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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50998930 No.50998930 [Reply] [Original]

the truth about wfh:

after a decade you become a weirdo with a speech pattern bobody understands. Don't do this to yourself. Get a real job.

>> No.50998959

Bobody is going to take you or your gay thread seriously

>> No.50998978

and yet you felt the need to comment, boomer

>> No.50999336

>implying I don't regularly socialize with friends who come over to hang out while I "work" from home
lmao okay kike.

>> No.50999612

Wfh really does require you to have social needs met outside working hours. When I did wfh and did my college classes remote, I had actual issues talking to people when they opened up classes again for 2 months. Alot of the zoomers were even more fucked, as they spent their junior, senior and sometimes 1st semester of college without talking to anyone face to face besides their parents. A year since COVID stopped existing, and those kids have tougher time talking to students, and had weird social norms in person.

>> No.50999622

eccentricity is based. normie social skills are gay

>> No.50999645

Yeah can confirm, I'm pretty retarded socially now. I speak in very short sentences irl
Would much rather type to people

>> No.50999822

I have always been like this

>> No.50999935

I actually worked on myself right before the pandemic
Now I drink everyday, NEET, have a severe mental illness, don't date, all my friends are in chatboxes
I feel 0 libidinal impulse to fuck
I'm very sick
Fuck lockdowns

>> No.51000211
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I feel you mate. I am in a very similar position. I've been self-employed for almost 12 years now. I have a handful of friends that I talk to about once or twice every other month. The person I talk to most (other than my mom who insists I call her every week because she's worried about me) is a mint-plant that mysteriously didn't manage to die in my care.
Today one of my neighbours (a very cute girl) started screaming in the hallways and because she literally screamed "oh my god" and "help me" I came storming out of my apartment trying to help whoever was in need (I didn't even realise it was her) - and what actually happened was that her best friend was getting married - and I was a mess. It hadn't showered or eaten until then. Only coded. Later when I came back into my apartment I found that I forgot my coffee pot under the coffee machine (so I didn't even manage to do that) ... anyway, long story short:
I later met her on the street and she was on her way to meet her friend (and was dressed really nicely) and she was kind of grateful for my actions even though it was a misunderstanding, but ... there I was talking to this very attractive young woman and thinking to myself "please! make it stop! how can anyone endure this? this is so fucking awkward!?" (she's really nice though. it's just that I degraded into a troglodyte over the years.) pic related is who's at fault.

>> No.51000263

The only takeaway I got from your story is that plants are based, look after your mint anon and you never know what ways that little mint is looking after you as well.

>> No.51000282

Do you write good code?

>> No.51000318

>I'm pretty retarded socially now. I speak in very short sentences irl
>Would much rather type to people
>I have always been like this
oof, I too have always been like this

>> No.51000387

no, after a few years I realised that no-one is ever going to see my code. So I don't give a crap. It's not embedded. It's not constrained by memory, disk-space processing power. I am free to throw shit at the wall. The only thing I do look out for is to create a good user experience - and after having crafted that, the only thing I usually do is shortening animation times so that my newest updates feel more "optimised".

>> No.51000571

I hate webfags so fucking much. You are the reason it takes 1G of memory to run fucking slack

>> No.51000606

I make native mac apps, fag

>> No.51000646

>I make mac apps
>Calling someone else a fag
Shiggity diggity mein niggity

>> No.51000691

Is that lucrative? I’ve made some fun iOS apps and considered making Mac apps as well. Do they sell? Any differences from the iOS store you can point out?

Currently have a map app that shows a racial heatmap
of the area you’re in and sends you notifications when it gets “too risky” I’m still trying to figure out how to get published.

>> No.51000707

oh no I am such a faggot for finding a niche where piracy is low and people actually like spending money on software because they aren't poor. How will I ever survive with ALL THE FUCKING MONEY I MAKE? kill yourself you fucking moron.

>> No.51000754
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What happens if I'm already a weirdo with a speech pattern nobody understands?

>> No.51000755

>Any differences from the iOS store you can point out?
less competition. less "free apps".

>Currently have a map app that shows a racial heatmap
dude, don't. fucking apple is a platform that is run by (((homosexual boomers))). it's one thing making stupid jokes, but if you want to make money: leave your shit outside.

>> No.51000788

Which regurgitation program is going to load next? Oooo call him racist!

>> No.51000796


The solution is speed running a wide multitude of social situations. For me that was bumming around Europe for about a month. It's a situation that forces you to interact with a wide variety of people in a short amount of time.

>> No.51000810

Yeah it was mainly a fun project for myself, joking about getting it published.

Without doxxing yourself what kind of apps do you make? There seems to be a TON of system utility apps for tweaking the UI at the $.99 level

>> No.51000819

also btw.: don't come up with new shit. new shit is a gamble. might work out great for you, but most likely it won't. just find something that sells well, but looks or feels like shit and make it better. if you do that right, that will generate anywhere between 20k and 100k a year (for about 4 to 5 years). your can have several products running in parallel that you can care for on your own.
once you have established this source of income you can start working on your crappy "cool ideas" (that won't sell for a multitude of reasons.)
grind it out, man. that's the way to go if you want to end up a depressed troglodyte alcoholic like me, man.

>> No.51000843

ive worked from home for about 3 years now. i have to think about what i'm supposed to say to store clerks because my mind's first instinct is to treat it like a Teams call. still never setting another foot in an office again.

>> No.51000864

>Without doxxing yourself what kind of apps do you make?

>> No.51000884

>Teams call
Kek. How different do you approach the interaction?

>> No.51000915

i'm polite and get along with people at work. i reflexively say how are you, how's your morning going, etc. i ask my boss about his kid, his chickens, etc. basically try to be somewhat social and pleasant to work with so i can get a good raise/bonus/maybe a promotion in a few years.

i treat store clerks with cold indifference because i live in a shitty area and i don't want to talk to minorities more than i absolutely have to.

>> No.51000950

Do you need to worry about marketing at all or is it all big daddy apple’s ago

>> No.51001098

depends. if you're starting out or you're serving a niche market (which can be profitable for a small scale operation like ... you are if you're running shit out of your mom's basement), then your best bet is a blog. Just blog about shit you know your customers will google. (best strategy here is: watch your parents use their computer.) also it helps having a 20 year old domain with a good page-rank. (seriously I am fucking old. I only realise just now when writing these things out.)
anyway, a lot of targeted advertising often times doesn't help. Imagine you're a boomer who wants to catalogue his grill-recipes. If you're on facebook being shown an ad you won't care because in that moment you won't be facing that problem, but when you google it you care in that moment. (reminds me: I should give google adsense a second try)
generally though the nice thing about playing the 'appstores' is that your product is being showcased in a "shop window" (if that makes sense: "schaufenster"). so take advantage of that.

>> No.51001123

Been working from home for about 6 years now. Yes its true. Your speech pattern becomes disrupted, and it becomes harder and harder to speak to people.

>> No.51001163

Am I supposed to be able to read this garbage? Oncw the winter chill sets in anyone who speaks one of these doomed languages will die off anyway.

>> No.51001199

its german dumbass
holy shit /biz/ is really the board with the lowest IQ

>> No.51001270

that's the point: even if you speak his language you will have a hard time understanding him.


>> No.51001319

ja, du spasti. glaub ma nich dass das was besser macht.

"Lol apparently I sporged again. Had a hard dejala. Jones is a sperg lol".

do you think that's any better?

>> No.51001377

Thanks for the responses
I worked customer support for an ISP; the number of people who thought their internet was out if their phone disconnected from Wi-Fi was astonishing.

>> No.51001716
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I don't envy you one bit. My favourite types of "Service Requests" is by people who aren't even my customers. I get those about 6 to 9 times a year, where a person (usually some cunt) complains about everything I do + me as a human being, just to demand for me to cancel her subscription for a piece of software that isn't even mine (let alone the fact that I don't sell software subscriptions.).
The first few times these kind of mails really stole a lot of my time because I was trying to help these people (also my english really sucks and while I don't mind it being subpar with you lads, in a professional environment I make sure it's at least a little comprehensible).

In a few of those of those cases I found out that what is actually happening is some chink or pajeet just forwarding their emails to me. In others it was genuinely Karens. (and believe me they never apologise).

Well anyway, was fun having a chat with you, lads. Ima get back to me midnight coding. (on the weekends I work on me own shit. That's where I write good code).