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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51020742 No.51020742 [Reply] [Original]

How do you use this board to make money?

>> No.51020844

Buy high sell low

dont forget the shorts for exponential lose

>> No.51020858

I've been here for almost 2 years and lost $40k, my fiance, and what's left of my sanity. Do yourself a favor and leave. The answers you seek are in another castle.

>> No.51020897

Give me a (you) and i'll tell you

>> No.51020903


>> No.51020910
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always do the opposite of what /biz/ says
>verification not required

>> No.51020917

Perform the diametric opposite of anything anyone here states you should do.

>> No.51020920

you don't, or gambling ideas

>> No.51020922
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>> No.51020964

for tokens, sometimes there's people posting actual gems, but you really need to research them.
for analysis, it's pretty cool to share yours and being told why you're wrong, it gives perspective.

can't make money if you're a retard though. that's most people. also I never use filters.

>> No.51020969

I spend time with other likeminded people who are slowly going insane as we watch our coin go nowhere.

>> No.51020980

Understand that this board is full of retards and counter-trade them.

>> No.51021183
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4chan is one of the most autistic places on the internet. The culture here is a concentrated form of total internet culture both future and past. The reality is this place suffers from the same brainrot as reddit, youtube, etc if it's here it's too late to make money on.
What you can do is use the debate retards and their hyperfocus on niche subjects to jump ahead years in progression through the stickies and wikis of other boards.
>The /fit/ sticky will provide you great information on how to get fit and physically attractive.
>The /sci/ wiki will give you a hyper efficient path for Engineering, Economics, Finance and Math subjects.
>The /int/ wiki suprisingly provides a great path for learning languages.
>The /lit/ wiki is a great resource for good books outside of amazon review and marketing bullshit.
>The /fa/ wiki has everything you need to know to dress well.
These are all niches that will help you earn more in roundabout ways. These boards have two things in common completely useless board culture and a group of early users that actually bothered to save what they learned.
/biz/ only has one of these, succeeding in markets is based on information advantage and luck so no one is going to provide you information that will not provide them profit. The only way to really use boards to make money is realising that the best ideas are put in the sticky and if a board doesn't have a robust sticky it's probably just a shitty place to be full of people clawing in the dark because no one bothered to install a light for the people coming behind them.

>> No.51021200
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Here are the only things worth knowing about investing that can be found here.
>Macro matters
>If the traditional indexes crash further than 20% buy.
>The only crypto worth owning are the ones still around from 2017-18
>Try to only buy assets that provide cash flows.
>PMGs are for 50 iq /pol/cels.
You need to be outside of the conditioning to view the world as it is and project trends.
Get the fuck off this site and only use the wikis.
>t. Made a few million investing in low cap tech stocks and crypto over the last 8 years.

>> No.51021275
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If you're an autistic college student here's some tips from a top 10% millenial.

>Join at least three clubs use then to learn social skills money is made through social skills in the majority of cases.
>Go to every office hours for your professors, you will literally never be this close to the hyper intellects again. Abuse the fuck out of this to get recommendations for jobs and opinions.
>Use the /sci/ wiki to pick up alternative text books for your classes and work through them for the first month of your break.
>If you're socially retarded, insert yourself into social situations everyone is socially retarded at the moment. Just say you had to isolate and people will give you leighway when you say something retarded.
>Women want to have sex, don't buy into redpill shit those people get 0 pussy. Just be assertive (you can do this by giving yourself and arbitrary time limit to ask someone out) and abuse the above wikis to become more attractive.

>> No.51021324

>clubs use then to learn social skills money is made through social skills in the majority of cases.
do u have any tips for recent non-STEM graduates who commuted to college, are kissles virgins in their mid 20s and are jobless NEETs living with their mother?

idk what to do

>> No.51021346

>if a board doesn't have a robust sticky it's probably just a shitty place to be full of people clawing in the dark because no one bothered to install a light for the people coming behind them.
goddamn if that doesn't sum up the rot of certain boards... wonderfully well said. Also goes to show one of the most blatant issues of /biz/. We all know this was just a crypto containment board, but the fact is there isn't even basic ideas thrown around of how to actually start businesses that aren't indoor shrimp farming.