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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5100242 No.5100242 [Reply] [Original]

You'll be sad when you miss this and it gets added to Coinbase Q1 2018. Normies will buy it up like crazy thinking it's cheaper ETH.

>> No.5100350

You're delusional if you think Coinbase is going to add anything that slightly resembles an already established coin. And that goes for Bitcoin Cash as well. Sure, normies may eat it up, but the last thing you want to do is confuse the normies, make them buy in and give up, forget about their coins, and come back to a 100x faster than we are.

>> No.5100361

It's already been confirmed bud.

>> No.5100414

>it's been confirmed
>no source

>> No.5100480

Sorry, take it for what it's worth. Call it insider information. You can shine my shoes when you're wrong.

>> No.5100516

this, the jig is up pajeet.

>> No.5100541

You know how it is. This is just a friendly tip.

>> No.5100595

>insider information
>friendly tip
quit larping numbnuts, you're not fooling anyone with this sixth-tier fork shitcoin

>> No.5100632

Suit yourself :)

>> No.5100634

BCH is fo def going to be listed. It is already traded on every exchange in the top 15 aside from Coinbase/GDAX and BitMex.

If trading is allowed normies are going to think: wtf is this Bitcoin Cash?

If only withdrawing is allowed still everyone is going to think: wtf is this Bitcoin Cash? but also: why the fuck does Coinbase not allow us to buy it, but give it to some people for free?

Confusion is going to happen anyway here. Coinbase wants new assets, BCH is the easiest one to list, because they already have shitton of it.

Also Brian Armstrong (Coinbase CEO) is a big block fan.

>> No.5100810

Suddenly all quiet here. Either no one can argue back to me or they are furiously typing a big wall of text.

>> No.5101041

Pretty sure you won the thread. Convinced me, BCH on Coinbase it is. Listing in January you think?

>> No.5101082

Yeah, I guess on January. Maybe an annoncement will come before already. Dunno about that. Coinbase hasn't added anything for a long time so no way to tell what the procedure will be like.

>> No.5101151

It will pump hard then probably soon

>> No.5101229

>It will pump hard then probably soon

Some people are still going to dump it, but there will be a lot of new buyers so... It will do a medium pump

>> No.5101793

MKR, DAI and REP. We know what a bone Armstrong has for Ethereum.

2 more days and Tether is obsolete.