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File: 867 KB, 2560x1707, 160911-Yamato-Gringo-The-Dangerous-Life-of-John-McAfee-tease_zmtqjg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5101946 No.5101946 [Reply] [Original]

> be mcafee
> be murderous lunatic faggot.
> Call BTC $1Million by EOY 2020
> promise to eat dick if not.
> If call is correct, look like genius
> If call is incorrect still look like genius
> Claim to eat dick
> Have press conference in wheel chair talking about eating your own dick. hype it to no end.
> there is video
> sell video for millions
> but you never actually eat your own dick, just use props and CGI
> become millionaire all over again either way.


>> No.5102139


>> No.5102645

he didn't say if bitcoin hit 1 million, he said if bitcorn hits 1 million

>> No.5102666


>> No.5102733

>> If call is correct, look like genius
>> If call is incorrect still look like genius

either way he looks like an idiot and so do you for making this a thread.

>> No.5102766

Well then he's fucked because there is no way bitcorn will hit a million

>> No.5102775
File: 5 KB, 194x260, corn dik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Properly not bad, if it's properly prepared

>> No.5102854

10c per satoshi yo

>> No.5102872
File: 49 KB, 575x365, wynkoop-rocky-mountain-oyster-stout-can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He agreed to eat dick? Only thing I know about him really is McAfee, some odd happening down south that he may or may not be guilty of (saw some doc or whatever but it could have been biased *shrug*), and he's a good ol leppo.

But his troll video where he burns a $100 bill and whatever else was tasteless. He's most likely going to "eat dick" by buying some sort of exotic food-thing in a sauce that happens to be an animal's dick... I'm sure it'll be prepared by top notch chefs since it sounds gross, so like what $70? Aka 100 bitcoins worth in 2020

>> No.5102915
File: 15 KB, 200x355, 1485667457855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone show me a bad crypto call from McAfee? The man is on point and is in circles that most whales are envious of.

>> No.5102949

he's like 78 he'll be dead by then

>> No.5103803

nigga be dead of old age before 2020 tho

>> No.5103998


you realize EOY 2020 is only about 3 years from now right?

>> No.5104091
File: 176 KB, 596x896, k6ADGyB[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is entirely capable of eating his own dick.

>> No.5104551

If one were to take McAfee at his word, wouldn't that mean that all bitcoins that could potentially be in circulation would amount to 21 trillion USD?

That's by some measures equivalent to a third of the world's currency.

>> No.5104564

the guy is literally insane (not in the cool way)

wouldn't surprise me if he did it

>> No.5104642

already priced in

>> No.5104913

>100 bitcoins worth
*100 sats worth

>> No.5105537

Nice censored image reddit faggot

>> No.5105595

Why you retarded faggots never seam to understand that nobody even knows how many bitcoins are lost. Your market cap is retarded and so are you.

>> No.5105702