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51011871 No.51011871 [Reply] [Original]

What is with and boomers asking for experience? I just graduated college. Obviously I don't have 3+ years of experience. I thought these were supposed to be entry level positions.

They didn't start life with this deal so why are they giving it to my generation?

>> No.51011894

Just lie, it's not illegal in most countries

>> No.51011992

it's not lying you worked as an independent contractor for over 10 years in your chosen profession however your client list is private due to NDA concerns.

>> No.51012024
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you lie. but only if you're smart enough to learn while working without fucking things up.

>> No.51012033

Jeets son.... always jeets.
We have the combined force of boomers booming, jeets flooding and inflating the skills market, and women getting gibs for being a hole.

>> No.51012193

>Just lie
I just started life. I can’t just lie already.

>> No.51012219


dumbass this whole system is created to fuck wagies like you, the least you could do is lie about your resume

everyone is vaccinated, no one can think straight anymore. you can lie your way through the interview

>> No.51012280

clinging to their positions well past retirement age by constructing artificial and needless barriers to entry, barriers they themselves did not need to overcome.

These are the same boomers who complain about their college-grad kids not being able to find a good job and needing to lean on them for financial support and no, they are not capable of the introspection required to understand the irony of their situation or how they themselves have created it. If they were they would have retired a decade ago.

>> No.51012316

Luciferpost. Seek help Anon.

>> No.51012317

Employers are so fucked

They will actually avoid hiring purely out of laziness in wanting to hire someone and make them aware of the systems used by the company

I have personally witnessed this myself where someone leaves, and I’m left picking up the slack, while they claim “we’re looking for someone” and they will spend 6 months denying every single applicant that could easily be made aware of how shit works in a week or 2 and be productive after that, but they’d rather wait 6 months or more to find some brutally overqualified person whose barely going to be anymore productive than just hiring someone and teaching them

>> No.51012352

I honestly get where you're coming from, you shouldn't lie in the vast majority of situations. But the job market is humiliating enough as is as a wagie, you need to level the playing field in some way or go insane. If the job listing has a "competetive salary", then I have 3-4 years of experience in whatever they're looking for.

>> No.51012394

If you want to get the job, send them a letter saying.

"Looking to land an entry level job, willing to work for 30K"

Most entry level positions are around 60k to 80k salary. By lowballing your salary you get your foot in the door and then can transfer companies after a year.

>> No.51012463
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Your competition lies.
The people you graduate with lie.
If you don't, they will beat you at every single opening. Sorry fren, but the sooner you understand this the sooner you become employed. I hated it as much as you do. And its not a generational thing. Millennials graduating college in 2007 and beyond were just as fucked. No idea what it was like for Late Gen X who graduated after 2001, but couldn't have been as magical as the 90's.

>> No.51012492

The funniest thing is that those sale boomers got jobs right out of high school.

>> No.51012748

Yeah that sounds like my best bet.

>> No.51012909


enjoy taking your your 5th boostershot soon

>> No.51013038

Stop being a pussy OP and just lie on your resume.

>> No.51013122

i did this and it worked out for me for the last 5 years of my employment. they only have to like you and you can stay, lie or not.

>> No.51013182

Millennial here. Boomers did this to my generation too. You have to lie. You have no other option. You say you have years of experience on your CV and you fake it until you learn it. Once I understood that lying is really easy to get away with my career took off.

>> No.51013218

It's because of employment law. It's too much of a risk to teach an inexperienced person now because you can't fire them easily if it turns out they suck. Of course boomers are to thank for that too. They protected their own jobs at the expense of the next generation.

>> No.51013318

Don’t have experience? Then go work for free as an intern to get it. You want a good job? You got to put in the effort and sacrifice for it.

>> No.51013467

Create a fake company online, make sure it's in some european state.
Get new cheap phone an use the number for the company.
When they call to ask for your job performance at the company you are secured.

>> No.51013481

Yep I wouldn’t hire you at my firm

>> No.51013515

you don't have one.

>> No.51013557

I do

>> No.51013632

isn't LARPing fun?

>> No.51013669

they want you to lie as a way of gaining leverage over you.
if you'll lie in order to get the job, you'll do similarly immoral things to keep the job, and if you don't they'll fire you because you lied. most people are cynical enough to come up with the idea that lying is the correct response to the situation, but not cynical enough to figure out that it's the intended response.

>> No.51013734

Whatever dude projected 10 year growth of the firm is 500k. But alright

>> No.51013817

Hi, I’m a supervisor.
I’ll answer some of your question. We ask for experience for multiple reasons. We don’t want to train you. We don’t want someone that is just there to try out the job that might leave. Also depending on years of experience means we can better guess your age and race. We don’t want much minorities or younger people that still go out to drink and do vacations traveling. If someone comes to me with 5-10 years experience and they left the job , it means they left their job to be more professional elsewhere. If someone comes to me with 0 years experience it means go try a shitty place first and work yourself up and get all those wine nights out of your system.
Also if you’re black you’re not going to get hired much so it’s a good sign if I see 0 years experience. I can automatically assume it must be a black person as well. Because of laws we can not turn down anyone for applying. This just helps us filter them out.

>> No.51013869

doesn't anyone have internships next to your study? Like normal people?

>> No.51013903
File: 149 KB, 1088x1088, 866486C8-4577-4EAF-B7ED-47268D3C6DCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my guy if you're a supervisor it's highly likely OP would be applying for the job of your boss.

>> No.51014103

College grads finish college with 0 internships and think someone wants to hire them because they have a degree. NO BITCH it's not the 20th century, you're literally still at Step 1. Apply to every reasonable job you can and get some actual experience.

>> No.51014893

This is an arbitrary gatekeep boomers do though. Not because it's the 21st century. Boomers are doing the same thing in other areas. They'll buy up all the houses, skyrocket the price and then act shocked when the newer generations don't have homes. Then they buy up all the land and get pissed off when you walked to far in the forest and bump into their "private fishing spot". Then they cause climate change. Then they abuse you as the landlord whenever you rent something. Then with their political power, they add a million rules to restrict the freedom of starter businesses so you can't make your own money.

>> No.51015331


>> No.51016424

It's for leverage, especially in positions where you ultimately are on a team where responsibilities just get split up anyway. For example: In-House marketing typically everyone has a surface level understanding of all things being worked on. Someone will get assigned retail funnels, someone checks social media, someone crunches numbers on ads, someone writes blog posts etc.
Everyone on the team is usually capable of doing all these things, or learns in the first 6 months. Usually companies already have a proprietary way of doing things anyway and it takes a few months to onboard no matter how much experience people have.

We didn't hire any experienced marketers when I was in that world. We would post "3 years experience" in our ads, but only hired fresh college grads. We would just use that experience requirement as a negotiation tactic for salary and all early 20s kids just take it on the chin.

We would chop them about $10k off the expected salary on the advertisement. Then when they got sad we would explain that we will have them ready to run off to a better marketing firm in no time. Which we did deliver on.

Moral of the story, apply anyway.

>> No.51016441

stop being a bitch and do what the others have suggested: fake your experience. as long as you have the confidence you know what you're talking about, the rest will line up.

>> No.51016498

Anon, you do know that is all bullshit, right?
They do this to weed out the autists who are too scared to apply just because they see a number. Would you hire someone like that?
If you can make them believe that you can do the job, they'll hire you. It's that fucking simple.

>> No.51016499


>> No.51016531

>>51012193 gets it.

>> No.51016678

The hardest part is getting your first job in the field. Once you've had it for a few years then you won't even need to worry about it. Being young sucks, but you have to deal with it.