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50979364 No.50979364 [Reply] [Original]

Some info about me:
>Currently working making 180k working from home (Tech)
>Living in meager facilities (max costs per month 1500 for rent + all utilities) to save and invest in 401k, crypto, ira, etc.
>Working on my second master's and still feel like I'm not doing enough to advance.

How can I overcome this feeling of mediocrity? Obviously I have some (few) pockets of free time between school and work, so it feels like I'm never doing enough to earn more money.

>> No.50979460

You have:
You lack:

>> No.50979545

You will always be an insecure individuals with never ending feelings of inadequacy because that is the highly optimized neoliberal capitalist propaganda that had been force fed to you since birth to mold and groom you into an obedient, compliant, submissive, insecure and "productive" modern day slave.

The fact that you have created a new thread in 4chan also means that not only will you NEVER escape this cancer but it will only get worse and you will continue leading a sad, miserable, lonely and full of regrets life into an even more miserable, lonely, hated and painful death.

And you will deserve all of it because we all reap what we sowed. And 4chan parasites deepthroated the boomer cock, spammed capitalist propaganda 24/7 and fought tooth and nail for the status quo. Therefore you will reap what you sowed and you WILL die alone sad hated and in pain in a rotten and cancerous world

>> No.50979645

That's the thing, I volunteer every Sunday at Church. My second master's is in Seminary, totally unrelated to my work in tech.
I am very far away from my family though (over 1000 miles away), so the isolation probably makes me think about my time in a more individualized way.

I'm not sure who you're directing this towards, but this is my first time making a thread about this subject.

>> No.50980019

1. How many friends do you have?
2. Are you married with kids?

these are the correct questions

>> No.50980049

>make 180k working from home

How important can you possibly be working at home lol. We are living in a dystopia

>> No.50980079

I make 440k working from home

I can do the same job at home or not. What's real is your wagie job.

>> No.50980135

Anon I'm making more than you and am in the same boat. We're still poor compared to rich asians who come from money. This won't change unless we get lucky and come up with some kind of Zuckerberg idea.

Even if we were clearing $500k/yr next year, we'd still be poor compared to most of the people that actually matter.

>> No.50980518

I'm a very friendly person, but I have about 6 very close friends who are all over the country since they are getting their PhDs, in Med school, Law school, or working in a major tech hub. I'll be seeing most of them next Saturday actually, so that'll help me with my isolation issues.

I'm not married, but I have a gf of about a year that I'm pretty sure I want to marry. She's very smart and is a hard worker (in tech as well)

>> No.50980562

> Successful, but never feel like I'm doing enough

stopped reading there. that's just the nature of man OP, you should be grateful for it because if you didn't it would mean there was something wrong with you

>> No.50980646
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you search for meaning. You also tie your value with your productive capacity, and you view income as a reflection of that. The more you pointlessly grind away, the more you will feel unsatisfied. You thought you would be fulfilled by typing lines of code on a screen?
Maybe this will help. According to Viktor Frankl (yes, a Jew):
>"We can discover this meaning in life in three different ways: (1) by creating a work or doing a deed; (2) by experiencing something or encountering someone; and (3) by the attitude we take toward unavoidable suffering" and that "everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances"

>> No.50981223

I feel like I do a lot for others, but maybe I need to refocus and find what I find to be fulfilling to me instead of to others.

>> No.50981927

You are chasing a career, and not chasing a life.
>asking 4chan for advice

Money and social status are nothing but greed and pride. You effectively admit you have more money than you need and yet you don't have an idea of what to do or why you are working other than comparing to the jonses next door.
Greed and vanity are literally insatiable, that is why they are cautioned against as sins.

>> No.50981965
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