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50991364 No.50991364 [Reply] [Original]

We're here. A brief moment of relief and on the verge of another crash. A crisis is a series of crashes, bottoms and small rallies that lead to bigger crashes. Stocks and crypto will go down another 90%.

>> No.50991380

Yeah, yeah, sure.

>> No.50991434

>Yeah, yeah, sure.
That's exactly what they said in 1929 too.

>> No.50991444


>> No.50991459

That was the March rally you retarded bobo
Slurp now or cry I missed the bottom again

>> No.50991496

It's not like 1920s but charts are always very similar. People think that crisis happen from one day to another, so when the market rallies after a crash they always think the bad stuff is over and we're in bull mode again. That's a fatal mistake. A crisis is a period of small rallies that are followed by huge crashes. And that's exactly what we're seeing.

Take my advice. Don't get out the shelter yet. The worst is still to come.

>> No.50991505

I have this strange feeling that I was destined to be poor, stay poor, and die poor. Everything seems to go against me. I dont mean this in a Borderline Personality Disorder way, I mean in a legitimate circumstances I was born into, my genetics, my environment, my personal day to day experiences, my IQ, my location, my looks, just overall my genetics were not meant to make it. I am also short, bald, and have a small penis, unironically.

>> No.50991527

You took a lot of words to say "we're going to zero", which is something said practically every day here and has never come true

>> No.50991538

The worst is over but I guess you get to have your own thread now

>> No.50991540

We are doing everything the same as 1500 years ago so it's no surprise.

>> No.50991546

>A crisis is a period of small rallies that are followed by huge crashes
So like the last few months?

>> No.50991560

And the next few as well.

>> No.50991584


>> No.50991592

>never come true
This is probably the biggest lie the plebs believe. We've been having huge bubbles for centuries that crashed the markets a 90%.

>> No.50991609 [DELETED] 

G'day, that's great! Everybody knows that crypto is the future, but have you tried Life Beyond?

>Fun action gameplay
>Open Alpha Reward Program
>CEO, Benjamin Charbit, was the Game Director for Assassin's Creed: Blackflag
>Upcoming NFT Drop

>> No.50991617

I think it's more like the 60's economies are decoupled and decoupling.

>> No.50991631

>This is probably the biggest lie the plebs believe
how can it be a lie when it has never gone to zero. youre just another doomposter hiding in their shelter with their thousand cans of beans telling everyone that society will collapse soon. get a life

>> No.50991632

I believe in crypto, but all coins are severely overpriced right now.

>> No.50991682

Thank God.

>> No.50991727

>never gone to zero.
Why are you so uneducated in 2022? When there's a crisis and a huge bubble burst, yes, many companies go to zero. They literally disappear from the face of the Earth. Actually, the majority of them. The few who survive face severe losses and many people never recover from their losses.

You see that the NASDAQ is still there and hasn't disappeared and you think that's because nothing ever happens. But that's not true. It's the great lie of the plebs.

>> No.50991804

why are you trying to convince me the economy is going to zero? you want me to short or what? ok lets say I short and make millions while it goes to zero... now the economy is dead and my money is worthless. so while you were bending over backwards to protect yourself it didn't even matter. meanwhile I'm sitting here comfy not worrying about shit and even if you're right we still end up in the same place

>> No.50991878

This is what I don't get about doomposters. "Dude when the nukes fly just hide in a hole for the rest of your life eating the same fucking beans every day". I'd rather kill myself than go through that torture

>> No.50991941

People like you can't be convinced even if you saw a mushroom cloud right before your eyes. "Nothing bad ever happens no matter what" is the biggest fallacy of our time. This is what decades of peace and artificial growth produce. Good luck.

>> No.50991954

you clearly dont understand me. im not saying nothing bad ever happens. im saying theres no point in worrying about it because worrying about it does fuck all

>> No.50992171

Worrying won't prevent it, you're right, but trying to avoid to drown when the ship is sinking is basic survival instinct. Do as you will anyway.

>> No.50992212


>> No.50992335

Do you wake up every morning by telling yourself "I'm not going to die today" ? Sure it would have worked until now, but will it work forever ? Everything has an end, the only question is when.

>> No.50992357

Yeah I agree. Let's stop printing money, we've had a good run, it's time to get fiscally responsible and live within our means as a global community!

>> No.50992404

it is honestly too late for all those people.
If they are useful to society they'll be okay, but at this point they will end up realizing along with everyone else, and attempt to redeem when everyone else does.

>> No.50993229
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One of my biggest red pill was when I heard somebody say (about preparedness) "I'd rather die than not having all the commodities I have today !". I'm from a very rural town and I can't imagine my grandparents, or even my parents, not trying as hard as they could to survive if modern way of life had to stop one day. And billions of people are still struggling everyday to simply feed themselves. So saying something like that would never come to their minds.

Of course it's only empty words, and if a real recession went to happen, I'm almost sure that person would still try to survive because it's basic human instinct, but it shows that those people feel dependant on modern society, they can't even imagine having another kind of lifestyle. They know deep inside that they're too weak to endure any kind of real hardship. So no wonder they try to keep the system alive as long as possible.

>> No.50993301

Stop spoonfeeding the idiots, you're just mudying the water for the sacrificial lambs who are part of the process.

>> No.50993319


>> No.50993491


See? This is why you don't understand what's happenimg. It's doesn't happen in a specific date, on the contrary, it's been happening since markets topped in Q4 2021. Check YTD stocks and crypto. You're welcome.

>> No.50993521

this says 1929 but we are 2022. shouldnt we have 7 more years ?

>> No.50993565

I'm still young and I am slightly optimistic toward any type of massive collapse, the current structure of society is anti-human and almost by design ensures the worst kind of people rise to positions of power in business, education, or government.
a lack of the current structure might force society to be more honest, at least that's the silver lining I can see. I'm not a yuppie striver but I'm also too well aware of how working as a laboring slave will get me nowhere, haven't yet found an alternative, maybe there isn't one.

>> No.50994087

>the current structure of society is anti-human and almost by design ensures the worst kind of people rise to positions of power in business, education, or government.
you dont understand the world. it is simply physics. more mass gathers more mass and always ends in pareto distribution. this is why every societal structure ends in powergrabs. asking for a collapse is just unnecessary pain as the post-collapse society will be exactly the same as the current society

>> No.50994238

I don't believe in a massive collapse Mad Max style, the only thing that could produce that is a complete and irrecoverable shutdown of internet, or some global catastrophic event like a meteor hitting earth.

Like >>50993491 is pointing out, collapses are generally slow and painful. Rome didn't fall in one day either. Civilisations are like big cargo ships, they have a lot of inertia and sink very slowly. So in the near future, the main risk besides general impoverishment is the balkanization of the US imo

>> No.50994448

meh, i have a bot for a down and up trending market, i will make shekels either way and I don't even have to be in front of a computer

>> No.50994689
File: 94 KB, 645x970, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow what a hot take OP ! Can you send me your newsletter so I can get daily updates on the NEXT STOCK MARKET CRASH ?

Enjoy your shiny pet rocks buddy!

>> No.50994837

It hard to say, we barely had any reaction to pump when it just bog to oversold territory.

>> No.50994914
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>few months

>> No.50995008
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So whens the next leg down, 2 weeks?

>> No.50995228

>as the post-collapse society will be exactly the same as the current society
The only reason things stay the same is because of retards like you that keep repeating this Jew propaganda that the only way to live is to be a slave to whoever has the most resources. Absolute nigger-IQ bullshit.

>> No.50995578

There’s not gonna be some mad max scenario like /Pol/cels fantasize about and even if there was you faggots would get steam rolled by people like me or niggers. If you haven’t done shit by now don’t expect a collapse to get you off your ass you dorks would sit in your basements screaming anyone out there looting/securing resources is a glowie. Elites aren’t going to let it turn to Africa 2.0 there’s too much important finance/infrastructure for it to happen here. Reality is it’s just losers want to watch the world burn so everyone is as miserable as they are and since they’re broke losers they have nothing to lose from the world burning (which it won’t).

>> No.50995673

you want to solve it? come up with a way to generate infinite energy. otherwise it will always be whoever has the most resources wins, literally hard coded into the universe

>> No.50995725

That shit market should crash. The system has shown its true demonic colors especially with covid lockdowns and forced medical experimentation, the whole fiat system deserves to burn.

>> No.50996195

Exactly the same feel here except for the last sentence.ggmma2

>> No.50996238

i love looking at the 1929 crash with modern indicators and techniques. oldfags cannot compete

>> No.50997293

>I don't believe in a massive collapse Mad Max style, the only thing that could produce that is a complete and irrecoverable shutdown of internet, or some global catastrophic event like a meteor hitting earth.
I guess I don't either, but I think it's a possibility and may in fact become a reality in the interim of reformed, more localized societies.
don't care about whatever the fedora tipping fag that replied to me said
>we're all just atoms maaaaaan

>> No.50997319
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lmao you're retarded

>> No.50997381

>1929 again
4 more years bros

>> No.50997577
File: 191 KB, 396x296, 6F721F23-6880-4A7C-B1F9-9AA1D9706C64.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two more weeks!

>> No.50998135

But what about the fall of Rome ? And how many people were seriously talking about the fall of the USSR before 1989 ? And yet it happened.

Once again I don't believe in a Mad Max scenario. But the US already had 2 civil wars, and to my understanding the tensions between blue and red states are only growing. A big economic crisis would only add some gasoline on the fire.

The anger and the disdain in your post show your bias, and in a way prove me right, the hatred between the opposite political sides is real. What people like you fail to understand, is that most people don't care about politics or even the economy, they just want to be left alone and to be able to live honestly from a meaningful work. They don't want to change the world, they just want to live in peace with their families. If you take that from them, and force them to pick a side, then you're opening the Pandora's box, and things can become ugly very fast. See what happened in Liban or in former Yougoslavia.

And remember that elites are degenerate themselves, they're currently ruining the world they inherited from their ancestors because of their hubris. You seem to dislike /pol/ but they're not responsible of anything, they're a reaction to a cause. Think about that. Ask yourself who started the fire.

Btw it's not financial advice lol. Just the ramblings of a 39yo guy who is afraid for his wife and sons.