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50979606 No.50979606 [Reply] [Original]

>browser used by the leaders of the top 10 mcap cryptos (except BTC, of course)
Are there there any high profile detractors of Brave? And no I'm not talking about (you) John.

>> No.50979765

I remember that weird freak pedophile fluffy pony trying to shit on Brave, but naturally like all Brave haters his position came from a sour-grapes standpoint of “why did you use BAT instead of [insert shitcoin that hater has a personal stake in]”

>> No.50979846

>weird freak pedophile fluffy pony
that doesn't narrow it down much

>> No.50979848

No source for this lmao

>> No.50980213

You want me to go get photo proof of Vitalik, Changpeng, Charles, Anatoly, and Billy? I can; will take a moment.

>> No.50980446

Why does this token make some people so angry?

>> No.50980996

>top 10
>posts 5
im waiting.

>> No.50981059

>turn on Brave ads months ago
>BAT balance literally 0.00
Fuck this scam

>> No.50981075

1. Decentr and Gener8 are smallfries but direct competitors to Brave's model so may have some incentive to fud it
2. Some just dislike Eich for donating against gay marriage or being a Covid truther
3. Google is thoroughly incentivized to try and strangle Brave in the crib not only because they will be involved in the antitrust lawsuit, but also because their profit-sharing model is an existential threat to Google (who make >80% of all their revenue from ads/user dats)

>> No.50981290

Satoshi is unknown so BTC is out. Tether, Circle, and BUSD are stablecoins. Have you tried Googling
"Vitalik Buterin Brave Browser"
"Changpeng Zhao Brave Browser"
"Charles Hoskinson Brave Browser"
"Emin Gun Sirer Brave Browser"
"Anatoly Yakovenko Brave Browser"? The last one is rather self-evident considering the two companies are partnered, but you get the point

>> No.50981389

so you literally walked back the number 1 market cap crypto (as expected) and told someone to do your legwork searching. geez, and here I was thinking you were going to bring screenshots of the top 10 mc founders using brave.

>Have you tried Googling
Thanks, but I'm sticking with Brave Search.

>> No.50981441

>walked back the number 1 market cap crypto
Either you sincerely think I was claiming to know the identity of Satoshi or you're autistic. AVAX isn't technically a top 10 crypto either, want to spaz about that too?

>> No.50981489

Zzzzzz. Classic bat thread two more weeks etc trust the plan big plans behind the scene!

>> No.50981611

I digress, thanks for the bump

>> No.50981703
File: 247 KB, 1080x1054, 7764F401-473B-4D74-91D0-9CEE5C3CEEDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did we successfully rob Brave of all their BAT yet?

>> No.50981766

>no thots
Looks like another dead thread then

>> No.50981959
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Boomer media gonna boomer


>> No.50982061

I always forget that decentr and verasity fags like to shit up BAT threads. They can't keep their own threads alive so they come in here thinking somehow the next evolution of a poster is to ditch BAT and just somehow pick up Verasity or Decentr for "reasons."

>> No.50982231

I'm excited

>> No.50982405

He's talking about the Monero guy, who said that BAT was centralized, which it is. The Litecoin creator Charlie Lee also ripped on it saying BAT was only created because no one would give Brave free bitcoin to airdrop, which is also true.

>> No.50982727

Thanks! I'll look into these guys

>> No.50983686

You're welcome fellow internet anon. I can highly recommend Litecoin (ticker: LTC). It's a real working man's coin, proof of work, with real utility. They definitely don't make them like they used to.

>> No.50984766

Theres been a bunch of haters because Brave doesn't use their coin of choice. Almost forgot about the braver browser guys who cried about getting sent a cease and desist. Just adding "with bitcoin instead of x coin" doesnt magically make your product better. Those impervious AI guys are about to find out that nobody gives a shit.

>> No.50985065

>Those impervious AI guys are about to find out that nobody gives a shit.
I’m making close to $75 a day in BTC with impervious. Getting ads for many high end luxury products and services.

>> No.50985189

>$75 a day in BTC with impervious
>a web browser pays me $2000 a month
yeah nah cunt

>> No.50985233

If I could use brave, but get Bitcoin sent to an on-chain wallet instead of BAT to a KYC exchange, I would in an instant. So would literally everyone else. Plus a public api so anyone can build their own apps, it sounds great.

>> No.50985454
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I just like the browser desu

>> No.50986749

It might sound great but its never going to happen. For one, someone would need 5+ years of capital runway to get an ad system set up. Reason number two is they would then be competing with Brave with the only distinct selling point being the shitcoin of choice.

Even Marc Andreesen wouldn't shell out cash to Brave. Luckily the great faggot seer Peter Thiel who never misses gave them some cash. The people working at Brave are really the only people capable of creating a next gen browser.

Anyone with any real talent would know to stay away from the browser space unless the absofuckinglutely knew the industry inside and out. This is why I always laugh at these other imitation crypto browser because I know they stand a snowballs chance in hell. Even Brave has been fighting tooth and nail. When I first downloaded Brave there was less than 100k users. Everyone said nobody would ever switch to brave. They are now pushing to 100m which is an insane feat. When I say nobody is ever going to download impervious, decentr, or gener8 I say that with full conviction. They don't have the special sauce.

>> No.50986989
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Who said anything about an ad system? They're not trying to control the space, which makes things much more efficient.

>Public API - anyone can build whatever they want
>Using Bitcoin ensures hordes of fanboys will want to build
>Also Bitcoin - no wasting resources on managing, lawyers, marketing their own shitcoin
>Funding rounds in June 2021 & April 2022, plenty to carry them a while
>Plenty open source software they can rip from for video calls, messaging, etc.

Really so long as they have the basic functionality, public APIs, and lightning integration, there's much else they need to do. They're not even competing with Brave really.

>> No.50987137

Plus, there's probably a ton of rich, old-time Bitcoiners that want impervious to do well, and crush all the other shitcoin browsers. They all stand to benefit from it, and not just some silicon valley company minting their own shitcoin.

>> No.50987361

You are completely out of touch with reality if you think normal fags want anything to do with that type of browser. Could they maybe make a cool product for autists? Yeah. Is there any money in it? Fuck no.

I think everyone here cares more about making some cash off shitcoins so they can innawoods than supporting some weird fringe tech. Also just putting money behind something doesn't mean shit. Just a year or two ago Andreesen threw a shit ton of cash at Clubhouse and even faggots like Elon Musk astroturfed the shit out of it and it still failed in under 3 months. You can't make fetch happen. You cant just force your way into relevancy because "bitcoin" or having a massive cash injection. These bored ape faggots are about to find out their metaverse game is dogshit and these shiba inu faggots are about to find out nobody gives a shit about shibarium. These things get weighed and measured with enough time.

>> No.50987397

well ive made 200 bucks just from bat rewards its all i need know to use the browser. i dont get paid when using chrome

>> No.50988954

saved bro's