10k nukes?
considering russian army current state you would be luck if one of those is actually capable of detonating
>There is no indication that Israel controlled russia so your question is baseless and fictive
you're so fucking clueless lmao
but ye keep thinking how le based and antijew russia is, retard
>You are saying all world action is a show to generate some profit on weapon sale, thats q tier schiz
ah yes, the money don't run the world, you're just a schizo, sure bud

im done with you, you're hopeless

>> No.51021833

>There is no indication that Israel controlled russia so your question is baseless and fictive
A fucking picute says nothing
How many jews are in the russian governments vs the usa government?
>ah yes, the money don't run the world, you're just a schizo, sure bud
>the only way to make money is to run a fictive cold war while letting your enemy china win
Say it:
The jews control the USA