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File: 148 KB, 852x484, Ron Paul LIes 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50999278 No.50999278 [Reply] [Original]

Why do less than 1% of people understand that private banks create our money supply? Banks create new, digital money AFTER the borrower signs the loan contract. Why do 99% of people think the government creates all money?

>> No.50999310
File: 535 KB, 1206x1473, Byron Dale letter from US Treasury.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a 1982 admission from the US Treasury:

"The actual creation of money ALWAYS involves the extension of credit by private commercial banks."

more proof at:

>> No.50999338

banks and corps are the government

>> No.50999349
File: 1.25 MB, 1872x2680, Bank of England money creation in modern economy JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bank of England admits that private banks create new digital money out of thin air when they issue loans! Here's a shot of their 2014 study called, "Money Creation in the Modern Economy."

More proofs at:

>> No.50999403

I think you're right! But even so, all money creation is performed by private banks, and less than 1% of the population knows this!

Here's a 1966 admission by the bank-owned NY Fed:

"In the communist countries, money is created in the same was as in capitalist countries -- through the extension of bank credit."

more proofs at:

>> No.50999420
File: 585 KB, 2482x1224, 2 Money, Banking, and Credit in Eastern Europe 1966 Fed Admission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50999443
File: 434 KB, 1700x2200, Library of Congress money creation admission 1983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the Library of Congress says that banks create new money when they lend! And the money is "extinguished" when it is paid back to the bank!

>> No.50999471
File: 57 KB, 333x486, richard werner portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2014, Professor Richard Werner proved that banks create new digital money to lend AFTER the borrower signs the loan contract!

In Europe over 95% of money is created by private banks. In the USA it is over 99%!

more proofs at:

>> No.50999501

Why did the commercial banks in Zimbabwe extend so much credit?

>> No.51000174

When interest rates rise sharply on short term debt, the bank-created money scam goes into high gear and causes hyperinflation.

Yes, the government prints the paper notes, but doesn't distribute any cash directly into circulation. The gov sells the physical currency to the banks for a few pennies. Only banks create new money and put cash and coin into circulation. This is true for USA, Zimbabwe, and Weimar Germany.

>> No.51000202

The funniest thing is trying to explain this to normies
They sperg out the exact same way an actual autist does, spout some bullshit about the federal reserve and congress physically printing money, and then leave smugly thinking they know literally anything about the economy

>> No.51000237

>Why do 99% of people think the government creates all money?
because banks are both incentivized by the fed to not overleverage on top of their reserves and even required by law not to pass a certain leverage threshold.
the fed holds the cards in regards to broad money creation, not commercial banks. they just do the fed's bidding.

>> No.51000246
File: 1.94 MB, 2304x3320, bathtub banker bankLIES title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth! And 4chan is full of these people who think they understand money creation but really have no idea what they're talking about.

We CAN abolish the bank-created money scam! But not until a lot more people know it exists. Help spread the word!

proofs at:

>> No.51000317
File: 3.72 MB, 5100x6600, ghostbusters money trap 600 dpi grayscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banks create new digital money with no need for prior reserves or deposits. Richard Werner proved this empirically in 2014.

You are repeating the debunked "Fractional Reserve"/"Money Multiplier" models. They Do not exist! Banks simply create new digital money when they issue loans. And the 12 Federal Reserve banks are privately-owned by the banks in their district. So saying "The Fed is in control" is actually admitting that private banks are in complete control!

Proofs available at:

>> No.51000348

please learn about how the banking system actually works you deranged schizo. it's scummy and fucked enough as it is, no need to spread retarded brainlet takes about it.

>> No.51000349
File: 41 KB, 480x360, Jerry Nelson Federal Reserve bank of Chicago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a 15 minute interview with Chicago Fed spokesman Jerry Nelson. He openly admits that the 12 Federal Reserve banks are private, bank-owned corporations with unlimited money-creation powers! (Skip to 4:17 to hear his admission) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N-8DyPoNgU

>> No.51000386

Read the proof and watch the video of Chicago Fed spokesman Jerry Nelson. You have been deceived.

Private banks and the bank-owned Federal Reserve banks create all money, NOT government. And they only create money by lending.

>> No.51000445

Appreciate the resource
I would also recommend the Eurodollar Podcast with Jeff Snider
Probably the most knowledge dense podcast I've ever watched, and it's easily digestible to show to people who are just now learning about how the real economy works

>> No.51000569

Thank you! I will check that out! I've seen a couple interviews with Snider but these short discussions didn't dig into the bank-created money scam.

Please help spread the word! We CAN abolish this debt-enslavement racket, but only after tens-of-millions more people learn that it exists!

>> No.51000614

But everyone on biz agrees with this, the “federal” reserve is a private central bank and basically all central banks operate under IMF/BIS/ World Bank guidelines. I’m an XRP bagholder so we already know all this shit.

>> No.51000668

OP shills his conspiracy website regularly on here. I mean, it worked for Alex Jones, right? It's one of the sadder business models

>> No.51000784

No, I have had 100X conversations/debates on 4chan on this subject. Very few people understand that the 12 Fed banks are private, or that commercial banks create new money when they lend. Just because you get it doesn't mean anyone else does!

>> No.51000814
File: 2.36 MB, 6600x5100, rickshaw 600 dpi grayscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not my website, and it isn't a business model. Just spreading the word to try and end debt slavery. Doing the same thing the abolitionists were doing in the early-1800's.

>> No.51002027

Another good resource, surprised I didn't see it posted in the thread yet, is Mike Maloney's Hidden Secrets of Money ep. 4.


>> No.51002142
File: 1.06 MB, 2434x2110, Occupy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51002681

They mention it in various different episodes, but the more important thing is that they factor it into their analysis and because of it have been spot on since the start of the show in 2020

>> No.51002780

I gather this makes you angry?

>> No.51002874

a corpor can disappear whenever when it's no longer useful, the bank is forever as long as people desire to exploit the system and thrive in corruption

>> No.51003758

Ugh you’re dumb OP. Yes banks create the money just like I can print Monopoly money on my printer and call it money.

Understand or are you that stupid?

It’s the government that FORCES us to use the banks money that is the problem. Otherwise, who gives a fuck if a bank prints paper? It would have no value.

>> No.51005157

I love Mike Maloney, but he is wrong on the money creation issue. He pushes the debunked "Fractional Reserve"/"Money multiplier" models. These fake models pretend that the money being loaned exists in a bank account somewhere before the borrower arrives. This is wrong! In fact, the bank creates new digital money AFTER the borrower signs the loan contract.

The phony Fractional Reserve/Money Multiplier models pretend that the banks are unaware that they are creating new digital money to lend. In truth, the bank owners are 100% aware of the scam they are running.

And of course, the banks never disclose to the borrower that the money for their mortgage/car loan/credit card/business loans did not exist before they signed the promissory note.

>> No.51005204
File: 2.26 MB, 3260x2478, one in a million understands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right that government forces us to use dollars, but only banks create these dollars.

We can abolish this system just like the abolitionists eventually abolished slavery. But we need to inform as many people as possible.

Quit your bitchin' and get to work!

>> No.51005614

What's the alternative here tho? seriously want to know. auditable btc as base money? probably will last a good 10 years before btc ious takes over the market again. credit is embedded in human nature, in our dna for muh eternal growth, you could point it out to people that current credit creation is unsustainable, which will shift the paradigm a bit, but i highly doubt we could ever get rid of it entirely without a 1984 style state total control to abolish private debt creation