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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50979518 No.50979518 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you protesting for higher wages and lower inflation?

>> No.50979531

I really want to

>> No.50979536

We only protest when niggers get killed by police

>> No.50979604

Are argentinians retarded? If you demand higher wages you will have higher inflation. Why aren't these idiots demanding that government cuts taxes instead? You can lower taxes on businesses provided they also increase wages and you can lower taxes on individual income (allowing them to keep more what earn in their pockets).

>> No.50979665

AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the IRONY of a 4channer calling for PROTEST ahahhahahaha

Are you braindead? This shithole site doesnt just lick the boot it straight up deepthroats it. This shithole site houses some of the most putrid, cancerous, vile, disgusting and zealous warriors of the status quo. If there is a powerful authority figure or institution you bet your ass 4channers will be there deepthroating that cock.

Rich people? Based
Poor people? Lazy subhumans
Landlords? Based
Financiers, bankers and capitalists? Based

ANY time there is a movement for change, equality or justice it is ALWAYS rightoids and 4channers on the FRONT LINES alongside cops, judges and other parasites fighting tooth and nail to ensure that the neoliberal capitalist status quo is maintained.

You wish to help build a better world? How about you kill yourself then you fucking 4chan parasite

>> No.50979761

>If you demand higher wages you will have higher inflation.
this is a lie fabricated by the elites to stop you from demanding a pay rise

the only thing that causes inflation is money printing - Milton Friedman

>> No.50979815

It's not even consistent with microeconomics. It causes a rise in unemployment at worst. Inflation is macro level.

>> No.50979956

Americans have been brainwashed to venerate the rich and powerful, and so they will not take up arms against them. Look at this board. Bunch of people pretending they're one trade away from top hats and butlers.

>> No.50979997

>Why aren't these idiots demanding that government cuts taxes instead?
See you have a 101 IQ. But if your IQ was 102 you would realize that everyone else is retarded cattle.

>> No.50980148

because all latinx countries are full low IQ mutts that fall for socialism over and over

>> No.50980523

And businesses will create money because they cant pay higher wages without cutting into their margins which means more debt which means banks create more money. Means inflation. Thank you for playing.

>> No.50980600

Inflation burrr money printing not wagies getting a little bit more crumbs

>> No.50980781

If businesses need to maintain margins, then prices will rise for services regardless of what your retarded economists are saying. Period. If you want a responsible approach to this situation from ALL parties involved then demand fucking government stops wasting money you fucking retarded monkeys. And then yes, you can tell bussinesses you're not getting more money out of a tax cut you will have a social responsability to ensure your workers (and the society you operate at large) have wages that allow them to cope with inflation.

>> No.50980874

Why aren’t they using BTC and finally throwing both pesos and commie gov into the garbage?
You must be completely retarded not understanding you are asking solution to the ones causing all the problems
Argentinian gov and central bank can only make it worse, throw them under the bus and call it a day

>> No.50980917

The only thing that trickled down when you print money is inflation and wealth inequality
Keynesians like you are literally retarded

>> No.50980918

Based knower

>> No.50980948

Why would I care about low class wagies? I want them to be paid less

>> No.50981021


i thought argentina was populated by german colonists. what happened? shouldn't they have already made a german ethnostate in south america and made an south american union with argentina as the lead exporter a la germany in EU?

>> No.50981079
File: 53 KB, 564x1001, bazingofuckyourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raise minimum wage at Business
>you are now paul krugman

>> No.50981095

>lead exporter
It’s over

>> No.50981132
File: 54 KB, 640x728, 4E20CE6D-9573-4EE2-B288-4C84DB4CCF11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minimum wage is non-sense
Only socialist apologizers like it

>> No.50981211

What they should be protesting is the removal of Jews. Jews are the ultimate parasites of value and with them gone everyone can enjoy wonderful upper middle class living standards

>> No.50981378
File: 11 KB, 331x331, JohnMcCainAsAlladinBroadway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being baka-anon-kun. If a business voluntarily raises the minimum wage it pays this does not cause inflation. It doesn't even if it's involuntary. Pic related

>> No.50981513

John Oliver did a good segment on the causes of inflation. Basically money printing, supply chain issues, ukraine war, and gas companies price gouging to make up for lost profits during the pandemic.

>> No.50981742


i dont think it was that good. he just brings up the obvious points and im surprised the 25% china tariffs from trump weren't mentioned.

>> No.50981878

Where did you get this view of 4chan from? Reddit?
I've been here since '05 and it's literally never been like that. Maybe you're reading too much into the bait threads? Maybe it's time you go back.

Poor people are usually lazy and/or stupid subhumans tho lol - that bit's right.

>> No.50981918

4chan is not a monolith.
It's user bases views are... complicated.

>> No.50982330

>mistaking paid shills and/or trolls for users
I can see why you might find things confusing, you retarded gorillanigger

>> No.50982342

yes... that is an interesting perspective, one of many....

>> No.50982360

Protestitution is illegal in my country. I also dont know if it makes wages go up. It also might lower inflation but it's more of a redistribution if anything.

>> No.50982578

in a system with finite currency, these companies would have to cut prices eventually, or their supplies remain on their books indefinitely.
Also deflation is not the cause of economic crisises but the natural incentive to increase demand for produced goods.
Before 1913 the us had plenty of recessions but all of them went over rather quickly because markets just react faster to demand drops, than any government ever could.

>> No.50982613

This, we can only protest when disney and amazon give the go-ahead

>> No.50983060

>demand lower inflation
Kek might as well demand the sky change colour

>> No.50983166

Just dont let them print more money

>> No.50984388

>Argentinians "protesting"
They're like the french, complaining is a part of who they are.
But because they're retards, they're completely ineffectual.

>> No.50984409

Because they are the left wing of the current government that caused the problem and want to coup the center left part of the current government.

>> No.50984503
File: 27 KB, 461x328, 1619913433344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are using a different definition (the correct one) for inflation than the people in Argentina. The wages going up would mean more consumers have dollars to chase fewer goods which would increase the prices they pay for things (higher prices for them = their definition for inflation).

>> No.50984567

you will be begin to enter our contry in two decades, mutt

>> No.50984585
