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51019166 No.51019166 [Reply] [Original]

It literally makes no sense how our parents survived all those economic crisis.
It's almost as if the world was actually invented less than 40 years ago

>> No.51019187

Step one: stop drinking $10 coffee everyday
Step two: stop unneeded monthly subscriptions like netflix/youtube
Step three: stop buying unnecessarily expensive shit like "organic food"
Step four: get a fucking job loser

>> No.51019318

I have a computer engineering degree. I only drink water. I don't have any subscriptions. I don't buy expensive organic food, i cook my own. I have a job that pays 5k monthly. I am still struggling to buy a house. What is it that you want from me?

>> No.51019369

Boomers lived in a time where you could work as a janitor and then buy a new house outright 2 years later. Their entire life has been a nonstop green line upward, most of them have no idea how the world works in 2022. When they say "stop buying coffee", to them it makes sense because shit was so cheap in 1965 that saving money for something was really easy.

>> No.51019444

Thats a bit of an exagerration. But only a bit. 1970s sucked ass. They had their own ups and downs. Still I knew some boomer elementary school teacher with 5 rental properties she bought with her dinky salary having every summer off.

>> No.51019534

That generation and the one before them fucked us.

They turned away from self sufficiency. TV became god and consooming. They happily through away every bit of sovereignty they could for comfort and the system fooled them into thinking that it was cheap and sustainable. Plot twist: it wasn't

Once they caught every one of them into a comfortable delusion the real costs came out and that's where we are now.

I managed to get out. Saved af. Partnered with a woman who saved af. Moved away from 'wealthy' country to poorer place. Maintained income from wealthy country while living with less expenses in poor place. Purchased house and land 1 year later. Shittiest house in village. Turned it into a manor.

Now living like royalty af comparitively. No debt. No jobs. But...

Chickens.. goats... big greenhouse and growing plots anon. Working af all day long for a decade now. Building shitty house into a castle with own labour. Lots of injuries and setbacks after setbacks.

If you want an easy solution there isn't one because most people are now lazy and just want to consoom their way out of everything. You are producer? Gmi. Just wanna consoom? Get the best wage cuck position you can then and good luck getting out. Consoom yourself a nice big mortgage and consoom yourself a nice big consoomer wife etc and make some big consoomer kids who consoom it all away.

>> No.51019551

Yeah but have you tried eating ze bugs? Only then can you have a chance at a home.

>> No.51019633

You can complain about the boomers all day and night but it doesn't change anything.

>> No.51019635

LMAO this retard thinks double digit inflation can be fixed by spending less on coffee.
LMFAO what a fucking RETARD

Your existence is proof of how easy you had it. Retards like you would not be able to get hired in the first place. You're too retarded. What's your job actually? I'd be surprised if a fucking retard like you is actually capable of anything that requires skill

>> No.51019671
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The more attention that is drawn to it, the higher chances there are that people remember them as the shittiest generation ever, that sold out the entire West, and people know not to follow their example in the future.

>> No.51019679

This. Fuck boomers
They are so fucking retarded

>> No.51020453
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the funny part is that the modern world was created 40 years ago. As technology progresses, its advancement is exponential. This doesnt mean it resets, but doubles each iteration.
>at some point itll go so fast we wont recognize the progression
We are very close to that point. tech will change so fast the reality around you will become unrecognizable.

>> No.51020526
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They had to steal, work hard and resort to social skills, of course it doesn't make sense to you because:
1) You're not starving yet, no matter how much you cry about it, there is no real war and there is no real unsatisfied people.
2) You probably have no life like many of us here.