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File: 320 KB, 2160x1080, Neo Fudalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51005790 No.51005790 [Reply] [Original]

Has society really changed?

>> No.51005819

Yes, they didn't have porn back then

>> No.51005837

It's gotten far worse

>> No.51005877
File: 77 KB, 334x1024, AD111B92-81E3-4B44-822C-824DD120F5DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lords actually cared for the peasants and the peasants could kill the lords if they weren’t doing a good job. Plus peasants had much more time off then we had and didn’t live in modern globohomo hell and still had community, family and a culture to be proud of,

>> No.51005899

Did peasants actually own their land though? Was real estate unaffordable back then for the majority?

>> No.51006100

>Yes, they didn't have porn back then
They've got brothels back then, friend. You could buy a clean, 12 year old girl with a few silver coins in the past.

>> No.51006126

You're fucked in the head my man.

>> No.51006224

No, he's right. The modern political system is a complex machine ran by tens of thousands of people around the world. The only way it will end is when the machine destroys itself.

>> No.51006233

The idea that monarchy is going to solve his issues is beyond retarded

>> No.51006395

Monarchy might not fix our problems, but it is inevitable. It's like the seasons, a country starts as a monarchy, then become a republic, then a democracy, then an oligarchy, then there is a violent revolution and you go back to monarchy again. Read Decline of the West.

>> No.51006767

I love the idea of a monarchy cuz it totally removes social political tension. Every body is just on the same page that the king is an ass and if he keeps it up we're gonna kill him. So based and intuitive. Way less beaurocratic crap too.

>> No.51006957

You don‘t know much.

>> No.51007385
File: 794 KB, 767x684, catchlove house rent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah they rented it. This was a plaque on a 2 storey timber frame in england that is an open museum now

>> No.51007479


>> No.51007497

If you think about it even slave owners feed and gave shelter to their slaves because they saw them as investments.

>> No.51007672

If poor people die now they can always just ship in more immigrants to replace them.

>> No.51007676

1614 wasn't feudal. Commoners had a lot of hard-won rights.

>> No.51007697

Most philosophers agree that a monarchy with a good king/queen is the best form of government. The problem is that good king/queens are so rare that monarchy is not wroth the downsides.

>> No.51007716

If you have a bad king you can just kill him. There were Roman Emperors who only lasted a few months.

>> No.51007749

In reality most monarchs were ok, its just that you hear more about the shit ones.

>> No.51007757

Right back at you.

>> No.51007766

Are you ready for global AI dominance?

>> No.51007788

no we will destroy the state
get ready for Ancapistan

>> No.51007793

Plus bear in mind if you were a "bad" monarch it usually meant the nobility hated you, but it didn't mean the peasants hated you. Alexander II of Russia was hated by the nobles because he stripped them of much of their power, but he was a relatively popular Emperor among the peasants of Russia.

>> No.51007802

dios mio

>> No.51007815

Thats just the top and the bottom moving against the middle class, its centralization.

>> No.51007846

Everyone has bad experiences with people in their life. People in power take those experiences and say to themselves "I'm going to drive this nation/world into the ground and enslave everyone"
thus a multi generational conspiracy begins.