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File: 91 KB, 862x485, ssh2-213d-299s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51007004 No.51007004 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like 6.7 million people fleed Ukraine, mostly women. How can we profit from the young and handsome women shortage in Ukraine?
I heard that even a used flashlight is a luxury right now.

>> No.51007032

just use a vacuum cleaner. uki women are trash tier garbage anyway

>> No.51007066

you can finally make money with your bucci

>> No.51007075

a lot of men died
so its even dumb mathcel

>> No.51007116

white refugees always welcome

>> No.51007389

Fucking green politicians funding and supporting the war just to get more refugees. Disgusting. Peace can be achieved if Ukraine just gives up 2 oblasts or if NATO mans the fuck up and invades Russia.

>> No.51007415

the women fled to poland, so poland has all the profit

>> No.51007454

I would marry the one on the left.

>> No.51007705

That is a man

>> No.51007764

also most women who fled to germany went back because its too brown. they have nowhere to go

>> No.51007791
File: 94 KB, 1600x900, shooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's simple anon, you profit by not throwing away your life source, your essence on simple hedonistic pleasures of the flesh. Focus on yourself, continue your ETH and MATIC DCA.

>> No.51007849
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, 2345422232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goodnight sweet prince, I wish I was there to be your fren & hate women together

>> No.51007882
File: 149 KB, 920x968, png-transparent-soldier-woman-female-military-anime-soldier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if we lived in a world where hot women fought each other in war and when they won they would force us to have sex with them

>> No.51007884

>Women are not drawn to indicators of evolutionary fitness. If they were, they'd be all over me.

>> No.51008043

these whores will b rich from selling feet pictures the will figure it out this is y men r doomed they really dont need us anynore

>> No.51008050


>> No.51008065

I do remember seeing 6 million died somewhere but I don't remember. So it's only about a 700k difference.

>> No.51008107

their pussies will be cold?

>> No.51008258
File: 576 KB, 1353x1470, tonsofgirlshere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Bialystok (Poland), it's close to Ukraine. We have tons of ukrainian girls here. Literally, in every single place you can meet them, shop, restaurant, clubs. Guys, come here and you can finally get laid in the first night :) I can help u with everything (I am bored crypto investor) hahah, I party every single weekend. Sport cars. Nice girls.

>> No.51008272
File: 368 KB, 1125x822, 1660403702496677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a brown man, I wish to impregnate a few ukrainian and polish girls

>> No.51008287

White women were a mistake. I wish we could like... trade them off for a better version or something. The gulf between White men and White women is gigantic. They will undo everything. Where as say the gulf between chinese men and women is almost non-existent.

>> No.51008342

white women have the lowest incidence of bestiality. multiple studies have all shown the same thing, the only possible lower subsection is latinas

>> No.51008367


>> No.51008381 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 834x593, 2ffb7d9eaa4a712cfd8732b8e57b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bialystok is peak polan b. you really think you gonna be welcome, ranjeet? pic related: it's how the (((polish government))) has to protect it's (((new citizens))) from polish men.

>> No.51008435

women are conquered with money, that's why crypto bros have a lot of women
I want to have my house with at least 3 bitches each one of different breed

>> No.51008983
File: 2 KB, 242x35, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swiss biztard here
send contact info at pic related and I'll show up for the eternal party
sounds like fun don't even care about the women

>> No.51009003

spotted the /pol/lack glownigger unironically

>> No.51009017

too bad the one on the right would even reject you

>> No.51009433
File: 138 KB, 683x1024, 1660606497340476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aryan American here with a big crypto bag, I just want to party in a based Catholic country, don't care about the women. Am in Western Eu currently. Let's hang out my nigger

>> No.51009462
File: 34 KB, 728x156, Screen Shot 2022-08-20 at 2.17.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


based. my email in pic attached as well.

>> No.51010696

You believe a pajeet porno fantasy?

>> No.51010718

That’s a psyop anon, it is not real. If you want I can list the tells

>> No.51010807

Are white men the ultimate cuckold race of the earth? Who else invites the entire world into the holes of their women kek

>> No.51011198

only in a sub-human's fantasy.

>> No.51011280

Haha good luck, my partner is Polish and I get evil looks all the time here. A few permanent sex tourist pajeets that I have met have been attacked many times by groups of guys. I get away with it because I have anglo features with tanned skin and I lift, and they can see by the ring on her finger that she is my fiancee so there is a begrudging respect, but degenerate fucks that are obviously not Catholic get killed. You might get a few curious sluts match with you on Tinder but they’ll be laughing with their friends later at your tiny pajeet dick. The few expats that hang around like a bad smell just lurk in their rooms, depressed, and only stay because they might get a bone thrown to them once in a while by a Polish chick that has watched too much globohomo propaganda, and know that they will be incels anywhere else, but they’re scared to go out alone.
One pathetic guy i met once said we should go to a bar where “the people are pretty cool”, he got called a Libyan by a bunch of guys who said they’ll kill him like Ghaddafi, and the bar staff who he greeted like they were his buddies obviously didn’t like him but they humoured him for tips.
Polish women are wising up to sex tourist foreigners too, so it’s not the place it was 7-8 years ago for degenerates.

>> No.51011303

Boomers and upper class are fucking them all in western europe. Maybe some good looking plebs get the leftovers

Upper class westoids always profit from the wars which they fund.

>> No.51012130

You should marry anyone or anything that is willing. Do it immediately before he/she/it can change their mind.

>> No.51012230

>based Catholic country

>> No.51012279

it’s “fled” stupid