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51001887 No.51001887 [Reply] [Original]

Honest question, has anyone here ever overcome a traumatic childhood? I feel like I want to make money just so I can not have to work and think about shit, and I'm afraid of I ever "made it" I'd blow it all in booze, food, and entertainment has I isolated myself from the world, drowning myself in comforts.

>> No.51001943

How does this image describe me down to age.

>> No.51002001

Me minus the job. Sad! Many such cases!

>> No.51002034

I'm 33 and I have maybe a few dozen memories of my entire life

>> No.51002062

>Honest question, has anyone here ever overcome a traumatic childhood?

the past doesn't exist anymore. Stop bag holding you bad memories, theyre just neuron connections in your brain. Don't let them hold you back

>> No.51002096

This was and still is me but I'm 31. What do?

>> No.51002163
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it's literally impossible to have a bachelors degree and make less than $20 an hour.

>> No.51002190

>the past doesn't exist anymore. Stop bag holding you bad memories, theyre just neuron connections in your brain.

what an absolute pathetic cope

>> No.51002207

Read "Tbe Body Keeps the Score." Great analysis of trauma and PTSD's biological effects and how to fix them. The author is some Belgian guy who was buddies with some of the greatest minds in psych in the last 50 years and he isn't one of those CBT fags who just tells you to say nice things about yourself in the mirror and take a bunch of pills. Very practical and physically oriented. Treatment involves certain physical activities, socialization, and strategies to rewire your thinking. Also acknowledging that you're fucked and you'll always be a little fucked, but maybe it can hurt less and some of the fears can be dealt with.

>> No.51002245

Based, ty OP. Sounds like you've been in the path towards healing as well. I hope you make it. WAGMI

>> No.51002680

That is literally me except for the speedruns.
I make 13€/h, but I live in eastern europe, so it's quite decent. Still extremely dissociated, used to be more motivated.

>> No.51002724

> watching N64 speedruns
well, I know what I'm doing this weekend

captcha: wankh

>> No.51002735
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Kind of like me.I feel cheated out of life and seek to find measures against this kind of existence

>> No.51002809

When I was tripping there was one time where I felt that there are little pieces of me "stuck" within that timeframe and I had to somehow get them out of this.It's hard to explain but I don't think there is one singular me but rather a collection of me's that make up an illusion of a whole which is necessary to uphold in order to get by in this world

>> No.51003210


>> No.51003296

not based but pozzed line of thinking