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51006793 No.51006793 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51006848


>> No.51006963

If Kleros has many fans, I am one of them. If Kleros has one fan, I am them. If Kleros has zero fans, I died.

>> No.51007051

PNK is fine

>> No.51007407

pack it up pajeets.
It's over.

>> No.51007426

>Judge Judy token
What were we thinking..

>> No.51007505


>> No.51007564
File: 493 KB, 1067x701, 1615497682984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blind optimism aside, do you think Kleros will survive to see the next bullrun?

Seeing how other microcaps got obliterated in previous bears, it seems like too much of a moonshot. Although, if a current microcap alt can pull through, it just might be pnk due to the actual infrastructure and use cases behind it.

Personally I don't have much hope, but will ride this out to the end to see where it goes.

>> No.51007677
File: 591 KB, 1576x1934, 1591622893115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

General consensus has always been that Kleros won't do shit before 2024, nobody is going to use this autistic decentralized human oracle when each tx causes you 0.02 ETH. Eth2 and L2 is laying the ground for Kleros, it has no competitors, the rest depends on how the team implements it and yes, i am coping

>> No.51007862

Anon, you will be roping soon

>> No.51007989
File: 168 KB, 650x863, 1640807173255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a good question. Pnk is obviously not doing anything until v2 at the very least, but can it even survive until its time for adoption? Will kleros be looked at as "too ahead of its time" 10 years from now? Kleros has huge potential and an actual, functioning product. But whether or not it can reach the next step and actually be used is what you're betting on when you buy pnk. A lot of coins moon due to hype and their fate depends on whether or not they can deliver, but kleros is the opposite. Kleros has delivered, but then its fate depends on how much hype there is for its potential use cases when/if we reach that point. For example, will bluesky decide to kleros for moderation or build their own decentralized moderation? Will their moderate even be decentralized at all? This is the risk of holding pnk.

>> No.51009719

fuck you cancer kike mutts. you ruined me

>> No.51009795

yeah It will survive. If we get another bull run we will atleast get to previous ATH, but might just lack momentum to push past it. Thats what 99% of dead but not abandoned shitcoins do.

>> No.51009950

Wise words from a wise village chief, sir. I will smear them in poo on goat stable wall so I never forget.

>> No.51009953

Failed project, unfortunate. Always liked the idea but if ETH can't drag it upward...

It's already dead.

>> No.51009983
File: 935 KB, 644x644, Screenshot_142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's already dead.

>> No.51010495


>> No.51010874

PNK is fine, these shitposters just want to see it fail

>> No.51010911

We already are seeing that

>> No.51011562

Kek seething cuck faggot full of cope. 51%.

>> No.51011739

Thanks just bought another 500k

>> No.51012058

>implying it hasn't already failed
Clement's 51% attack shows that Kleros is not Sybil resistant as it was marketed. Now Fede and Clement can't even show their faces on telegram or show up for the community calls most the time. Kleros is dead.

>> No.51012100

>Join the Kleros Juror Bagholding Incentive Program!
>The Kleros Cooperative is launching an incentive program targeted at all users in the Kleros Court.

I would like to welcome all new PNK bagholders and congratulate Federico Ast on a successful bagholding program.

>> No.51012125

inspouer, powerfilled

>> No.51012178

the way I frame it, this is no different to being an early investor in eth, a complete pie in the sky fantasy of an idea that you may very well have to say tah-tah to, if it doesn't get some key specifics right. if you really think you would of invested in eth at 3$ if you'd known about it, put your money where your mouth is and go all in on kleros

>> No.51012604

rip smellos