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51008709 No.51008709 [Reply] [Original]

Im trying to become a software dev and i have had this issue with my background most my life. Hung out with a lot of middle class people before i dropped out of uni, and even since moving to a different country. Just casual insults towards typical working class attitudes and shit. I used to think it was nothing but it really feels like a barrier sometimes to happiness, and wish i just settled down with another working class person.

>> No.51008723

I wasnt even mega poor, but just typical working class where parents didnt guide me through education, out huge emphasis on it and just made sure i turned up and left me to it. Taken me many years to find my path alone due to it including dropping out.

Middle class people dont really understand tht and either downplay their background or judge harshly unless they find out my details.

>> No.51008765
File: 263 KB, 1280x806, 3F4949D5-D0A2-474F-9779-1B6F0007CC3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go watch football and forget about your struggles.

>> No.51008778

>parents didnt guide me through education

You sound like you wouldn’t listen, and 99% of parents aren’t into making kids learn. You’re all cope, anon. You’ve fallen into the liberal commie trap of blame and victimization. If you really want it, you’ll do it.

>> No.51008812

I think you would be suprised how much- especially now the middle class struggle. Yes they might have a nicer home/car but most these idiots are debted up to the eye balls. Trying to keep up with the jones next door. The middle class is really skewed in this country.

>Dont let the class you were born into effect you life.

>> No.51008862

>they might have a nicer home/car but most these idiots are debted up to the eye balls. Trying to keep up with the jones next door.
How do you know me?

>> No.51008879
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My parents were lower-middle class and attempted to continue this were never huge earners. We did have a pretty big 5 bed new build house, I wasn't spoiled but had much better surroundings than my friends. This all turned to shit when I was 18, parents split up and the free ride was over. I had no direction from parents, they would just leave me to play WoW all day. I had to do some shit jobs like pizza delivery, warehouse, supermarket. The worst part of this is working with foreigners, but white working class isn't much better. They are some of the most judgemental fickle people you'll meet, and don't like it of you aren't 'one of them'. Waste their money on booze and cigarettes when they cant afford to run their car, and other short sighted ways of living.

>> No.51008905

Rendle is a working class dev with shit parents, insists wc devs > univ devs

>> No.51008919

By "working class" do you mean people on the dole?

Which country did you move to? Most countries don't really obsess over this the way Britain does.

>> No.51008941

>people who are employed in unskilled or semi-skilled manual or industrial work.

But this to me is a little skwed because you have have brick layers earning more than high school head teachers.
Class is a big thing in Britian, always has and most lily always will be. We are a old country. With families going back 100s of years

>> No.51009387


I moved to Japan.
No i dont mean only people on the dole but obviously lots of working class people need some form of gibs.

>> No.51009405
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MOVE. The best decision of my life

>> No.51009508

Well my familyand me are poor workers and i always felt like the working class was always shit, expecially now that everything is more "diverse" and standards went down the drain, nobody wants to live near loud white trash and niggers drinking alchool and gambling all day like cattle (unless they're forced), i'm not surprised the only way we have to improve our conditions is crying for the government to help everyone.

Upper classes are also shit because they're more spoiled, but i want to focus on hanging out with better people rather than muh social classes.

>> No.51009597

Britain is a massive shithole where nepotism reigns supreme, and social mobility is only open to wogs. Just move.

>> No.51009668

Good fuck off. Let this be a lesson to potential immigrants. Your not welcome and you will be at the bottom of the class system

>> No.51009832

Which nation is not under the supreme reign of nepotism?

>> No.51009890

Yeah, I'm married with two kids. She stays home. We scrape by. Currently nothing will make my economic outlook improve. I'm in a tight spot and it's only getting worse. If you're single, stop fucking bitching.

>> No.51010038

Nice reading comprehension you illiterate clown. Immigrants are the only people afforded social mobility in Britain. The white working class are the people with no hope.

>> No.51010153

Ah you on crack? Immigrants take more from the system in the UK than the English. I cba getting the stats. Immigration is literal turning this country into a 3rd world shithole. Bradford just got voted the most dangerous city in Europe.... Oh why is that... its full of immigrants. Immigrants are giving social mobility because you cant achieve it of your own merit.

>> No.51010539

I earn more than my parents combined and I earn <£50k
Shits fucked, they've had decades to build careers and they've stayed in the same fucking jobs not seeking promotions or advancements
Dreading when they reach retirement age

>> No.51010821

My parents were typical boomers and were as technical as using the remote on the TV. Half of my family went into tech by teaching ourselves and managing our own education to get there.
There is enough information out there to know how to learn anything or where to start if you need a teacher but too many fags need their hands held through even the most basic research.

>> No.51012378

Learn received pronouciation

>> No.51012387


I actually come from berks so have that covered, just a working class family is all.
I feel bad for northern monkeys from working class backgrounds, shit is stacked against them hardcore