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51007898 No.51007898 [Reply] [Original]

You are young as long as you have hair. Shave it is a cope.

>> No.51007907

now i finally realize why this trend has been taking off kek

>> No.51007923

Lol, some of them don’t even look that bad

>> No.51007932

Fuck, so this is why so many zoomers have broccoli haircuts.

>> No.51007940


>> No.51007941

You know what else is cope? Propecia the dick killa, got bigger moobs than Alameda.

>> No.51007942
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>look mommy, I'm posting demoralizer threads! Mommy please look, mommy look mommy I'm posting demoralizers!
imagine being a zoomer demoralizer bot

>> No.51007952

How about just not going bald without meds?

>> No.51007953


>> No.51007957

>Takes finasteride
Nothing personal

>> No.51007961


>> No.51007969

Wtf. What troon nigger made s o y based?

>> No.51007992


That is cope too.

>> No.51008023

I am balding btw, use some topical stuff but it is coping.

Balding is like this. Nothing personal, kid.

>> No.51008033

That second last one looks normal, he just has a big forehead.

>> No.51008049

As much as it's embarrassing to be balding at 17 all of them have done a pretty good job of concealing it.

>> No.51008067

Funny thing is that non of them have a receding hairline it’s just because of their hair texture ends up with a naturally further back hairline why do you think whites/Asians don’t get lineups ? us blacks and Mexicans for some reason just have very front foward hairlines, pretty sure it’s just a hair texture thing.
Nigga hair=closer hairline

>> No.51008069

Only the first and last guy won't be able to pull off the shaved bald look.
Everyone else have decent structure
Throw in weight lifting and a they will grow into their faces to support the bald look.

>> No.51008080
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>30yrs old
>hairline still as good as it was as a young teen

>> No.51008134
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>mfw my grandpa has a better hairline than most zoomers

>> No.51008172

At 32 I worked at the beach and my coworkers where young people, young women from 19 to 24 and young men from 18 to 30.
But I wasnt young anymore.
I couldn't keep up with their tempo.
I couldn't stay all night at a beach party and work tomorrow.
After a night at a music festival I slept for hours on the job.
Near the end of season in September I was drained. Like a full nights sleep and I wake up at 10% battery.

>> No.51008190

Everyone in my dad's side of the family has huge foreheads, but not a soul has ever been known to recede or lose hair. It still sucks because if a 1mph gust of wind blows on my bangs it looks like I'm wearing a wig like these guys. Sometimes I pull on my hair nonchalantly afterwards just in case anyone's watching to prove it is not a wig.

>> No.51008215

you’re pathetic

>> No.51008241

>Started greying in high school
>About a quarter of the way there
>My dad was completely grey by 35, still has a thick head of hair with a good hairline in his early 60s

I'll take it

>> No.51008242

For 17y/o, yes all of them are pretty bad. It must be the microplastics and all the birth-control in the water supply. It's fucked up but it is what it is. I feel sorry for them; I wouldn't wish balding on even my enemies nor zoomies.

>> No.51008250

>Sometimes I pull on my hair nonchalantly afterwards just in case anyone's watching to prove it is not a wig.

Anyone who even notices are just thinking you're checking to see if your toupee was moved

>> No.51008279
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go back to your shithole brown parasite.

>> No.51008301

nah it's hair loss
i'm white and have a much lower hairline

>> No.51008303

That's mutt genetics fucking up hair.

>> No.51008330

My hair balding is in the back. I'm should conver to Judaism so I can get away with wearing a kippah

>> No.51008369

You can shave it off and go for SMP. Or you can wait, in the next 6 years Hope Medicine's HMI should come out which will cure baldness.

>> No.51008409
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>just go bald lmao
You just don't understand how important hair is. If I had the option of either being bald or paying $50k just to have a stitched-on toupee like Trump, I would unironically pick the latter.

>> No.51008411

I'm 34 and my hairline hasn't fucking moved back 1 millimeter.

>> No.51008427


What is your secret?

>> No.51008448

>Blasted roids throughout my early 20's
>Still have all my hair.
Get fucked natties.

>> No.51008462


>> No.51008479

i actually got a hair transplant 3 days ago /biz/

any questions lemme know

>age 29
>slightly big forehead before
>norwood 2a
>1600 grafts just to fill my hairline/temples abit better

i coulda waited afew years but im at the age i just wanna get it over with and find a gf

low pain on the day just gotta wait afew months now

>> No.51008490

(oh and ive been on fin for like 3 years and will stay on it to prelong losing natural hair)

minimal sides, argueably less hard but that could be age

>> No.51008508

I don't have one. It just happened.

>> No.51008512

Maybe the first guy, but the last two is pretty normal

>> No.51008531

Zoomerbros... I'm sorry. I didn't know.

>> No.51008569

Went bald at 18, shaved and never looked back. If you think getting a hair transplat is the key to finding a GF you're going to be wildly disappointed.

Here's some alchemic, esoteric wisdom for you young dumb cunts - Learn to love your self completely, completely accept your self - Live in that manner and you'll find your soulmate pretty dam quickly. You'll have the opportunity, and the balls to take it if you do this.

>> No.51008580

which country or cost?
does more grafts mean better results?
what technique?

>> No.51008603

Same been bald more then decade, never cared about it shaving spots if i feel like it. Guess loosing hair is problem for poor people without wealth or selfworth

>> No.51008605
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>> No.51008610

The brown mutt isn't even balding he just has a big forehead like he said.

>> No.51008621

>killing your own testo
bad advice
>t. retard who felt for this, dick only works once a week and for tranny p0rn started at 24 now 29

>> No.51008649


Yeah the studies on this stuff is bullshit (muh less than 1 percent have side effects). Its just like the covid vaccines. Load of crap.

What ever big pharma has to do to get you to take their poison. Women take birth control/anti depressants, now they got men on this crap. All poison.

>> No.51008666

Just use Minoxidil to prevent hair loss.
It's not a cure btw, but it's effective.
You have to use it for your entire life.
But after you married who the Fuck care if you will become bald.

>> No.51008669

The risk is too high to what we lead to believe. I don’t think anyone should be taking any hair medication. Pretty much a gate way to tranny

>> No.51008685

uk £6k
more grafts more hair yeah, 1.6k below average but i needed less (norwood 2a)

>> No.51008693

sure but some people (me) just dont suit bald

>big ears
>pale complexion

not much i can do about it but longer hair makes me feel better so had to transplant imo :)

>> No.51008805


You are right. Also what are the chances that the only hair medication discovered is one that fucks you up like a tranny? You just know these sobs are holding back real cures so you take poison.

>> No.51008858

The cure is in the inflammation of the scalp. I theorised it’s the shit that people eat eg vegetables oil etc. from what I heard once u take finastride ur scalp tension become loosened, which is why people who take Botox injection into the scalp manages to grow their hair back.

>> No.51008892

But but only women make themselves artificially more attractive!!!! Reeeeee!!!!!

>> No.51008900

Nor me, shaved it all off when in jail and my weird head shape makes me look like a fucking alien

>> No.51008901

>The you understand the bricolloi cuts purpose



>> No.51008913
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>2 meters tall
>still got my full hair
If I wasn't poor autismo I'd win at life

>> No.51008914

Fucking kek. Feels good to have awesome hair, a godly face and a strong jaw

>> No.51008935

>hurr durr hair isn't going to get you a girlfriend

I don't give a fuck what some roastie thinks about my hair.
I don't want to be one of those bearded bald manlets you see coping their way up and down the street every day.

>> No.51008992

True I generally speaking hate taking any form of medicine even painkillers for headaches if I can help it but been trying Rogaine for a few months. Incredibly slow but works a bit I guess? I've been thinking though you know how grey aliens are always depicted without hair and shit you guys ever wonder if maybe like they had hair and evolved to be hairless what if we are the space niggers bro, just the in between step.

I guess what I'm trying to say is take me to your leader and stuff dude

>> No.51009006

>a godly face
Ok Elliot

>> No.51009055

women don't like young men

>> No.51009099

Lamo the second to last guy doesn't have a receding hairline.