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5096295 No.5096295 [Reply] [Original]

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union states and legislators agreed on Friday on stricter rules to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing on exchange platforms for bitcoin and other virtual currencies, the EU said in a statement.


>> No.5096327





>> No.5096378

Ah yes let's tackle le terrorism and crime, of course regular joes will get shafted 99% of the time while the targets move on if anything happens.

>> No.5096487

No one uses EU exchanges anyway...

>> No.5096523
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>> No.5096546
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>> No.5096574
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>> No.5096634

The EU barely even bothers pretending to hide what it is any more.

>> No.5096638

I refuse to recognize any country within the European as an independent nation.

>> No.5096655

wow good thing they already only have shit exchanges

>> No.5096677


>> No.5096679

But what if they make it illegal for Europeans to exchange overseas without identifying themselves?

>> No.5096691

Same. No borders + no sovereign currency = no nation

>> No.5096722

They won't be able to enforce it

>> No.5096740

Invest in Monero :^)

>> No.5096781

Don't worry, most Americans think this, but for the reason they are insular morons.

>> No.5096811
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>Europe wants to combat terrorism

>> No.5096830
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Surprised? EU is a fascist organization. I live in the EU and everyday I wish it would collapse.

>> No.5096844


No one would care or know about an unenforceable law? Have you heard of VPNs?

>> No.5096868

>European Union states and legislators agreed
No link to any legislation, no initiation. Just a statement. I call bullshit, just some Green SJW in a parliamentary committee, which is worth nothing regarding initiating, let alone enforcing a l"aw"

>> No.5096877

privacy coins gonna fucking moon boyos

>> No.5096879

>European Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality Commissioner Vera Jourova

> Gender Equality Commissioner


>> No.5096895


>woah woah woah! We cant be letting people send these terrorists money overseas, we should be bringing to terrorists HERE, then the money they spend will go back into our economy!

>> No.5096905
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>> No.5096915

but yet the price will still go up
makes 100% sense

>> No.5097000

Eventually the EU or the European governments (you too Britain) ruin anything too fun or free. Either by banning it, legislating it or placing some tax on it.

>> No.5097037

EU bans the use of bitcoins and exchanges
US bans the use of bitcoins and exchanges
China bans the use of bitcoins and exchanges
Every major retailer stops accepting bitcoins
yet the price moons

>> No.5097055
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>being this clueless and naiive
people like you will be shot first

>> No.5097060
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every trade is a taxable event in burgerland

>> No.5097083
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>muuuh freeeeeeeeedom

>> No.5097108

VPN + monero = eat shit cuck traitor EU

i just want to make enough money to leave this rapefugee nigger mudslime infested shithole called FRANKFURT

>> No.5097131

don't worry, nothing will come from this. The article is literally fake and biased news. Alone this passage

>It took EU legislators more than a year of negotiations to agree on the legislative proposals, put forward by the European Commission in the wake of shooting and bombing attacks in Paris and Brussels in 2015 and 2016 which killed more than 160 people.

Whoever wrote this piece of shit has no freakin idea what the EU is and how the institutions work. It sounds more like somebody missed the boat and tries to create some minor panic, but fails tremendously. For that something comes from this, it must first go through at least 7 committees in the parliament, voted in the plenary, then it will be passed to the council and with the current situation it will not pass that stage, as long as Germany imports Niggers and the Eastern block just fucks with everything they try to legislate. Dead fish in the water imo.

>> No.5097132
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The EU isn't fascism you fucking retard.
>everything I don't like is fascism

>> No.5097247
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oh yeah, why don't you ask the whole Eastern Europe about it? Or Switzerland. The EU is maybe a greater treat to Europe than Germany (on it's own) ever was.

>> No.5097291

>muuh democracy... wait what did they say???
>just make them vote until the result is "correct"

>> No.5097328

stop giving the EU credit. It is a toothless old donkey. Slow, incompetent and powerless.

>> No.5097339
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We both agree that the EU is pure evil and needs to be destroyed, but it's not fascism. Fascism is a good thing but its been given a bad name by (((them)))

>> No.5097367

okay, fair enough. I honestly don't give too much crap about semantics these days.

>> No.5097381

please link source, I want to laugh at the person who wrote that shit

>> No.5097386

Fascists would be just as bad if they were no-coiners, they'd be all fomo and sperg on about crypto-land being ran by jews.

>> No.5097421

it is true. With the introduction of QMV and the integration of the Eastern block Germany lost its power position and the EU crippled itself. And never forget the EU depends on National administrations to enforce its "laws"

>> No.5097513

Except the people in the govt decide what is good for the people. Typically through the lens of "does it benefit the people and systems of current governance".
Governments around the world despise their lack of control over cryptocurrencies and if they had their way would outlaw and destroy them tonight.
Decentralized exchanges need to get here fast. Fortunately they are.

>> No.5097584

If I wanted to read a bunch of burgerlanders spout politics wrong, I go to /pol/.

Come on guys, noone gives a shit about your political views here, we're just trying to make money from each other.

>> No.5097621


>> No.5097678

I'd have to agree with you, in a way it is a great relief the EU is in a way also terribly conflicted and slow.

>> No.5097725
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>> No.5098101
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>> No.5098157

It is fascist. Undemocratic. Referendums get bypassed and there isn't even an election for president of the EU comission. I mean a direct election. He gets elected by the EU parliament. Shut up, burger.

>> No.5098187

>Doesnt even know what fascist means.


>> No.5098283

>Fascism /ˈfæʃJzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

I don't know why I am bothering to respond to Mr.Junker's paid shills

>> No.5098374 [DELETED] 

a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation (The nonexistent European nation) and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government (European Comission, among others) headed by a dictatorial leader (Mr.Junker was never elected by the people, Mr.Schulz was never elected by the people) severe economic and social regimentation (migrant quotas, forced economic policies comnig from Brussels and Berlin), and forcible suppression of opposition (mostly through media and paid shills like yourself)

>> No.5098380

M8, Im literally a Fascist and you are fucking clueless.

You want to use the dictionary definition of Stoicism to work out what that is as well?

Also even by your own definition you are retarded, the EU is nationalist?? Its literally a globalist unit?

>> No.5098401


>> No.5098425

Fascism: A political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation (The nonexistent European nation) and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government (European Comission, among others) headed by a dictatorial leader (Mr.Junker was never elected by the people, Mr.Schulz was never elected by the people) severe economic and social regimentation (migrant quotas, forced economic policies coming from Brussels and Berlin), and forcible suppression of opposition (mostly through media and paid shills like yourself)

>> No.5098440

no your a cuck

>> No.5098454
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>> No.5098599
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>Bitcoin exchange platforms and “wallet” providers that hold the cyber currency for clients will be required to identify their users, under the new rules which now must be formally adopted by EU states and European legislators and then turned into national laws within 18 months.

Well fuck

Only 18 months of gains left

>> No.5098616

Good thing I started using DEX

>> No.5098621
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Looks mOm I posted it again!

>> No.5098639

Meant for >>5096679

>> No.5098700

>Pays billions to Israel every year
Top kek!

>> No.5098837
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>> No.5099203

>Implying the britbong government won't pass similar laws on its own

"Muh Brexit" is as meaningless as "muh Trump". In the end it matters not wether you folks are a member of the EU or not. You'll be like Norway an associate that integrates new EU laws into its own national laws.

>> No.5099347

OMG, anon, I'm so sorry. Hope you make it.

>> No.5099520

why is this surprising, drug value after criminalization went up far more than bitcoin ever will

>> No.5099623

You sound like a valley girl