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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 478 KB, 806x756, 01r0n2r1yli91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51001451 No.51001451 [Reply] [Original]

The absolute state of rentcucks.
If you don't buy a house this recession you will literally never be able to own a hkuse

>> No.51001504

Holy based

>> No.51001511

he looks jewish

>> No.51001519

Why is he in trouble? The whore willingly agreed to it?

>> No.51001539


>> No.51001545

this is what jews do to our women and look at you defending the jew.

>> No.51001562

Women are the jews of gender anon, please don't forget that. They have proven with the proliferation of social media that they are spineless and moronic. They are not worth defending at all.

>> No.51001566

he forced her? you fucking cuck

>> No.51001597

This. I actually think what he did was pretty honorable. He wrote up a non-marital contract that forced her to be monogamous. Smart guy, these kind of contracts should be more widespread

>> No.51001616

Is this when he was younger? Looks old enough to have a shrunken-in micropenis.

>> No.51001639

this guy seems pretty based, classic government overreach

>> No.51001670

don't be jealous

>> No.51002293
File: 83 KB, 700x700, 930f1820-c28d-11ec-abfe-ef407de7c90c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for attending to the garbage. you will have a place on the table with your bothers above the slums in the new world

>> No.51002373

>he gave a homeless mom a home for the cost of a blow job.
This is charitable actually.

>> No.51002391

homeowners are that desperate to get their dick sucked

really make you think

rentChads can't stop winning

>> No.51002399

peak clownworld

>> No.51002401

I though sex work was real work?

>> No.51002652

>to sign a housing contract that required her to perform blowjobs
wait a sec...
on who?

>> No.51003468
File: 67 KB, 673x894, succ allowance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. Guess we all chase the same things after all.

>> No.51003482

>this recession
motherfucker home prices are barely starting to crack, wait till its capitulation season faggot

>> No.51005038

that guy looks jewy

What's his early history?

>> No.51005049

where's it say she is white?

>> No.51005280


Why would anyone capitulate when they can just raise rent on you (b/c you can’t afford a house)?

Get fucked. No one is selling and prices will continue to rise. I just refinanced to add on and further price you rent fucks out. Biden hooking it up with rebates for the homeowners. Nothing in the inflation reduction act for you faggots HAHAHAHA

>> No.51005343

Blowjobs aren't legal tender also this is just straight up sexual abuse

>> No.51005417

i'm just gonna go live inna woods

>> No.51005508

Of course he's a fucking kike.

>> No.51005537

>mother of 5
anon, thats a negress

>> No.51005538

>Kike lovers ITT
Kill yourself you faggots you don't belong here, all jews are subhuman scum and don't deserve rights.

>> No.51005546


Of all the shit kikes pull, I'm least concerned about this one. Dumb whore shouldn't have let five different losers cum inside her.

>> No.51005548

Because prostitution, including soliciting the service, is illegal.

>> No.51005557


>> No.51005568

What if he records the bj vids and sells them (making a porno)
Than it should be legal?

>> No.51005573

But he didn't is the problem.

>> No.51005603

Is it clowny? I would do the same thing if I were a landlord

>> No.51005623

We are the alpha chads and get all the hot babes. Cope and seethe

>> No.51005630
File: 466 KB, 1000x1000, 1595714537738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

voluntary transaction between two willing parties, dilate if you dont like it

>> No.51005960
File: 121 KB, 600x900, 1660947669261039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no chance this is real

>> No.51005992
File: 83 KB, 342x400, vag merch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews would pull that shit like in OP, but you would too if you could. You're more ass blasted because you can't/don't.

Based. Even the Jewish man can't beat the VAGINAL MERCHANT.
Just count all the Jewish billionaires have lost half their shit to their wives.
Even the merchant (male) cannot beat the vagina.

>> No.51006012

kekj what the FUCK is that wojack supposed to reference

>> No.51006013

Dangerously based.
To this day we treat women like fucking incapable children, even though she agreed to it. despite them being strong and empowered whatever the fuck that means. This guy was in the right, compared to the alternative of letting her fucking niglets die out in the cold, hungry. This man deserved more desu.

>> No.51006052

>this is just straight up sexual abuse
I can see you don't know the definition of sexual abuse.
So I figure you're either a zipper tit or a virgin